How To Talk about Weather in Italian - Come Parlare del Meteo in Italiano
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Ciao ragazzi! Bentornati nel mio podcast! Nella puntata di oggi, vi insegnerò come parlare del meteo o del tempo in italiano. Questo, può essere un argomento molto importante. Può essere utilizzato in qualsiasi circostanza, è un’ottimo argomento per iniziare una conversazione. Vi trascriverò nella descrizione tutti i punti fondamentali che sentirete nel corso dell’episodio. Dateci un’occhiata!
Hi guys! Welcome back to my podcast! In today's episode, I'll teach you how to talk about weather in Italian. This, can be a very important topic. It can be used in a lot of circumstances. For example, if you want to start a conversation with someone but you don't know how to start the conversation, you can talk about weather. All the expressions and examples you'll hear during this episode are in the description, take a look! Have a good time listening.
To start, the typical question to ask to someone in order to know what the weather is like where they are is:
CHE TEMPO FA? (What’s the weather like?)
We have different possibilities to answer this question:
1) FA / FACEVA / FARÀ + adjective only with some adjectives, the most general ones)
Fa caldo / freddo (It’s warm / cold)
Fa bel / brutto tempo (Weather is nice / bad)
Mamma mia che brutto tempo fa oggi! (Oh my God, what a bad weather it is today!)
Finalmente fa caldo: non se ne poteva più del freddo! (Finally it’s warm: I couldn’t stand the cold weather anymore!)
2) È + adjective (specific for weather)
Oggi è piovoso! (Today it’s rainy!)
3) C’È / CI SONO + noun
C’è la pioggia! (There is rain!)
4) Verb
Piove! (It rains!)
Sta piovendo! (It’s raining!)
Let’s see all the nouns, adjectives, verbs and expression that we use to describe weather divided by seasons!
It's usually very cold, we can say that Italian winter is:
- Gelido (freezing)
- Si gela (It’s freezing)!
- Nevoso (snowy)
- Nevica (it snows)
- Bufera di neve or tormenta (blizzard)
- Piovoso (rainy)
- Pioggia (rain)
- Piove (it rains)
- Acquazzone (downpour)
- Lampi and tuoni (lightnings and thunders)
- Temporale (storm)
- Grandine (hail)
- Grandina (it hails)
In winter, there’s a lot of "vento" (wind)
- It’s ventoso (windy)
In Spring, weather is generally sereno or limpido (clear), the sky is blue. Clearly, it can also be soleggiato (sunny): there’s il sole (sun) or the sun splende (shines)! If the temperature is neither high nor low, then it’s mite (mild)! When it didn’t rain and air isn’t heavy, we’ll say that it’s secco (dry). But the best Spring day is that in which there’s a light and gentle brezza (breeze)!
In Summer it’s often umido (wet)… there’s l’umidità (humidity)! When it’s really warm, we generally say it’s torrido or afoso (sweltering), there’s a terrible afa (mugginess)! Fortunately, in Summer it’s also possible prendere il sole (to sunbathe) and abbronzarsi (to suntan). Hopefully not ustionarsi (to get burned)…
Autumn is generally nebbioso (foggy), there’s la nebbia (fog). The wind blows hard and it’s often nuvoloso (cloudy), there are le nuvole (clouds). There is not heavy rain, but pioviggina (it’s drizzling), that is there’s una pioggia leggera (a light rain).
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