Jakub Dymek i Marcin Giełzak, czyli „Dwie Lewe Ręce" o Polsce, świecie, polityce zagranicznej i tym co ważne. Często złośliwe, zawsze oryginalnie i nigdy nie oglądając się na społecznościowe bańki.
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DW's individualized German language learning materials can help you to improve your skills with a host of fun and free materials for all levels. dw.com/germancourses We welcome posts in English and German. However, DW will delete and/or report any content that constitutes hateful, threatening, pornographic or harrassing material. Please respect our netiquette: http://bit.ly/b3Ui11 Legal Notice: http://www.dw.com/dw/article/0,,15718489,00.html
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B2 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Verbessert euer Deutsch mit aktuellen Tagesnachrichten der Deutschen Welle – für Deutschlerner besonders langsam und deutlich gesprochen.
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DW AfricaLink is packed with news, politics, culture and more — every weekday. From combating health issues and freedom of expression to finances, tolerance and environmental protection, we have it covered.
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O DW Revista é o podcast semanal da DW Brasil, a rede internacional de notícias da Alemanha. A cada semana, explicamos e damos contexto a assuntos relevantes do noticiário nacional e internacional. Episódios novos às sextas-feiras.
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C1 | Deutsch für Profis: Hier findet ihr spannende Audiofeatures zu verschiedenen Themen aus dem deutschen (Sprach-)Alltag.
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Die relevanten Fußball- und Fanthemen der Woche. Wir werfen einen kritischen Blick hinter die Kulissen der schillernden Fußballwelt, schauen auf die Ultras in der Fankurve und sprechen über unsere wöchentlichen Groundhopping Reisen von der Bundesliga bis in den Amateurfußball. Fragen, Anregungen, Feedback. Schreibt uns gern über die Dwidswoch Instagramseite; Instagram.com/dwidswoch
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Resumen noticias de DW, la emisora internacional de Alemania y una fuente confiable de noticias e información.
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B1 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Was bedeutet es, wenn man einen Korb kriegt und wieso geht Liebe durch den Magen? Das sagt man so! stellt deutsche Redewendungen und Sprichwörter vor und erklärt den Kontext, in dem sie verwendet werden.
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Welcome…to Dweller of the Dark!
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Three boys talk games, tv, movies monthly and man is it a blast to listen to.
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DWFastTrack is presented by Dickinson Wright, a full-service law firm serving clients across North America and around the world. Each episode features practical legal advice and informal conversations with experienced attorneys. For more content, follow us on Instagram @dickinsonwright.
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This podcast is all about woodworking with hand tools and recently power tools. I share my thoughts, knowladge and experience on the subject.
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A scuffed anime podcast where we talking about all things anime related. Shows, Movies, Games, Manga, etc. We cover everything.
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Born December 28 1993, I am a self obsessed unintentional/ natural eccentric who is self-aware enough to self-deprecate but never change, somehow very love-able. I sang in high school( decent tenor ), I did improv comedy from 2009 to 2016 and have been doing stand up since July 18 2015. On this podcast I interview mostly comedians but also any creative content making person who piques my interest, on their start in their endeavor and how it is going
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Tony & Dwight with Dave Jennings discuss everything happening in Louisville LIVE weekday mornings 9 to Noon on NewsRadio 840 WHAS.
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A podcast series that hosts interviews with musicians, label owners, artists and more. The show uses a relaxed, free-flowing conversational approach. CDM is a site that promotes and reviews new/up and coming, metal, punk, noise, industrial, dark and experimental music.
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B2 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Ein Format für die Frühstückspause – lernt jede Woche ein neues kurioses Wort und seine Bedeutung in einer Minute kennen.
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The Busted Halo Show with Catholic priest Father Dave Dwyer, CSP, is an informative and entertaining take on the Catholic faith. Father Dave and team answer your questions of faith and tackle current issues in our world while having some laughs along the way! This podcast features excerpts from the show on The Catholic Channel -- SiriusXM, channel 129.
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B2 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Trainiert euer Hörsehverstehen mit dem Video-Thema. Regelmäßig findet ihr hier authentisches Videomaterial aus dem Angebot von DW-TV.
