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We learn how miserable the state of man is by nature, since even his wisdom and intelligence, in his unconverted state, is enmity against God, so that he cannot submit himself to His law. We learn, too, that the ability both to will and to do anything good must be from God. We should adore His compassion and mercy to us, if our natural enmity again…
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A lecture had been appointed, and the neighboring people, the night before, were so affected at the thoughtlessness of the inhabitants, and in such fear that God would, in his righteous judgment, pass them by, while the divine showers were falling all around them, as to be prostrate before him a considerable part of it, supplicating mercy for their…
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PERSONS who come to the house of God, into the holy presence of God, attending the duties and ordinances of his public worship, pretending with others, according to divine institution, to call on the name of God, to praise him, to hear his word, and commemorate Christ's death, and who yet, at the same time, are wittingly and allowedly going on in w…
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Believe that the deepest afflictions are always neighbors to the highest joys. The greatest possible privileges lie close to the darkest trials. The more bitter your sorrow, the louder your song at the end. There is a reason, and that reason faith may discover and experience may live on. Our afflictions are the highway that leads us closer to God. …
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There are two general heads, to which the grounds of doubting our sincerity may be reduced. 1. God's carriage towards the soul, either in the time of some extraordinary affliction, or of some long and sad desertion. Or, 2, The soul's carriage towards God- and here it usually argues against the truth of its own graces- either 1. From its relapses in…
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Few young men could have resisted the strong temptation which he was enabled to encounter. How easily did his brother Judah, in a more advanced period of life, fall before a temptation, which, in the comparison, was very small. We may say of Joseph, that there were few like him in all the earth. Sin spread out before him its strongest attractions -…
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With much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. There is a force in words, which it is often almost impossible to resist. Good words have a wonderful virtue in them to work upon the mind, and a great part of the good which we are called to do in the world, is to be accomplished by means of that little …
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This is a memorial service message on Psalm 23-4, 6 for our member, Jan Vermillion on Saturday, September 21, at the VFW in El Cajon, CA. She and her surviving husband, Chuck Vermillion, recited Psalm 23 every day and she asked during home hospice for this to be the verse for a message at her memorial service.…
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This is a memorial service message on Psalm 23:4, 6 for our member, Jan Vermillion on Saturday, September 21, at the VFW in El Cajon, CA. She and her surviving husband, Chuck Vermillion, recited Psalm 23 every day and she asked during home hospice for this to be the verse for a message at her memorial service.…
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The Final Chapter of a Treatise on Indwelling Sin, --The more believers are aware of indwelling sin's power, the less they will feel its effects.- -Temptations and occasions put nothing into a man, but only draw out what was in him before.- -The great wisdom and security of the soul in dealing with indwelling sin is to put a violent stop to its beg…
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From the Free Grace Broadcaster -205 In all our churches, among the many who enlist, there are some who desert. They continue awhile, and then they go back to the world. The radical reason why they retract is an obvious incongruity. -They went out from us, but-they were not of us- for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with …
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What is true of the Old Testament precepts -generally speaking, for there are, of course, exceptions to every rule-, holds equally good to the Old Testament promises-believers today are fully warranted in mixing faith therewith and expecting to receive the substance of them. First,-because those promises were made to saints as such, and what God gi…
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There is just the same reason for those commands of earnest care and laborious endeavors for perseverance, and threatenings of defection, notwithstanding its being certain that all that have true grace shall persevere, as there is for earnest endeavors after godliness, and to make our calling and election sure, notwithstanding all that are elected …
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Conscience has been anticipating the trial-and no sooner is the soul united to the body, than immediately conscience ascends its throne in the soul. It begins to accuse, to convict, to pass sentence, to upbraid, and to torment- The sinner is condemned, condemned at his own tribunal-before he arrives at the bar of his omnipotent Judge-- The first ac…
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Therefore, I look upon it as a great evidence, if not absolutely of the sincerity of grace, yet of the life and growth of it, when men as they grow up in age do grow in an undervaluation of present things, in contempt of the world, in duties of charity and bounty, and decay not in any of them. But I say it is usual that the entrances of men's profe…
