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show episodes

Feminist Survival Project

Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski

A podcast for feminists who feel overwhelmed and exhausted by everything they need to do, and still worry that we're not doing enough - hosted by Emily and Amelia Nagoski, authors of BURNOUT: the secret to unlocking the stress cycle.
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Financial Feminist

Her First $100K | YAP Media

Fight the patriarchy. Get Rich.™ Join money expert Tori Dunlap as she guides you on how to make more, spend less, and feel financially confident in a world run by rich white men. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with resources to get, save, and grow money to gain financial freedom and kick some patriarchal ass at the same time. New episodes drop every Monday, and mini-episodes drop every other Thursday.
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Feminist Shelf Control

Feminist Shelf Control

Annika Brockschmidt und Rebekka Endler lesen Romance Novels damit Ihr sie nicht lesen müsst. Dabei unterhalten sie sich über Literatur, Feminismus, Faschismus, Friends und alles was das Herz begehrt. Und was das Herz bricht, im Sinne von Kotzen. Buchtipps und Feedback: feministshelfcontrol@gmail.com Titelmusik von Andrew Collberg!
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UnF*ck Your Brain: Feminist Self-Help for Everyone breaks down the centuries of sexist socialization that causes us to struggle with self-doubt, burnout, and anxiety. Hosted by Master Feminist Coach Kara Loewentheil, J.D., founder of The School of New Feminist Thought and author of Take Back Your Brain (Penguin 2024), each episode teaches you how to turn down the noise of societal expectations, turn up the volume on what YOU really want in life, and change your thinking to make sure you go g ...
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Die Kombi von Feminismus und Kirche findest du spannend? Wir auch! Deshalb setzten wir uns in den Gesprächen in diesem Podcast mit verschiedenen Aspekten von feministisch und katholisch auseinander. Der Weg zu wirklicher Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter scheint weiterhin ein langer zu sein. In der Kirche wirkt er manchmal sogar noch schier unendlich lang. Aus dem Erzbistum Freiburg heraus blicken wir auf feministische Anliegen. Jeden letzten Freitag im Monat erwartet dich eine neue Folge. ...
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Os temas mais importantes que afetam a vida das mulheres entram em debate no Pautas Femininas, uma parceria da Rádio Senado com a Procuradoria da Mulher da Câmara dos Deputados e do Senado Federal. Produção e a presentação: Ana Beatriz Santos e Ritta Zumba Toda quinta-feira, às 21h. Disponível na internet às quintas-feiras
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Feminist Wellness

Béa Victoria Albina

The Feminist Wellness podcast offers empowering holistic medicine, psychology and life coaching advice for smart women who believe they can live powerful, fulfilling lives with more self-worth, self-love, and true self-care. Equal parts nervous system science and witchy woo, Béa Victoria brings it all together to help you see how your socialization, conditioning, and family blueprint are keeping you feeling stuck in life. If you’re ready to shake the codependent, perfectionist, and people-pl ...
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Feminist Book Club is the premier online hub for intersectional readers and anyone who wants to infuse their bookshelves with social justice. We encourage resistance through reading with our blog, podcast, events, and our signature monthly subscription box.
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Feminist Law

Feminist Law

A casual discussion on current issues within feminism and the law. The interview-style podcast will feature legal professionals, academics and current law students.
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Le podcast qui traite les sujets de société avec un oeil féministe. Chaque semaine, Esthel Cozzi accueille des femmes inspirantes pour représenter la diversité des parcours de vies. Empouvoirement, Éducation, Esprit Critique : voilà ce que vous pouvez retrouver tous les mercredis sur Matrimoine Féministe. RDV sur https://www.matrimoine-feministe.com/ pour en savoir plus !
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Feminist Magazine is the weekly Southern California radio show with intersectional feminist perspectives. Covering stories that you don't hear on mainstream media! We broadcast local and global stories, news and opinions about women making a radical difference.
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Artiste Hangout with Femi Makx


