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#209 Alles zum EU AI Act mit Benedikt Flöter, Partner YPOG Wenn der AI Act der EU der große Durchbruch ist, warum kommen die neuesten AI-Modelle dann nicht nach Deutschland? Alex spricht mit Benedikt, um mehr zu erfahren. Partner dieser Ausgabe: QONTO. GmbH in Rekordzeit gründen. 3 Monate kostenloses Konto. Besser geht's kaum. Hier klicken: http://…
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“What I have done in my career is just try to assess who we are, what we are, why we are here, and how come we, as animals, are able to walk around and wear pants and dresses and talk on the internet, while the other animals are not. It's been my obsession since I was young. I think if I hadn't become a novelist, I might have been happy to be a nat…
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This week, we’re diving into a tough but important interview question: "Tell us about a time you wish you’d handled a situation differently with a colleague." In this episode, we’ll break down why interviewers ask this question and what they’re hoping to learn about you. We’ll also guide you through crafting a thoughtful and professional response u…
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#208 Unicorn Ideas | Tech-Talk & Geschäftsideen Finde eine Geschäftsidee, die perfekt zu dir passt in 1 Minute: Samuel und Alex diskutieren die wichtigsten Tech-News und pitchen sich Geschäftsideen. Heute roasten wir eine Geschäftsideen, die Steve Jobs auf dem Fahrrad gehabt haben könnte. Wie du jetzt zum AI-Experten werd…
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#207 | Christian Lindner, Bundesvorsitzender FDP Benutzen die Mitarbeiter des Finanzamts schon ChatGPT? Wie kann ein optimistischer Blick auf Deutschland in 2025 aussehen? Wie kriegen wir mehr Schwung in Startups? Und was ist Christian Lindners beste Geschäftsidee? Finde eine Geschäftsidee, die perfekt zu dir passt. Mach das 1-minütige Quiz auf dig…
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#206 | Wahl-Spezial zur Bundestagswahl mit Julius van de LaarJulius van de Laar ist Politikberater und Experte für US-Politik. Mit ihm schaut Alex auf die Bundestagswahl 2025. Welche Narrative setzen die Parteien? Welche Partei erlebt den "Wahlkampf aus der Hölle" und wieviel Trump steckt im Wahlkampf?Finde eine Geschäftsidee, die perfekt zu dir pa…
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#205 | Samuel und Alex reden über die Tech-Szene und pitchen sich Geschäftsideen. St. Gallen Mafia, Berlin Mafia oder PayPal Mafia, nicht die killen die Startups sondern AI. Auch Longevity ist auf dem absteigenden Ast laut Alex, und Samuel präsentiert AI Granny, das Telefon-Scammer in den Wahnsinn treibt. Und wie immer pitchen wir 2 neue Geschäftsi…
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“The fact that technologies are being used and combined to capture our attention is concerning. This is currently being done with no limitations and no regulations. That's the main problem. Attention is a very private resource. No one should be allowed to extract it from us by exploiting what we know about the human mind and how it functions, inclu…
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AI competes for our attention because our attention has been commodified. As our entire lives revolve more and more around the attention economy, what can we do to restore our autonomy, reclaim our privacy, and reconnect with the real world. Computer scientist Fabien Gandon and research engineer Franck Michel are experts in AI, the Web, and knowled…
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Ist PR sinnvoll oder eine gigantische Zeitverschwendung? Marie Fabiunke ist Pionierin für Startup-PR und verrät ihre 5 Hacks, wie es klappt. Mehr Geschäftsideen? Meld dich an zum kostenlosen Newsletter: Mehr Infos zu Maries Company: Kapitel: (00:00) Intro (02:57) Was ist das Beste was PR e…
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“The position of the United States in the world, economically and politically, is the weakest it has been in my lifetime. I was born in the middle of the 20th century, so I have watched the rise of the American empire and the success of American capitalism in the second half of the 20th century. However, over the last 20 years, I have watched that …
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When capitalism stops serving the needs of the people, what can we do to create a fairer more equitable society? What can we learn from China's success and economic growth? Are we witnessing the decline of the American Empire and what comes next? Richard D. Wolff is the co-founder of Democracy at Work and host of their nationally syndicated show Ec…
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#203 | Samuel und Alex reden über die Tech-Szene und pitchen sich Geschäftsideen. Heute über Boardy, ein AI Superconnector der 8 Mio. eingesammelt hat, die wildesten Geschäftsideen der CES in Las Vegas, was Samuel mit Ralf Möller zu tun hat und mehr! Mehr Geschäftsideen? Meld dich an zum kostenlosen Newsletter: Twit…
