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In deze podcastserie spreekt host Erdinç Saçan met experts uit het onderwijs, onderzoek en bedrijfsleven over de grote vragen die artificial intelligence met zich mee brengt. AI, ook wel kunstmatige intelligentie, is de transformatieve techniek die verandert hoe we werken, leven en zelfs denken. Wat betekent dat voor onze samenleving? En belangrijker, wat betekent dat voor onszelf.
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A podcast dedicated to Tasmanian news, politics and business from Font PR. Join Brad Stansfield, Becher Townshend and Win News' Alex Johnston to get up to date on everything that's happening in Tassie, and take an in-depth look at the biggest issues of the day.
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O Compilado é o podcast para te atualizar sobre o mundo da tecnologia e programação com as notícias mais quentes selecionadas pelo casal de programadores Gabriel Fróes e Vanessa Weber. Eles são os programadores por trás do Código Fonte TV no YouTube (+30 milhões de views). Com mais de 25 anos dedicados a um relacionamento sério com os códigos, o casal descomplica esse mundo tão vasto de forma descontraída e com aquele humor que só os nerds e os CDFs tem! 🤓 🏆 Com apenas 5 meses, Compilado ati ...
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Vrije Baptistengemeente de Fontein

Vrije Baptistengemeente de Fontein

VBG de Fontein in Emmeloord wordt door alles gevormd door mensen die elkaar willen ontmoeten, die er voor elkaar willen zijn, en samen God willen ontmoeten en ook hun geloof willen uitdragen in de praktijk van hun dagelijks leven. We zijn een gemeente waar ruimte is voor mensen die op zoek zijn naar antwoorden op levensvragen. Is het geloof voor jou nog een doolhof van vraagtekens, maar zou je wel eens naar een kerk willen gaan, of heb je gewoon behoefte aan een goed gesprek, dan ben je van ...
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Este primer episodio del Vodcast Raíces Vivas Voces de Fontibón de la Fundación Grothendieck es un diálogo liderado por María Fernanda Galindo que cuenta con una invitada especial: Damaris Rozo, quien ha escrito y trabajado desde el cuidado comunitario ambiental y nos comparte algunas reflexiones al respecto.
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"El Dios de Segundas Oportunidades". Los pastores Jean Carlos & Elizabeth Fontanez an entendido cuan importante es el perdón, la restauración en la vida del cristiano. Por esta razón nuestro ministerio esta enfocado en ayudar a toda persona que en algún momento a cometido un error en la vida y esta dispuesto a reconocerlo. Dios siempre estará dispuesto a restaurar la vida, siempre y cuando usted este dispuesto aceptar sus faltas.
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Dans le podcast Principes Fondamentaux, Alexandre Penot discute avec des experts, des passionnés et des professionnels qui nous expliquent ce qui est vraiment important dans leur domaine. Si tu veux savoir sur quoi t'appuyer pour faire les bons choix et ne plus être perdu, tu es au bon endroit ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Welcome to Fontana Unlocked – the ultimate podcast for Fontana enthusiasts, or anyone curious about local government. Hosted by the dynamic duo, Ray Ebert, Fontana's Deputy City Manager for Administrative Services, and Monique Carter, the city's Marketing and Communications Manager, this podcast is your passport to all things Fontana! Get ready for a wild ride as we dive deep into the inner workings of the City of Fontana. Our show is like a lively chat with friends – open, honest, and sprin ...
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Bei erwarten euch fundierte Investmentideen, die authentisch vorgestellt und auch direkt umgesetzt werden – mit echtem Geld statt den üblichen Musterdepots. Euch begrüßt Tobias Kramer, Kapitalmarkt-Profi und Initiator des Kanals. Gemeinsam mit spannenden Gästen diskutiert er regelmäßig aktuelle Investmentideen und die dazugehörigen Aktien, ETFs, Fonds. Etwa zweimal im Monat ist auch der Christian W. Röhl als Stammgast und Chief Economist von Scalable Capi ...
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Biraz da hayatın keyifli yönüne bakalım diye açtığım "Komedi" kategorisindeki Arka Fon Hikayeleri Podcast kanalım, kendimi tanıdıkça benimle birlikte dönüşmeye başladı. Keşfettikçe daha da merak uyandıran bu dönüşüm yolculuğu Arka Fon Hikayeleri’nin de artık ana konusu oldu. Meğer yoldaymışız her birimiz. Ve hepimiz birin parçasıymışız. Yani o kızdığın aslında senmişsin… Gülüp geçtiğin de. Farkındalıkmış en büyük hediye. Tüm duyguları elmasa dönüştürme gücüymüş asıl güç. Hoş geldin Simyacı! ...
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Découvrez les merveilleuses histoires racontées par Elodie Fondacci sur les plus belles musiques classiques. Pour enchanter les enfants et ceux qui le sont restés… Pour ne rater aucun épisode d'Histoires en musique, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Fontana di Trevi