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We talk everything from JFK, the moon (if it exists or is it hollow!), and ever some ways you can become independent form the government and the grocery store! So, if you like off the wall and random thoughts this is the place for you!To contact please email at,dwconspiracyshack@gmail.com
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Levow DWI Law is a Criminal defense law firm that helps clients who have been charged with Driving under the influence of alcohol, or those who face driving while impaired charges, fight the charges and get the best possible outcome.
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Dwell Church is a new, life-giving church in Omaha, Nebraska. Led by Pastors Aeric and Natalie Wallace, its vision is to create a place for God in every Head, Heart, and Home.
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Welcome to our variety podcast, based on our variety channel on YouTube. A variety channel with a little bit of everything for everyone! Shall we roll the d20 to find out where our topic will land today?
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The Dwelling Place features the teaching ministry of Al Pittman, where the aim is to help deepen your faith, one step at a time.
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Sports updates and betting takes.
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Dwell On Truth is the media ministry of Brenten Powers. DWELL stands for Discipleship, Worship, Evangelism, Loving God and Loving people. We believe the Truth of Jesus Christ according to the Bible is the solid foundation that we should dwell on.
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Notícias e informação de fundo sobre África, com destaque para Moçambique, Angola, Guiné-Bissau, Cabo Verde e São Tomé e Príncipe. Mantenha-se atualizado com a DW, a emissora internacional da Alemanha. De segunda a sexta-feira, de manhã e à noite.
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We break down how events like Russia's war in Ukraine and European security shifts are shaping Germany - and the world. Whether you’re a student, journalist, or policymaker, hosts Nina Haase, Michaela Küfner, and Richard Walker deliver the insights you need to understand where Germany is headed and why it matters, with a hint of Berlin's distinct energy. Published every Friday. Find us also on YouTube: @dwnews. Subscribe to our newsletter: dw.com/berlinbriefing. Leave us a comment here: news ...
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Tune in to hear the latest messages and recordings from Dwelling Place Church in Coquitlam, BC, Canada. Recorded live, on-site at Dwelling Place. dwpl.ca
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Dwelling Place Church exists to gather people to Jesus Christ and lead them to Biblical maturity for the multiplication of believers, leaders, and churches. For us, loving God looks a lot like loving people.
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Dwyane Wade sits down with pioneers in sports, fashion, music, and business for an intimate conversation about their origins, and the reasons they keep pushing to innovate. These are all-time greats talking through memorable moments from their careers, telling intimate, behind-the-scenes anecdotes that we never saw in the press, journeys, struggles, triumphs, and that shared excitement as they push forward to their next challenge.
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Pastor Steve Vaggalis ministers from Destiny Worship Center in Destin, Florida.
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If you were our friend, and if we could look you in the eyes and see your struggles and know you fully, and if we could only give you ONE thing—we'd give you God’s Word. There is more power and love and truth in one verse than in a thousand other words. So, let us help you memorize God's words in a simple, easy way. We hope you'll love listening in while we chat about what our verse means, why it matters, and how it intersects with our daily lives.
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Welcome to "The Business of Doing Business" hosted by Dwayne Kerrigan. Dwayne has navigated the business world for over 35 years, owning close to 30 businesses in 12 distinct industries. Today, entrepreneurship often seems more about glitz, glamour, and a celebrity venture. On this podcast, Dwayne collaborates with overlooked but accomplished entrepreneurs, delving into their journeys of forging exceptional enterprises. Join them as they share their personal journeys, lessons learned, and st ...
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The story of Dwelling Place Anaheim has always been one of joining with the story of God, following where He leads and pursuing His presence. We are a community with a rich history in renewal and with a destiny to bring life to the city. Listen to our Sunday sermons here.
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B1 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Deutsch lernen mit Realitätsbezug: aktuelle Berichte der Deutschen Welle – leicht verständlich und mit Vokabelglossar.
