Jakub Dymek i Marcin Giełzak, czyli „Dwie Lewe Ręce" o Polsce, świecie, polityce zagranicznej i tym co ważne. Często złośliwe, zawsze oryginalnie i nigdy nie oglądając się na społecznościowe bańki.
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DW's individualized German language learning materials can help you to improve your skills with a host of fun and free materials for all levels. dw.com/germancourses We welcome posts in English and German. However, DW will delete and/or report any content that constitutes hateful, threatening, pornographic or harrassing material. Please respect our netiquette: http://bit.ly/b3Ui11 Legal Notice: http://www.dw.com/dw/article/0,,15718489,00.html
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Resumen noticias de DW, la emisora internacional de Alemania y una fuente confiable de noticias e información.
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DW AfricaLink is packed with news, politics, culture and more — every weekday. From combating health issues and freedom of expression to finances, tolerance and environmental protection, we have it covered.
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O DW Revista é o podcast semanal da DW Brasil, a rede internacional de notícias da Alemanha. A cada semana, explicamos e damos contexto a assuntos relevantes do noticiário nacional e internacional. Episódios novos às sextas-feiras.
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B2 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Verbessert euer Deutsch mit aktuellen Tagesnachrichten der Deutschen Welle – für Deutschlerner besonders langsam und deutlich gesprochen.
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C1 | Deutsch für Profis: Hier findet ihr spannende Audiofeatures zu verschiedenen Themen aus dem deutschen (Sprach-)Alltag.
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Pastor Steve Vaggalis ministers from Destiny Worship Center in Destin, Florida.
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Die relevanten Fußball- und Fanthemen der Woche. Wir werfen einen kritischen Blick hinter die Kulissen der schillernden Fußballwelt, schauen auf die Ultras in der Fankurve und sprechen über unsere wöchentlichen Groundhopping Reisen von der Bundesliga bis in den Amateurfußball. Fragen, Anregungen, Feedback. Schreibt uns gern über die Dwidswoch Instagramseite; Instagram.com/dwidswoch
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Three boys talk games, tv, movies monthly and man is it a blast to listen to.
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B1 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Was bedeutet es, wenn man einen Korb kriegt und wieso geht Liebe durch den Magen? Das sagt man so! stellt deutsche Redewendungen und Sprichwörter vor und erklärt den Kontext, in dem sie verwendet werden.
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Notícias e informação de fundo sobre África, com destaque para Moçambique, Angola, Guiné-Bissau, Cabo Verde e São Tomé e Príncipe. Mantenha-se atualizado com a DW, a emissora internacional da Alemanha. De segunda a sexta-feira, de manhã e à noite.
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Born December 28 1993, I am a self obsessed unintentional/ natural eccentric who is self-aware enough to self-deprecate but never change, somehow very love-able. I sang in high school( decent tenor ), I did improv comedy from 2009 to 2016 and have been doing stand up since July 18 2015. On this podcast I interview mostly comedians but also any creative content making person who piques my interest, on their start in their endeavor and how it is going
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Tony & Dwight with Dave Jennings discuss everything happening in Louisville LIVE weekday mornings 9 to Noon on NewsRadio 840 WHAS.
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A podcast series that hosts interviews with musicians, label owners, artists and more. The show uses a relaxed, free-flowing conversational approach. CDM is a site that promotes and reviews new/up and coming, metal, punk, noise, industrial, dark and experimental music.
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B2 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Trainiert euer Hörsehverstehen mit dem Video-Thema. Regelmäßig findet ihr hier authentisches Videomaterial aus dem Angebot von DW-TV.
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We talk everything from JFK, the moon (if it exists or is it hollow!), and ever some ways you can become independent form the government and the grocery store! So, if you like off the wall and random thoughts this is the place for you!To contact please email at,[email protected]
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Dwell Church is a new, life-giving church in Omaha, Nebraska. Led by Pastors Aeric and Natalie Wallace, its vision is to create a place for God in every Head, Heart, and Home.
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The Dwelling Place features the teaching ministry of Al Pittman, where the aim is to help deepen your faith, one step at a time.
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Welcome to our variety podcast, based on our variety channel on YouTube. A variety channel with a little bit of everything for everyone! Shall we roll the d20 to find out where our topic will land today?
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B2 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Ein Format für die Frühstückspause – lernt jede Woche ein neues kurioses Wort und seine Bedeutung in einer Minute kennen.
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Traveling comedians and longtime pals Mat Alano-Martin and Dwight Simmons talk about what it is like working as full-time comics out of the Midwest. They’ll recap gigs, spill comedy gossip and give advice along the way. Who knows? One day they Just Might make it!
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B1 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Deutsch lernen mit Realitätsbezug: aktuelle Berichte der Deutschen Welle – leicht verständlich und mit Vokabelglossar.
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Sports updates and betting takes.
