À consommer sans modération Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Don't miss the show that's the talk of the nation's capital! Forget the mainstream headlines! Get the truth! The Vince Coglianese Show cuts through the nonsense to deliver the real news every day. With nearly two decades in conservative journalism and broadcasting, Vince provides a shockingly refreshing and entertaining take on the day's biggest stories. His unparalleled roster of expert guests and newsmakers offer fresh insights that blast through the BS of Washington politics. The Vince Co ...
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Alt du trenger å vite om vin. Med Thomas Giertsen og DNs vinjournalist Merete Bø. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Re-watching the 80's, so you don't have to!
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Vince Russo's "Before My Head EXPLODES" is a 30 minute, twice a week podcast, where the most polarizing and contraversial man in the history of sports entertainment will rant, rave and rapid-fire his honest opinions on everything from pop culture, current news, entertainment, sports, music and whatever else is twisting his mind and burning his tongue! Real, dynamic, hard-hitting and oh yeah---NO MAMBY-PAMBYS allowed!
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Vintage 242
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Emmanuel Vincent is joined by various guests to discuss topics such as sports, entertainment, Pop Culture, etc. Follow Emmanuel Vincent on Instagram & Twitter: @Mrvincent13
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Welcome to the Vintage Horror Podcast where we talk about all horror, not just the vintage kind.
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Podcasten som hjælper dig med finde din personlige smag inden for vin og samtidig gør dig klogere på de dejlige dråber. Rigtig god lyttelyst! Vært: Jonas Landin Ekspert: René Langdahl Der kan forekomme sponseret indhold i afsnittene. Køb bogen her https://vinforbegyndere.com/ Besøg os på Facebook og Instagram, hvor man kan vinde vin og se billeder og andet godt. https://www.facebook.com/vinforbegyndere https://www.instagram.com/vinforbegyndere/ Web: https://www.radioteket.dk/ Kontakt: radiot ...
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The Word in Season
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SportsTalk Co-Host and Vol Network Play-By-Play Announcer and On-Air Personality, Vince Ferrara, shares his one-on-one interviews with Vols, SEC and national sports figures including athletes, coaches, broadcasters and much more.
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A Vinci Compass é sua principal parceira em investimentos alternativos e global solutions na América Latina. Com quase três décadas de experiência e com operações em onze escritórios espalhados pela América Latina e pelos Estados Unidos, nossa expertise abrange: Private Equity, Crédito, Real Estate, Infraestrutura, Florestal, Equities, Produtos e Soluções de Investimentos Globais, e Corporate Advisory. Cada segmento é liderado por equipes especializadas, comprometidas com a excelência em ges ...
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För dig som älskar vin men vill få bättre kunskap om denna dryck och dess olika varianter. Våra experter Thomas Holstein och Johan Eklöf är dina värdar i en rapp podcast där ingen fråga är för dum, ingen fråga för svår. Nytt avsnitt varannan fredag. Skål och välkomna!
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The newest sermons by Bob Vincent and others.
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Cue the Next Leader is a series of conversations designed to share a common journey to help automotive leaders go further, faster. Go beyond what your team is achieving today with valuable lessons from other managers and owners in our industry. “We study the successes of others deeply, so that together we rise.” – Danny Zaslavsky. For more information on VINCUE, go to https://vincue.com/customer-wins/
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Baseball is told to you by the players and announcers from the Golden Era. Interviews, highlights, radio shows, and much more.
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Floppy Days Vintage Computing Podcast
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Join Stu Horvath and John McGuire as they delve into their favorite tabletop roleplaying games from the past, present and future!
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Recorded live at our weekend worship experiences, these messages feature Pastor Crockett Davidson and guest speakers at Vintage City Church in Hickory, NC. For more information, visit us online at vintagecitync.com.
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Hear sermons taken from Sunday services at Vintage Church in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina. Vintage is a non-denominational church affiliated with the Acts 29 Network. Sunday services are accessible to doubters, seekers, and followers of God, with the goal of understanding and worshiping Jesus Christ more fully. Visit us at vintagenc.com.
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The weekly sermon from Vintage Church in Santa Monica, CA.
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The Vintage Voice - Brought to you by the Scottsdale Senior Services.
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Culture Shock is the new weekly radio show from Brazilian house music DJ & Producer, Vintage Culture. Hear exclusive first plays of tracks from his record box, festival edits & remixes and special Guest Mixes. Every week VC drops his VINTAGE VIP, plays festival bangers in his ON THE ROAD section and throws back with a VINTAGE MEMORY.
