Good News Yukon nyilvános
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Good News Church is located in the growing suburb of Yukon near the western border of Oklahoma City. We are an interdenominational church welcoming people from a cross section of church backgrounds. Our mission is to reach, to teach, and to equip our generation with God's Word. We offer ministries for all ages to help people to grow in their Christian faith.
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show series
The most important desire of my heart is to help the Lord fulfill his plans on the earth. Although God is omnipotent, he has always honored free will and works with man. It is for this reason that Jesus remarked that, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few." God needs us to live in a way that honors him and shuts every door on sin in o…
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I and many others feel there is a common sense of community in Yukon. Our Ministerial Alliance group here is no exception and is a wonderful collection of pastors in the community that gets together and shares support and news with one another. Tonight I am joined by a good friend of mine from that group, Reverend Mark Borseth. He is a testament to…
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If you live very long, you'll receive bad news at some point. Life is full of discouragement. The various events of life are guaranteed to leave you with at least a few scars. Therefore, the importance is not what happens to us but how we respond. The discouraging thoughts that come to us, do not have to go through us. We have talked about Joshua i…
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I want to speak to you out of Ephesians 5, about characteristics of a spirit-filled life. When someone says they believe in a spirit-filled life, they are not referring to an abstract concept. The Bible describes specific signs that follow a life heavily influenced by the Holy Spirit's presence. It is not God's will that only some would be sensitiv…
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If you live very long, you are going to face some discouragement, it is a natural part of life. When you go to the Old Testament in the book of Joshua, you see that one of the primary things God told the next leader of the Israelites was to not be discouraged -- "be of good courage." Israel faced a great task, that of setting the promised land. God…
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Did you know that God talks to you? Even when you don't recognize God's voice, he is still speaking to you. I can think of many instances where I or someone I knew "had a feeling" that something bad was going to occur. God is speaking to our spirits constantly. The important part of being a Christian which brings empowerment is learning to recogniz…
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I have felt impressed recently to speak on moments where I have felt God's call on me or visions to me. I feel that the next topic for me to share with you is times where I have witnessed a supernatural act from God carried out through his people. The passage of 1 Corinthians describes the spiritual gifts that have been given to the church as a ble…
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It is a wonderful thing to have your prayer answered by God. Some have referred to the passage of Jeremiah 33:3 as "God's phone number" in that it describes how to get God' attention. But the reality is actually quite simple: God will answer you whenever you call out to him. God will not abandon us in our time of need. His love for us means he will…
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Last week I shared about visions to you. While I would not say visions are an often occurrence for me, they are always a blessing to receive and do their part to reveal something to me that God is trying to communicate. In the passage of 1 Samuel, we see the biblical precedent for God speaking outside of the written word to people to directly conne…
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On this Father's day I would like to talk to you about your heavenly father. Even for those who never knew their earthly father, or had a poor relationship with them, God is there as the model example of fatherhood for each one of us. The gospel of Luke describes the story of the prodigal son, one who threw away everything his father had given him …
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In my sixty years of life, God has given me various dreams and visions. Tonight I'd like to discuss seven of these with you and describe the impact they have had on me. The Old Testament has a passage in which the prophet Habakkuk is instructed to "write the vision and make it plain upon tablets." I believe that whenever we are given a vision by Go…
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Hebrews 12 speaks on the importance of us running our race. Whether you are conscious of it or not, you are in a race, a spiritual one. You have been called to run it with endurance and excellence. Our ability to fulfill this call can be hindered by sins and other earthly attachments. In these latter days it is even moreso important to exhibit endu…
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I want to continue on with the topic of words with you all. I think it's interesting that Proverbs states that "death and life are in the power of the tongue," putting death before life. I believe this serves to emphasize the incredible destructive power that words can have to the reader ensuring we take care. Tonight however I would like to cover …
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I am continuing my series on the power of words, in particular the power of life and death that is held in your words. Our words have a way of lifting us up, like through praise. They are also just as capable as limiting us. It is therefore of utmost important to reflect on our words. Why? Your sayings can undo your prayings. Our time in prayer is …
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In our faith the words we speak have immense value. The act of salvation itself is said by the Bible to be partially an act of speech, describing that by the act of confession salvation is brought about. Our words can affect three worlds: the one we are living in, the spirit world, and the demonic realm. I want to recap today what I have been cover…
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I would like to continue on with the concept of the power of words, this time focusing on what Jesus said about the power of words in the gospels. Words can linger in your spirit for a very long time, and the positive and negative statements of others can stick with you for even a lifetime. We have all been witnesses of how a kind word from someone…
