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Von Bio-Nazis oder DDR-Wochenkrippen: Das Zeitfragen-Feature von Deutschlandfunk Kultur beleuchtet Hintergründe. Jede Woche greifen wir Fragen aus Politik, Umwelt, Wirtschaft, Geschichte, Literatur, Wissenschaft und Forschung auf.
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We take a critter’s eye view to explore how animal behavior parallels humans. Join comedians and science-lovers as we get inside the minds of animals
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Reportagen, Dokumentationen, Biografien und investigative Recherchen: Die Feature AutorInnen gehen auf Entdeckungsreise und recherchieren Themen, die bewegen. Dafür reisen sie um die ganze Welt - oder nach nebenan.
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Das Feature aus "Neugier genügt" schaut mit Interesse in die Welt, stellt interessante Menschen vor und versucht, mit kritischem Auge die Welt durch die Lupe anzusehen. Dabei sind alle Themen möglich.
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CorbettReport.com Feature Interviews presents guests from around the world on headline news and current events from a fiercely independent perspective. Issues covered include 9/11 and false flag terror, the Big Brother police state, the global warming hoax and how central banks control the political process. Guests include politicians, scientists, activists and newsmakers from around the world.
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Daily featured sermons from SermonAudio.
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Medical Industry Feature highlights topics brought to you by makers of products and services in the medical industry.
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freie-radios.net (limited to Beitragsart Feature)
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Herzlich Willkommen bei dem Podcast „Wall Street mit Markus Koch - featured by Handelsblatt“. Seit Mitte der 90er Jahre berichte ich unter anderem für nTV und das Handelsblatt direkt von der Wall Street und dort auch aus der New Yorker Aktienbörse über das Auf und Ab am amerikanischen Aktienmarkt. Ob Profitrader oder Privatanleger - dieser Podcast ist für alle, die sich für Aktien, Anleihen, Gold und Rohstoffe, Investieren und Trading interessieren. Welche Aktien liegen im Trend und welchen ...
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92.9 ESPN FM/680 AM Featured Podcast of the Day
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Relevant und brisant, informativ und investigativ – das ist das SWR Kultur Feature am Freitag. Das SWR Kultur Feature am Sonntag präsentiert schlicht und kühn: hochklassiges Kulturfeature – mit allen Mitteln des Mediums. Und online können Sie alle beide als Podcast nachhören.
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Featured Sermons from select Sunday Worship Experiences at Palestine Church. We Hope this collection of talks will inspire, encourage, and challenge you.
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Hochwertige Dokumentationen, investigative Reportagen, Eindrücke aus aller Welt: Dok 5 recherchiert, analysiert, zeigt verborgene Zusammenhänge auf und beleuchtet Hintergründe.
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One featured Wikipedia article highlighted and summarized each day.
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The most recent additions to the Internet Archive collections. This RSS feed is generated dynamically
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What's hot in the culinary world right now.
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Relebogile isn't the only one who loves cars. In the Car Feature she gets to share her passion with 702Land's many motorheads.
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If they make it, we review it!
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your international justice podcast
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Catch the Best of KFI right here with our Featured Segments from every show!
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Garantiert chatbot - frei ! Hören Sie 100 Reportagen und Features von Anja Kempe, Journalistin (ARD). Überraschend, spannungsreich, pointiert, unkorrekt, feuilletonistisch, diskursiv, radiophon. Feature, Reportage.
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Sometimes you just want to listen to some people get off topic as quickly as possible.
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Software-Entwicklung ist keine Fließbandarbeit. Fühlt sich Dein Job wie Fließband an? Dann steckst Du in einer Feature Factory. Hier lernst Du, wie Du dort raus kommst.
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Hosted by OAR FM's Community Connector Arina Aizal every Friday 10am. Connecting Cultures Features is a show by, for and about the beautiful and diverse multicultural people of Dunedin and New Zealand.
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A pop culture podcast filled with Drinks, Tangents, and Film Talk....so yes we are DTF.
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The hosts Alan, Alex, and Garrett discuss a new monster each week.
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Ausgewählte Features nehmen Sie mit in das riesige Themenspektrum der Kultur, vom Blick in die Geschichte bis zu hochaktuellen Fragen unserer Zeit, vom Wissenschafts- bis zum Lifestyle-Thema – lassen Sie sich inspirieren!
