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Through solo and guest episodes with neighbors, friends, and experts, The Deep Talk explores the vital relationship we have to ourselves, others, and the world around us. These episodes are true "deep talks," leading with a real, raw, and authentic approach, with the goal to help you feel seen and inspired to live a life that goes deeper. Topics range from self-development and healing to dating, relationships, and more. Let's join together every Monday to connect, learn and grow, and embrace ...
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พูดคุยกับผู้คนในวงการเสียง ทั้งเบื้องหน้าและเบื้องหลัง โดย 'แพท บุญสินสุข' โฮสต์ผู้คร่ำหวอดอยู่ในวงการเพลงกว่า 20 ปี ให้คุณได้รู้จักทุกซอกทุกมุม จนลึกสุดคอเพลง
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Deep Talk mit Lys

Larissa Henschel

Wir überspringen den Small Talk und die Höflichkeitsfloskeln und kommen direkt zur Sache - reden über die Dinge, die uns wirklich bewegen. Ehrlich, ungeschönt und unperfekt. Gespräche, bei denen das Herz aufgeht. Deep Talk.
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Willkommen bei Deep Talk mit Sally M. - Lass uns reden! Worüber sprechen wir nur ungern, vor allem in der Öffentlichkeit? Welche Themen sind dir peinlich oder machen dich neugierig, aber du traust dich nicht, über sie zu sprechen, Fragen zu stellen? Ich bin ein neugieriger Mensch und Frage auch, wenn die Etiquette es eigentlich nicht erlaubt. Was sollte mich denn auch bremsen? Warum soll ich nicht über "unangenehme Themen" reden? Entweder ich bekomme Antworten und habe Zuhörer oder eben nich ...
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Deep Talk Podcast - Impactful Motivation !

Deep Talk Podcast - Impactful Motivation

Discover the path to happiness and mastering your mind on my podcast! With fresh motivation, authentic inspiration, and transformative insights, I'll boost your journey. Fuel your life with happiness, holistic well-being, and remarkable achievements. Through conversations with captivating guests and personal life hacks, I unlock personal growth. Expand horizons, regain mastery over emotions and thoughts, and boost resilience. Captivating podcasts aren't rare – mine challenges conventions, re ...
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Petr Ludwig, autor knihy Konec prokrastinace, si do podcastu DEEP TALKS zve hosty, se kterými se baví o tématech jako jsou hodnoty, smysl práce/života a tom, co dělat pro lepší českou společnost...
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Deep Talks | Cultural Theology with Paul Anleitner

Deep Talks: Exploring Theology and Meaning-Making

Deep Talks: Exploring Theology and Meaning-Making is a podcast dedicated to exploring the integral relationship between theology and all of our efforts to find and make meaning in the world. Fostering nuanced, non-combative dialogue about theology and culture, science, the arts and entertainment, and philosophy within a broad, historic Christian perspective.
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Wir sind Max und Julius, zwei alte Freunde mit gemeinsamen, aber auch unterschiedlichen Interessen. Julius hat vor Kurzem die Astrofotografie für sich entdeckt, und Max möchte mehr über die Geheimnisse des Nachthimmels erfahren. Deshalb starten wir jede Podcast-Folge mit einem kurzen Ausflug in die Astronomie – von Sternen und Nebeln bis hin zu Galaxien. Anschließend sprechen wir über Themen, die uns alle betreffen. Ziel des Ganzen ist es für unsere Kinder, Enkelkinder, Liebsten, Eltern, Ver ...
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Deep Talks covers anything from parallel universes to world-ending threats. Any conspiracy out there, we talk deep about it. instagram: deep_talks_podcast email or dm us any conspiracies you want us to talk about
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Petr Ludwig, the author of the book The End of Procrastination, invites guests that do something meaningful and together they discuss topics like personal values, purpose at work and life, or how to improve today's society.
