Change ma vie, c'est LE podcast de coaching et de développement personnel. Clotilde Dusoulier, master coach certifiée, vous livre chaque semaine des outils précis et concrets pour comprendre les mécanismes de votre cerveau et de vos émotions, et construire exactement la vie à laquelle vous aspirez.
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A podcast about technology and political economy /// Agitprop against innovation and capital /// Hosted by Jathan Sadowski and Edward Ongweso Jr., Produced by Jereme Brown /// Hello friends and enemies Listen anywhere that fine podcasts are distributed. Subscribe at to get premium episodes every week.
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The 21st Century began with the rise of the Internet and social media. The next decade will mark the rise of the Intelligent Machines. AI will inhabit all our devices from cars and appliances to smart phones and robots. The Intelligent Machines podcast explores the most exciting revolution humanity has ever seen, filled with promise and peril. More than ever we need to understand what these new devices will bring to our lives and how to make best use of them as the 21st century unfolds. On t ...
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John Stryker Meyer, call sign--Tilt, hosts untold stories of the operations of MAC-V SOG. Vietnam. The Secret War.
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Apple tips, product reviews and applications
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The TWIML AI Podcast (formerly This Week in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence)
Sam Charrington
Machine learning and artificial intelligence are dramatically changing the way businesses operate and people live. The TWIML AI Podcast brings the top minds and ideas from the world of ML and AI to a broad and influential community of ML/AI researchers, data scientists, engineers and tech-savvy business and IT leaders. Hosted by Sam Charrington, a sought after industry analyst, speaker, commentator and thought leader. Technologies covered include machine learning, artificial intelligence, de ...
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Join Dave and Helen as they travel back in time (metaphorically… it’s a podcast) to explore the real history of the people, places and events of the Old Testament, New Testament and everything in between.
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And Now For Something Completely Machinima
Ricky Grove, Tracy Harwood, Damien Valentine, and Phil Rice
Machinima, real-time filmmaking, virtual production and VR. Four veteran machinimators share news, new films & filmmakers, and discuss the past, present and future of machinima.
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Die langjährige Radiomoderatorin Tanina Rottmann und der aus dem TV bekannte Patientenanwalt Peter Gellner schildern auf verständliche Art und Weise echte Fälle ärztlicher Kunstfehler und geben wertvolle Tipps aus der Insiderperspektive. +++ Dieser Podcast wird vermarktet durch die Ad Alliance: +++
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Sermons from MCC in Snohomish, WA
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Zdravotnícky podcast. Príbehy veselé, smutné, bizarné ako píše život. Filip s Dianou aka Sestry v akcii a ich hostia.
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SPARK.N.STRIDE with MACH Conversations exploring wellness, mental health, resiliency, and personal development with Mach a retired US Air Force veteran.
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Comfort food for Macintosh users of the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s.
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Curt and Jamie dive into business and manufacturing as one-man shops.
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AI Chat is the podcast where we dive into the world of ChatGPT, cutting-edge AI news and its impact on our daily lives. With in-depth discussions and interviews with leading experts in the field, we'll explore the latest advancements in language models, machine learning, and more. From its practical applications to its ethical considerations, AI Chat will keep you informed and entertained on the exciting developments in the world of AI. Tune in to stay ahead of the curve on the latest techno ...
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Videotutoriales para exprimir al máximo tu Mac. Empezando desde el nivel más básico, llegarás a dominar tu ordenador. Para temporadas anteriores busca "Mac para todos - Temporadas anteriores"
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Encouraging The World One Soul At A Time With Truth In Love Through Media
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Welcome! We engage in fascinating discussions with pre-eminent figures in the AI field. Our flagship show covers current affairs in AI, cognitive science, neuroscience and philosophy of mind with in-depth analysis. Our approach is unrivalled in terms of scope and rigour – we believe in intellectual diversity in AI, and we touch on all of the main ideas in the field with the hype surgically removed. MLST is run by Tim Scarfe, Ph.D ( and features regular ...
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Der Apple-Podcast
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Menai Anglican Church - Service sermons will be uploaded here each week! Visit us in person @ SNC 6pm - Saturday // 8am, 10am, 6pm - Sunday
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Calade ma radio
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講歷史就是和你講 「人,時,地,因果」
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Conversations about music, art, and whatever else is on our minds. Hosted by Impulse Machine and friends.
