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The Conquering Truth

The Conquering Truth

Join us for a weekly discussion on living with discernment in this world. We’ll have discussions of how the gospel and the word of God ought to be applied to current events, the problems facing our society, the history of what God has done in the world, trends in the church and many other topics. The scriptures have a lot to say about those issues, and we see a lack of Biblical thinking and application to culture in many professing Christian circles today. We want to do our part to reverse t ...
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show series
Leprosy in the Bible was a picture of sin. And God uses it many times throughout the Old and New Testament to help us to think about different types of sin and the redeeming work of Christ. Recently we did a podcast on reading the Old Testament and how we should think abut the types and shadows whose substance has come in Christ. Leprosy, which was…
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In the 1960s, less than 4% of bodies were cremated. Now, it is about 2 out of 3 and by 2040, it is expected to be around 80%. Much of that is driven by the rising cost of funerals, since the burial plot is expensive and you can send a significant amount of money on a nice casket. On average, a cremation probably costs half of the cost of a burial. …
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How you read the Old Testament impacts how you read all of God’s word. It frames the questions that shape our understanding of God and His purposes. What was the purpose of the garden? Why did God choose, separate, and protect the nation of Israel? What is the church? Who is Jesus Christ and the nature of his atonement? It frames all of these and a…
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Credobaptists and Paedobaptists differing views of baptism have real-world implications over how they view their children and their relationship to the church. Presbyterians (paedobaptists) hold that baptized children are part of the church, with the church having authority over and membership responsibility toward the child. Baptists (credobaptist…
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A hundred years ago in America most wives considered themselves to be homemakers with very few working outside the home. Now about 57% percent of them do. What should we think about this shift in the fabric of the American home, and more importantly what does God’s word have to say about it. Throughout history, there have been societies that have b…
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Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14, that we are to pursue love and to be zealous for spiritual gifts especially that we may prophesy. We are not just to sit back and wait for God to bestow them on us. It is part of pursuing love and edifying one another. And if prophecy is about love and edification, then it cannot be primarily about telling the future.…
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People often think that what made America unique was its separation of powers and system of checks and balances, but those ideas were not really new at the time or unique to America. What actually was unique was having the Constitution as a single written document that formed the structure and scope of powers of the government and having every offi…
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Can Baptists actually be Reformed? To answer that, we probably have to answer another question, “What does it mean to be Reformed in the first place? Is it a tradition, a specific set of beliefs, or something else entirely? There are a lot of online debates and discussions about whether Baptists can be Reformed or not. And while some of those debat…
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Does the Bible teach that there are sins serious enough that a pastor should be permanently removed and never be able to serve as a pastor again? Frequently, when an elder or a pastor falls into sin, people immediately start to say that they hope he can repent, so he can resume his ministry. This is often because the pastor was particularly gifted …
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Both Daniel Penny and Luigi Mangione were in the news recently due to associated murder charges. Both men claimed they were trying to stop evil. Both men claim their use of force was justified. The public is also divided, with some claiming one or both of them a hero and many others strongly believing the opposite. But for those of us who believe i…
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Jimmy Carter was one of the most outspokenly Christian presidents of the modern age, but was he an accurate representative of Christianity in the public sphere? His view of Christianity was that his beliefs should not impact his decisions or inform his policies, a view that many professing Christians shared at the time. In this episode, we examine …
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Who has authority over marriage? When a man and a woman are married, the official often says something like, “by the power vested in me by…”. But what does that mean and it is even remotely Biblical? Does the civil government have any authority over marriage? What about the church? And do people need to get married in a church by an ordained minist…
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One of the most hotly debated topics in Protestant circles is the doctrine of infant baptism, the practice of baptizing the infant children of professing believers. As we are unapologetically baptists, we disagree with this practice and believe that it goes against scripture and causes many problems in the church. In this episode, we look at some o…
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Benny Hinn is a false teacher that has millions of global followers. And while in the US, he is more likely to be seen as a false teacher, in Nigeria, as in many other parts of the world, there are many who are deceived by him and his teaching. But why is this? In this episode we want to look at how Benny Hinn sells himself and his heresies to make…
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Eschatology may not be the most important doctrinal position, but it does greatly impact how we view the power and application of the Great Commission. Christ is the second Adam and as such he is carrying out the dominion mandate in a way that completely eclipses the work of the first Adam. In this episode, we want to look at two particular areas w…