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En este podcast de entrevistas de BBVA vamos a descubrir a personas que han sido capaces de entender la transformación como una oportunidad para impactar en su entorno de manera positiva. Fernando Morales mantiene conversaciones para poner en valor la capacidad de estas personas y que nos cuenten sus experiencias e inquietudes. Deep Talks, un podcast de BBVA.
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Dieser Podcast liefert dir sorgfältig aufbereitete psychologische Perspektiven auf Arbeits-, Beziehungs- und Gesundheitsthemen. Ob Burnout, toxische Beziehungen, Machtmissbrauch in der Arbeitswelt, AD(H)S oder Duzen/Siezen: wir wollen Ursachen verstehen, Dynamiken beleuchten und einander inspirieren und ermutigen. Wir, das sind Katrin Terwiel und Tina Steckling. Katrin ist tiefenpsychologische Psychotherapeutin und Wirtschaftpsychologin. Tina schematherapeutische Heilpraktikerin für Psychoth ...
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Community and DevRel leaders perform incredible feats to grow, engage, and support their communities, empower their businesses, and build products and experiences people love. Each day, they bring their companies and communities closer together. These are the stories of their work. The Uncommon community is powered by Common Room, the intelligent community growth platform that enables you to unlock community insights so you can grow happier customers, measure outcomes, and drive business imp ...
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show series
Welcome back to The Deep Talk! In this episode, Kelsey Grant, Relationship Coach, joins me to talk all things dating for PARTNERSHIP. If you’re over the hookup and situationships and want to find your person or a partner, this episode is all about dating for THAT. In this episode, we talk about: Getting into right relationship with self and healing…
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In dieser Folge sprechen Niko und ich als ehemalige Polizeibeamte darüber, was hinter den Kulissen passiert. Über Dinge, die die meisten nicht ansprechen wollen, dürfen oder können und nicht selten alles drei zusammen. Wir erzählen, wie es ist, wenn der Kindheitstraum des Polizisten wahr wird und wie die bittere Konfrontation mit der Realität im An…
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Send us a text In der neuen Folge DST sprechen wir über das Ende eines Sterns. Im Hauptthema gehen wir die US-Wahl, den Nationalfeiertag und das Bundesheer an. Habt Ihr das streng geheime Codewort in dieser Episode gehört? Dann schreibt uns es per E-Mail, Instagram oder direkt per Nachricht auf Spotify und Ihr seid im Lostopf! Zu gewinnen gibt es e…
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Dr. Clay Routledge is a leading expert in existential psychology. He is a highly cited scholar who has published more than 100 scholarly papers, co-edited three books, authored two books, and received numerous awards for his academic research and student mentorship. He is the Vice President of Research and Director of the Human Flourishing Lab at t…
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Jak umělá inteligence ovlivní trh práce a jak se mohou jednotlivci i společnosti na tyto změny adaptovat? Jaké dovednosti budou v éře AI klíčové a jak by se měly změnit vzdělávací systémy? A jak zajistit, aby vývoj umělé inteligence probíhal v souladu s etickými normami a lidskými hodnotami? Hostem jubilejního 200. dílu podcastu DEEP TALKS byl prof…
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Dr. Clay Routledge is a leading expert in existential psychology. He is a highly cited scholar who has published more than 100 scholarly papers, co-edited three books, authored two books, and received numerous awards for his academic research and student mentorship. He is the Vice President of Research and Director of the Human Flourishing Lab at t…
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Welcome back to The Deep Talk! This episode is a reminder of the fact that your life is about MORE than romantic love. Here's to embracing your journey, finding the gifts in friend love, passions, your purpose, the present moment and so much more. You have a lot of other things to experience in this life, and here's a reminder of that. If you liked…
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Joe Rogan, once a vocal evangelist of New Atheist talking points on religion, recently expressed how he yearns for the "just and righteous" Kingdom of God and believes the world "needs Jesus...for real." That's quite a change for Rogan, but his journey is emblematic of a broader shift in attitudes towards religion. In this episode, I'll explain why…