Welcome to The Artiste Hangout with Femi Makx, your ultimate destination for music enthusiasts and emerging artists! Immerse yourself in captivating discussions, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes stories, spotlighting raw and unfiltered narratives of rising talents. Our groundbreaking podcast prioritizes unsung voices, providing exclusive insights into upcoming albums and singles before they hit the airwaves. Join us for a unique blend of music exploration and insightful conversati ...
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Feminine Chaos

Phoebe Maltz Bovy and Kat Rosenfield

Problematic faves, dissident feminism, and poodle interruptions: this is Feminine Chaos, featuring cultural commentary from Phoebe Maltz Bovy and Kat Rosenfield. femchaospod.substack.com
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The Spiritual Feminist

The Spiritual Feminist

The Spiritual Feminist is an online platform and a safe space for women who'd like to dive deeper into feminism, spirituality and womanhood ~ but simply don't know where to begin. This podcast is about exploring a deeper connection within ourselves and with everything around us. ~ Nothing is missing, you are already whole. Everything you need, you already carry within you.
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Ein Podcast über die Liebe, das Leben, heartbreaks & daily struggles. Anni & Marina, zwei junge Hamburger Mädels, haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Momente des Lebens, Männergeschichten, Herzschmerz und tägliche Problemchen mit dir zu teilen. Denn, geteiltes Leid ist halbes Leid, nicht wahr?
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The Guilty Feminist

Deborah Frances-White

Ever felt like you should be better at feminism? Join comedian Deborah Frances-White and her guests for this comedy podcast, recorded in front of a live audience. Each week they discuss our noble goals as 21st century feminists and the hypocrisies and insecurities that undermine them. Deborah Frances-White is the 2016 Writers' Guild Award Winner for Best Radio Comedy for her hit BBC Radio 4 series Deborah Frances-White Rolls the Dice. She is an Edinburgh Fringe regular, a screenwriter and is ...
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Mystique Femininity

Mystique Femininity

Mystique Femininity is the podcast that celebrates the essence of divine femininity for the modern woman. Each episode dives into the art of embracing your inner power, balancing strength with grace, and living in alignment with your highest self. Whether you're on a journey of self-discovery or refining the woman you’ve become, Mystique Femininity offers insightful discussions, spiritual wisdom, and empowering strategies to help you embody the true mystique of the feminine spirit. Join us a ...
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Female Firesides

Emily Brandenburg

Join me every Friday as I interview female entrepreneurs from all over the world to discuss their journey into entrepreneurship. I promise you’ll leave inspired and desiring to live the life of your dreams by listening to the stories of so many amazing women.
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Lorin Krenn is a globally recognized teacher in relationships, guiding individuals to embody their awakened masculine or feminine essence in both love and life. Through the Masculine & Feminine Dynamics Podcast, Lorin explores the profound interplay of masculine and feminine energies, helping you unlock the deepest intimacy possible while living in alignment with your true self. This is your space to transform relationship dynamics, deepen connection, and embody your most authentic nature. S ...
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Stop met diëten - Voed jezelf op de VROUWELIJKE manier! Met de Eetgeluk Podcast pak je jouw probleem met eten bij de wortel aan en creëer je (weer) een Relaxte Relatie met Eten. Wil je meer weten over de Gelukkige Eter of over de Eetgeluk Universiteit? Kijk dan op https://www.carolavanbemmelen.nl
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thinking bodies is a feminist philosophy podcast for newcomers and lifelong learners of feminist philosophy. Drs Anna Mudde and Kristin Rodier crowd source voice clips from feminist philosophers (broadly construed) and use them to bring concepts to life. We are doing philosophy conversations differently, one episode at a time.
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Sorociné est un média indépendant dédié au cinéma à travers un point de vue féministe. Créé en 2018, Sorociné (https://www.sorocine.com/) a d’abord vu le jour sous format podcast avant de se décliner en un site internet, un ciné-club, et une revue papier. Depuis plus de cinq ans, nous analysons les représentations de genre à l’écran, au cinéma comme dans les séries, et valorisons les femmes et les minorités devant comme derrière la caméra. La mission de Sorociné est de redonner une place ess ...
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We already have the power to liberate ourselves from the inside out, rather than waiting on the world around us to change. This podcast is for you if you’re committed to shedding old beliefs about your role in society, building a rock solid sense of your own self-worth, and living your most authentic life. Welcome to the Sisterhood!
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Le Monde au Féminin est une émission interactive présentée par Nathalie Barge qui explore les questions d’intérêt pour les femmes et les jeunes, lors de débats avec des leaders d'opinion, experts et militants des droits humains africains, américains et européens. LMF est diffusé mardi et samedi à 19
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One day, female athletes will be recognised by their achievements, not by their gender. Until then, we'll keep sharing the stories of epic Aussie female athletes. Join Olympic Gold Medallist, Chloe Dalton, as she chats with World Champions, fellow Olympians, and athletes at the top of their game. Listen to our weekly episodes of the wrap - news and highlights about women's sports news.
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Female Fight Experience