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Before the Reformation, illiteracy was widespread. When the Reformers started to say that people needed to study the word of God for themselves, the importance of learning dramatically increased and people like Luther and Calvin started schools. Pastors were suddenly expected to be knowledgeable. Before this, people could occupy a high level in the…
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One of the stranger stories to come out of the 2024 presidential elections is the story of Peanut the squirrel and Dave the raccoon. In case you haven't heard here's the short version: in upstate New York, early one morning, the government sent agents to the house of Mark Longo, a man who ran a non-profit animal shelter. Mark also had a popular Ins…
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So here’s the question: Assuming that you are in favor of corporal punishment and believe that God describes spanking as an appropriate form of punishment for certain types of foolish/rebellious behavior, do you think whether or not you spank your children in public says anything about your faith, your obedience to God, your trust in Him, or is par…
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When people think of revival, they often think of meetings with a preacher like Billy Graham standing on a stage with his Bible held high as he holds an altar call and where people stream toward the stage as the crowd sings “Just As I Am”. But that’s not what Biblical revivals look like. Biblical revivals starts with doctrine - a greater knowledge …
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Most people who hold to a Calvinistic view of salvation probably think they have rejected works-based righteousness. But when sin is revealed in a leader, why do so many turn to that man’s works to assure themselves that he is truly saved? This was the response of many when Steve Lawson was removed from office. And in the last sermon he preached be…
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In the past weeks, several hurricanes have struck the United States, killing hundreds and displacing millions. Many professing Christians are offended if you say that God sent these hurricanes as judgment, but we’d like to argue that this is because we tend to think very shallowly about the judgment of God. And while disaster striking an area does …
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The law of God confronts us with our sin. And while sinners hate this condemnation, they also want others to obey God’s law because it makes their life easier. Because of this, they are very quick to notice sin in others, specifically, the sin that the law has convicted them of. This is often referred to as projection. Scripture refers to it this w…
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Having right doctrine is important, but it’s not enough. That why orthopraxy (having correct practices) matters.People like to debate theology. Many people believe that Christians should make an effort to persuade other Christians to their understanding of scripture - and the bible is clear, while pointless debates are foolish, persuading others to…
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There are well-meaning Christians who teach that no one should ever be allowed to remarry after divorce. The main problem with that interpretation is that God divorced and remarried. Spiritually, God is only ever married to the invisible church, but that is not true in an earthly sense. According to Scripture, God divorced Israel and He was divorce…
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Do you understand the many ways that Christianity has made the world a better place? Some people think of eschatology as this far-off thing dealing only with future events that are primarily spiritual in nature. But scripture does not teach that this is true. Christ came to establish his kingdom and to destroy the works of the devil. After his life…
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If you pay attention to the news at all, you’ll hear a lot of worried cries about how we need to work to “save democracy”. But if you know much about American history, you’ll know that the US isn’t a democracy and has never been one. In fact, if you’ve really studied history you’ll know that pure democracies tend to be short-lived institutions. And…
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Before Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, he promised to send his Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us. But how does the Holy Spirit accomplish his ministry? How can we know if we are being led by the Holy Spirit? In this episode we want to walk through what scripture teaches about the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit. While theHoly Spirit is God…
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Charles Finney was both an avid proponent of revivalism and a relentless enemy of Reformed doctrine in the early American Church. Finney himself was a product of revivalism, professing faith in his late 20s at an emotional revival service. Finney quickly dedicated himself to the ministry, and began studying for his ordination as a Presbyterian mini…
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Many churches have mortgages or are seriously considering getting one. Sadly, it is shocking how many Christians (and particularly, pastors) do not believe the Bible when it says, “The borrower is a slave to the lender”. We like to make rationalizations and say that slavery has been abolished, and that it’s just a financial obligation that can be e…
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The Bible has a lot to say about food, and from the beginning, we can see how food was related to sin, to sacrifices, and to the worship of God. There were also the food laws of Israel, which are frequently misunderstood. But through all of this, the Bible never teaches that a person’s health is tied to the food they eat. And this matters a great d…
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If you watched the Republican National Convention this year, you may have noticed that there was a lot of emphasis on religion. Hopefully, you also noticed that none of it was pleasing to God. One of the dangers of living in a formerly Christian culture that is rapidly decaying is that you can begin to think there are no more lines to be crossed, t…
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In Hebrews 11, the Bible states plainly that faith requires understanding that the visible world is controlled by the invisible: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things wh…