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Welcome back to The Deep Talk! In this episode, Rebecca Ore, Relationship Coach, joins me to talk all things anxiety in dating/relationships and how to become more secure. If you have an anxious attachment style or experience anxiety in dating, join us! In this episode, we talk about: Anxious attachment styles and anxiety in dating - how it shows u…
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Zwischen Verteufelung und Verleugnung Das Thema Suchtdynamik kennt wohl jede*r, in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß. Nicht von der Kippe lassen können, sich eine bestimmte Abstinenz vornehmen und es dann doch nicht schaffen…. und sich danach schlecht fühlen. Wir gehen dem Thema auf den Grund und stoßen auf Scheinheiliges, Widersprüchliches und Überraschend…
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Welcome back to The Deep Talk! If you've been in a RUT with dating & feel like it's just NOT working out for you (even if the rest of your life feels like it's working out!), this episode is for you. My goal is for you to leave this episode feeling encouraged, supported, heard & knowing how you want to move next. Modern dating isn't always easy but…
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Jaké jsou aktuální vyhlídky konfliktu na Ukrajině? Co vede k růstu autokracií všude po světě? Jak ukrajinská start-upová scéna inovuje v rámci AI zbraňových systémů? Co můžeme dělat pro desítky tisíc ukrajinských dětí, které Rusko násilně zavleklo na své uzení? A jak se můžeme jako Česko poučit z aktuální situace na Slovensku? Mým hostem byl již po…
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Welcome back to The Deep Talk! In this episode, Angelika Koch, Breakup & Relationship Coach, joins me to chat all things breakups. Whether you have gone through a breakup or you feel like you're back on forth on where to go next, I hope this episode meets you where you are. In this episode, we talk about: How to know when it's time to leave a relat…
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Pia Isabel Frädrich ist Wirtschaftspsychologin, Unternehmerin und renommierter Psychedelika Coach. Sie gründete und betrieb das ganzheitliche Retreat Center „Chez Zen“ in Südfrankreich von 2014 bis 2021. Im Anschluss gründete sie 2022 veranstaltet sie weltweit, gemeinsam mit ihrem Ehemann Stefan, psychedelische Retreats. Se…
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Welcome back to The Deep Talk! If you've been in a comparing cycle, this is the episode for you. Let's get back to YOU! Here's what we discuss in today's episode: What comparison is really about — and it's not what you think How to actively choose to be in your life and stop comparing to others Why your life is YOURS and doesn't need to be anyone e…
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Mehr effektive Übungen für den Methodenkoffer "Wenig Aufwand, großer Effekt: die Arbeit mit Bildern!" sagt Daniela Fink und beschreibt wie sich Türen zu Themen in den Coachings öffnen, die sonst wahrscheinlich unberührt geblieben wären.In Teil 2 unserer Folge über kreative Techniken gibt es nicht nur eine große Sammlung konkreter Interventionen für…
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Posunuli jsme se jako lidstvo od komunismu a fašismu, nebo je šance kolaborovat s takovým režimem stále stejná jako dříve? Dokážeme předpovědět takové chování či existuje proti němu nějaká prevence? A co je to to „něco“ v nás, co vede ke zlu a morálnímu selhání? Dalším hostem Deep Talks byl spisovatel Jiří Padevět, kterému vyšla nová kniha Český be…
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Welcome back to The Deep Talk! In this episode, Greta Ertl, Spiritual Life Coach & Kundalini Teacher (and my amazing friend and barre teacher!) is joining us to talk about how to create a more aligned life. If you're a high achiever, this episode is for you! We talk about how to move through old versions of you/patterns so you can show up as the hi…
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Methoden entdecken, die direkter als ein Gespräch an Emotionen, Lösungen & Entscheidungen kommen können Gemeinsames Sprechen kann sehr viel. Es kann helfen, Krisen zu überwinden, Knoten im Kopf zu lösen uvm. Verbale Methoden können aber auch an ihre Grenzen stoßen. Gerade dann, wenn Menschen dazu neigen zu rationalisieren oder einfach sehr eloquent…
