show episodes
An Addiction Recovery Lunch-hour Speaker Meeting. A new guest speaker with at least 1 year sobriety from any addiction, and who is actively working in recovery, will speak for 25 minutes each week on a specific recovery topic. This will be followed by a moderated 25 minute Q & A session from the live audience. The live speaker meetings will be held on Zoom each Friday at 10:00 AM Pacific time. To attend the live recordings and have the opportunity of asking questions of the guest, please sen ...
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The mission of ESSAY is to serve as a source of information, experience, strength and hope to sexaholics, both inside and outside the rooms of Sexaholics Anonymous. Our vision is to provide a high-quality “meeting in print” that gathers together members from around the world. It can serve as a portable “extra meeting” especially for loners and for members who don’t have access to many meetings. In addition, Essay serves as an outreach tool to carry the message to those who have not yet found ...
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Fireside chat with SA Old-timers helpful for newcomers (useful for everyone!) Long term sober members of Sexaholics Anonymous sit down with me for a chat, telling their stories, and sharing experience, strength and hope on a variety of topics.
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This is a weekly release of 12 Step audio from many different 12 step groups, however mostly AA groups. This will not be one person sharing their wisdom but instead many different mp3's of many different people who have been working the 12 step program.
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show series
I entered the world of SA through an invitation from a friend of a friend. At the time, I didn’t recognize my own lust addiction. I simply enjoyed the company of women, and I sometimes (read: constantly) indulged in pornography. To me, those explicit images were no different from any movie broadcasted on TV. And when I heard about Sexaholics Anonym…
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In today's Afro-Euro Reco12, Sam L speaks on a Decade of living in recovery. Here is a little about Sam: * Sobered up 1 April 2009-Dec 2013 * Only got sponsor 2012 * Cleaned up 1 Sept 2014 to date * Got sponsor armed with the facts * Home group CA St Pauls Cheltenham * 3 sponsees through steps in 2024 * 1 new sponsee * Fully surrendered to God 27 N…
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Sheryl A had a spiritual experience on May 12, 2022 through working the 12 Step Program outlined in the Big Book of AA. Since then, Sheryl has been journeying in recovery from food addiction and codependency through a spiritual solution that has set her free. She will talk about a new way of living beyond mere abstinence as she shares her experienc…
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In today's Afro-Euro Reco12, Nikki M speaks on being Reborn. Reco12 Afro-Euro Timezone is a Reco12 Resource in and for the Afro-Euro time zone hosted by Karen A. We hope that you will join us and draw strength and hope from these podcasts that we will host every other Wednesday at 9AM GMT / 11AM Israel time. Reco12 appreciates your help in keeping …
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This week, Reco12 continues with the "Ask-it Basket" project we started in July with the Recovery Guy, Robert Pardon. Robert has been a speaker on the Reco12 Speaker Meeting Podcast several times on meetings 44, 91, and 145. In this conversation, Robert and Justin B bring in Michelle K, who has what I want, to discuss several more questions that we…
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Rax got sober from drugs and alcohol September 12th, 2011. She started working the steps of CoDependents Anonymous in September 2022. She currently has a sponsor, is a sponsor, and is working CoDA and AA steps. Rax has held CoDA workshops in FL, held service positions at different district levels, and always does service at group levels. She is alw…
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In today's Afro-Euro Reco12, Anthony B speaks on Sponsorship. Reco12 Afro-Euro Timezone is a Reco12 Resource in and for the Afro-Euro time zone hosted by Karen A. We hope that you will join us and draw strength and hope from these podcasts that we will host every other Wednesday at 9AM GMT / 11AM Israel time. Reco12 appreciates your help in keeping…
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Erica Davenport is our speaker today. Here is a bit about her in her own words: "I was homeless and experienced domestic violence. Was almost killed and almost raped. One day I believe I met an angel through all of my scary moments who pulled me aside and told me she had been looking for me to give me a message. What she told me was amazing. And al…
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Karen A talks about her experience with managing life when life gets lifey - Dealing with the overwhelming thoughts, while caring for a family, managing a career, builders/ renovations and continuing to show up when it's much easier for us to cut bait & run to cut back on recovery. Resting on our Laurels, however lets see how Karen A handles this i…