Smokin' Joe Coverdale and Bridget Thakrar

Welcome to The Female Fight Experience, the podcast where we share stories to inspire female Muay Thai fighters, at all levels, to jump in the ring. Brought to you by your hosts, Smokin Joe Coverdale and Bridget Thakrar.
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Join feminist coaches Taina Brown and Becky Mollenkamp for casual (and often deep) conversations about business, current events, politics, pop culture, and more. We’re not perfect activists or allies! These are our real-time, messy feminist perspectives on the world around us. This podcast is for you if you find yourself asking questions like: • Why is feminism important today? • What is intersectional feminism? • Can capitalism be ethical? • What does liberation mean? • Equity vs. equality ...
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Female Boss

Amanda Bakker

Female Boss is dé podcast voor jonge, ambitieuze vrouwen die op hun eigen voorwaarden willen leven. In elke aflevering interviewt host Amanda Bakker inspirerende vrouwen die hun eigen weg zijn gegaan en de beste versie van zichzelf zijn geworden. Ze deelt hun verhalen, tips en tricks over hoe je je doelen kunt bereiken, je dromen kunt najagen en je potentieel kunt benutten. Ben jij klaar om de regie over jouw leven te nemen? Tune in bij Female Boss en zet vandaag nog de eerste stap!
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Im Equal Care Podcast teilt Hanna Drechsler - Kulturwissenschaftlerin, systemische Beraterin und selbst Mama von 3 Kindern im 50:50 Modell - Impulse für deine gleichberechtigte und feministische Elternschaft. Wenn du Vereinbarkeit gemeinsam mit deiner/m Partner*in gestalten möchtest, bekommst du hier ganz konkrete Tipps für mehr Equal Care sowie neue Perspektiven auf Mutterschaft und Elternsein.
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Feminine Energy Relationship advice & relationship help for women. Feminine Energy, dating advice, getting your ex back, and marriage advice for women. Adrienne Everheart, balance your Masculine Energy, activate your Feminine Wisdom and empower your Inner Girl. Learn why Feminine Energy works magic in your relationship and how to use it with the man you love. Create a loving relationship, conquer anxiety, get fit, look and feel forever young, plus, hear from other Powerful Amazing Diamond Girls.
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Produced By: The Fierce Female Network. Presenting guests who are informational, educational, and entertaining thefiercefemales@gmail.com. LifeWave Distributor-Change Your Life: Change Your Wealth With LifeWave. Earning Potential: BTW $2K - $3K Weekly
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The Female Cycling Tribe Podcast