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In this roundtable discussion, I talk with 3 experienced former psychonauts about their experiences with psychedelics and why each of them eventually left psychedelics to practice Christianity. Ashley Lande is an artist and writer. She is the author of The Thing That Would Make Everything Okay Forever: Transcendence, Psychedelics & Jesus Christ. ht…
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Welcome back to The Deep Talk! This episode is for anything who is in a situationship or relationship and they LIKE someone ... but something is stopping it from flourishing. Values difference. Them being emotionally unavailable. Whatever it is, this is a life lesson I've learned that is so important to remember: feelings don't equal great relation…
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Send us a text WIR SIND WIEDER ZURÜCK! In der neuen Folge DST sprechen wir über einen besonderen Besucher im Sonnensystem. Außerdem lassen wir unseren Sommer Revue passieren. Habt Ihr das streng geheime Codewort in dieser Episode gehört? Dann schreibt uns es per E-Mail, Instagram oder direkt per Nachricht auf Spotify und Ihr seid im Lostopf! Zu gew…
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Andy Squyres is a singer-songwriter and essayist from Charlotte, North Carolina. In this conversation, we discuss how the metamodern shift impacts the way we communicate about God and the journey of faith. What do we do when the life strategies we've learned seem to fail? Is God much more boring than the mainstream Christian advertisements of him w…
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Welcome back to The Deep Talk! In this episode, I’m joined by Courtney Santoro, who is a coach with a perspective rooted in self-compassion. In this episode, she In this episode, we talk about: Courtney's experience of being single for 4.5 years Coping with difficult human emotions such as loneliness and shame How to get out of problem frequency an…
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Dr. Stefan Frädrich ist Arzt, Autor von über 25 Selbsthilfe- und Coachingbüchern, Coach, Trainer, professioneller Redner, früherer Host von TV-Coaching-Formaten, Betriebswirt und Unternehmer / Gründer von Greator (früher: GEDANKENtanken).Er inspiriert und motiviert mit seinen Vorträgen, Seminaren und Büchern jedes Jahr tausende Menschen zu einem er…
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Paul is on the other side of the interview today as a guest on health coach Nick Diller's podcast "Chasing Curiosity". In this conversation, we discuss the intricate relationship between culture and religion, and the function of religion as a guiding story in our lives. We discuss the decline of traditional religious practices in modern society and…
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Welcome back to The Deep Talk! Feel lost in life? Feel stuck in dating or relationships? Feel like the career you want just is not coming ... this is the episode for you. We're going to take it one step at a time — here's an episode in a shot glass. Here's what we discuss in today's episode: How to stop living so far in advance and focus on what yo…
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Proč má smysl navštívit Japonsko právě teď? Jak Singapur dokázal vyrůst ze 3 milionů v roce 1990 na téměř 6 milionů dnes? A jak se z toho můžeme v Evropě poučit? Co je to "abundance mindset" a proč bychom si měli více pomáhat? A jak nalézt osvícení na půli cesty mezi Buddhou a jednorožci? Přátelé, máme tady další bonusovou epizodu. Můj drahý kamará…
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Welcome back to The Deep Talk! In this episode, I’m joined by Nicole Lohse — somatic experiencing practitioner & IFS-informed coach! She's passionate about the human experience and helping people tap into their innate authenticity and wisdom. This episode is FOR YOU if you want to get more connected to your body, your intuition, and who you are beh…
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Brett McCracken is a senior editor and director of communications at The Gospel Coalition. He is the author of several books, including The Wisdom Pyramid: Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World and Uncomfortable: The Awkward and Essential Challenge of Christian Community. In this conversation, Paul Anleitner and Brett McCracken…
