The Mission Gate Prison Ministry Podcast features information about the mission of bringing people from crime to Christ.
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Preaching the truth of the gospel, that Jesus said would make the believer Free From Sin!
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Feb 27, 2024 20:16 The Sower And The Soils
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53:08freeindeedprisonministry által
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Feb 16, 2024 11:30 Who Would Call God A Liar?
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58:57freeindeedprisonministry által
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Jan 24, 2024 11:38 The Great Deception
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59:28freeindeedprisonministry által
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Jan 16, 2024 13:04 Repent And Believe
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59:53Repent means to think differently, to change your mind. And believe the Gospel. If what you have believed and trusted in has not made you free from sin, it is because it can't. The message is, change your mind and believe the truth that Jesus said would make you free. If you will change your mind, God will change your heart.…
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Jan 15, 2024 17:14 The People Of The Prince That Shall Come
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1:00:00freeindeedprisonministry által
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Dec 16, 2023 18:46. The Preaching Of The Cross
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59:31The preaching of the cross, is the only answer for sin. That our old man is crucified with Christ, and the body of sin (the whole sin nature), is destroyed! This message is foolishness to them that perish (die in their sin). But unto us which are saved, it is the power of God. It is the miracle of God, and it is the only thing that can take sin out…
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Dec 9, 2023 20:32 What will you do in the end thereof ?
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54:15freeindeedprisonministry által
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Dec 1, 2023. The Gospel that the Apostles Preached
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59:13The message that the Apostles preached, is that Jesus is the Christ, according to the scriptures.freeindeedprisonministry által
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In Episode #83, Rick Mathes Preaches on Matthew 28 where Christ commisions the disciples to go make disciples of all the nations. Today as we walk as modern day soldiers in God's army, how are you reflecting the wishes of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Rick touches on the major points that one must do to walk in obedience to our King. Listen, Re…
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Episode #82, a Sermon Preached by Rick Mathes at a Friday Night worship at Fort Good Shepherd Ranch in Cuba, Mo.
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Transforming lives from Crime to Christ. Mission Gate Prison ministry is in the business of saving souls out of the Department of Corruption, Satan's Mansion, and the gates of Hell. Our 9-month program is most of these men and women's last chance, meaning; that they have burned every bridge before throwing their hands into the air screaming out, "G…
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In Podcast #80, Rick Mathes preaches at a Friday Night Worship. One main point that Rick speaks about is our relationship with the Lord, and how the closer we get to Christ, the more we become more reflective of our Lord and Savior. The flip side of this is that our sins seem be magnified, and we find that the smaller sins seem bigger and bigger. H…
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This is episode #79, which is a Sermon Preached by Rick Mathes at a Friday Night Worship at Fort Good Shepherd Ranch in Cuba Mo.
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In Episode #78, Rick Mathes Preaches on the waivering Morality of Our Country. This podcast is focused on the times that we see based on decisions made by our leaders, movers, and teachers of this beautiful Country...God wants Green Beret's, and He is calling you to Fight for what stands for our belief based on Spiritual principles that is found in…
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In Episode #77, Rick talks about the differences of theology, the pulpit, Roman Catholosism, and much more. The focal point of this sermon will be about worship, purpose, and leadership. Listen today about a subject that has caused much debate. Shalom
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In Today's Episode Rick Mathes Preaches at Fort Good Shepherd's Shepherds Chapel. Rick starts at the Beginning of John 5 where we will study today about a sickness we all share. You, we, me...have spritual cancer. And until we place our hearts into the molding, healing Hands of Christ, can we be cured of this incurable disease. Healing is painful, …
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Rick Mathes Preaches from James Chapter 4, and brings the scripture to life in practical explainations, teachings, and disciplines that are not only for the training of the ex-felon, but can be applied to any christians lives that find themselves looking for the truth with no spin. Who's preaching about Hell today? Rick Mathes is, so if your not dr…
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In Episode #74 Rick Preaches from the Job, starting in chapter 13:7-11... focusing on the lack of Fear that us as christians have towards God. Fearing God is a healthy position for christians, and when we walk with God daily the fear of offending the Lord can keep us in check from sinning.
