Mountain Park Community Church is located in the town of Ahwatukee in Phoenix, Arizona. We are a safe place. We want children, students and adults to realize that church can be fun. Mountain Park is also a dangerous place to stay. Most of us don't like change but we need it in some area of our lives. You will be challenged, you will be moved... and by the grace of God, we'll all be transformed.
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Greg Battle által
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Don Doe által
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Don Doe által
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Allan Fuller által
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Allan Fuller által
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The story of your life is part of the grand story of humanity. If you can read or hear these words then your story is not over yet. Part of your story remains Unwritten. This week we're talking about a New Chapter. In the next season of your life...Allan Fuller által
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Don Doe által
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We are continuing our journey through the story of the Church. Today, we're looking at how the Scientific Revolution dramatically impacted our experience with God. Now that we could explain and understand things, it removed some of the mystery of God...Allan Fuller által
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What's "New" about a man who flees the struggling city of Rome and becomes a hermit? What's inspiring about a man who established multiple communities of monks while Rome was being overrun by barbarians? Some say these monasteries saved western...Allan Fuller által
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In the grand story of humanity, we now shift to the story of "The Church" – the 2000 years between the New Testament story and our current story. Throughout that time, there have been many "new" things that have greatly impacted humanity. As part of...Allan Fuller által
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The New Testament has multiple phrases to attempt to explain that God wants to do Something New in us through Jesus. It's a "New Day" because we can experience "New Life" through a "New Covenant" that allow us to become a "New Creation." Perhaps these...Allan Fuller által
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We all have a desire to feel like we belong somewhere. It's why peer pressure is so powerful and why racial discrimination is so painful. The New Testament refers to the church as the "body of Christ." The body has many unique and wonderful parts...Allan Fuller által
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Coming out of Easter we are now moving in the grand story to the section we call "The Revolution." This is the second half of the New Testament. It's the story of Jesus' followers and the revolution of love that they spread throughout many neighboring...Allan Fuller által
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Allan Fuller által
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As we enter Holy Week, we're going to look at a phrase that Jesus used when he met with his disciples one final time before his crucifixion. He said the cup represents the "New Covenant." This is a reference to a profound prophecy in the Old Testament...Allan Fuller által
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Don Doe által
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Jesus has always had a growing interest in the church. From the very beginning, his hope, plan and expectation is that the church would grow. That will not happen at Mountain Park without you. If this is your church home, have you considered playing a...Allan Fuller által
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We naturally gravitate toward energizing people in our lives. It's easy to invest in those relationships. But how are we supposed to respond to the people who have hurt us, the people who annoy us, or the people who bore us? In the Sermon on the...Allan Fuller által
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The Kingdom of God is not something you can add to your life, it's something you build your life around.Jan van Amerongen által
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As we celebrate baptisms this Sunday, we're talking about a New Name. We are all born with a name and throughout our lives, we take on different labels that define who we are. Some are true; some are not. Some are positive; some are not. There are...Allan Fuller által
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We typically ask one another, "How are you doing?" which elicits a perfunctory "fine" response. A much deeper question is "How is your heart?" The condition of your heart has nothing to do with the circumstances around you. God promises to give us a...Allan Fuller által
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Don Doe által
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In our final message under the topic of Exodus (which represents the first half of the Old Testament), we find a very different and somewhat disturbing thought about pursuing Something New: "there's nothing new under the sun." How could that possibly...Allan Fuller által
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Multiple times in the Bible, people are called to "sing a new song." Old songs are great. They connect us with people, memories and places from our past. From a spiritual perspective, people who have been followers of Christ for a long time typically...Allan Fuller által
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Through Abraham, God established a New Nation. Eventually, that nation was led by King David who decided to build a beautiful New Temple for God. Unfortunately, God didn't ask him to do that. It was a nice gesture, but God didn't need a home. This...Allan Fuller által
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After God created a New Start for humanity through the story of Noah and the ark, he started a New Nation with a man named Abraham. The big difference between pre and post flood is that humans no longer had to figure life out on their own. God started...Allan Fuller által
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This week we're looking at one of the most known stories in all of scripture: the story of Noah and the ark. God is deeply grieved by the sin of his creation, so he decides to wipe out all living creatures and have a new start with Noah and his...Allan Fuller által
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This message is an introduction to our theme this year. Are you ready to try Something New? Perhaps patterns you've been working with have not proven to be effective. Perhaps everything is going fine but you're just coasting and looking for something...Allan Fuller által
