show episodes

Göthic Thrill

Dennis Jakobsson & Claes Bergerlind

I’m Agent Orange GBG, an electronic act and I write electronic pop and rock. Bergerlind Music, within Bergerlind Communication, produces music for commercials, video games, corporate films, podcasts and more. I also write music for artists and do remixes. My brother and my pod Göthic Thrill is the pod that wants to put a darker, magical, exciting and an alternative Gothenburg on the map. We mix fantasy, horror, thriller and good stories. Each section contains a read short story and we discus ...
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Människorättspodden Skandinaviska Människorättsjuristerna arbetar för att främja och försvara mänskliga fri- och rättigheter. I podcasten diskuterar våra jurister mänskliga rättigheter och några av våra mest aktuella rättsfall och intervjuar klienter och sakkunniga. Scandinavian Human Rights lawyers work to promote and defend human rights and freedoms. In the podcast, our lawyers discuss human rights issues and some of our most current cases and interview clients and experts.
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Mattias Knutsson Skillingaryd

Mattias Knutsson Skillingaryd

Mattias Knutsson, en pålitlig fastighetsmäklare i Skillingaryd, hjälper köpare och säljare att hitta sina drömhem. Med djup kunskap om fastighetsmarknaden i Skillingaryd erbjuder han expertrådgivning och personlig service för smidiga och framgångsrika affärer. Mattias engagemang för kundnöjdhet och lokalkännedom gör honom till det självklara valet för alla fastighets behov.
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Are you tired of putting in the hard work without getting the results you were expecting? Factor 2.9 wants to help you learn, grow and evolve in the true sense of the words! Aiming to see reality for what it is, David (son, 18 yrs) and Magnus (father, 49 yrs) discuss important books and speak to insightful people who have already produced important results in an interesting field. Feel free to listen in and join us on the journey to learn, grow and evolve by a Factor of 2.9.
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Welcome to "Wake up podcast with Viv Trader" I named the podcast "Wake up" as I am a curious person with the desire to discuss a topic from different perspectives. Different experts and people have different opinions and knowledge about a topic. What is right and what is wrong? I like to explore different viewpoints. I want to contribute to a better world. I am passionate about our environment, health and well-being. I am also the founder of Vivalicious Food which produces vegan baby food wi ...
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Science fiction bokhandeln är specialister på SF, fantasy och skräck. I vår podd vill vi dela med oss av nördkunskap och läsglädje. Varannan torsdagkväll diskuterar vi olika teman inom fantastiken, intervjuar författare som besökt våra butiker och tipsar om bra läsning och kul spel. Programledare är Jenny och Petter från Stockholmsbutiken, ofta i sällskap av en gäst eller två. The Science Fiction Bookshop is the leading Swedish bookshop for science fiction, fantasy, horror and all kinds of s ...
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show series
Join Mattias Knutsson Skillingaryd as he shares his expert insights on the 2025 real estate market. From economic shifts and sustainability trends to the impact of remote work and technological advancements, Mattias breaks down what buyers, sellers, and investors need to know for success in the coming year.…
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Vi samtalar med chefen för Kumlaanstalten, Jacques Mwepu, om hans resa från Kongo till Kumla. Jacques har länge varit en stark förespråkare för en human kriminalvård där uppdraget är att motivera intagna till behandling och rehabilitering och förhindra återfall i brottslighet. Genom det behandlingsarbetet som pågår inom Kriminalvården är det 70% av…
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I detta avsnitt möter vi Jerzy Sarnecki, professor emeritus vid Stockholms universitets Kriminologiska institution och expert inom kriminologi och om svensk ungdomsbrottslighet. Jerzy är även vinnare av Scandinavian Human Dignity Award 2024. Vi pratar om det perspektivskifte som skett i synen på straff i Sverige, från fokus på gärningsmannen, till …
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I detta avsnitt av Människorättspoddens serie om att motverka våldet får vi lyssna till Johanna Belachew som arbetar som verksamhetschef på Nationellt centrum för kvinnofrid. Hon berättar om det utbredda, dolda våldet som många kvinnor lever i – det som sker i hemmen från närstående. Vi samtalar även om vikten av samarbete mellan olika delar i samh…
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I detta avsnitt av Människorättspoddens serie om att motverka våldet, får vi lyssna till Hilde Wiberg som arbetar som enhetschef på Ungdomsjouren inom Uppsala Socialförvaltning. Hilde berättar om det samverkansarbete som finns mellan skola, socialtjänst, polis och fritids och det förebyggande arbete för att identifiera barn och unga som befinner si…
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I detta avsnitt av Människorättspoddens serie om att motverka våldet, intervjuas professor e.m. i biologisk beroendeforskning, Fred Nyberg. Han har under många år varit verksam vid Uppsala universitets forum för forskning om läkemedels- och drogberoende, även kallt U-FOLD. I hans forskning kan man se tydlig koppling mellan droganvändande och våld, …