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$2 Creature Feature is an actual-play Monster of the Week podcast with Queue Times, bringing you the eerie adventures of the performers and employees of Severus Svarti’s Traveling Fun Fair. Together this found family tackles threats both supernatural and mundane as they find their place in the world and fight the monsters.
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Steve, Log, Joe, Matt and Gav present the podcast that's the same every week
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JP featured cut of the day will bring you the best of each show daily.
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A couple of podcasters called Jack and Rick, get together to give our views and take on anime shows and movies. Sometimes we love the shows or movies that we watch and other times we really do not like them, but regardless of what we watch, we love to get together and talk about it and bring joy to all of our listeners!
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Spill-it "theatre of the mind" is a dramatic presentation with high quality production value. New shows are produced frequently with topics to include drama, sex, comedy, news features and seasonal content.
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Irish broadcaster RTÉ lyric fm's weekly documentary slot. Programmes about music, literature, visual arts and other areas where creativity is manifest. Broadcast on Sundays at 6pm on RTÉ Lyric FM.
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Following the success of our popular Friday Feature Artist interviews on YouTube, we’re excited to bring you another way to meet your favourite mixed media artists! Each week, we sit down with some of the world’s most talented and successful artists and share the stories that have influenced their creative journeys. From their earliest experiments to their most impactful works, you’ll discover the processes and philosophies that have shaped their art. Whether you’re a practicing artist, a cr ...
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Keeping you up to date with local and national health matters and looking into innovations with medical or lifestyle implications and talking to local people in the health industry.
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The Mike Calta Show Featured Cut of the day will bring you the best of each show daily.
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Past Present Feature is a film appreciation podcast hosted by Emmy-winning director Marcus Mizelle, showcasing today’s filmmakers, their latest release, and the past cinema that inspired them.
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Step into the world of entertainment with Double Trouble Features, where your hosts, Joe and Jordan, unravel the latest and greatest in TV shows, movies, and all things entertainment! Join them as they dive deep into the realms of your favorite shows, analyze the silver screen magic, and bring you the hottest gossip from the entertainment industry. Whether you’re a cinephile, a TV series addict, or just someone looking for a good time, DTF is your go-to destination. Follow us on IG & TikTok: ...
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This podcast will post all the shiurim of R’ Aaron Lopiansky that are not part of a regular series. This includes pre-Yom Tov shiurim, interviews, Q&As, guest speeches and more.The shiurim will be released sporadically, as they are given, so be sure to subscribe to get all the latest ones.
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Wie wählen Menschen mit Einwanderungsgeschichte?
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20:42In wenigen Tagen wird gewählt. In Deutschland haben über sieben Millionen Wahlberechtigte eine Einwanderungsgeschichte, ein Riesenpotenzial für die Parteien. Aber was interessiert diese Wählergruppe? Janina Werner berichtet.Janina Werner által
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Food feature: Sushi Masterclass (John Dory’s Sushi Masterclass)
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21:04Relebogile Mabotja speaks to Donovan Cronje the COO Spur Corporation and Dumisani Lukhozi a Sushi Chef about the John Dory’s Sushi Masterclass. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.702 által
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OZ. Graffiti-Künstler. Schmierfink. Rebell (2/2)
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53:19Zwei Jahrzehnte lang geht der Graffiti-Sprayer OZ – bürgerlich Walter Fischer – jede Nacht raus und »macht Hamburg bunter«, wie er sagt – oder, wie andere urteilen: Er verschandelt die Stadt. Immer wieder wird er verprügelt. Und immer wieder verurteilt, insgesamt zu mehr als acht Jahren Gefängnis. Doch OZ macht immer weiter.Von Kai Sieverding und S…
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Warum es kein Autobahn-Tempolimit gibt
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52:36Freunde dicker Motoren lieben die deutschen Autobahnen: Hier darf der rechte Fuß noch das Pedal durchtreten, Raserinnen und Raser können locker mehr als doppelt so schnell fahren wie in anderen Industrieländern. Ein hoch umstrittenes Thema. Die Argumente liegen seit Jahren auf dem Tisch. 2016 hat der Autor Heiner Wember sie analysiert und selbst ei…
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Unmasking Identity with Katie Green
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56:14What if a mask wasn’t about hiding, but about revealing? This week, we step into the evocative world of Katie Green, a visual artist who brings identity, emotion, and self-expression to life through eerie yet ethereal watercolour portraits, murals, and masks. If you’re curious about the art of ‘finding a face’ in watercolour, how artwork can concea…
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Sylt: Klimagau ganz nah?