Elke Bleyaert, The Female Cycling Tribe

De podcast voor vrouwen met een passie voor fietsen! In deze podcast praat ik, Elke Bleyaert, met heel wat plezante en inspirerende vrouwen die hun fietsverhaal met jullie delen. Of je nu wekelijks kilometers op avontuur gaat of net geniet van dat ene ritje dat je nauwelijks ingepland krijgt? Je bent meer dan welkom in onze tribe... waar vooral every (s)mile counts!
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In diesem Podcast geht es um Feminismus, Popkultur, Filme, Serien, Medien, uvm. Jenny und Gäste streamen sich ein mal durch die Filmelandschaft und schauen, ob es empfehlenswerte feministische Momente gibt oder ob wir die lieber alle mit dem Patriarchat begraben sollten. Schreibt uns eure Meinungen zu den Folgen und Vorschläge, was wir besprechen sollen unter Instagram: @rosarotebrille.podcast oder per Mail: dierosarotebrille@posteo.de. Seid sanft zu euch und hart zum Patriarchat! Podcast-Lo ...
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„Justitias Töchter. Der Podcast zu feministischer Rechtspolitik" ist eine Produktion des Deutschen Juristinnenbunds e.V. (djb). Selma Gather und Dana Valentiner sprechen einmal im Monat über feministische Themen im Recht und mit Frauen über Recht. Im Fokus stehen rechtspolitische Forderungen sowie aktuelle Entwicklungen in Rechtsprechung und Gesetzgebung zur Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter. Wir ordnen ein, erklären und analysieren: Ein Podcast für alle feministisch und rechtspolitisch In ...
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show series
They say, “Show me your friend, and I’ll tell you who you are,” but let’s be honest…….. your playlist is the real snitch! The songs you listen to daily reveal a lot about your personality, vibe, and even your lifestyle. Are you the deep thinker, the life of the party, the hopeless romantic, or the no-nonsense hustler? Your playlist might just expos…
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In today's episode of Female Firesides, Host Emily Brandenburg along with Michele Hoover and Shannon Warner listen to Laura Fox discuss how her business was born and what it's all about. See her bio and links below! "i am Laura was born from a deeply personal journey. After contracting a virus that left me with chronic bilateral facial pain, I was …
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CW Sucht. Obwohl ich mal großer Fan war und mich richtig auf den Film gefreut habe, habe ich leider kaum etwas über das Leben der britischen Soulsängerin erfahren. Dafür referiere ich einfach selbst etwas über das Thema Sucht, über Badboys und dem Wunsch nach Stabilität im Leben. Habt viel Spaß beim Hören der Folge! Wenn ihr könnt, würde ich mich ü…
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Misschien een rare vraag, maar heb je ooit weleens gedacht aan een dieetpauze? Heb je ooit weleens overwogen om tijdelijk te stoppen met diëten. Om tijdelijk een bewuste tussenstop te maken waarin je niet langer probeert je lichaam onder controle te houden? Waarschijnlijk zegt je brein nu meteen dat dit echt niet kan omdat je dan door gaat slaan en…
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In deze nieuwe episode hebben we een gezellige 'koffieklets' met een ondernemende fietsster, Nele van koffiebar Soigneur in Leuven. Ooit werd ze verliefd op de fiets als gewoon 'een leuke activiteit', tijdens Corona begon ze pas echt meer en meer te fietsen. Toch blijft ze zichzelf zien als een fietsster die vooral geniet van de ontspanning en de l…
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In this special International Women's Day episode, we sit down with Louise Adams, Aurecon's incoming Group Chief Executive Officer, for an inspiring conversation about leadership, engineering, and creating pathways for women in STEM. Louise shares her remarkable journey from a little girl fascinated by bridges to becoming the leader of a global org…
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If hope is your reason to do nothing, that’s delusion. But what is hope? Do you need it? The second half of the episode gets a little dark, but hopefully it’ll be helpful to hear. Help is available right away. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 or 1-800-273-8255, 1-800-273-TALK - website Trans Lifeline: 1-877-565-8860 - website Links: FS…
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In this episode, Jasmine and Soraya are joined by special guest Chloe Elizabeth Elliott from Teen Moms UK to discuss Endometriosis Awareness Month, sharing personal stories and insights about endometriosis. Soraya opens up about her late diagnosis, symptoms, and the emotional toll of living with endometriosis. The conversation also touches on the i…
