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Takakansi-podcast - kiireettömiä kohtaamisia kirjojen, lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen äärellä Tavoitteena on tuoda monipuolisia näkökulmia lukemiseen ja jakaa erilaisia keinoja avartaa omaa lukemista. Takakansi löytyy kaikista podcast-palveluista sekä osoitteesta https://takakansi.fi Vieraina on lukijoita, kirjailijoita, asiantuntijoita ja muutenkin kiinnostavia ihmisiä. Teemat pyörivät laajasti kirjojen ja lukemisen ympärillä, ja joskus myös sivuraiteilla, kantavana teemana on kuitenkin lukemi ...
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TIKI TAKA, das ist der Podcast über LaLiga. Bei TIKI TAKA doppelpassen sich Nils Kern und Alex Truica zusammen wöchentlich durch den spanischen Fußball. Dabei wird jeder Spieltag analysiert und aufgearbeitet und alles Wissenswerte und Interessante ausführlich thematisiert. Denn spanischer Fußball ist natürlich besonders Real Madrid und FC Barcelona, aber auch noch sehr viel mehr.
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Stories of Somatic Awakening and HOW-TO Live From The Inside Out. Every week exploring a range of SOMATIC topics, practices and philosophies from interviews with Somatic Healers and Guides from an array of fields. Topics include Nervous System Regulation, Trauma Recovery, Whole Food Plant-based Living, Sacred Relationship Dynamics and a living, embodied experience of systems like Astrology, Human Design/The Gene Keys, Manifestation and other mystical methods and philosophies. NEW EPISODES EV ...
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Takatalks: Stories of Financial Systems, Crypto, and the Islamic Economy Join husband and wife duo, Morrad Irsane and Sharene Lee, the entrepreneurs behind the groundbreaking Web3 startup Takadao, as they guide you through engaging discussions on the pivotal pillars of the modern economy. Delve into the realms of finance, technology, and ethics, exploring the disruptive technologies and the principles underpinning Islamic finance. Through captivating conversations and thought-provoking inter ...
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髙手洸希 (Hiroki Takate)

「HIROKI TAKATE」名義でビデオグラファー/Vloggerとして活動する髙手洸希のポッドキャスト。ご意見・ご感想は下記専用フォームにお願いします。https://forms.gle/fULcHPCAtStKJLvw9 | アシスタント : okoshi @0054visuals
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フィンランドで芸人 GEN TAKAGI 高城 元 |「日本の笑いを北欧へ」という思いのもと日々奮闘中!|日本の皆様へ向けてYouTube・Podcastでの配信も行っています|各種SNSまとめはこちらから ↓ ・日本向け各種SNSリンクまとめ https://linktr.ee/gentakagi2 ・フィンランド向け各種SNSリンクまとめ https://linktr.ee/gentakagi
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Takatof | تكاتف

European Union Trust Fund (Madad)

بودكاست «تكاتُف» هو منصّة نستمع فيها لمتحدّثين ومتحدّثات من سوريا؛ يطرحون فيها التّحدّيات التي واجهوها والفرص التي حصلوا عليها، وذلك بعد مرور ١٠ سنوات من الأزمة السورية والاستجابة لها في الأردن، ونستمع للمنظمات الداعمة حول خدماتها من تعليم وصحّة وسكن آمن، ونستمع أيضًا لمسؤولين أردنيين حول استجابة الأردن لإحدى أكبر الأزمات الإنسانية في التاريخ الحديث. يتناول البودكاست مشاريع الاتّحاد الأوروبّي في الأردن المموّلة من الصّندوق الائتماني الإقليمي للاتّحاد الأوروبّي للاستجابة للأزمة السّوريّة (مدد ...
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たまたまNYCで出会った役者を志す2人、ブライアンとたかやがPodcastでラジオを作ることになりました!その名も『Rising Fire Radio with Brian & Takaya』ブライアンはブーチャンで親しまれた、あの人気番組「天才てれびくん」のテレビ戦士!たかやはカリフォルニアで短大を卒業した後「New York Film Academy」で演劇を学んでいる役者の卵!このPodcastは毎週火曜日に配信予定です。ゲームやNYCのホットな情報をお届けしたりと盛り沢山な1時間になっております!!CHECK IT OUT!