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Dwelling Place Church exists to gather people to Jesus Christ and lead them to Biblical maturity for the multiplication of believers, leaders, and churches. For us, loving God looks a lot like loving people.
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DW World History provides the most detailed productions on the ancient civilizations throughout the world. Each series takes viewers through the timeline of World History, one civilization at a time. Together we explore the rise and fall of of the great empires and reveal how men and women shaped the world we know today. Detailed Maps, Study Guides, Publication & Documentary Reviews and Podcasts are available on our website.
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Dwyane Wade sits down with pioneers in sports, fashion, music, and business for an intimate conversation about their origins, and the reasons they keep pushing to innovate. These are all-time greats talking through memorable moments from their careers, telling intimate, behind-the-scenes anecdotes that we never saw in the press, journeys, struggles, triumphs, and that shared excitement as they push forward to their next challenge.
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Tune in to hear the latest messages and recordings from Dwelling Place Church in Coquitlam, BC, Canada. Recorded live, on-site at Dwelling Place. dwpl.ca
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Helping Singers, Songwriters, and Indie Artists Create Leverage In the Music Business.
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The Busted Halo Show with Catholic priest Father Dave Dwyer, CSP, is an informative and entertaining take on the Catholic faith. Father Dave and team answer your questions of faith and tackle current issues in our world while having some laughs along the way! This podcast features excerpts from the show on The Catholic Channel -- SiriusXM, channel 129.
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Bible study, teaching, and meditations through God‘s Word. Follow the blog and download studies at www.JenniferGRichmond.com. Join me on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.com/c/JenniferRichmond
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If you were our friend, and if we could look you in the eyes and see your struggles and know you fully, and if we could only give you ONE thing—we'd give you God’s Word. There is more power and love and truth in one verse than in a thousand other words. So, let us help you memorize God's words in a simple, easy way. We hope you'll love listening in while we chat about what our verse means, why it matters, and how it intersects with our daily lives.
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The story of Dwelling Place Anaheim has always been one of joining with the story of God, following where He leads and pursuing His presence. We are a community with a rich history in renewal and with a destiny to bring life to the city. Listen to our Sunday sermons here.
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Tema Ibu Profesional tahun 2019 : Sinergi dalam Kemanfaatan Cover art photo provided by Elaine Casap on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ecasap
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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Kolibris: kleine Akrobaten der Lüfte – Kolibris kommen in ganz Amerika vor. Sie saugen im Flug Nektar aus den Blüten der Pflanzen. Ihre Flugkünste sind einzigartig in der Vogelwelt. Was genau macht die kleinen Vögel zu solchen Akrobaten der Lüfte?DW által
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12.02.2025 – Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten – Trainiere dein Hörverstehen mit den Nachrichten der DW von Mittwoch – als Text und als verständlich gesprochene Audio-Datei.DW által
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12 de Fevereiro de 2025 - Jornal da Manhã
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20:00Governo moçambicano manda encerrar Rádio Encontro em Nampula.O combate à corrupção continua a ser o calcanhar de Aquiles da maioria dos países da CPLP. Médio Oriente: Primeiro-ministro de Israel avisa que se o Hamas não libertar reféns no sábado, o cessar-fogo termina.DW által
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Klickt hier, um zum Manuskript zu gelangen: https://bit.ly/LGN_12022025 Die Langsam gesprochenen Nachrichten der DW bieten von Montag bis Samstag aktuelle Tagesnachrichten aus aller Welt. Das langsam und verständlich gesprochene Audio trainiert das Hörverstehen. Zusätzlich gibt es den vollständigen Text zum Mitlesen. Die Audio-Datei kann auch herun…
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Mission 300: Electricity to millions in Africa by 2030
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26:05A plan launched by the World Bank and the African Development Bank last year seeks to provide 300 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa with sustainable electricity by 2030. Dubbed Mission 300, there are doubts that this can be achieved in five years. To find out more, we're being joined by public sector policy analyst Paternus Niyegira and DW Corre…
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Unterseekabel: verwundbare Datenstraßen im Meer – Fast unser gesamter Datenverkehr läuft über Kabel, die auf oder unter dem Meeresboden liegen. Doch diese Unterseekabel sind nicht gut gegen Sabotage oder Spionage geschützt, wie aktuelle Ereignisse zeigen.DW által
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Spielen, selbst erfahren, lernen: Friedrich Fröbel revolutionierte mit seiner Idee die frühkindliche Pädagogik des 19. Jahrhunderts. Auch der Begriff fand seinen Weg in andere Sprachen.DW által
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DW:60's Press Row - #268
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49:34This week on the show we have information on how you can win an opportunity to stay in the Cinderella Castle Suite, a new survey asking about Communicore Hall at Epcot, and how much time you have left to experience It's Tough To Be A Bug at the Animal Kingdom.