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Jak si může Česko udržet svou konkurenceschopnost? Jaká nás čeká budoucnost z pohledu elektromobility? Jak se Evropa může bránit extrémně levným elektromobilům z Číny a závislosti na čínských bateriích? A jak připravit český průmysl na 21. století a dopady AI a automatizace? Dalším hostem Deep Talks byl Radek Špicar, viceprezident Svazu průmyslu a …
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Welcome back to The Deep Talk! Today's episode is about rejection and how to shift away from making it about your worth. If you've recently been rejected in dating or in a relationship (or in life!), this episode is for you. And PS, I'm sending you so much love. Here's what we discuss in today's episode: Why rejection happens and why it's NOT about…
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Justin Wells teaches documentary filmmaking at Biola Unversity and is the author of How to Film Truth. He has a Master's in Philosophy from California State University- Long Beach, a Master of Theology and Art from Fuller Theological Seminary, and a Master's in Art and Documentary Film from the Art Center College of Design. In today's episode, we d…
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In this series, we'll attempt to distill the essential ideas and arguments from each chapter of David Bentley Hart's new book "All Things are Full of Gods." This episode focuses on Chapters 2-3. It's also available on YouTube: For Part 1 on the introduction and Chapter 1: Tell me in the comm…
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Welcome back to The Deep Talk! In this episode, I’m joined by Benjamin Camras, the FLIRT Coach! This episode is all about flirting, dating, confidence & self-love! For those single and dating, this episode is for you — Benjamin brings allllll the energy! In this episode, we talk about: How to FLIRT and put yourself out there with Benjamin's FLIRT f…
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In this series, we'll attempt to distill the essential ideas and arguments from each chapter of David Bentley Hart's new book "All Things are Full of Gods." This episode is also available on video: To support on Patreon: Talks: Exploring Theology and Meaning-Making által
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Co je zdrojem motivace a vášně dělat opravdu velké věci? Jak překonávat selhání a těžké začátky, které mají téměř všichni podnikatelé? A jak ustát úspěch a zachovat si nadhled? Dalším hostem Deep Talks byl Pavol Neruda. Pavol je spoluzakladatel organizace Oktagon MMA, která je největší sportovní show u nás. A nyní společně s kolegou Ondřejem Novotn…
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Was dich hier erwartet Wir, eine Therapeutin und eine Ex-HR Abteilungsleitung (Wirtschaftspsychologin & Psychotherapeutin), hinterfragen aktuelle gesellschaftsrelevante Themen (z.B. Diversity) im psychologischen Kontext und deren gesellschaftliche Hintergründe. Es geht um die Auswirkungen von aktuellen Trends oder Phänomenen auf die Psyche, auf uns…
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Denken und Fühlen mit einem anderen Betriebssystem Bilder bzw. Annahmen rund um Autismus sind oft entweder defizitär (z.B. nicht sozial kompetent agieren zu können) oder betonen beeindruckende Inselbegabungen. Also irgendwo zwischen "Rainman" (kennen die Älteren von uns vielleicht noch) und Sheldon Cooper aus der Serie "Big Bang Theory".Hilfreicher…
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Welcome back to The Deep Talk! In this episode, I’m joined by Sarah Howard, spiritual healer and coach! Today's episode is all about manifestation and all the deeper parts of it to get you to where you want to be! If you're looking to shake up where you are currently in life or are going through a transformation, this is the episode for you. In thi…
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Welcome back to The Deep Talk! Today's episode is for anyone in a situationship or has ever been — or never wants to be in one again! This episode will help you navigate your situationship and learn how to express your true desires, helping you move closer to the relationship you crave! Here's what we discuss in today's episode: What are situations…
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Jaké nastavení mysli je potřeba k tomu vybudovat miliardovou firmu? Jaké zásady Simona používá pro svůj leadership a práci s lidmi? A jak i po 4. nejúspěšnějším českém exitu v historii najít nový smysl? Simona mluví o svých začátcích, kdy jako dcera samoživitelky měla jednu z možná nejtěžších výchozích pozic. Místo obviňování okolí a „syndromu obět…
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