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Top 40 DJ Mixes
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Fast food reviews, movie reviews, & my wife n keeeds
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The Vintage Truth Podcast is the audio broadcast ministry of Best-Selling Author and Bible Teacher Jeff Kinley.
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All things nerdish from a couple middle-aged gentlemen.
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Join me every week as I look at the state of film, the culture, and the latest in movie news with some special guests every now and then.
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Amateurs de vin, nos spécialistes César Compadre et Mathieu Hervé vous donnent rendez-vous au fil des saisons pour discuter bonnes bouteilles, vignoble bordelais et actualité viticole. Dans chaque épisode, ils vous guident sur les événements immanquables de la filière, décryptent ses enjeux et vous dévoilent leur bons plans (à consommer avec modération !). Ils reçoivent également des acteurs majeurs du monde viticole pour de longs entretiens. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour ...
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Vintage Grace is PASSIONATE about building joy-filled communities of faith whose very existence inspires individuals to live an abundant Christian life, made up of three key relationships: a deepening relationship with God, a life-changing relationship with other believers, and an engaging relationship with those yet to believe.
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Just a girl doing life real
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Zerocarbonista is the podcast from green entrepreneur and climate change campaigner, Dale Vince. From building his first windmill in 1996 to taking Forest Green Rovers Football Club vegan in 2015 and becoming a United Nations Ambassador in 2019, Dale Vince has made saving planet his life’s mission.
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Welcome to the weekly podcast of New Vintage Church. No matter your faith background, we hope our practical preaching leads you to encounter the transforming love of God. To learn more about our ministry visit us at newvintagesd.org
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Welcome to PrayerLife, led by Prophet Vincent Kyeremateng. Our mission is to create an atmosphere of Worship Without Walls. Our ultimate goal is to cultivate a congregation filled with the Holy Spirit—individuals walking in the ways of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and obedient to the Word of our Heavenly Father. We earnestly pray for a genuine intimacy with the Holy Spirit, seeking a profound connection with Him after each service. Join us for our weekly schedules: • Global Sunday Serv ...
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The Vint Wine Podcast, a production of the Vint Marketplace, is a wine and spirits podcast by and for wine and spirits enthusiasts, collectors, and investors. Hosts Billy Galanko and Brady Weller offer an inside look into the world of wine and spirits through interviews with respected critics, as well as growers and producers making some of the best wines and spirits in the world. Our goal is to provide listeners with thought-provoking stories and perspectives that will allow them to learn m ...
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Guardians of Innovation, Patent & Trademark Law with Vincent LoTempio
Welcome to Guardians of Innovation, Patent & Trademark Law with Vincent LoTempio.Join us as we dive deep to help inventors and entrepreneurs secure and profit from their valuable ideas.
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Vintage Church, located in New Orleans, exists to Live the Gospel, Serve the City, and Be the Church by multiplying the Gospel through individuals, Community Groups, and gatherings in New Orleans and beyond. Visit http://vintagechurchnola.com to learn more about our church.
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Join us as we explore vintage episodes of SNL, analyzing the show and the bizarre pop culture ephemera that surrounded it. Tangents are had. Jokes are made.
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Greetings programs...we are 3 dudes who talk about all things pop culture, comics, superhero, sci-fi and even touch on classic movies and tv from the 80s/90s. We may be old...we may be occasionally grouchy, but damn if we aren't passionate about this stuff. Join us for the ride because when this baby hits 88 mph, you're going to see some serious shit!
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Bad Madge & Co. presents a monthly podcast titled Vintage Picking with Bad Madge. Join the Bad Madge crew as they embark on exciting hunts for vintage treasures on the Bad Madge Vintage Pickers Podcast. If you have a passion for vintage goods, tune in as this group of experienced mid-century and antique shoppers shares their captivating stories of remarkable finds. Each month, a new guest joins host Tanya McAnear to recount their adventures in the world of picking.
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Gillar du mat och vin? Här är matpodden som förenklar. Stefan på Vinbetyget.se svarar lyssnarfrågor: Enklare matlagning, knep i köket, goda smakkombinationer, mat och vin ihop. Här hittar du bästa vinerna på Systembolaget: https://vinbetyget.se/ (Vinbetyget.se – Sveriges största vinsajt med Topplistor) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinbetyget/ (@vinbetyget) Livet är för långt för att dricka tråkiga viner.
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Scott Voorhees talks with news-makers, makes waves, and sometimes makes things up weekdays from 9-11 a.m. CT on NewsRadio 1110 KFAB.