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Jay Westbrook has been sober since December 2nd, 1988. He spent most of that time in Los Angeles, but moved to Tupelo Mississippi two years ago. He's been a hospice nurse and Grief + Loss Counselor for over three decades. Jay authored "Compassionate Journeys: Lessons From My Work With the Dying," and has a new book "Relationship Resilience: Applyin…
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For me, sexual lust started as a simple game that I played with the kid next door. I never imagined that such a game could develop into a “way of life.” My family paid more attention to my beautiful, smart sister, and to attract their attention, I started stealing from them to get more attention. This didn’t work. I didn’t know how to say, “I’m her…
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I just got back from the SA/S-Anon International Conventions in Los Angeles. This was the first International Convention in the United States since 2020, and the final registration count was 664! There were another 70 people around the world who joined sessions via livestream. Eleven countries were represented (including Kenya, Israel, and Belgium)…
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Last weekend (early April 2024), about 20 SA members spent about 14 hours together for “Truro Recovery Day” in Cornwall, UK (Truro is a quant cathedral city in southwest England). One of the smallest groups in the UK (the Truro meeting) hosted this annual event of the southwest corner of England.Essay Magazine által
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One of the highlights of the international convention in Los Angeles was finally meeting my first (and now former) sponsee, John H. After six years of phone conversations and occasional Zoom meetings, we met in person in California. Being my first sponsee, he often referred to himself as my “guinea pig.”…
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As a chronic, hopeless sexaholic, I have no human defense against lust. When I lust, I cannot stop. As a chronic sexaholic I have a physical allergy to whatever chemicals, neurotransmitters, hormones—you name it—that are produced by my own brain and body when I am lusting or engaging in selfish sexual behavior. My mental and physical reaction to th…
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I love plants! I have plants in my living room, kitchen, bedroom…everywhere! All that greenery in the house makes me feel good, and since I'm in recovery, I can take good care of them, too. Before, all my plants were dying. I just wasn't able to give them what they needed, which isn’t surprising, considering I could barely keep myself alive.…
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Through the grace of God and this program, I've been sober since March 4, 2006. I believe that the best way to help “the sexaholic who still suffers” (Tradition 5) is through our sobriety definition. This is the SA message that we carry to the newcomer in our meetings. I believe there are many ways to achieve sobriety from sexual addiction, but the…
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Thank God I have a program. I have come to believe that a power greater than myself can restore me to sanity. I continue to have lustful thoughts. They come to me because I live in an environment where titillation of the senses is a commercial device that businesses use to sell their products. This device is used in all modern media. Unless I live …
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Because of Step 1, I have come to accept that I am completely powerless over lust. I strive daily to apply this principle in all my affairs. I try often to remind myself that I am powerless over what life gives me, be it work, family, emotions, events, or anything else. When I used to relapse frequently, I would justify both my thoughts and behavio…
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My name is Jon, and I’m a grateful, recovering sexaholic. I’ve been powerless over lust for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately, it took decades for me to finally acknowledge this fact. I am originally from the United States, but my wife and I currently reside in the Philippines.Essay Magazine által
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Being Called to Service I love SA. I am really committed to my SA program and this fellowship. I have peace and serenity in my life because through SA I have found a way to live a sober life. I am grateful to my Higher Power, my sponsor, and our 12-Step program for this great gift. Upon receiving a great gift, it is very natural to want to give bac…
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I am greatly honored to have been asked to write the foreword to this issue of the ESSAY on lust. Soon after the death of Roy K. (the founder of Sexaholics Anonymous), I became very concerned that without Roy’s living presence, there would be no consistent voice telling the fellowship that lust is the problem. Therefore in 2009 I wrote a piece for …