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In this episode of the Human Rights Podcast, we meet Heidi K Brown, professor at New York Law School. Heidi is currently in Italy to write a new book. We talk about freedom of speech and opinion, how to confront and overcome your fears, stop being afraid of making mistakes and what boxing has to do with law. In addition, we talk about leadership an…
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I detta avsnitt av Människorättspodden möter vi Heidi K Brown, professor vid New York Law School. Heidi befinner sig för tillfället i Italien för att skriva på en ny bok. Vi pratar om yttrandefrihet och åsiktsfrihet, hur man kan konfrontera och övervinna sina rädslor, sluta vara rädd att göra misstag och vad boxning har med juridik att göra. Dessut…
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I detta mini-avsnitt av Människorättspoddens serie Bekämpa våldet möter vi Bo Buhrman, behandlingschef Humana, beteendevetare, legitimerad psykoterapeut, handledare och lärare i psykoterapi. Han berättar bland annat om Humanas arbete med ungdomar och för att förebygga brottslighet. Bo har en bakgrund i Kriminalvården och berättar om forskning och o…
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I detta avsnitt av Människorättspodden inleder vi en serie med temat att bekämpa våldet. Vi möter Anders Göranzon, präst och ambassadör för Kyrkornas Världsråds kampanj "Thursdays in Black" som syftar till att uppmärksamma och bekämpa genusbaserat våld mot kvinnor. Anders berättar om kyrkans ansvar för att motverka våld mot kvinnor och om mäns särs…
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In this episode of Fintechpodden, the hosts Gustaf and Johan dive deep into the world of fintech with a special guest, Gunnar Rytterling, the co-founder and CEO of Lesslie. Gunnar shares his journey from a decade at Nordea to the creation of Lesslie, a disruptive force in the industry. The episode kicks off with an introduction where Gunnar reveals…
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Zarah är expert på Kurera och skriver för ett stort antal av Sveriges Magasin. Hon arbetar som naturläkare, näringsterapeut, örtterapeut, hälsopedagog, kostrådgivare och är utbildad medicin- och hälsojournalist. Zarah driver en funktionsmedicinsk klinik och tar även emot för rådgivning via telefon eller videosamtal. Du kan bo var du vill i världen,…
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The story of happy money Ken was 29 when he first “retired” to welcome his newborn daughter in the world. At the time, he thought he was “done” with work. He had owned a successful consultant and accounting business, so successful it had allowed him to close up shop and spend his days with the apple of his eye. Little did he realize his “second” ca…
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Dr. Nicole Avena AN EXPERT IN NUTRITION, DIET AND FOOD ADDICTION Dr. Nicole Avena is a research neuroscientist and a pioneer in the field of food addiction. Her seminal research work jump-started a new field of exploration in medicine and nutrition. She is an expert in diet during pregnancy and baby, toddler and childhood nutrition. She is also the…
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In this episode of Fintechpodden, Gustaf and Johan interview Emil Sunvisson, CEO of Qred. They discuss the journey of building Qred, a fintech company that provides easily accessible financing for small businesses. Emil shares his experiences as a serial entrepreneur and the lessons he learned from his previous startups. He also explains how Qred i…
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Zarah är expert på Kurera och skriver för ett stort antal av Sveriges Magasin. Hon arbetar som naturläkare, näringsterapeut, örtterapeut, hälsopedagog, kostrådgivare och är utbildad medicin- och hälsojournalist. Zarah driver en funktionsmedicinsk klinik och tar även emot för rådgivning via telefon eller videosamtal. Du kan bo var du vill i världen,…
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How to become awesome and thrive? Becoming Awesome is for people ready to actively move towards their Ascension. Humanity is undergoing a transformational uplift into a Golden Age. Listen in if you’re looking for more in your life. Together, let's you may be embrace the new energies of Benevolence. A native of Colorado, DeBenedittis earned a doctor…
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In this episode, hosts Gustav and Johan discuss the key happenings and takeaways in the fintech space for the year 2023. Major topics include the Silicon Valley Bank explosion and its effect on the venture, investment and fintech ecosystem, the volatile year for cryptocurrency with examples like Binance's regulatory issues and Solana's rise, the fa…
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What are E.T's are they real? AND does life exist after our life here on Earth? In 1980 we were 4 billions people on the planet and now 2023 we are over 8 billions of people. How does that make an impact on mother earth, our lives, the environemnt and our overall well-being? Are we human beings close to collapsing our survival existence with climat…
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In this episode we are talking about "Insecure attachment" and how we human beings are all affected by this feeling weather you had a great childhood or not. None of us can escape feelings of insecurity in realationships and why do we all suffer jealousy more or less. What is the root? I am Susan Anderson, psychotherapist and founder of Abandonment…