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Neste Dia Internacional da Mulher, não celebramos apenas a data em si, mas também marcamos os 30 anos da assinatura da Declaração e Plataforma de Ação de Pequim. Para discutir os desafios e os avanços na busca pela igualdade de gênero, conversamos com a analista de Direitos Humanos da ONU Mulheres, Maria Eduarda Dantas. Ela destaca a relevância des…
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Do you constantly feel like you need to control everything in your life? Like if you could just be more organized, more productive, more perfect, then you’d finally feel at peace? What if the real secret to feeling more fulfilled was actually letting go of that control? This week, I’m joined by Oliver Burkeman, author of 4,000 Weeks, to talk about …
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#316: Have you ever caught yourself trying to fix someone's feelings instead of just listening? In this week's episode, I dive into why we sometimes shut down others' emotions and how this habit often starts with our own relationship to feelings. This conversation is crucial for anyone who wants to build deeper, more authentic connections with the …
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What does it mean to live intuitively? If the past six months of life have shown me anything, it's that I'm much closer to doing so than before. In this episode, I reflect on how I've gotten to the point where trusting myself is now my norm, and how I've learned to letting life flow. To me, living intuitively means stepping back from time to time a…
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Elisabeth Roman est la créatrice du magazine Tchika, le premier magazine d'empouvoirement des filles de 7 à 12 ans... Dans cet épisode “L'égalité filles garçons - Elisabeth Roman”, on y aborde des sujets comme : Les stéréotypes de genre et ses conséquences La violence intériorisée Comment tu fais ton magazine féministe ? Développer l’esprit critiqu…
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Wir leben seit unserer Schulzeit in einem vorgekauten System. Einige Menschen hinterfragen es, andere nehmen es einfach hin. Seit einiger Zeit fühlen wir uns vom Schicksal gerufen. Wir fühlen uns, als hätten wir eine Tür geöffnet, die wir nie wieder schließen möchten. Es ist die Tür zu unseren Träumen und zu einem erfüllten Leben, das wir durch ges…
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This week, Madigan discusses feminist author and activist, Alice Walker, best known for her novel The Color Purple. This episode uncovers the good (and the problematic) sides of a feminist icon. Share your thoughts, or a topic that you want the show to take on! Email: neighborhoodfeminist@gmail.com Social media: Instagram: @angryneighborhoodfeminis…
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Alexandrine Lao, alias Alexa Léone, Poétesse, dramaturge, conteuse, secrétaire générale de l’Association des Ecrivains Centrafricains, expose sa passion de l’écriture. Elle marque les esprits et frappe les consciences par son aisance à jongler avec les mots justes traduisant des émotions inavouées.Nathalie Barge által
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LOVE is at the core of our work. EVOLVE is committed to promoting holistic well-being by fostering mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth. We believe in treating everyone with compassion and respect. We value authenticity and inclusiveness. We are dedicated to ongoing personal growth and development. We strive to empower our partners rea…
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Dating apps and time-waster men can lead to emotional burnout and pollute your Feminine Energy, desires and beliefs in finding your Forever Man. This podcast episodes motivates you to reclaim your power and get on track with a mindset that creates and calls forth a powerful lasting love. ♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~ Bonus Links ~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡ Youtube:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Mhairie and Nox, both avid e-reader users, talk about what devices they use and their storied problems with the Kindle Fire breaking down. If you’re looking to get out of the Amazon ecosystem, Mhairie raves about her new Kobo e-reader, and Nox talks about using the Kindle app on devices that aren’t a Kindle. They also talk about refurbished and sec…
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Wie bleiben wir als Paar im Gespräch, wenn die Zeit knapp ist, die Konflikte zunehmen und Vorwürfe die Beziehung belasten? Gerade unter den Umständen von Elternschaft sind Paardynamiken oft herausfordernd, weil die Gesamtbelastung für beide hoch ist. In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Beziehungscoach Vera Fuest darüber, wie Vorwürfe entstehen, warum s…