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פורנו יקר, אני חייב לומר שזה הדבר הכי מוזר בשבילי לעשות כרגע, אבל אני רוצה להודות לך על דברים רבים. אתה יודע, אנחנו לא בקשר כבר 126 ימים (אבל מי סופר), ואני לא אשקר – אני כן מתגעגע אליך. הרבה. רואה? אני אפילו סופר את הימים! ככה היית חשוב בחיים שלי!! ולמרות שאני לא רוצה אותך יותר בחיים שלי, הייתה תקופה שהיית קריטי להישרדות שלי. עברנו הרבה ביחד, ולמר…
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נולדתי בניקרגואה. ההורים שלי התגרשו כשהייתי תינוק. סבא וסבתא מצד אמא גידלו אותי בכפר עד גיל 8 בערך. בסביבות גיל 6 או 7 עברתי התעללות מינית על ידי שני גברים מבוגרים שהיו שכנים שלנוEssay Magazine által
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עבורי, תאווה מינית התחילה כמשחק פשוט ששיחקתי עם הילד של השכן. מעולם לא תיארתי לעצמי שמשחק כזה יכול להתפתח ל"דרך חיים". המשפחה שלי הקדישה יותר תשומת לב לאחותי היפה והחכמה, וכדי למשוך את תשומת לבם, התחלתי לגנוב מהם כדי לקבל יותר תשומת לב. זה לא עבד. לא ידעתי איך לומר, "אני כאן! תראו אותי! תאהבו אותי! אני צריכה שאבא שלי יכיל אותי…
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ביוני 2017 פניתי לחבר SA בתגובה להודעת מייל שלו שנשלחה חודשיים לפני כן, וידעתי שיש לי בעיה של התנהגות כפייתית. על בסיס יומיומי, סיפקתי את ה'צרכים' שלי כמו תוכנה אוטומטית שעושה חיפושים חוזרים ונשנים. המשכתי לנסות למלא את הריקנות הנוראית שהסתרתי עם החיים הסודיים שלי במשך שניםEssay Magazine által
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הפרק בספר הלבן ״תאווה - הכח מאחורי ההתמכרות״ לפי התפיסה שלי, הוא הקדמה מפוארת לבסיס של התאווה באמת. בפרק הזה רוי מגדיר את התאווה כ״גישה התובעת שדחף טבעי ימלא ישרת תשוקות לא טבעיות״ (הספר הלבן עמוד 41). זו היתה בהחלט החוויה שליEssay Magazine által
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אחד החברים שנמצא בכלא, רפאל ס., שיכתב שני מאמרים בעלון SA בשנים האחרונו, הקים קבוצת SA בכלא של מדינת וירג'יניה. הוא גם משמש ספונסר של חבר תוכנית אחר- זה משמעותי עבורם להיות חלק מהחברותא למרות שהם מרצים תקופת מאסר בכלאEssay Magazine által
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،پورن عزیز باید بگویم که این عجیب ترین کاری است که در حال حاضر انجام می دهم، اما می خواهم از تو برای چیزهای زیادی تشکر کنم. میدانی، ما الان حدود 126 روز با هم در تماس نبوده ایم. (اما چه اهمیتی دارد!)، و نمی‌خواهم دروغ بگویم – واقعاً دلم برایت تنگ شده است.بسیار زیاد. می‌بینی؟ من حتی روزها را هم می شمارم! این نشان می‌دهد چقدر تو در زندگی من مهم بودی!…
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من در نیکاراگوئه متولد شده ام. وقتی بچه بودم پدر و مادرم طلاق گرفتند. من تا حدود 8 سالگی توسط پدربزرگ و مادربزرگ مادری ام در روستا بزرگ شدم. وقتی حدود 6 یا 7 ساله بودم، توسط دو مرد بالغ که همسایه ما بودند مورد سواستفاده جنسی قرار گرفتمEssay Magazine által
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برای من، شهوت جنسی به عنوان یک بازی ساده شروع شد که با بچه همسایه بازی می‌کردم. هرگز تصور نمی‌کردم که چنین بازی‌ای می‌تواند به یک "شیوه زندگی" تبدیل شود. خانواده من به خواهر زیبا و باهوشم بیشتر توجه می‌کردند، و برای جلب توجه آنها، شروع به دزدی از آنها کردم تا بیشتر مورد توجه قرار بگیرم. این کار موثر نبود. نمی‌دانستم چگونه بگویم: "من اینجا هستم! مرا…
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من در ژوئن ۲۰۱۷ در پاسخ به ایمیلی که دو ماه قبلش از طرف SA برایم فرستاده شده بود به آن پیوستم، و می دانستم که با رفتارهای اجباریم مشکل دارم. طبق یک عادت روزانه، من در حال ارضا نیازهایم مانند یک ماشین برنامه ریزی شده برای انجام جست و جو های تکراری بودم. من تلاش می کردم تا خلا افتضاحم را، که زندگی مخفی ام سالها پشت آن پنهان شده بود را پر کنم…
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فصلی که در کتاب سفید با عنوان "شهوت، نیروی اجبار پشت اعتیاد" است، به نظر من مقدمه ای عالی است بر زیر ساخت آنچه که واقعا شهوت چیست. در آن فصل رُوی شهوت را به عنوان " یک نگرش اجباری که یک غریزه طبیعی را به یک خواسته غیرطبیعی تبدیل می کند" تعریف می کند (SA-40) که این دقیقا تجربه من بودEssay Magazine által
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یکی از دوستان زندانی ما، رافائل اس.، که در چند سال گذشته دو مقاله در ESSAY داشته است، یک جلسه SA را در زندان ایالتی ویرجینیا آغاز کرد. او در حال حمایت از یک دوست دیگر است. ، اگرچه آنها در زندان هستند، برای آنها معنادار است که بخشی از انجمن باشندEssay Magazine által
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Querido porno, Debo decir que esto es lo más extraño que puedo hacer en este momento, pero quiero agradecerles por tantas cosas. Ya sabes, no hemos estado en contacto durante unos 126 días (pero quién cuenta), y no voy a mentir: SÍ te extraño. Un montón. ¿ves? ¡Hasta cuento los días! ¡¡Así de importante fuiste en mi vida!! Y aunque ya no te quiero …
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Nací en Nicaragua. Mis padres se divorciaron cuando yo era un bebé. Me criaron mis abuelos maternos en el campo hasta los 8 años. Cuando tenía alrededor de 6 o 7 años, fui abusado sexualmente por dos hombres adultos que eran vecinos. También abusaron de mí parientes mayores y amigos de mi infancia. Siempre me sentí culpable de los abusos y nunca se…
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Para mí, la lujuria sexual comenzó como un simple juego que jugaba con el niño de al lado. Nunca imaginé que un juego así pudiera convertirse en una "forma de vida". Mi familia le prestó más atención a mi hermosa e inteligente hermana y, para atraer su atención, comencé a robarles para llamar más la atención. Esto no funcionó. No sabía cómo decir: …
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