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In Episode #73, Rick Mathes preaches about the cross, its transforming power, and the need for us to look towards it with a commitment of self sacrifice. Our leader, Jesus, died on the cross, and rose from the dead. If we wish to echo the true message of Christ, we must die to self, and live for Christ! How you might say? By living a life outside o…
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In episode #72, Rick Mathes preaches on prison life, but not the prison that first comes to mind...he talks about being a prisoner of Christ! Speaking to the ex-felon, this show is for the ex-addict, the ex-alcoholic, and the ex-offender. Turn with us to Ephesians 4:1-6..."There I, a prisoner of the Lord..."what has the Lord called you to as a pris…
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Dr. Gina Show with Rick Mathes
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17:27In Episode #71, Rick Mathes is interviewed by Dr. Gina on her radio broadcast about his interview with an Imam in prison that has received international attention. Here Ricks response to the nieghbor muslim, how we should respond in love, and his take on our relationship with our muslim cousins. The battle christians face is; how do we witness to n…
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In Episode #70, Rick Mathes Preaches on John 10:9, reflecting on Christ as the Gate, and how Mission Gate got its name. Mission Gates purpose for the prison ministry is to transform lives from Crime to Christ. Rick breaks down what it takes to step through the gate of Christ!
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In Episode #69, Rick Mathes preaches on Phillipians 4:10-13...Focusing on verse 13..."I can Do all things through Him who Strengthens me..." Rick has a way of explaining the scripture to us hard-heads...ex-cons, us... the felons... and in this sermon, Rick keeps it real. One of the best...this is a must hear!!!…
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In Episode #68, Rick Mathes preaches about the armor of God, and how us as christians need to live as the Lord is coming back today. As we watch the world move to the end of times, we must be prepared by putting on the full armor of God. Lets look at the armor piece by piece in Ephesians 6 as we learn about the offensive purpose of the sword, and w…
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In Episode #67, Rick Mathes preaches on the foundation of the Shepherd and his sheep. Are you lost, or found?
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In Episode #66, Rick preaches on the Three Beginnings, and God's Awesome Creative Power!
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In Episode #65, Rick Mathes teaches us to not look back. What do we gain by the continued observance of the destruction we left in our wake? Never forget about the past, nor what it we have done, but we must rid ourselves of the chains of guilt that so easily binds us, and slows the advancement of God's Kingdom. He has called you, so stand in the f…
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In Episode #64, Rick Mathes preaches on the Acts 5:17-21, where the apostles received persecution, was arrested, but later freed by the angel of the Lord and was commanded to,"Stand in the temple courts, and tell the people about this new life." And that is what we are to do today. We are to proclaim this new life to others around us about our new …
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Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petitiion, with thanksgiving, present your requiests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
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In this weeks offender testimony, Rick interviews an ex-greek-gangster from 1987. Make sure you share this wonderful testimony that will touch your soul.
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In Episode #61, Rick Mathes takes us to John 4:7, exploring the well where Christ speaks to the Samaritan woman about living water. What well springs do you continue to go to when you are dry? Are they counterfeit waters based on this world and everything in it, or is it based on biblical principles, on Christ, and on truth? We answer these issues …
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In Testimony #5, Rick Mathes interviews an original Mafia member who transformed his life from Crime to Christ. We take you back to 1991 in this throwback, and hope you are touched by the saving power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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In Episode #61, Rick Mathes preaches on the 7 dimensions of the personalities of Chirst. We learn a fundamental principle about how we are to display Christ to a dark world, who is need of a savior. Listen along with the men out of prison, learn how to transform their lives from crime to Christ!
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Straight A's or Prison Grays
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15:50In Testimonial episode #3, Rick Mathes interviews a prisoner behind bars in 1991. His crime: Assualt on an Officer. His Lawyer: Jesus Christ! Listen to a man with a gang and street background, be transformed from Crime to Christ!
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In Episode #60 Rick Mathes teaches on the concept of Friendship from a risen Savior, Jesus Christ. In John 15:12-17, Jesus speaks about our obligation as christians to walk in this continued love for one another based on His love for us. All the commandments rest on this love, which is depicted by our Savior giving His life for us on the cross.…
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In this weeks Episode, #3 takes us back to 1997, where Trish Mathes interviews a ex-prostitute, ex-crack addict, turn Christian. This blast from the past will leave you speechless. Mission Gate has discontinued the womans guest home due to lack of funding, but as time progresses, the female factor in the criminal life grows ever so dangereous, and …
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In Episode #59, Rick Mathes preaches on the fundamental truths of losing ones life for the sake of Christ. This message addresses the questions that arise in ones spirit when reading Philippians 3:7-11. From Milk to Meat, this message is for you.