Cronache di spogliatoio

Le sentenze di Riccardo Trevisani sui temi calcistici più caldi del momento. Insieme a lui Giuseppe Pastore, Fernando Siani e Andrea Consales danno vita a questo nuovo format di Cronache di spogliatoio.
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Les llegendes i els mites que envolten la nostra terra, explicats amb rigor i proximitat, són els protagonistes del programa cada diumenge vespre de 23h a 00h a IB3 Ràdio amb Chema Font. Ens podeu trobar al Facebook, al Twitter (@fontdemisteris), al correu electrònic: [email protected] o també a la nostra pàgina web: També esperam els vostres missatges al nostre Whatsapp i Telegram: 659 16 69 52.
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Manuel, the creative force behind The Manuel Fontes Show, delves into wide array of topics, covering everything from news and current events to the latest movies, captivating comic books, the thrilling world of sports, and the ever-evolving landscape of video games. I make an effort to inject humor into show and strive to provide commentary, I must admit that the research might not always be as rigorous as I would like it to be, but I offer a raw and authentic reaction and opinion to what's ...
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Les podcasts de la Fondation Brigitte Bardot retracent l'engagement indéfectible de Brigitte Bardot, un combat qu’elle mène avec passion depuis des décennies. Grâce aux témoignages inspirants de ceux qui s’engagent quotidiennement au sein de sa Fondation (300 salariés, 500 bénévoles), ces épisodes mettent en lumière les luttes emblématiques contre la maltraitance animale, tout en présentant les refuges et les nombreuses actions concrètes menées pour protéger les animaux et défendre leurs dro ...
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Fontys Pride PodKast

Gespreksleider is drs. Ronald Scheer

Fontys Pride is een community van LHBTQIA+ (internationale)studenten en medewerkers en voor iedereen die daarbij wil aansluiten. Samen bijdragen aan een inclusieve en diverse Fontys Community en een veilig en open studie- en werkklimaat ten aanzien van seksuele en genderdiversiteit. We vergroten de zichtbaarheid van de LHBTQIA+ community, brengen mensen samen en ondersteunen hulpvragen. Wat is Fontys Pride: * Een community binnen Fontys voor LHBTQIA+ * Een community die zichtbaar is, * Bijdr ...
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FondaMental Talk