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51:57Die wunderschöne Insel gilt unter Fachleuten als deutsches Frühwarnsystem für Überschwemmungskatastrophen. Um ihre Heimat vor dem Untergang zu retten, baggern die Sylter jedes Jahr für Millionen Euro Meeressand an ihre Küsten. Und während Meeresgeologen raten, die Häuser an den Küstenlinien auf Flößen anzulegen, wird die Hotelfront direkt am Wasser…
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Demoskopie - Methoden der Meinungsforschung: König Zufall dankt ab
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32:34Kurz vor der Bundestagswahl stehen Meinungsumfragen hoch im Kurs. Doch die vermeintliche Sicherheit der Zahlen ist trügerisch: Nicht alle Umfragen sind gut gemacht. Geben sie wirklich die Stimmung der Bevölkerung wieder? Köppchen, Ulrike www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Zeitfragen. FeatureKöppchen, Ulrike által
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Am 18. Februar 1975 wurde am Kaiserstuhl, unweit von Freiburg Geschichte geschrieben. Am Tag des geplanten Baubeginns war gleich wieder Baustopp für das „Kernkraftwerk Süd“ in Wyhl. Umweltaktivist:innen stellten sich quer, besetzten den Bauplatz. Bewegte Zeiten. Und letztlich: Erfolgreicher Widerstand. Breiter Widerstand. Und für Viele die Geburtss…
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Episode 124 – Genocide Network with Matevž Pezdirc
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36:35Janet and Steph met up with Matevž Pezdirc, who is the head of the Genocide Network Secretariat at Eurojust.feature interviews – asymmetrical haircuts által
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Today on the show, big, adorable, playful babies who get into mischief! Baby elk, baby elephants, and the biggest baby on earth (insert your preferred joke person here). We're having mega-fun with these megafauna babies! I'm joined by proprietress of the website How To Eat LA, and host of the Smart Mouth podcast Katherine Spiers! See omnystudio.com…
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Heidi Arnesen is a Norwegian filmmaker that directed the 1991 short Dual of the Senses , the first queer Norwegian short. She would later do 7 more shorts throughout the 90s. Her most recent short Night Ride was nominated for an Oscar.... This item belongs to: movies/feature_films. This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Ite…
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The Car Feature: Can Stance cars become legal and for it to be a sport?
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12:42Relebogile Mabotja speaks to Javon Francis a Motoring Influencer about the fact that Gayton McKenzie wants stance cars to become legal and for it to be a sport. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Radio 702 által
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Interview 1929 - John Titus Explains the War for Bankocracy
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27:53Today James talks to returning guest John Titus about his new documentary series, The War for Bankocracy. Titus' documentary details the US Federal Reserve's recent push to escape its constitutional restraints, what such a move would mean, and why the bankers must be stopped before they achieve their bankocracy.…
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E39 • The Burden and Privilege of Legacy • TAD NAKAMURA, dir. of ‘Third Act’ at the Sundance Film Festival
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47:44Tad Nakamura, the director of Sundance-bound "Third Act," reflects on his latest documentary, which centers on his father Robert Nakamura, a distinguished filmmaker frequently recognized as a trailblazer in Asian American media. Tad drew inspiration from his father’s 1974 short doc “Wataridori: Birds of Passage”. Tad shares the unique experience of…
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S3, Ep 20: A Conversation with the Universe
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1:08:55The gang has a chat with Godfrey that brings it all together. [CW: violence, alcohol, cosmic horror ] $2 Creature Feature is an actual play podcast in association with the AltHaven TTRPG network. We play Monster of the Week, a system created by Michael Sands and published by Evil Hat Productions. Our cast is Ray Adams (on Bluesky as @mrray) as the …
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Little Gems for the People #6, Net Neutrality
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23:27Meg forces Ned to explain Net Neutrality on the spot, and then after that we talk about how US courts just overturned it, which is bad. In addition to the bad idea of ending net neutrality, we also talk about flat earth. Thanks for listening, wash your hands, don't be a [email protected] (FC:BM) által
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Music Mystery and Manuscripts | The Lyric Feature
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57:44Zoë Comyns tells the story of the relatively unknown Cork born writer and composer Ethel Voynich who sold millions of copies of her anti-Catholic novel The Gadfly in Russia in the early 1900s, campaigned with Russian anarchists to overthrow the Tsar.RTÉ lyric fm által
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