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In show #2 of our ex-felon testimonies, Rick Mathes interviews an ex-felon who was convicted of Robbery in 1996. Know that eventhough this man was in prison, he was "happy to be there". Listen in, and if this touches your heart, Pass it on, and 'Press On'!
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In Episode #58 of our Sermon Podcast, Rick Mathes preaches on the Great Commission. With all the issues that we face today, from abortion, to public confessions of faith, we are finding ourselves more and more painted into a corner of confrontation based on biblical principles versus' what the world apperiantly believes today. We must be fearless, …
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In this Episode, Rick Mathes releases Testimonies Recorded from the 1980's and 90's that have been in the Mission Gate vault. We pray that these shows will touch your heart, and we ask that if it does, that you pass on, and Press ON!
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In Episode #57, Rick Mathes preaches on the Magna Carta of the Bible; the Book of Romans. In this sermon, Ricks central theme revolves around Chapter 12, and verse 12 where Paul commisions us to Perserve in Tribulations...What does this mean in todays era, and how does that apply to you? Rick takes you through these issues in this weeks sermon titi…
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In Episode #56 Rick Mathes preaches on the Lord's Textbook, Isaiah 42. Here in this sermon, we take a look at the moment in Jesus' ministry where He comes to the realization that he himself is the Chosen Messiah. Please make sure to subscribe to our podcast at iTunes, but if you don't have iTunes, you can download all the podcast at our website, mi…
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Jesus As Lord, Jesus Is Lord
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19:45In Episode #55, Rick Mathes Preaches of the various translations of Romans 10:9 giving us different perspectives that can be fundamental in our knowledge of scripture in its intended form. What Translation are you...Jesus Is your Lord...Or...Jesus AS your Lord.
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In Episode #54, Rick Mathes preaches on John 20:11, and that moment when Mary believed somebody took her Lord. Has somebody taken your Lord away? Listen to the possiblities that arise in everyday life where Christ is no longer seated on the thrown of your heart, and you find yourself feeling dispair within your walk with Christ. How do you get Him …
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In Episode #53, Rick Mathes preaches about the Triumphal entry. But I guarantee you never heard a sermon like this. Most teach about a perspective of being part of the crowd singing hosanna. Rick takes you there, but as the...donkey! You got to hear this one, where we ask you the question...Which Donkey are you?…
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In Todays Episode, Rick Mathes Preaches on Matthew Chapter 10:38 and 39, where Jesus says, he who does not take his cross and follow me, is not worthy of me. These are heavy words from our Lord and Savior, where Rick breaks it down in this weeks episode titled Take up your Cross. And now Rick Mathes.…
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There Came a Man Sent from God His Name was...
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25:51In Episode #51, Rick Mathes Preaches the Gospel according to John in Chapter 1. God's great majestic power can't be fathomed, and in this show Rick breaks down the Creators power where God spoke the Heavens and Earth into existance, became a man, and was born of woman in a manger. Why did God Create man? This is one message that you can't miss.…
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In Episode #50, Rick Mathes Preaches on the fundemental priciples conserning the Triune God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He also takes you back over 30yrs ago, when he first became a faithful believer in Jesus Christ. Listen as Rick explains why at first, he would only read what was written in Red. Also, go back to when Jesus Himself was read…
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In Episode #49, Rick Mathes brings the gospel, uncut, with no spin. We open our Bibles to Colossians 2, verse 6 & 7, where we learn the importance of being rooted and built up in Christ. Rick breaks it down in this weeks podcast that you don't want to miss.
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I Stand at the Door and Knock Part 3
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19:12In Episode #48, Rick Mathes concludes the 3 part series, "Jesus Stands at the Door and Knocks". We address the patience that Christ has when he persistantly knocks at the door of our hearts, waiting to come in. When the Lord wants you, He's gonna get you, but the parellel truth in the matter is that you got to let Him into your heart.…
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