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Kleingärten galten lange als spießig, mittlerweile sind sie gefragter denn je. Hier kann man sich vom Alltag erholen und sein eigenes Obst und Gemüse anbauen. Und dann erfüllen sie auch noch eine soziale Funktion.DW által
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Actualidad internacional en un boletín de 3 minutosDW által
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25 de Março de 2025 - Jornal da Manhã
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20:00Venâncio Mondlane anuncia cessar da violência após encontro com o Presidente de Moçambique, Daniel Chapo. Em Angola, o gasóleo está mais caro e o aumento pode desencadear protestos, diz analista. Província moçambicana de Sofala enfrenta crise alimentar sem precedentes.DW által
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Testet euer Wissen mit interaktiven Übungen:https://bit.ly/Alltagsdeutsch_Im-Schrebergarten-die-Seele-baumeln-lassenReportagen aus dem Alltag in Deutschland: Arbeit, Freizeit, Gesellschaft, Traditionen. Lern Landeskunde und Wortschatz mit Beiträgen über verschiedene Berufe, Hobbys, Probleme oder Gewohnheiten der Menschen in Deutschland. Ein Audio-F…
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24 de Março de 2025 – Jornal da Noite
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20:00Aperto de mão entre Chapo e Mondlane: O ex-candidato à presidência de Moçambique acaba de dizer nas redes sociais, que quer pôr fim à violência no país. Angola abandona mediação do conflito na RDCongo após fracasso negocial em Luanda. Aumentos salarias de 25 por cento não trouxeram nenhuma transformação económica nas suas vidas face à inflação de 2…
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South Africa says maintaining good relations with the US is a 'priority'
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25:13South Africa says improving ties with the United States is a "priority" after Washington expelled Pretoria's ambassador. Tensions escalated when US Secretary of State Marco Rubio declared Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool a 'persona non grata.' What's next for the relationship between the two countries? DW's Josey Mahachi speaks with journalist Thuso Khuma…
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So richtig gemütlich ist es in einem Eimer nicht. Wenn man aber nicht aufpasst, kann man ganz schnell dort landen. Doch wie kann man es vermeiden, im Eimer zu enden?DW által
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24.03.2025 – Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten – Trainiere dein Hörverstehen mit den Nachrichten der DW von Montag – als Text und als verständlich gesprochene Audio-DateiDW által
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Brutalistische Gebäude: abreißen oder erhalten? – Vom Rathaus bis zur Kirche – in vielen Städten der Welt stehen Bauwerke des Brutalismus. Manche finden die Betongebäude hässlich. Andere wollen sie unbedingt erhalten und sammeln im Internet Fotos von ihnen.DW által
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A Alemanha abre os cofres para se armar
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14:11Uma medida histórica foi aprovada pelo parlamento alemão: o afrouxamento do chamado "freio da dívida" fará com que a Alemanha possa investir bilhões de euros em defesa, infraestrutura e meio ambiente nos próximos anos. Uma quebra de paradigma, algo que nunca havia acontecido antes. Mas o que isso significa na prática? E quais os riscos dessa guinad…
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Der Elfenbeinturm – Wer im Elfenbeinturm sitzt, wird bewundert und zugleich verspottet. Es ist der Ort der Weisheit und doch weit entfernt von der Wirklichkeit.DW által
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Is Donald Trump strengthening European ties?
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40:55Donald Trump is reshaping America’s ties with its allies. Will his policies push EU states to unite? Why should anyone who cares about democracy be paying close attention to the relationship between Germany and France? And why is Germany tightening its US travel advice? DW’s Nina Haase explores these questions with Max Hofmann (DW) and Jacob Ross (…
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Understanding Sanctions: Current Trends Affecting OFAC
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25:02Episode 11: Understanding Sanctions: Current Trends Affecting OFAC with Daniel Cotter and Michael BeckwithDickinson Wright által
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DW Potluck: The Return of Lisa
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1:04:05Welcome back to the SHACK! We drag Lisa into the SHACK to talk about the Government, the meteor, and whatever is simply on our minds. You never know where the SHACK will take you, but you can be rest assured that you are about to embark on an adventure of mind-freeing bliss, full of truth and imagination that will inspire you to live a life free fr…
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Andere Länder, andere Hochzeiten – Wie unterscheiden sich Hochzeitsfeiern in Indien und in Deutschland? In großen Städten wie Mumbai lädt man schon mal Tausend Gäste ein, Geld soll keine Rolle spielen. In Deutschland ist man mit allem etwas sparsamer.DW által
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DW:60's Press Row - #272
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18:58Another slow week of news at the Walt Disney World Resort. But we do have some info to pass on about Disney Annual Passes and some Limited Time Reforged Lightsabers coming to Savi's Workshop at both Disneyland and Disney's Hollywood Studios.
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