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In this episode of the IT Job Coach podcast, host Frank Demaio breaks down how to answer the common interview question: "Tell us about a time where you successfully represented your company or team and delivered exceptional customer service." You’ll learn: Why interviewers ask this question and what they’re looking for in your answer. How to use th…
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#202 Kernfusion in Deutschland | Moritz von der Linden (Marvel Fusion) Elon Musk hält wenig von Kernfusion. Moritz von der Linden widerspricht und will mit Marvel Fusion die Kraft der Sonne auf die Erde holen. Hat er Recht, wie macht er das - und warum macht er das in Deutschland? Eine perfekte Geschäftsidee für dich? Mach das 2-minütige Quiz und f…
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“My mandate focuses on the protection of those trying to protect the planet. Protection of defenders is my main topic. When I'm speaking to states or companies, it's always related to cases of defenders facing threats, attacks, or penalization by companies or governments, like the recent case of Paul Watson (founder of Sea Shepherd) in Denmark… Whe…
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This podcast episode focuses on effectively answering the behavioral interview question, "Describe a situation when the person you were trying to help was disgruntled or upset about the situation, how did you handle it?" Host Frank DeMaio emphasizes the importance of showcasing your communication, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence skills,…
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“I think AI is sort of inevitable in some ways. It is not very intelligent right now; it is probably closer to artificial stupidity, but it's a question of time before it becomes smarter and smarter. We need to tackle the right to use question and the value question now as it is developing. It can amplify both the positive possibilities as well as …
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#201 | Samuel und Alex reden über die Tech-Szene und pitchen sich Geschäftsideen. Heute über die größten Trends von 2025, eine neue Rubrik: Roast my Geschäftsidee und wir pitchen uns 2 neue Geschäftsideen. Mehr Geschäftsideen? Meld dich an zum kostenlosen Newsletter: Twitter-Thread für Trends 2025:…
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In this episode of The IT Job Coach Podcast, host Frank DeMaio tackles one of the most common and important IT interview questions: "Describe a group project you worked on. What was your role and what did you achieve?" Whether you’re aiming for a role as a Help Desk Agent, Systems Administrator, or Developer, nailing this question is key to showcas…
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In this episode, Frank DeMaio breaks down the popular IT interview question, "Tell me about a time you solved a problem at work." Learn how to structure your answer using the STAR method and hear tailored examples for Help Desk Agents, System Administrators, and Developers. Tune in for actionable tips to highlight your problem-solving skills and im…
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#200 | 7 Prognosen für 2025 mit Christian Leybold (Founding Partner, Headline) Wie wird 2025? Christian und Alex gucken in die Glaskugel und geben ihren Tipps für das neue Jahr. Akquisitionen von Spotify, Flops von Apple, neue Produkte von OpenAI, Rückkehr von Nachhaltigkeits-Startups und mehr. Kapitel: (00:00) Intro (06:15) Rückblick auf unsere Vo…
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In this episode of IT Job Coach, Frank Demaio breaks down how to answer the common interview question: "Tell me about a time when you worked on multiple projects. How did you prioritize?" Learn why interviewers ask this question, how to structure your answer using the STAR method, and hear tailored examples for Help Desk, System Administrator, and …
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In this episode of the IT Job Coach podcast, host Frank DeMaio breaks down one of the most critical IT interview questions: 'Tell us about a time when you used logic to solve a problem.' Whether you’re aiming for an IT support role, systems administrator, or project manager position, Frank walks you through the proven STAR method to craft clear, co…
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#199 Jahresrückblick 2024 | Florian Heinemann (Project A) Was ist das Unternehmen des Jahres? Was war der Deal des Jahres? Wer ist die Person des Jahres und was war der Flop des Jahres? Florian Heinemann (Project A) und Alex rekapitulieren das Jahr in 6 Kategorien. Kapitel: (00:00) Intro (02:30) War's in 2024 doch nicht so schlecht? (08:30) Kategor…