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I feel that there is a power in the thought of "people don't realize how important their life is." Your life is tremendously important regardless of what stage you are in or what you have done. You can have the sole power in some cases to make a difference in someone else's life. We have all been on the receiving side of this, where our life was fo…
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I'm going to continue my message from several weeks ago which focused on why our words matter. Even if we are taking care to not speak profanity or unwholesome talk, there is still attention that should be paid to the words we are speaking in terms of what we are speaking over ourselves. The Bible states that God will judge us on terms of the words…
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I am grateful for the role that women have had in church history and that they continue to have. The first person to accept Christ in the continent of Europe that we know of was a woman named Lydia, and the gospels also describe a number of women who ministered to the Lord. Proverbs 31 describes several criteria of what makes such a "wise" woman wh…
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What makes for a great marriage? God puts a priority on marriage, in fact, it was his idea. A good marriage does not only benefit itself -- it will benefit your career, mental health, and almost every other area you can imagine. People can develop an erroneous idea that they can compartmentalize their marriage, but it affects every part of your lif…
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I had a birthday a few months ago and turned 60. I felt that now was a good time for me to develop a 10 year plan to set out goals and things to work toward. One of the main tenets is the desire I have to think about the words that are spoken out of my mouth. The harvest created by your words can be either bad or good. God is merciful to us but ult…
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Did you know God wants people to not only be whole physically, but also mentally and emotionally? In the book of Job, we read about a man who went through a very difficult period in his life. He lost all of his children, his wife, all of his possessions, and every last thing he considered important. The book of Job is essentially him processing all…
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God calls us not to burn bridges, but to build them. We are called to restore people and relationships, and the shortest surviving letter of Paul's centers on this concept. Paul had received and ministered to an escaped slave named Onesimus. Upon sending the slave back to his master, Philemon, Paul wrote, urging that Philemon send the slave back to…
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In October 2019, I wrote a journal entry where I recorded how I had asked the Lord what life adjustment I could make to have a greater impact on his kingdom. During the night, I felt God deal with me about the importance of meditating the word. I knew that God was saying if I would meditate God's word regularly, I would be more effective to him. I …
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One of the greatest blessings God gave me in this world was an older brother. He in some ways was like a father to me and is someone I truly look up to. Family is a dear thing that God has given us on earth, and nothing is more crushing than the death of a family member. Grief can shadow all of the joy in your life and cause you to temporarily forg…
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Each year I attempt to come at the resurrection of Christ from a new angle, and this year I would like to focus on the biblical concept of humility before honor. God rewards humility and a self-awareness in a world that is all about "me". Christ gave the ultimate example of humility in the Passion week - he was whipped, scorned, spit upon, and beat…
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When I first began reading the Bible as a high schooler, I realized so many of the passages warned about money and greed. Indeed, there are many people who fell astray in the Bible due to the unyielding influence of money on their decision making. And yet we must recognize that the Bible does not say money is evil, only that the love of it is. God …
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Often there is a question of what happened between the death of Jesus and his resurrection. We are given a glimpse into that interval in the passage Ephesians 4, where it is said that Jesus descended down into the earth before ascending up into the heavens. One sentence stands out in particular: "When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, …
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What does the Bible have to say about God's plan for us being blessed in life? There can often be some opposition to stating the belief that God wants to bless us in ways other than just non-financial. The simple truth is that Satan does not want you to be blessed, but God wants to provide for you and meet your needs. The prosperity God wishes to b…
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We live in a day where there are a lot of distractions and ways to get sidetracked off the main thing. Of course, the main thing in Christianity is to love the Lord our God and to love our neighbor. The main thing is to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. It is obvious from these statements that we are called to run with purpos…
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The Bible talks about blessings for you, but not only spiritual ones. There is a biblical basis for God blessing his people with material blessings. While we won't have any need for physical possessions in eternity, the fact is that to live in this world money is a requirement. My hope is that we can go through several scriptures that demonstrate t…
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I believe that despite the darkness of our times, God is going to do a great work and manifest his glory. Psalms 75:7 says, "But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another." We can feel powerless in a world seemingly ruled by enemies of God, but it must be remembered that God is sovereign and fully in control of the situation. Th…
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I grew up in a good church, but if you had asked me at the time to tell you what the Bible says about money, I would have only had negative things to say from the Bible. Certainly, the Bible does warn against greed and the dangerous pursuit of money. However, I was not fully exposed to the other side of the Bible's relationship to money, its promis…