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The DevTalk with Rich and Vin podcast features Rich Nass, EVP of Embedded Computing Design, and Vin D’Agostino, veteran embedded systems designer. Each episode tackles a different aspect of embedded system design, from the hardware to the software to the tools. It’ll also look at some higher level market issues, but only as it impacts the engineer/developer. Topics covered include artificial intelligence, embedded systems, machine learning, industrial automation and much more.
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Your life is the biggest design project you will ever undertake! In his Design Your Life podcast series, Vince Frost discusses how design principles can be applied to everyday life with a group of leading creative guests. Listen in as designers, journalists, CEOs and founders reveal the key turning points in their lives and talk about the role design has played in shaping the success of their brands and careers. designyourlife.com.au Vince Frost is the CEO and Executive Creative Director of ...
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Podcast by Nick Vizzoca
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Twice a month, guitar amp guru Skip Simmons fields your questions on vintage tube amp repair, restoration and collecting. Often hilarious and always insightful, it's like no other guitar podcast out there.
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Två gånger i månaden bjuder vi -två vinentusiaster, på noga utvalda viner i ett försök att guida eventuella lyssnar till bättre vinupplevelser utan att spendera en förmögenhet. Men det förekommer en hel del juveler också.. Det bjuds även på skratt, tjafs och matupplevelser.
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durée : 00:03:43 - La Chronique vin de Jérôme Gagnez - par : Jérôme Gagnez - Le vignoble de Combrillac s’élève sur une colline dominant la vallée de la Dordogne, à l’entrée de la ville de Bergerac, en plein cœur du Périgord Pourpre.Jérôme Gagnez által
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Joséphine Duffau-Lagarrosse. "L’histoire est quand même dingue"
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48:53Coproprétaire avec la famille Courtin (le groupe Clarins) du Château Beauséjour à Saint-Emilion, Joséphine Duffau-Lagarrosse revient sur cette vente-record à Bordeaux (un montant estimé entre 70 et 75 millions d'euros pour une propriété de moins de 7 hectares), dans des circonstances qui ont marqué le monde du vin à Bordeaux en 2021. Elle répond au…
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Nr. 8 - Champagne - Vallée de la Marne - én skråning, tre terroirs, tre champagner
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51:35Vinene i afsnittet er skænket af Champagneshoppen https://champagneshoppen.dk/ Smagekasse her https://champagneshoppen.dk/vare/triptyque1-o-belin/ Tilbuddet på smagekassen løber i marts og april 2025. Benyt også rabatkoden "VFB25" og få 15% rabat på https://champagneshoppen.dk/ Rabatten kan indløses til og med d. 31. marts 2025 og gælder ikke i for…
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185. Det beste fra Polets marsslipp i 2025
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27:55Denne uken er det duket for Vinmonopolets marsslipp. Hør hvilke viner det er verd å kjempe om i slippet. Ukens omtalte viner: Musserende Rochet-Bocard Gusbourne Hvitt J. Haart Attack Riesling 2024 Bohrmann Meursault 2021 Salt Branco Pomenor Wittmann Morstein 2023 Wittmann Kirchspiel Riesling GG 2023 Pattes Loup 2020 Ganevat Rosé Turley rosé Thivin …
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#91 Matcha vin till vintermat!
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21:09Vad kan finnas på tallriken under årets kallare månader och hur kan vi matcha det med vin? Vi får nöjet att gästas av vår så bekanta matexpert och tidigare matskribent Måns Falk som tillsammans med vår programledare Johan Eklöf återigen sätter sig i poddstudion för ett nytt spännande avsnitt av Vin för Rookies. Vi får lyssna till mängder av tips oc…
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DevTalk with Rich and Vin: Embedded FPGAs with Achronix
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26:06Theoretically, you can do whatever functions you require in hardware or software. The most efficient way to complete those functions is with the proper mix of hardware and software. The important question is how you determine what gets implemented in hardware versus what’s in software. What if you can do a quasi-hardware-software mix? That’s what i…
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The Coach and Bro | Wrestling Legends, Ric Flair, and Fantasy Baseball Feuds
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22:27Join hosts Vince Russo and The Coach on today’s episode of the Coach and Bro Show as they delve into the latest topics in wrestling and beyond. Get ready for candid discussions, expert analysis, and engaging anecdotes. Vince shares his excitement for the upcoming fantasy baseball season. The Coach discusses his experience traveling to Tokyo and his…
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Episode 93: Was The 2025 Oscars The LEAST Controversial?