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Many in the country have entertained a mean thought of this great work, from what they have heard of impressions made on persons' imaginations. But there have been exceeding great misrepresentations, and innumerable false reports, concerning that matter. It is not, that I know of, the profession or opinion of any one person in the town, that any we…
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God is the judge. Even now he is actually judging. His seat is not vacant- his authority is not abdicated- the Lord reigneth evermore. He putteth down one, and setteth up another. Empires rise and fall at his bidding. A dungeon here, and there a throne, his will assigns. Assyria yields to Babylon, and Babylon to the Medes. Kings are but puppets in …
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August 4th.-Temporal things appear dark and distressing. During the past week my mind has been much exercised about my present employment, not knowing whether I am in the path of duty, or whether I ought not to seek a more lucrative one. May the Lord direct me- For myself, I do not desire great things, and shrink exceedingly from the idea of enteri…
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In some, converting light is like a glorious brightness suddenly shining upon a person, and all around him- they are in a remarkable manner brought out of darkness into marvelous light. In many others it has been like the dawning of the day, when at first but a little light appears, and it may be presently hid with a cloud- and then it appears agai…
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In a letter to Benjamin Colman. -At the latter end of the year 1733, there appeared a very unusual flexibleness, and yielding to advice, in our young people. It had been too long their manner to make the evening after the sabbath, and after our public lecture, to be especially the times of their mirth, and company-keeping. But a sermon was now prea…
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Letter to Pastor Thomas Prince of Boston - 1743-'It is evident that there may be great religious affections in individuals, which may in show and appearance resemble gracious affections, and have the same effects upon their bodies, but are far from having the same effect on the temper of their minds and the course of their lives. And likewise there…
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There are seasons in the lives of all when it is not easy, not even for Christians, to believe that God is faithful. Our faith is sorely tried, our eyes dimmed with tears, and we can no longer trace the outworking of His love. Our ears are distracted with the noises of the world, harassed by the atheistic whisperings of Satan, and we can no longer …
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This doctrine of a gracious nature being by the immediate influence of the Spirit of God, is not only taught in the Scriptures, but is irrefragable to Reason. Indeed there seems to be a strong disposition in men to disbelieve and oppose the doctrine of true disposition, to disbelieve and oppose the doctrine of immediate influence of the Spirit of G…
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Treatise on Grace Chapter 2 - All grace, and every Christian disposition and habit of mind and heart, especially as to that which is primarily holy and Divine in it, does summarily consist in Divine Love, and may be resolved into it- however, with respect to its kinds and manner of exercise and its appendages, it may be diversified. For certainly t…
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Treatise on Grace Chapter 1 -Whatever Christ intends by the terms flesh and spirit in the words, yet this much is manifested and undeniable, that Christ here intends to shew Nicodemus the necessity of a new birth, or another birth than his natural birth, and that, from this argument, that a man that has been the subject only of the first birth, has…
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Nebuchadnezzar paid dearly for his vain and foolish vaunting, and-that proud and boasting Pharisee went home condemned for his sin.-Oh Lord, then give me power and strength against this wicked lust,-this base and senseless sin. Let not -oh God of all goodness- this evil-appear in me, by my apparel, speech, look, gate, or any other-unseemly behavior…
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Surrender to God's timing as to when you will die. We must have a readiness to comply with the time and season that God would have us depart and leave this world. Many people think that they will be ready when their time comes, but they have many reasons to desire that it might not be now, which for the most part, arise merely from fear and an aver…
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When God at any time hides His face from his own children, it is very troublesome and terrible to them. There are two propositions contained in this doctrine which may be taken notice of- 1. That God may, and sometimes does, hide his face from his choicest servants.-2. That his so hiding from them is very troublesome and terrible to them.…
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The Mystery of Providence, Chapter 10. Sometimes God cheers and comforts the hearts of His people with smiling and reviving providences. both public and personal. There are times of lifting up as well as casting down by the hand of Providence. The scene changes, the aspects of Providence are very cheerful and encouraging, their winter seems to be o…
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You behold One whom you despise and reject, if you are unsaved. Perhaps you deny it, saying my attitude is merely negative. You err. If you are not the friend of Christ you are His enemy. There is no third class. -He that is not with me is against me- -Matthew 12-30- is His own verdict, and from that there is no appeal. You have despised His author…
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