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Der Drahtseilakt – Viel Übung ist nötig, um auf einem Seil zu balancieren. Auch für Nicht-Artisten ist der Drahtseilakt eine Kunst, bei der man viel falsch machen kann.DW által
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A luta de Eunice Paiva pelos direitos indígenas no Brasil
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15:49O papel de Eunice Paiva vai muito além da viúva que lutou pelo reconhecimento da morte do marido durante a ditadura militar no Brasil. Ao graduar-se em Direito aos 47 anos, pesquisou, escreveu e publicou textos sobre a causa indígena. E influenciou os debates que mudaram a forma como os indígenas são oficialmente tratados pelo Estado a partir da Co…
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Aquaculture: Fish Farming and Hydroponics
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55:07Daniel and Wilbur are here broadcasting out from the SHACK, sending signals off the Earth's dome to land in the canyons of your mind! It's time to set yourself up for success. It's time to start raising fish and growing food. We can all do this together and become more self-sufficient. If you want to be a rebel in modern times, be self-reliant, sel…
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DW | Ancient Babylon - 05 - Old Babylonian Period
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16:20Send us a text In the last episode we discussed the rise and fall of the Akkadian Empire and the Ur III Dynasty - The Neo-Sumerian Empire. We begin this episode with the Old Babylonian Period, the eight kingdoms, and the rise and fall of the Babylonian Empire under Hammurabi. Checkout the video version at: https://www.youtube.com/@DWAncientBabylon …
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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TimeOut PT. 2: Dwyane’s Health Journey, Prostate Cancer Awareness, & Today's Healthcare Reality
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33:26In this episode, Dwyane and Bob host their first-ever live audience at the Men’s Wellness Retreat, bringing together 30 men for a powerful conversation about health, wellness, and brotherhood. The conversation expands into prostate cancer awareness, early detection, and the health challenges facing Black men, with insights from Dr. Joel Abbott. Wha…
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TimeOut PT. 2: Men's Wellness with Dr. Joel and the Path to Better Health
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33:26In this episode, Dwyane and Bob host their first-ever live audience at the Men’s Wellness Retreat, bringing together 30 men for a powerful conversation about health, wellness, and brotherhood. The conversation expands into prostate cancer awareness, early detection, and the health challenges facing Black men, with insights from Dr. Joel Abbott. Wha…
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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In Her Grief, God Was There // Phylicia Masonheimer
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38:44"God is just so kind. He's so patient. His heart is for his people. So in the midst of loss and grief—which he himself has experienced—he wants to be near us, even if that means we're beating our fists on his chest." — Phylicia Masonheimer Today's Episode: How do we navigate grief and loss? How do we find comfort and experience peace in difficult s…
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The Gospel Of Impartiality part 2
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25:00Have you been exposed to bigotry recently? It’s a terrible problem in today’s world. The problem has reached such heights that people are routinely killed or injured simply because of the color of their skin. Today on The Dwelling Place, we’ll be addressing the problem of regarding people based on superficial things.... which is what bigotry is rea…
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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11 de fevereiro de 2025 - Jornal da Noite
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20:00Angola: Nomeação da filha do Presidente para liderar a BODIVA divide opiniões. CPLP: Índice de Perceção da Corrupção de 2024 e as más posições: "Não há direito capacitado para combater a corrupção". Alemanha: Conferência de Segurança de Munique acontece em momento de tensões entre os EUA e os seus aliados. Divergências nas políticas migratórias mar…
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More Like CoMIDian (#103)
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1:07:56In this episode, Dwight regales with tales from his week in Little Rock which includes several odd audience interactions. Mat produces a show from scratch and the boys talk about the Kendrick Lamar super bowl halftime performance. It's a hot one! Send in your questions, and we'll answer them on the show! Email - [email protected]! Be a pal and…
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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Idea samorządności | Szymon Surmacz
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1:05:23Dołącz do społeczności ponad TYSIĄCA (!) Patronów podcastu Dwie Lewe Ręce, który prowadzą Marcin Giełzak i Jakub Dymek. Wspieraj treści, które lubisz i miej wpływ na ich kształt: 👉 https://patronite.pl/dlrPamiętajcie też o tym, aby subskrybować nasze treści, tak aby nie ominął Was żaden nowy odcinek! 🔔 Zasubskrybuj: @dwielewerece Zapoznaj się też z…
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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Ep 463: Interview w/ Emily Olson Dream 3 Publishing
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1:01:13CLIMBer, today's guest has gone from being in the studio as a production assistant for Taylor Swift, you might have heard of her, to a Partner and Creative Director of an up-and-coming music publishing company, Dream 3 Publishing. She's awesome. She's a sweetheart. We had a great conversation with her. We can't wait for you to meet her and learn ab…
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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The Gospel Of Impartiality part 1
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25:00In our day and age we’re encouraged to have favorites... from our favorite ice cream to our favorite sports team. We have our favorite restaurant, and favorite friends too. On today’s program, we’ll see James underscore the sin of partiality. We’ll soon see that when it comes to the law of love there is no room for prejudice. To support this minist…
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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