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Warum wir reden wie ma schwätze. Der Mundart auf's Maul geschaut.
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Hintergründe, Einschätzungen, Tipps und Neuigkeiten: Im Zweiwochenrhythmus unterhalten sich Malte Kirchner und Leo Becker im Mac & i-Podcast mit Gästen über Fachthemen zu iPhone, iPad, Mac, Watch & Co sowie Apple-Betriebssysteme, Dienste und das Drumherum.
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Two Desiring Machines
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The weekly sermon from Lake Mac Church
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This is the spot for future Davey Mac Sports episodes plus the full archive of every Davey Mac Sports Program ever!
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Dies ist der offizielle Podcast der AfD-Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag. Ein wöchentlicher Blick auf das politische Geschehen in und um Thüringen.
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Podcast by The Venting Machine
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Wind Machine Podcast's hosts provide commentary and critique of Eurovision songs from 1970 to the present. Incorporating a mix of pop-culture, music, history, geography and politics.
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Les podcasts d', On refait le Mac et On refait la Tech en version audio ! Retrouvez chaque semaine les débats Tech de référence présentés par Olivier Frigara et la fine équipe d'ORLM et d’ORLT. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Learn about getting the most from your Apple technology with focused topics and workflow guests. Creating Mac Power Users since 2009, one conversation at a time. Hosted by David Sparks and Stephen Hackett.
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You are more important than profit.
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Welcome to "The MAC Effect" this is your host Mike Campos. Sharing with you a dream, a passion, a show where vulnerability and humility creates a path for opportunity and development. Expect new episodes every Tuesday & Q&A's on Thursday's.
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Blood, Sweat and Smears is a podcast focused on thrombosis and hemostasis and is hosted by Benign Hematologist, Dr. Brad Lewis. Dr. Lewis shares some of his knowledge built over decades of experience in hematology and laboratory testing.
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Der Apple-Podcast von Mac Life.
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Communicating through language, images, maps, and tools
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Machines Like Us is a technology show about people. We are living in an age of breakthroughs propelled by advances in artificial intelligence. Technologies that were once the realm of science fiction will become our reality: robot best friends, bespoke gene editing, brain implants that make us smarter. Every other Tuesday Taylor Owen sits down with the people shaping this rapidly approaching future. He’ll speak with entrepreneurs building world-changing technologies, lawmakers trying to ensu ...
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Podcast by Matt Baker
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Écoutez les expériences les plus effrayantes, énigmatiques et insolites vécues au cours d’une vie. Si vous pensiez avoir tout vécu, vous n'avez encore rien vu. Des histoires 100% vraies, confiées à notre micro ! Hébergé par Audion. Visitez pour plus d’informations.
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Há muitas coisas que mexem com o seu bolso e nem todas são más. Todos os dias, um facto bom e um facto mau para as suas finanças.
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A rotating panel of Mac admins and consultants are joined by members of the Mac admin community to discuss the latest news, issues, and challenges of managing Apple devices. New episodes weekly. Join the community at
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Hey, it’s Moto GP Mac. I’m always excited to talk about bikes in all categories; however, this channel will be mainly be about Moto Gp news. I hope to upload daily however it will be every second day at the least. i am always good to share my opinion, but it doesn’t mean I am right, and a good healthy debate is always good just remember to be respectful to others If you would like to be part of the fun, you can join the fantasy league below Fantasy league name MOTOGP MAC BRAGGING RIGHTS. You ...
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Cita semanal donde se comenta la actualidad tecnológica y del mundo Apple, con opinión, noticias y diferentes invitados que aportan puntos de vista originales para mentes con actitud crítica.
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Machine learning audio course, teaching the fundamentals of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It covers intuition, models (shallow and deep), math, languages, frameworks, etc. Where your other ML resources provide the trees, I provide the forest. Consider MLG your syllabus, with highly-curated resources for each episode's details at Audio is a great supplement during exercise, commute, chores, etc.
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SR 3 Saarlandwelle által
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Os trabalhadores que passam recibos verdes vão ter mais tempo para entregar a declaração trimestral de rendimentos à Segurança Social. Essa obrigação passa a poder ser feita até ao final do trimestre. See for privacy information.Observador által
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距今四萬八千年前的舊石器時代,第一批歐洲智人開始出現,他們就是克羅馬努人。 公元前三千年左右希臘及愛琴海列島進入青銅器時代,其中的代表是邁諾斯文明。 他們充分利用其優越的地理位置和歐,亞,非三洲先進國家進行貿易往來並建立強大的艦隊。邁諾斯文明為甚麼消失仍然是一個謎。
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Après avoir pris des ballons au protoxyde d'azote, DJ Hamida a failli perdre ses jambes. Il nous raconte #mapireexpérience Hébergé par Audion. Visitez pour plus d’informations.