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What influence do billionaires have on politics, journalism, and the technology that shapes our lives? What drives people to seek absolute power, and how can we hold them accountable? Darryl  Cunningham is a cartoonist and author of Science Tales, Psychiatric Tales, The Age of Selfishness, and Billionaires: The Lives of the Rich and Powerful. Cunni…
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#198 Wie geht Entwicklungshilfe besser? Mit Christoph Pleitgen, Westerwelle Foundation. Deutschland leistet jedes Jahr 30 Mrd. EUR Entwicklungshilfe. Aber die Kritik ist groß? Finanziert man damit sinnlose Projekte (Fahrradwege in Peru) oder kann man damit effektiv Fluchtursachen bekämpfen? #198 Wie geht Entwicklungshilfe besser? Mit Christoph Plei…
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#197 Unicorn Ideas: Der Tech Talk mit Geschäftsideen Samuel und Alex reden über die Tech-Szene und pitchen sich Geschäftsideen. Heute über den Status von AI in Deutschland vs. USA, warum der AI Act die Luft aus dem Raum saugt, wieso Amazon plötzlich kopiert und Geschäftsideen für Makler und Marketers. Mehr Geschäftsideen? Meld dich an zum kostenlos…
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How can we shape technology’s impact on society? How do social media algorithms influence our democratic processes and personal well-being? Can AI truly emulate human creativity? And how will its pursuit of perfection change the art we create? Daniel Susskind (Economist · Oxford & King’s College London · Author of Growth: A Reckoning · A World With…
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#196 | Longevity Hacks mit Kati Ernst | Kati Ernst | ooia Kati Ernst ist Gründerin des FemCare Startups ooia und Longevity-Expertin. Ihr Podcast "Lifestyle of Longevity" wird von Tausenden Menschen gehört. Mehr Geschäftsideen im Newsletter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Kapitel (00:00) Intro (xx:xx) Was ist Longevity? (xx:xx) Die Rolle von C…
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Bringt AI den Menschen an die Grenze zum Wahnsinn oder zum Gott? Anders Indset ist 5-facher Spiegel-Bestseller-Autor und Wirtschaftsphilosoph. Sein aktuelles Buch "Wikinger Kodex" ist jetzt verfügbar. Mehr Geschäftsideen im Newsletter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Mehr zu Wikinger Kodex, das neue Buch von Anders Indset. Kapitel (00:00) Intr…
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In this episode, hospitality experts Scott Pusillo, Josh Graham, and Shridhar Padmanabhan help hospitality organizations adapt for the future with the latest solutions, actionable advice, and inspirational stories from The Hospitality Show 2024, discussing: Defining and driving ‘impact’ and ‘innovation’ in hospitality Game-changing tech t…
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Callum McPherson reveals how AI is ushering in the next generation of hotel guidebooks, providing tailored and localized experiences. Callum is the founder and CEO of Obvlo, an AI platform used by hotel and travel brands like Virgin Hotels to produce, maintain and personalize local area content for any destination on Earth. An avid traveller, follo…
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With the rising desire for authentic cultural experiences, how is technology evolving to enrich both travel and artisan livelihoods? Rana Saad is an entrepreneur and innovator connecting cultures through technology. Rana Saad is the founder of Tuzmo – a startup that helps travelers and tourists find authentic, local artisans. He is a former Preside…
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Alex ist in San Francisco zum 1. Mal selbstfahrendes Auto gefahren: wie groß wird das Business von Waymo? Wir sprechen auch über Founder Mode in Deutschland, Yolo-Ideen und natürlich pitchen wir uns 2 neue Geschäftsideen. Mehr Geschäftsideen im Newsletter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Die Themen: (00:00) Intro (02:55) Founder Mode lebt in D…
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How Bodhi has pioneered a new business category that manages all aspects of technology in common areas, guest rooms, and residences. Will Gilbert, originally from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, began his career in the tech industry at the age of 14, starting as a network engineer for an internet provider.Although he left college before completing his co…
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“I think a lot of joy comes from helping others. One of the things that I've been really focusing on is finding that balance in life, what’s real and what’s true and what makes you happy. How can you help other people feel the same and have a happier life? I think whatever that takes. So if that's charity, if that's photography, if that's documenta…
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How and when will we transition to a clean energy future? How have wetlands become both crucial carbon sinks and colossal methane emitters in a warming world? What lessons can we learn from non-human animals about living in greater harmony with nature? Richard Black (Author of The Future of Energy · Fmr. BBC Environment Correspondent · Director of …