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I'm an author, serial entrepreneur, and business professional. Listening to this podcast, you will learn: -Creative ways to brand your business -Tips on how to get started -Business secrets everyone needs to know -How to make 12k within your first year of business Learn all there is to know from the person who has tested the waters and gotten it done! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/takaratheauthor/support
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تکاپو؛ مثل به این در و اون در زدن برای ساختن روزهای بهتر؛ مثل تلاشی برای فهم کارکرد ریشه‌ها و شاخه‌ها.اگر تا حالا به این فکر کردین که چرا بعضی از کشورها پیشرفته شدن و بعضی نه، یا چطور دو کشور همسایه، با تاریخ، مذهب و آب و هوای یکسان، سرنوشت‌های متفاوتی دارن و سوالاتی از این دست، شاید پادکست ما براتون جذاب باشه.هدف ما آشنا کردن مخاطبامون با مختصاتی از توسعه، این علم فراگیر و چندجانبست و تو این راه هم بیشترین تلاشمون رو می‌کنیم تا ضمن حفظ کیفیت علمی، مطالبمون برای گروه‌های مختلف تحصیلی و اجتما ...
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Nie taka sztuczna inteligencja

Piotr Psyllos • by Voice House

Praca, rozrywka, komunikacja, bezpieczeństwo - komputery zastępują ludzi w kolejnych dziedzinach. Obserwowaliśmy to szczególnie w tym roku, który przetrwaliśmy właśnie dzięki nim. Ale czy sztuczna inteligencja jest w stanie stworzyć coś, co jest najbardziej ludzkie i w czym człowiek wydaje się niezastąpiony - sztukę? Teksty, które wywołają u nas emocje, dadzą przyjemność, zaciekawią? Oto okazja, aby się przekonać: sztuka wykreowana przez AI. Trzy poematy i dwie piosenki w wykonaniu legend El ...
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Podcast prowadzony, przez dwóch psychologów o dwóch różnych spojrzeniach – mamę z 40-letnim doświadczeniem zawodowym i córkę – świeżo upieczoną absolwentkę psychologii. Co je łączy? Miłość do ludzi i ich ciekawość. W tym podcaście rozmawiamy o otaczającej nas rzeczywistości i zjawiskach, z dwóch różnych perspektyw - tradycyjnej i nowoczesnej psychologii. Wciśnij play i dołącz do naszej dyskusji.
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show series
Die neue Folge TIKI TAKA zum 38. Spieltag in La Liga TIKI TAKA in Extra-Länge! Zwar gab es am 38. Spieltag keine Entscheidungen mehr, aber so viele schöne als auch weniger schöne Geschichten. So gehören die Abschiede von Toni Kroos, Jagoba Arrasate sowie Javier Aguirre durchaus zu den positiven Storys, wohingegen das Chaos beim FC Sevilla und das A…
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Most women undergo different fears and confusion that come with the midlife transitions, including early menopause changes. But how do we embrace the change and reconnect with the wisdom of our bodies? Embodiment, intimacy, and somatic intelligence play crucial roles in facilitating women's midlife transformation. Through somatic work and embodimen…
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Aino Pajukangas kertoo kirjassaan Suunnannäyttäjät usean eri ammattilaisen tarinoita siitä, miten he ovat saavuttaneet asemansa tunnettuina alansa ihmisinä. Sari Aalto on yksi heistä, ja tarkoituksenani oli alunperin kysellä molemmilta tavoista toimia somessa, koska itse koen ympäristön haastavana. Päädyimmekin puhumaan tämän lisäksi todella paljon…
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Let us know what you think of this episode Summary(Season 2, Ep6): In this conversation, Pekka Kelkka shares his journey from IT to the blockchain and Web3 world, highlighting Web3's potential to make decentralized technologies more accessible and drive innovation. The conversation also covers regulatory challenges, central bank digital currencies …
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Birth, death, and rebirth are recurring themes that often precede a new version of self emerging. For that reason, true alignment calls for integrating one's spiritual and analytical sides.Today, I’m excited to host Danika Rose, a gifted psychic medium, a light language channel, and a successful business strategist. She shares her journey of naviga…
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Tuleeko siitä mitään kun kaksi introverttia yrittää keskustella sosiaalisten taitojen kehittämisestä? No, ainakin Karla Niemisen kanssa yritimme parhaamme! Nieminen on kirjoittanut kirjan nimeltä Olet hyvä tyyppi - Opas sujuviin ihmissuhteisiin (2017), jossa käsitellään konkreettisia keinoja ja harjoitteita, joilla kuka tahansa voi kehittyä paremma…
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Let us know what you think of this episode Summary(Season 2, Ep5): Leila and Ahmad discuss the importance of life insurance and the challenges in selling it. They compare conventional insurance, which has high costs and centralized control, to Takasure, a decentralized and transparent community-based fund. Takasure, owned by its members, uses smart…