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Comment aider les enfants avec leurs émotions ?
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55:56🩵 Téléchargez gratuitement votre guide pratique : 👉 "Mom Rage : pourquoi on explose et comment réagir autrement" sur Si nous, adultes, ne savons pas toujours quoi faire de nos émotions, comment attendre d’un enfant qu’il sache gérer ce qu’il ressent seul ? Spoiler alert : il ne peut pas. Sans recul, sans pouvoir réel sur son…
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Nous avons la joie de recevoir Fabrice Vaulpré. Homme de terroir, natif du Val de Saône, il est sommelier de profession. Également citoyen du territoire, il est le co-fondateur de la “Coopérative de la Transition Val de Saône Mont d’Or”. Cette association citoyenne mène de nombreuses actions pour la transition locale : compostage, centrale solaire …
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Folge 43: Ab durch die Brandmauer - Horchma heute mit Steffen Quasebarth, Mitglied des Thüringer Landtags vom Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht
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1:24:17AfD-Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag által
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Epidémia fentanylovej závislosti. Ako je možné, že sa opiáty používajú pri operáciách a nevzniká závislosť? Opiáty sú biologicky neskutočne silná látka, majú potenciál závislosti. Dokáže beh navodiť pocit, akoby bol človek na drogách? Aký je rozdiel medzi opiátom a opioidom? Zo 400 € vieš vyrobiť dávky za 100 000 dolárov. Syndróm zlomeného srdca, a…
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23/04/2025 || Hypocrisy & Authenticity - Matthew 6:1-18 || Andrew Hartman
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34:20Matthew 6:1-18 with Andrew 'Punchy' Hartman this week.
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How Do You Report the News in a Post-Truth World?
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37:03If you’re having a conversation about the state of journalism, it’s bound to get a little depressing. Since 2008, more than 250 local news outlets have closed down in Canada. The U.S. has lost a third of the newspapers they had in 2005. But this is about more than a failing business model. Only 31 percent of Americans say they trust the media. In C…
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We are joined by Katie Wells — Director of Research at Groundwork Collaborative — to discuss her new report with the Fairwork Project which examines the current labor conditions in the gig platform market in the US. We chat about how core features of the broader economy are becoming extremely abnormal — prices are no longer fixed and standard, inco…
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055 (Updated): Being Invisible While Being Hunted by NVA. With Reinald Pope.
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2:42:25>Join Jocko Underground< Reinald Pope survived SOG missions by trying to be “invisible” when NVA hunted for his team. Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out: Stryker Meyer által
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Have you ever found yourself holding on to relationships that drain your spirit rather than lifting you up? It’s something we all face, but God reminds us to love with wisdom and protect our hearts. In this episode of the Herbie Mac Podcast, we’re diving deep into how to release those connections that hinder us and step boldly into the freedom and …
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Overcoming Anxiety (Part 2)
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29:51Anxiety, simply put, is a response to stress or fear that can leave your mind racing and your heart heavy. It often comes with symptoms like restlessness, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, and even physical discomfort like headaches or tightness in the chest. Many of us experience anxiety in some form, but it doesn’t have to control your …
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ARC Prize v2 Launch! (Francois Chollet and Mike Knoop)
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54:15We are joined by Francois Chollet and Mike Knoop, to launch the new version of the ARC prize! In version 2, the challenges have been calibrated with humans such that at least 2 humans could solve each task in a reasonable task, but also adversarially selected so that frontier reasoning models can't solve them. The best LLMs today get negligible per…
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Dynamic Token Merging for Efficient Byte-level Language Models with Julie Kallini - #724
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50:32Today, we're joined by Julie Kallini, PhD student at Stanford University to discuss her recent papers, “MrT5: Dynamic Token Merging for Efficient Byte-level Language Models” and “Mission: Impossible Language Models.” For the MrT5 paper, we explore the importance and failings of tokenization in large language models—including inefficient compression…
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MotoGP Mac Podcast 140 MotoGP Chats | Motogp News
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1:09:56MotoGP Mac Podcast 140 MotoGP Chats | Motogp NewsMac által