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Trump oder Harris? Julius van de Laar, politischer Experte und ehemaliger Obama-Helfer, sortiert die Lage. Was heißt der Wahlkampf für Deutschland? Mehr Geschäftsideen im Newsletter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Kapitel (00:00) Intro (02:50) Das überraschendste am US-Wahlkampf 2024 (05:00) Wer wird US-Präsident am 5.11.? (09:39) Wie lief de…
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From automation to instant booking - what tools are transforming the group travel experience for suppliers? Oral MuirOral Muir is the Vice President for Partnerships, Experiences, and Distribution at Hilton Worldwide. In this role he has global responsibility for new enterprise partnerships, in-destination travel experiences and adventure offerings…
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“So, syncopation is now the big thing. It will induce people to groove and to like your music more. So let's have a lot of syncopation inside your music and you'll sell a lot. By chasing superficial beauty, which is what AI gives us at the moment, it aims for perfect outcomes. Not that anything these models produce is perfect, because how do you ev…
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Alex und Samuel pitchen sich Geschäftsideen und diskutieren die Zukunft von Mobile Apps, ein Online-Game mit unglaublicher Crowdfunding Kampagne. Fundstück der Woche und 2 neue Pitches inklusive! Mehr Geschäftsideen im Newsletter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Die Themen: (00:00) Intro (05:20) Wo ist der Founder-Mode in Deutschland? (14:32) …
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Now that the guest is here, are hotels ready to deliver an exceptional stay? Gregg Hopkins, Founder and President of Get Hoppy Consulting, has nearly 40 years of international experience as a hospitality and travel industry professional and is known as a subject matter expert on strategic business planning, travel and hospitality technology, guest …
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How can automation, forecasting, and AI revolutionize your property’s efficiency, from budgeting to guest loyalty? Jill Wilder is the President of Aptech, a leading provider of enterprise accounting, business intelligence, and budgeting and forecasting solutions for the hospitality industry. She has worked in the hospitality industry for more than …
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Why does detailed accounting matter for hotels, and how can innovative hotel accounting software benefit your business? Jon Harden joined M3 in 2017 and has 29 years of experience in the software and services industry. Jon’s background in technology sales includes banking and finance, custom software development, and hospitality technology. In his …
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Pricing ist die wichtigste Entscheidung, die ein CEO trifft. In dieser Folge lernst du alles, was du über Pricing wissen musst. Sebastian Voigt ist Pricing-Experte und Partner bei der Berliner Unternehmensberatung hy. Werbepartner dieser Folge - Richtig gutes Rechnungswesen mit Faktorly für unter 7 EUR pro Monat: Mehr Geschä…
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Have we entered what Earth scientists call a “termination event,” and what can we do to avoid the worst outcomes? How can we look beyond GDP and develop new metrics that balance growth with human flourishing and environmental well-being? How can the 15-minute city model revolutionize urban living, enhance health, and reduce our carbon footprint? Eu…
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How can hotels create personalized guest experiences from the moment of inspiration to pre-arrival? Gregg Hopkins, Founder and President of Get Hoppy Consulting, has nearly 40 years of international experience as a hospitality and travel industry professional and is known as a subject matter expert on strategic business planning, travel and hospita…
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Alex und Samuel pitchen sich Geschäftsideen und besprechen, ob OnlyFans eine beklatschenswerte Geldmaschine oder der Untergang der Zivilisation ist. Fundstück der Woche und neue No-Code Use Cases inklusive! Werbepartner dieser Folge - Richtig gutes Rechnungswesen mit Faktorly für unter 7 EUR pro Monat: Mehr Geschäftsideen im…
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How is economic inequality undermining our democratic systems? In what ways is social media reshaping political landscapes and democracy? Can we design political institutions that adapt to rapid social and technological changes while remaining stable? How is journalism critical for the health of our democracies? Arash Abizadeh is the R.B. Angus Pro…
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