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Die neue Folge TIKI TAKA zum 37. Spieltag in La Liga In La Liga sind am 37. Spieltag alle Entscheidungen gefallen: Der wackere FC Cadiz ist der letzte Absteiger, Real Sociedad gewinnt das EL-Endspiel bei Betis, Barcelona ist Vizemeister. Und doch kommt Barça nicht zur Ruhe, Xavi erlebt ein unwürdiges Hickhack-Spiel und muss im Sommer vielleicht doc…
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In today’s episode, I’m excited to host Tricia Takvorian, a women's trauma-informed life coach who guides women beyond mindset tools to reconnect with their bodies through the transformative practice of somatic yoga. Tricia Takvorian takes us through: The importance of accessing the hidden world beneath our mindset through yoga to return to our tru…
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Let us know what you think of this episode Summary(Season 2, Ep4): The conversation discusses how governments manage the economy, especially after the 2008 crisis, dealing with high interest rates, bank failures, and rising prices. It looks at the challenges of regulating digital technology, the use of cryptocurrencies in high-inflation countries, …
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Uutisotsikoissa tämän vuoden Video Game Hall of Fame lisäykset, sekä tuleva Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition julkaisu. Jakson pääaiheena Nintendon kehittämä Game Boy peli Metroid II: Return Of Samus vuodelta 1991.((01:37:11) Uutisotsikot yms.((02:11:03)) Jakson pääaiheTakapölkky által
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Die neue Folge vom TIKI TAKA-Podcast zum 35. Spieltag in LaLiga. Ein bunter Strauß Themen bei TIKI TAKA: Real Madrid feiert nicht nur den Finaleinzug, sondern auch die Meisterschaft – wenn auch anfangs kühl, danach königlich. Dazu gibt es bald wohl einen französischen Neuzugang zu feiern… Feier auch in der dritten Liga: Deportivo La Coruña steigt a…
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Water therapy can really help with healing from past traumas or old hurts by helping your body let go of built-up stress and tension, both physically and emotionally. It typically involves immersion in warm water, allowing individuals to experience a profound sense of relaxation and safety. Kim Yureta's journey exemplifies how this therapeutic appr…
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Let us know what you think of this episode Summary ( Season 2, Ep 3): Nick Ayton talks about Bitcoin's role today and its future, focusing on how it can help include more people financially. However, he worries about how Bitcoin is becoming more centralized and controlled by a few. He believes that the crypto space needs better rules to help fix pr…
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Die neue Folge vom TIKI TAKA-Podcast zum 34. Spieltag in LaLiga. Da ist die Meisterschaftsentscheidung doch schon gefallen: Girona schießt Barcelona ab und Real Madrid zum Titel. Und sich selbst in die Champions League. Bahnt sich da, speziell bei Real, eine neue Ära im spanischen Fußball an oder kann der in Girona verhöhnte Xavi das Ruder trotz in…
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Esta IA experimental tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los creadores de contenido ideas personalizadas basadas en la demografía de su audiencia y el rendimiento de contenido pasado. Sin embargo, esta característica innovadora actualmente solo está disponible para un grupo selecto de propietarios de canales que producen videos en inglés. https://lo…
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Suostumus voi olla haastava aihe keskusteltavaksi, vaikka se onkin todella tärkeä, koska aiheesen voi liittyä vaikeita tunteita, vallan väärinkäyttöä, väkivaltaa, mokailua, haparoivaa opettelua ja uusia sanoja. Tämän takia Elina Nikulaisen kirjan ratkaisu käsitellä teemaa popkulttuuriesimerkkien kautta on mielestäni loistava. Elina oli tosiaan tois…
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Many women feel disconnected from their bodies, especially their vulva and vagina. This disconnection can stem from societal taboos, lack of comprehensive education, or even medical experiences that prioritize diagnosis over holistic well-being. Carly Beaudry, a womb continuum midwife and manual therapist, explains how developing a "felt sense" exp…
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Let us know what you think of this episode For more stories on Financial systems, Crypto, and the Islamic economy, sign up for our Newsletter here: Takadao Summary ( Season 2, Ep 2): Aram talks about how traditional banks can be tough for small businesses and people, especially in poorer countries. He had a tough time getting a bank account for his…
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Kauhukirjailija Melina Marras kävi vierailulla Arkikullan kummittelevalla studiolla, ja keskustelimme mm. hänen kirjoistaan Hitonhauta sekä Para, sekä laajemmin kauhukirjoista ja elokuvista. Tulimme siihen tulokseen että kauhu sanana on jollain tavalla latautunut, ja siihen yhdistetään usein mielikuvia huonosta laadusta, ja mietimme että miten kauh…