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Who Killed JFK? (03/24/20225)
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1:20:05It's a special Davey Mac Sports Program episode as we figure out who killed President Kennedy in 1963! Host Scott Lizard Abrams (from the History Homos podcast) joins Dave and Robert as we take the newly-released JFK Files and look at the mob, Cuba, Russia, and everyone else who may have been involved and we get to the bottom of this case once and …
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Devo confiar em “influencers” para decisões financeiras? A Ordem dos Psicólogos parte desta pergunta para lançar um conjunto de dez outras questões que cada um de nós deve responder para saber. See for privacy information.Observador által
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789: Back to the Mac, with Matt Gemmell
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1:23:36Author Matt Gemmell joins Stephen and David to talk about using an iPad as his only computer for eight and a half years and why he recently switched back to the Mac. This episode of Mac Power Users is sponsored by: 1Password: Never forget a password again. Ecamm: Powerful live streaming platform for Mac. Get one month free. DEVONthink: Get Organize…
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Le buzzomètre Apple⎜ORLM-544
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13:48Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Rins Comments On Difficult Argentine GP Weekend | Motogp News 2025Mac által
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Luke 11:1-13 - Approaching God
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52:45The next in our series through Luke. For more info or to get in touch head to
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Trusting In God (But What Happens When I Dont?)Gensis 12:10-20Tim Henle által
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In this episode, we will discuss Apple “Friday Night Baseball” returns to Apple TV+ on March 28. Apple and Major League Baseball announced that “Friday Night Baseball,” a weekly doubleheader available on Apple TV+, is set to return for the 2025 regular season. Fans across 60 countries and regions can enjoy two marquee matchups over 25 weeks, featur…
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Deleuze and Guattari - Rhizome and One or Several Wolves
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1:30:04Cooper and Taylor discuss the first two plateaus from Deleuze and Guattari’s seminal sequel to Anti-Oedipus, A Thousand Plateaus. The chapters discussed will be Introduction: Rhizome and 1914: One or several wolves. Support us on Patreon: - - Twitter: @unconscioushhCooper Cherry Jr. által
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Test-Time Adaptation: the key to reasoning with DL (Mohamed Osman)
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1:03:36Mohamed Osman joins to discuss MindsAI's highest scoring entry to the ARC challenge 2024 and the paradigm of test-time fine-tuning. They explore how the team, now part of Tufa Labs in Zurich, achieved state-of-the-art results using a combination of pre-training techniques, a unique meta-learning strategy, and an ensemble voting mechanism. Mohamed e…
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OpenAI's Game-Changing Releases
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11:43In this episode, Jaeden discusses OpenAI's recent major releases, focusing on their upgraded transcription and voice generation models. He highlights the implications of these advancements for developers and businesses, emphasizing the importance of voice in AI agents. Jaeden also addresses the shift towards closed models by OpenAI, raising questio…
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Martin Aims For A Qatar Return ! | Motogp News 2025Mac által
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Hoy te traigo un capítulo de esos interesantes porque muestra una herramienta de la que puede que no supieras de su existencia. Es una extensión para Google Drive aunque también puede funcionar como aplicación en sí misma. Tiene una opción de pago aunque todo lo que vemos en el vídeo es gratis. No es exclusiva para Mac pero me ha parecido que viene…
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MacBook Air M4, le meilleur Mac EVER?⎜ORLM-544
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1:37:34Nos partenaires et LaCie vous font profiter d’une offre exceptionnelle : 1 LaCie Rugged Mini SSD 1TB offert pour l’achat d’un disque dur LaCie D2 disponible en 10, 14, 16 et 18TB, dans la limite des stocks disponibles. Voici les liens : 10 To :…
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Pramac-Yamaha To Race Without Oliveira At COTA !! | Motogp News 2025Mac által
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In this episode, Jaeden discusses Perplexity's recent fundraising efforts, highlighting their impressive $1 billion raise and $18 billion valuation. He explores the factors contributing to their rapid growth, including their innovative features and market positioning against competitors like Google and Claude. The conversation also touches on Perpl…