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1:34:27From thanking sex workers and more virtue signaling, to throwing a bone to horror movies and sci-fi films. Was the 97th Academy Awards as controversial as the rest or was this one different? On episode 93, I'm joined by film critic and president of the Critics Circle, Tyler Banark to discuss the latest Oscars, the winners and losers, and what deser…
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WHY is Ric Flair ALWAYS Starting with Me/WHY the WWE will NEVER Work with Me
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36:36On today's episode Vince asks the question, "WHY is Ric Flair ALWAYS Starting with Me?!!! From there he dives deep into WHY the WWE will NEVER Work with Him. Also, the Gene Hackman Mystery is solved, a "Disturbing" Movie he watched over the weekend, his TOP 5 Films of All-Time, New York Baseball Fans Counting their Chickens!!! RussosBrand.com Patre…
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Big John Mize won four National League home run titles, a batting title and three RBI crowns. He was revered by fans in St. Louis and New York, where he ended his career by playing on five World Series champions in his last seasons as a Yankee. In the 1952 Fall Classic against the Dodgers he belted homer sin games three, four and five, batting .400…
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Changes in DC, Crime, 51st State?
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33:563/10/2025 HOUR-2 Vince talks with guests Richiee McGinniss, Journalist; Susan Crabtree, Author. Also: could Canada become the 51st state?? For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit www.WMAL.com, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. To join the conversation, check us out on social media: @WMAL @VinceCogl…
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Kamala news, Tarrifs, the left and DOGE
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32:513/10/2025 HOUR-3 Some news on Kamala, Tariffs, and The left and DOGE. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit www.WMAL.com, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. To join the conversation, check us out on social media: @WMAL @VinceCoglianese. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Susan Crabtree interview
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15:103/10/20205 HOUR -2 Listen as Vince talks with Susan Crabtree, author; as the discuss the Secret Service. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit www.WMAL.com, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. To join the conversation, check us out on social media: @WMAL @VinceCoglianese. See omnystudio.com/listene…
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Thanks!, The Left's past
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34:233/10/2025 HOUR-1 Listen as you thank Vince and add your congratulations. Also; a look at today's current events. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit www.WMAL.com, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. To join the conversation, check us out on social media: @WMAL @VinceCoglianese. See omnystudio.com…
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Richie Mcginniss interview
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11:183/10/2025 HOUR-2 Listen as Vince talks with guests Richiee McGinniss, Journalist; about DC's BLM Plazza. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit www.WMAL.com, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. To join the conversation, check us out on social media: @WMAL @VinceCoglianese. See omnystudio.com/listene…
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Crafting Success: The Evolving Relationship Between Inventors and IP Attorneys
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17:43Episode Summary In this episode, "How an Attorney Protects Your Idea or Product," Vincent LoTempio discusses the essential steps for inventors and entrepreneurs to protect their intellectual property. From documenting ideas to navigating patent applications and safeguarding against infringement, Vincent provides practical insights into the legal to…
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The Coach and Bro | The State of Wrestling: Vince Russo on Cena's Turn and AEW Madness
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32:55Welcome to another episode of Coach and Company. Today’s segment, "Coach and Bro Thursday 3-6," is hosted by Vince Russo, diving into a jam-packed show full of wrestling commentary and fiery opinions. Vince kicks off the episode solo, as our beloved Coach is on assignment gathering hot news for the show’s next big reveal. You won’t want to miss Vin…
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Winning the War In Your Mind: Don't Take the Bait
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40:28Pastor Matt Grubb, March 9, 2025
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Winning the War In Your Mind
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45:10Pastor Matt Grubb, March 2, 2025
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Bob Elson - Daily Rewind
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58:18Robert Arthur Elson (March 22, 1904 – March 10, 1981[1]) was a pioneering American sportscaster who was the voice of the Chicago White Sox for all or parts of four decades. Known as "The 'Ol Commander", he broadcast an estimated 5,000 major league baseball games. In his prime, was among the leading play-by-play men in the game. In 1979, he received…
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Still playing with toys after all these years. As promised, this week on the Vintage RPG Podcast we chat about the latest Dungeons & Dragons toys from Super7. That giant Tiamat comes up again, as well as wave 1 of their 6-inch figures based on the '80s cartoon series (which means we also talk again about those crap Hasbro figures). Also on tap, the…
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We ate the best frozen pizza of our entire lives
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39:42it's Motor City Pizza Co, available at your local costco and other participating retailers nationwide
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Invoking the Angel of Prosperity with Vincent Kyeremateng