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Je zit in de bloei van je leven. Je hebt misschien een goede baan, fijne vrienden en veel mogelijkheden... en toch voelt het alsof je vastloopt. Grote levensvragen als 'Wat wil ik écht?' of 'Ben ik wel op de juiste weg?' houden je wakker. Je hebt het gevoel dat de tijd dringt, terwijl de druk om nú de juiste keuzes te maken alleen maar groter lijkt…
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Somewhere in Montana Written and Directed by Brandon Smith Starring Graham McTavish, Matt Drago, Michelle Hurd, Kaleigh Macchio Runtime: 1 hour, 45 minutes In theaters January 10by Ryan Silberstein, Managing EditorMovies are one of my favorite ways to travel. A film can take me somewhere on Earth I’ve never been or even heard of previously–or somew…
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In today's episode, Clara speaks with Alissa del Diego, Assistant Professor at the University of Miami Herbert Business School, about the gender gap in those selected as counsel in class action law suits in the United States. To read the article discussed in today's episode, you can find it here. To learn more about Alissa del Riego and her work, y…
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A weekly podcast covering women’s sport news. This week: The Jillaroos have hit the jackpot in Vegas, Aiva Anagnostiadis has become the first Australian woman to join the F1 academy and the Melbourne Ice are the 2025 Women’s Ice Hockey Champions For the key story, we discuss … how Sponsorship deals in women’s sports are outpacing growth in some men…
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In this episode, Becky Mollenkamp and Taina Brown dive deep into how the fragile male ego shapes business, politics, and social structures. From toxic masculinity in business to the role of male fragility in politics, they explore how gender and power dynamics reinforce exploitation, scarcity, and entitlement. They also discuss the myth of ethical …
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The Guilty Feminist 427. The Law Silencing Women Presented by Deborah Frances-White with Claire Hooper and special guest Jennifer Robinson Recorded 12 February 2025 at the Wheeler Centre, Melbourne. Released 3 March. The Guilty Feminist theme composed by Mark Hodge. Get Deborah’s new book with 30% using the code SIXCONVERSATIONSPOD https://store.vi…
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Divorce can be one of the most emotionally and financially challenging experiences of a person’s life. And yet––so many of us walk into marriage without truly understanding the financial implications of merging (and potentially untangling) our lives. In this episode, I sit down with photographer, entrepreneur, and coach Kristin Sweeting, who openly…
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O Carnaval já começou! Mais importante que o brilho, o confete e a música é ter certeza que o bloco será seguro. Já que em 2025 a capital mineira deve receber aproximadamente 6 milhões de foliões, a Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte promove o “Carnaval da Proteção”. No programa estão blitze com distribuição de adesivos com mensagens de proteção voltadas…
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In this week’s mini episode, Madigan discusses Trump’s decision to remove a federal database which kept track of police misconduct, as well as the explosive (and humiliating) meeting between Trump, Vance, and Volodymyr Zelenskyy that occurred this week. Do you have a topic that you want the show to take on? Email: neighborhoodfeminist@gmail.com Soc…
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Do you have a box of stuff you've carried between moves and never dealt with? Yeah, I totally don't have 100 of those. This week, Amelia declutters a Dreaded Doom Box. And then Emily and Amelia go a little deeper on decluttering. Today! Amelia is going live on Youtube on Fridays starting, February 21 @ 4pm eastern. Follow here: https://www.youtube.…
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In deze nieuwe episode hebben we Chana Van Bael te gast. Chana is een - goedlachse sporty girl - met eindeloze energie. Zichzelf uitdagen op sportief vlak is iets wat ze dan ook graag doet en aanmoedigt om te doen. Al is dit niet evident met de onregelmatige en soms lange werkuren die de job van Chana met zich meebrengt! Vroeger was haar passie dan…
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In dieser Folge widme ich mich mit Julietta endlich mal wieder dem schönen Reality-Fernsehen aka Trash TV. Wir lieben es, ihr wollt es - also besprechen wir Love is blind Germany. Warum uns besonders die Reunion so sauer gemacht hat, warum man Misogynie einfach nie entkommt und warum Männer nicht zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden... all das und noch …
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