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Allan Fuller által
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Allan Fuller által
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Allan Fuller által
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Don Doe által
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This week's verse means very little outside of its context. But when it represents the story from which it is found, it is a profound reminder. Our salvation cannot be earned, but there is an expectation in terms of how we respond to our salvation...Allan Fuller által
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This week, we are wrapping up the Unwritten part of our journey through 40 Foundational passages of scripture. The Unwritten section is about our decisions and our stories right now in 2016. This week's verses are about how we interact with one...Allan Fuller által
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As we continue looking at the Unwritten stories of our lives, our focus this morning is on marriage. This week's Foundational verse is incredibly profound. Men and women are different. We have different needs and different ways of addressing those...Allan Fuller által
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As we continue looking at the Unwritten stories of our lives, our focus this morning is on marriage. This week's Foundational verse is incredibly profound. Men and women are different. We have different needs and different ways of addressing those...Allan Fuller által
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This section of the overall story is about you and the "Unwritten" story of your life. Today we're talking about you at work. Some people find work to be meaningless and their goal in life is to retire and never have to "work" again. Others find their...Allan Fuller által
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We now enter the Unwritten part of the story. The story of God is not just something we read about in the Bible and do our best to learn. The story is ongoing and you and I are part of it. The next five Foundational verses address our current...Allan Fuller által
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Don Doe által
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Another important issue that was addressed through the Protestant Reformation was access to God. We do not need to go through a “priest” because, through Christ, we now have direct access to God. This is referred to as the “priesthood of all believers.” This means that every believer is a priest and a saint. Every believer is royalty in the Kingdom…
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Most would agree that over the past 2,000 years, the most significant part of the church story was the Protestant Reformation. It was a challenge to the Church that people are not justified before God by their actions but by God’s grace alone. One of many passages that supports this is Romans 3:23-24. We need to be aware of our sin in order to appr…
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The Spanish Inquisition was a horrific and embarrassing part of church history. In the 15th century, there was an increasing number of Jewish people and Muslims who were entering the country of Spain. As a result, the church told them they could only stay if they converted to Christianity. Additionally, through the Inquisitions, they tortured these…
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Tens of thousands of Christians have been killed because of their faith. What would give someone the strength to be a martyr? How could a person ask God to forgive his or her murderer while the vile act was taking place? The answer is simple but powerful: love. In this week’s foundational verse, there are three pieces: love, pain and gain. We all w…
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The Eternal God has become human and dwelt among us. Jesus is divine and Jesus is human. But how? There was a big controversy in the early church and it continues to rage today. Who is this Jesus? Is he part God and part human? How can one person be fully God and fully human? The massive reality of this truth is the foundation of the Christian fait…
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The week, we are looking at the last verse in the “Revolution” part of the overall story. It is found in the book of Hebrews, near the beginning of a chapter known as the “Faith Chapter.” The author says, “without faith it is impossible to please God.” First of all, this assumes we want to please God. Secondly, it’s important for us to understand w…
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It’s one thing to debate the actual meaning of scripture. Different passages can be interpreted very differently and send us down a wide range of paths. But there’s an important question that must be asked before we pursue the true meaning: do these words really matter? Are they elevated above all other writings? Is the Bible literally the Word of …
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These verses are part of our foundational journey because it is essential for us to understand that we are at war. Regardless of what’s happening in the Middle East or with ISIS, until Jesus returns, we will continue to be at war. It’s not peacetime and it’s not time to let our guard down. God wants us to understand who the enemy is and to be prepa…
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This week’s verse is terrific encouragement regarding temptation, but it is surrounded by some aggressive challenges. Challenge #1 (verse 12) is “Don’t get cocky!” Don’t think that you’re immune to the power of temptation. Challenge #2 (verse 14) is “Flee from idolatry!” Don’t let anything become more important in your life than your relationship w…
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There’s a significant transition in the book of Romans between chapters 11 and 12. It’s a transition from belief to behavior, from doctrine to duty. Once we understand the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ (chapters 1-11), every believer wants to identify the will of God. What am I supposed to do? Who am I supposed to do it with? What is God’s will f…
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Are you living in the shadow of your dreams? Or have you given up on them altogether because the obstacles are just too great? In this message from the story of Joshua, we look at the unconventional way God works to guide Joshua and the people through impossible obstacles and into the Promised Land. You’ll be inspired to trust God’s leading and tak…
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