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Uutisotsikoissa juttua mm. Switch Onlinen kuumimmista N64 pelilisäyksistä ja Applen kauppapaikalla vyöryneistä emulaattoreista. Jakson pääaiheena Core Designin kehittämä PS1 toimintapeli Ninja: Shadow of Darkness vuodelta 1998.((01:28:42)) Uutisotsikot yms.((02:12:44)) Jakson pääaiheTakapölkky által
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Die neue Folge vom TIKI TAKA-Podcast zum 33. Spieltag in LaLiga. El Gran Derbi in Sevilla und Aufnahme bei TIKI TAKA: Während des 1:1 zwischen Betis und Sevilla haben Alex Truica und Nils Kern aufgenommen. Denn zu besprechen gab es viel: Almerías historisch schwacher Abstieg ist endgültig besiegelt, genauso wie Xavis Verbleib trotz angekündigten Rü…
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Somatic education guides us toward differentiation, integration, and transcendence. All these integrated are key to discerning and distinguishing different aspects of oneself, paving the way for deeper self-awareness and understanding.Today, I'm excited to explore the transformative world of somatic education alongside Lawrence Gold. He takes us th…
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Let us know what you think of this episode For more stories on Financial systems, Crypto, and the Islamic economy, sign up for our Newsletter here: Takadao Summary (Season 2, Ep 1) In this conversation, Mauricio Magaldi explores the evolution of money and cryptocurrencies, emphasizing their resilience and utility. He discusses the rise of digital m…
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Die neue Folge vom TIKI TAKA-Podcast zum 32. Spieltag in LaLiga. Clásico Total bei TIKI TAKA? Fast! Neben der quasi Meisterschaftsentscheidung und den Aufregern stehen auch Peinliches von Xavi, aber auch vom LaLiga-Verband im Fokus. Peinlich war auch Atléticos Auftritt am Wochenende, weswegen der Kampf um Platz 4 weiter offen ist, wohingegen Girona…
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Esse conjunto deve equipar 40 Unidades Computacionais, os famosos CUs, e cerca de 2.500 stream processors, 80 aceleradores de IA e 40 estruturas para Ray Tracing em tempo real. A frequência da iGPU ainda é um mistério, mas deve girar em torno de 3,0 GHz. Para a parte de memória, o time vermelho deve usar um barramento de 256-bit, gerando uma largur…
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Uno de los avances más significativos anunciados por Qualcomm es la capacidad del Snapdragon X Elite para ejecutar modelos de IA Generativa con más de 13 mil millones de parámetros, todo ello logrando hasta un 68% más de eficiencia energética en comparación con las ofertas actuales de competidores como Intel y AMD. Esto coloca a Qualcomm directamen…
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So much of what we experience culturally and what is happening in the larger scope of the world today can feel indigestible. Especially if we seek to handle it mentally. Being able to metabolize the suffering, dysfunction, and pain of the world is better attempted through our whole body and beingness. Today, I’m incredibly excited to host Toni Nagy…
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Processo de Inteligência Aumentada Tecnicamente, a ferramenta está sendo chamada de uma solução de Inteligência Aumentada, por estar aplicada à forma como pessoas se valem da IA para “melhorar” habilidades e otimizar tarefas. Na prática, se trata de um desdobramento direcionado da Inteligência Artificial em escopos especializados, e não genéricos. …
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Palco para o show de Madonna em Copacabana começa a ser montado Rainha do Pop se apresenta no dia 04 de Maio A Rainha do Pop está chegando ao Brasil! Madonna se apresenta no dia 04 de Maio, na praia de Copacabana, na zona sul do Rio de Janeiro em um evento gratuito, que deve reunir cerca de 3 milhões de pessoas na orla. https://www.guidedtrack.com/…
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Welcome to Takaro, the podcast where we break down the news of today for you. In this episode, we're not going to talk about news stories or multiple news stories, but we go in depth into what's happening in the Middle East between Israel, Palestine, and now Iran also coming into the mix. Follow us on Instagram…
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Por outro lado, o modelo da Apple venceu a disputa na Indonésia, Japão e Coreia do Sul. O Brasil não está entre os países participantes da pesquisa do Speedtest. Em geral, as diferenças entre os resultados e vencedores em cada país são registradas por conta de diferenças de infraestrutura, que ainda são bastante presentes. Para referência, as veloc…
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