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Are you living God's good life he has planned for every believer? The Bible describes a very specific life that God would desire his children live. It is important to not stumble in your Christian life and become caught up in anger, jealousy, or disunity. Therefore, it is crucial that the believer exercise thankfulness, avoid bitterness, and posses…
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God has a financial plan for everyone. Just as he has a plan that relates to your health, marriage, or family, he also has a plan for and cares about your finances. The simple fact is that to live on this earth, money is required, and God is well aware of his. Throughout the Bible, God states that he will provide for his people and take care of us.…
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Do you know how old Moses was when he died? The Bible says he was 120 years old, and yet his body was still in excellent condition: "His eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated." The Bible describes that for those who possess faith and do God's will, God extends a supernatural strength toward them to help them fulfill their mission. For Moses…
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Who are you in Christ? What belongs to you in Christ? I am not referring to things that require much prayer and fasting to obtain from God. These are things we have inherited as part of our rebirth in Christ. Colossians 2:10 states that we are "complete in Him." The Bible speaks in both a past and present tense about God's work in us. We have been …
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I would like to talk to you about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and its implication on our lives today that it holds. I don't want to come across like I am telling you something you don't know already -- I am talking about something very fundamental to our faith. This belief is losing ground in younger American generations according to polls, an…
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I want to speak to you about the completeness of the believer when they are in Christ. As a transformed individual through the saving power of the blood of Jesus, we have access to a completeness of that comes through faith. This completeness comes about because of Christ's triumph in death and resurrection. As Colossians 2:15 states, "He disarmed …
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At some point in all of our lives, something is going to happen that rubs us the wrong way or hurts our feelings. It can feel like life isn't fair -- but as someone wise once told me, the fair only comes to town once a year. The Bible lays out a model for how to handle offenses in a way that glorifies God, especially in the story of John the Baptis…
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Some members of our church and myself had a great meeting at the Oklahoma Capitol recently. I had been asked to speak there that night and felt that God had impressed upon me a special message that I would like to share to you all. I think anytime there is a new year there can be a question of if God has any words or messages to say about the upcom…
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My message is simple: no strife. Zero. None. Strife divides us. It has a way of creating open doors for the devil to come in and fulfill his mission of killing, stealing, and destroying. There can be a mindset of immaturity that invades us and tries to get us to pin all our problems on another person. But often, it is us who is in need of prayer. W…
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I would like to follow up on my last message tonight with a discussion of a Christian's role of generosity in relation to their treasures - specifically, I would like to talk about a biblical basis for tithing. I have gathered five lessons on tithing to share with you that I hope will bring you much insight. Tithing is not fundraising, it is instea…
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I want to talk about three words: time, talents, and treasures. What do these three words have to do with your life? Your giving will always come from one of these three categories. It can be giving of your time, abilities, or wealth. John 3:16 is the most popular verse in the Bible, and it mentions a very impactful action of giving linked to God's…
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I want to talk to you on a habit that I want you to develop in the coming year. It is the habit of rest. You see, if you don't have a habit of rest, you're going to have a habit of worry. Worry can indeed be a habit, resulting in nervous energy in us and forcing us to believe something bad is around the corner. One thing we know about Jesus and his…
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I'd like to speak to you about generosity and its role in being the seed that we sow and later reap the results of. We reap in proportion to what we sow, and we reap what we sow: it is important we be sowing the right things and in the amounts we will be satisfied with when they come back to us. It is essential to be spirit-led in your generosity. …
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Deuteronomy 28:1-8: This is my prayer for a new year, for myself and for you. This book was written as a reciting of the law for the nation of Israel, to remember God's laws and ways of blessing them. God promised Israel that they would be blessed more than any of the nations of the world, and from the various accounts in the Bible we know this was…
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Going into a new year it is essential to have the proper mentality about your prayer life. I sincerely believe that one of the biggest improvements you can make to your prayer life is the addition of writing down your requests. Jesus warned many times in the gospel against letting our prayers become vain repetition. I believe that the risk of not w…
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The Bible teaches that "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." In this age where there are so many things that can crush the spirit, it is important to maintain a spiritually merry heart. God is a God of encouragement to the believer and does not wish that we be despondent or pressed down. It is for this reason that God wishes us to proclaim th…
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There have been many times when the Lord made clear to me the things that would happen in the year ahead. While he does not always act on a timescale the human mind can comprehend, I can often look back after a year and realize what God did for me. It is important to remember that this progress from God is often incremental, and we must keep faith …
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