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Suicide has historically been a crime. This is true for many reasons, but one prevalent one is that it is difficult. If not impossible, to argue from the natural world that men own themselves. Everything about the world testifies to man’s dependence, his inability to create himself, provide for himself, or to exist without dependence upon others. W…
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Most people don’t know the history of dispensationalism. While many are familiar with the name John Nelson Darby and many more are familiar with C. I. Scofield (or at least with the Scofield Bible), very few know much about their lives, their actions,and their involvement with the creation of the doctrine. But it is a story worth knowing. And while…
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Most churches in America have at least some form of church membership. But here’s the question we want to ask and it’s a little bit loaded: Do you take church membership as seriously as you should? The obvious, easy answer is, “No”, but it’s worth actually thinking about. How well do you understand why church membership exists? What is its purpose?…
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If you’ve lived in the US for long, you’ve probably had members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses come to your door at some point. How much do you know about them and what they believe? And what does their continued existence tell us about the world and the church today? Similar to the Mormons in that they are a cult formed in the wake of the Second Great…
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If demons believe in God, then what else is required for salvation? What is the difference between normal faith and saving faith? On this episode we discuss this important issue. Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC Hosts - Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn Technical Director - Timothy Kaiser Theme M…
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In 2021, John MacArthur preached a message to his church addressing how to think about Christianity’s decline in America. It starts out like this: “Hey, we tried. We honestly did. I think you did. I think I did. I mean I took interviews, I responded to questions I think we tried to have an influence on our nation last year.” He goes on to talk abou…
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A series of exposé articles have just come out about Voice of the Martyrs. This is a group that we’ve discussed a great deal in the past, we we give our perspective on the recent revelations. We discuss Cole Richards, Jason Peters, ECFA, the dishonor of God, and the right way to clean all this up. Our previous videos on VOM https://persecutingthepe…
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When you hear the word “Evolution” it is usually meant as a stand-in for Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, specifically the idea that all life on earth arose from natural processes beginning with “some warm little pond with all sort of ammonia and phosphoric salts,—light, heat, electricity present, that a protein compound was chemically formed”…
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When you think of the Christian life, do you immediately think of warfare? It’s all throughout scripture. So much of the Old Testament was about battles and soldiers, and armies waging war. And in the New Testament, we’re told that while the warfare continues, it’s a spiritual battle that we are to be fighting. But so often, we want to pretend that…
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In this episode, we look at some of the texts that are used to build dispensational eschatology, and see whether they are being used correctly. Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC Hosts - Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn Technical Director - Timothy Kaiser Theme Music - Gabriel Hudelson…
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Antisemitism has been around for thousands of years. Starting with their conflicts with Rome and the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, the restrictions against holding public office in the Byzantine empire, the Catholic church’s view for hundreds of years that the Jewish people carried blood guilt and deserved punishment for killing Jesus Christ, …
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Many people are only familiar with the idea of betrothal from the Bible (or certain kinds of romance novels). Today, in Western cultures, serious relationships begin with dating, followed by engagement, and then eventually, maybe marriage. But from a Christian perspective, betrothal is an extremely important aspect of marriage, to the point where i…
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What should we do when someone who calls themselves a Christian commits a crime against us? Take theft for example. Let’s say a brother comes to you and tells you that he had $1000 stolen from him by a deacon in the church or by the teenage son of the pastor, or just by another church member. Is it wrong for him to report it to the police? What abo…
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Many Christians believe the Bible teaches that everything in the world will get worse and worse and then Christ will suddenly rapture his church away before pouring out his judgment on Israel and his enemies. But In Daniel 2, Nebuchadnezzar’s dream lays out when, how, and why Christ’s kingdom would begin before going on to triumph over all of Chris…
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Christians recognize that Christ took the wrath of God upon Himself on the cross. But Christ’s suffering and death did not do away with God’s wrath toward the unrighteous. And God still pours out his wrath on the earth to deal with man’s sin when He so chooses. One of the titles of God that many Christians have forgotten is the Lord of Hosts, which…
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We’re starting with a pretty straightforward question this episode: Why do different people read the Bible and come to different conclusions? Is it the people? Is it the Bible? Or is it how they read the Bible? The study of reading and interpreting the Bible is called hermeneutics, and while proper hermeneutical principles won’t keep you from makin…
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In all the recent discussions about transgender weddings, one thing that didn’t come up that much is that a wedding is very different from other types of events. At a wedding, a covenant is made between three parties, both the husband and wife making an oath to God and vows to one another, and with the guests participating as witnesses and taking u…
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