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1:39:40Does God send angels to facilitate financial breakthroughs and wealth transfers? In this revelatory episode, we explore the biblical role of angels in divine prosperity. From Jacob’s supernatural wealth increase (Genesis 30:25-36, 31:10-12) to angelic interventions in Egypt’s wealth transfer (Exodus 12:35-36), we uncover how God uses angels to secu…
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The Scripture Practice Pt 1: Read - John Mark Comer
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48:00Vintage Church LA által
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Who Do You Say He Is? Mark 3:22-30
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43:31Who do you say he is? Do not confuse Jesus’ victorious Kingdom for that of Satan’s losing kingdom. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God! For series resources and media, visit https://vintagechurchnola.com/series/who-do-you-say-he-is/ #Welcome2Vintage #Sermon #GospelofMark #WhoDoYouSayHeIs #Jesus #KingdomofGod…
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March 9th - Mark Nyeswander - Audio
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38:22This week we look at the paradox of our faith in Jesus. We are called to live in two worlds. We’re called to passionately live with God’s presence in Christ and compassionately live with those around us in the world. How are you living out what seems to be a contradictions? How do you live in the paradox of following Jesus?…
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I. Who Is the Son of Man? Revelation 14:14; Daniel 7:9-14II. There Is Emissary from the Father. Revelation 14:15-16; Jeremiah 51:33III. An Angel Is Instructed to Do what Jesus does. Revelation 14:17-18; Matthew 13:24-30, 37-39Bob Vincent által
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Born: March 9, 1942 in Pueblo Nuevo, Cuba, Surrounded by superstars, Bert Campaneris was a key contributor to the great Oakland teams with his competitive spirit and superb play. His memorable debut with the Kansas City A's (July 23, 1964) included two home runs, one off the first major league pitch ever thrown to him. Bert became only the third pl…
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0409 National Lampoon’s Movie Madness (1982)
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1:14:02Vintage Video által
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3.7.25 Hour 3 Corey Bids Au Revoir
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33:58See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.WMAL | Cumulus Media Washington által
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Corey Inganamort Interview
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15:22Vince speaks with his producer Corey Inganamort, who is moving onto a new role. Inganamort recaps his time as producer. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit www.WMAL.com, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. To join the conversation, check us out on social media: @WMAL @VinceCoglianese. Executive P…
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Al Green Blames Racism for Censure
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33:463/7/25 Hour 2 Al Green blames racism for the reason he was censured. Johnny from Jessie Waters’ show asks Democrats why they didn’t stand up during Trump’s address to the joint session of Congress. President Clinton fired over 377K federal workers, and the media didn’t bat an eye. Vince speaks with Luke Rosiak, Investigative Reporter for the Daily …
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Vince speaks with Luke Rosiak, Investigative Reporter for the Daily Wire and Author of the book “Race to the Bottom; Uncovering The Secret Forces Destroying American Public Education” about a Kamala aide being under DOJ investigation for allegedly falsifying paperwork to get an Elon Musk buyout. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you vi…
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Trump's Need to Get Legislation Passed
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33:503/7/25 Hour 1 Vince speaks with David Strom, Associate Editor of HotAir about the turmoil at Act Blue and the future fallout of a Ukrainian “journalist” calling for the assassination of Donald Trump. Vince speaks with Sean Spicer, Host of the Sean Spicer Show and former WH Press Secretary about why Trump must act with urgency to solidify his border…
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Vince speaks with David Strom, Associate Editor of HotAir about the turmoil at Act Blue and the future fallout of a Ukrainian “journalist” calling for the assassination of Donald Trump. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you visit www.WMAL.com, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. To join the conversation, …
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Vince speaks with Sean Spicer, Host of the Sean Spicer Show and former WH Press Secretary about why Trump must act with urgency to solidify his border policies via legislation before it’s too late. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you visit www.WMAL.com, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. To join the co…
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Are "The Rock" and John Cena Part of the "Illuminati"
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32:38On today's episode Vince talks about a HOT TOPIC in the Wrestling World, are "The Rock" and John Cena paying tribute to the "Illuminati" in Plain Sight and Right Before our Eyes? May not be as Far-Fetched as it seems. Also, Celebrity hook-ups that you didn't know about, Vince's TOP 5 "Fantasy" Celebrity Hook-Ups, the Great "Egg Shortage "WORK" and …
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Episode 509: Episode 509 - The Sword of the Spirit - Part 2
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28:43Jeff continues exploring the many ways the Bible enhances our daily lives.
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Jeff Williams által
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Jeff Williams által
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Jeff Williams által
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Jeff Williams által
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Jeff Williams által
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Lead Us Not Into Temptation
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Healing the Man Born Blind
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