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Unpublished review of Zeal & Ardor's 2022 self-titled album Metal and evil † revisionist history † alternative present † speculative future Words by Conner Tomlinson Music by Impulse MachineAshwood Media által
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SQ259 Super-Siri in Himmelblau
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1:47:13Neues aus Cupertino: Siri wird später klug ++ iOS/iPadOS 19, macOS 16: Komplett neues Design? ++ iOS 19: AirPods als Dolmetscher ++ Keine gute Woche für Apple: Apple verliert gegen das Bundeskartellamt und die EU-Kommission erhöht den Druck Hardware: Kurz vorgestellt: MacBook Air M4 (in Himmelsblau!), iPad Air M3 und Mac Studio mit M3 Ultra Apps: R…
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A redução fiscal para jovens na compra de casa foi aproveitada já por 26 mil pessoas que compraram 18 mil habitações. A redução fiscal média é de 5.560 euros por transacção. See for privacy information.Observador által
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In this episode, Jaeden discusses the recent addition of web browsing capabilities to Anthropic's Claude AI model, a feature that has been long-awaited. He explores the implications of this update, particularly in terms of AI safety and usability, and how it positions Claude in the competitive landscape of AI tools. Jaeden emphasizes the importance…
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Aprilia & Ducati Disagree On In Season Rule Change | Motogp News 2025Mac által
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O governador do Banco de Portugal confessou ter “algum horror a pagamentos automáticos”, já que dessa forma se pode perder aos gastos familiares. See for privacy information.Observador által
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S5 E174 creativeAI: The Glurons (Mar 2025)
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33:35One of the most extraordinary picks we've made, probably ever, on the show! This week, we review an emergent absurdist talk show, focussing on the life of the Glurons - a post-human race of critters set in a future world, but most creatively uses generative AI tools. Its outstanding quality is, however, the writing. Check out our review and pick up…
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Apple vs el Reino Unido
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41:28Seguridad o privacidad, una charla con Victor Salgado. Apple ha decidido desactivar la Protección Avanzada de Datos en el Reino Unido ante la petición secreta del gobierno de que les crearan una puerta de entrada para poder acceder a los datos guardados en iCloud de cualquier ciudadano del mundo. Que se haga la petición ya es reprobable, pero que s…
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IM 811: Flippin' the Bird - Anthony Aguirre, AI Safety, Hollywood vs. AI
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2:58:35Interview with Anthony Aguirre The NIST's new directive to AI Safety Institute partners scrubs mentions of "AI safety" and "AI fairness" and prioritizes "reducing ideological bias" in models Jensen Huang GTC Keynote in 16 minutes Nvidia and Yum! Brands team up to expand AI ordering Google Is Officially Replacing Assistant With Gemini - Slashdot Goo…
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Tatort Krankenhaus - Verdammte Hüfte
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30:52Ferdinand freut sich auf seinen 60sten Geburtstag. In zwei Wochen soll die große Gartenparty mit vielen Freunden, Nachbarn, Kollegen und Verwandten steigen, doch ausgerechnet mitten in den Vorbereitungen zwickt mal wieder die Hüfte. Diese Schmerzen kennt Ferdinand schon. Er hofft, dass ihm sein Freund und Hausarzt mit einer Schmerzspritze helfen ka…
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GSMSymbolic paper - Iman Mirzadeh (Apple)
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1:11:23Iman Mirzadeh from Apple, who recently published the GSM-Symbolic paper discusses the crucial distinction between intelligence and achievement in AI systems. He critiques current AI research methodologies, highlighting the limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs) in reasoning and knowledge representation. SPONSOR MESSAGES: *** Tufa AI Labs is a …
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Wie gut funktioniert Apple Intelligence in iOS 18.4 auf Deutsch und warum bekommt Apple Siri nicht in den Griff? Das beschäftigt uns in Episode 94.
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Francesco Bagnaia: Problems Onboard The Ducati GP25 | Motogp News 2025Mac által
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Sabine et Vincent, bénévole à l’Autre Cinéma à Villefranche nous présente leur actualité, avec notamment la présentation du film Cassandre le 5 avril au 400 Coups en présence de la réalisatrice Hélène Merlin. L’article L’actu de l’Autre Cinéma (19 mars 2025) est apparu en premier sur Calade, Ma Radio.…
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Episode 405: Just Us
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1:28:28It’s just us this week, as we talk through the March beta cycle, the iPhone 16e, what we hope is coming any day for the MacBook Air, and everything else that the cat drug in. Hosts: Tom Bridge - Marcus Ransom - @marcusransom Rebecca Latimer - LinkedIn Links:…
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