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Can using aromatherapy oils every night help improve memory? Being regularly exposed to multiple scents—or olfactory enrichment—has shown promise in enhancing cognitive abilities in older adults. A new study found that using aromatherapy essential oils such as lavender and rose nightly boosted word recall by 226% and improved the functioning of a k…
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Early Years Born Emanuel Swedberg in Stockholm, Sweden, on January 29, 1688, he was the second son of Jesper Swedberg, a pastor in Sweden’s Lutheran state church. At the age of eleven Emanuel entered the University of Uppsala, where his father was a professor. Although Jesper left the university to become bishop of Skara a few years later, Emanuel …
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In this episode of FinTechpodden, hosts Gustav and Johan dive into the dynamic world of FinTech, discussing the latest trends and developments in the industry. They start by exploring the overall decline in funding within the FinTech industry, as well as the notable recovery in late-stage investments. The hosts also touch upon new regulations in th…
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Eating disorders - What Does the Mando Method Mean for Independent Recovery? With Michael Leon, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior, School of Biological Sciences There is evidence that the Mando method, a treatment which focuses on normalising eating behaviours, works better than CBT for eating disorders as tested in existing clini…
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Sharon Sananda Kumara words I'll share a little about how I came to where I am Now. As a child I was able to see beyond the veil, seeing people and other beings whom I didn't realize others could not see. I was also able to see some future events. I realized later on in life that I was also able to feel other peoples emotions and hear their thought…
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Dr. Lotte N.M.D., Award Winning Author, Evidential Psychic Medium, Medical Medium, Ancestral Healer And International Keynote Speak Lotte's words: Through my personal odyssey, I have discovered our profound connection within a divine tapestry of existence. I have traversed the realms of illness, healing, and transformation, propelled by two Near-De…
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My name is Shelley Rahim and I am a mother, daughter, wife, birth doula, Ayurvedic Postpartum Caregiver, Postpartum chef and educator. Birthing a baby and becoming Mother is a journey of embodied awakening, seeded with potential for great personal healing and empowerment, especially with the support of wise elders and a Sisterhood tribe. By providi…
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Franco A. Romero, MA, MPH Franco is a Top 10 bestselling author, clairvoyant, spiritual coach and speaker. His first book is titled “The Closet Spiritualist” which was inspired by a near death experience which left him clairvoyant. Abilities he was unwilling to recognize until an Awakening in 2010 where he was re-introduced to a collective consciou…
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About Dr Toni Reilly Dr. Toni Reilly is Australia’s top Past Life, Reincarnation and Afterlife Specialist. She is the best-selling author of Awake The Purpose Of Life And Why You Are Here, and founder of the Toni Reilly Institute. With her visionary, intuitive approach to personal development, Toni has helped thousands of clients and students world…
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Dr. Vera Ingrid Tarman is a world-renown food addiction expert, who writes, speaks, and treats people who suffer from sugar addiction, food addiction, and who seek food recovery. Dr. Tarman has conducted numerous workshops, spoken as a guest, and has been the co-host of two TV addiction call-in series (Addictions Unplugged, and Toronto Speaks: Addi…
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Let's change the food industry together! Sweden Foodtech was formally founded in 2016 when several long-timers within food and food tech decided to join forces and build Sweden into one of the world’s leading hubs for food tech. Our sister company is Smaka Good Food Festival, one of the world’s largest food festivals and the prime yearly event for …
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Dr. Howard Eisenberg, M.Sc. (Psych), M.D. With a masterful suite of qualifications, real-world experience and unique skills, Dr. Howard Eisenberg, is a performance-enhancing powerhouse for personal and business success. Dr. Eisenberg is the Founder of SYNTREK® Inc. and the Center for Mind Enhancement©. He is internationally noted for his pioneering…
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DR. EDI BILIMORIA Born in India and educated at the universities of London, Sussex and Oxford, Edi Bilimoria presents an unusual blend of experience in the fields of science, arts and philosophy. Professionally, Edi is an award-winning engineer and consultant to the petrochemical, oil and gas, transport, and construction industries. He has been Pro…
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Julie Ryan's words: I’m a psychic and medical intuitive. I can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has, I can facilitate energetic healings, I can see energy fields—and I can communicate with spirits both alive and dead. I can work from anywhere; it’s rare I’m with someone while scanning them. In addition, I can scan animals, acces…
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