Chroniques en psychiatrie

FondaMental Talk un rendez-vous dédié à la Santé Mentale. Dépression, anxiété, burn-out, bipolarité, schizophrénie… Des maladies mal comprises et encore tabous en France. Alors pour en parler, nous recevrons chaque mois un psychiatre ou un chercheur. Avec le soutien de la Fondation FondaMental, l’objectif est bien d’informer sur ces maladies et de déstigmatiser les patients. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Hear unfiltered insights and opinions on politics, news, and geopolitics, from a mostly center, but often right side perspective. Support: Web: X: Threads: Please like, follow, and share the show!!!!
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Fontys ICT is an international innovation institute located in the heart of the Brainport and Midpoint region, focusing on ICT, part of the Fontys University of Applied Sciences. With colleagues and students from all around the world, Internationalization is in our DNA. Cross-border collaboration and a global population give shape to our development. In this podcast, we share stories, adventures and experiences from our community. Because these experiences are what makes us who we are!
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Welcome to Fontanelle, a paediatric educational podcast for trainees. I'm Caroline Storey, a paediatric consultant in Poole, and I'll be joined by wise friends, learned colleagues and leading lights from around the region and beyond to explore common presentations, sticky situations, what's fresh and new, and what's coming of age in paediatric medicine. So if you've got an open mind for learning and a soft spot for the world of paediatrics, you've come to the right place!
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Bij Fontys hogescholen werken meer dan 4.000 onderwijs professionals. Die mensen staan elke dag klaar om meer dan 40.000 studenten op te leiden voor de wereld van morgen. Dat opleiden doen de Fontys docenten samen met bedrijfsopleiders uit het bedrijfsleven. Deze podcast serie is enerzijds bedoeld om de studenten en docenten van Fontys hogescholen te leren kennen. Anderszijds staan vooral stil bij 'de mens achter' de studenten en docenten van Fontys hogescholen. Deze podcast serie is een ini ...
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Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation

Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation

À propos de la Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation. Depuis 1997, la Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation investit dans l'infrastructure dont les chercheurs et chercheuses ont besoin pour voir grand, innover et repousser les limites du savoir. Grâce à des installations et de l'équipement de recherche de pointe, les universités, collèges, hôpitaux de recherche et organismes de recherche à but non lucratif du Canada peuvent mener des travaux de recherche de haut calibre. Ces établissements ...
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Margaret FONTANA Media Podcast

Margaret FONTANA Media Podcast

The Margaret Fontana Media podcast launched in 2017. Episodes feature media expert, Margaret Fontana covering topics from film, media, marketing, public relations, production, business and more. She features guests from the film, advertising, business, and media industries. Visit to learn more and listen to the full library of episodes. Support this podcast:
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show series
“Doğu” dizisinden o kadar etkiledim ki; buna konuya bir podcast çekmeliyim aşamasına getirdi beni. Söylenecek çok şey var ama spoiler yemeyin diye kendimi tuttum. 40 dakikalık diziyi bazen dakikalarca durdurup şimdi burada ne oldu diye düşünmeme sebep olacak bir derinliği var senaryonun. Emeği geçen herkese teşekkürler. Ve ilham olacaklara da şimdi…
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O Salmo 119, o mais longo do Saltério, é uma grande sala deaula. O tema principal é a Lei de Deus, por meio da qual o nosso professor e mestre (Deus), nos fornece direção e sabedoria para a vida, perseverança em meio as dificuldades e esperança com base em Suas promessas. Nessa série de mensagens no Salmo 119, vamos aprender com o salmista a sermos…
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Fernando Leite compartilha uma mensagem inspirada no Salmo 91, destacando a proteção e o cuidado de Deus para aqueles que nele confiam. A Palavra nos lembra que não precisamos temer, pois o Senhor é nosso refúgio e fortaleza, guardando-nos em todos os caminhos. Exploramos os privilégios de habitar no esconderijo do Altíssimo, a fidelidade de Deus e…
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Nesse episódio trouxemos as notícias e novidades do mundo da programação que nos chamaram atenção dos dias 01/03 a 07/03. 📌 NVIDIA GTC 2025 a conferência de IA para Devs Acompanhe o NVIDIA GTC 2025 AI Conference, descubra as últimas novidades e aprenda com as principais empresas do setor em mais de 1000 sessões.…
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Este primer episodio del Vodcast Raíces Vivas Voces de Fontibón de la Fundación Grothendieck es un diálogo liderado por María Fernanda Galindo que cuenta con una invitada especial: Damaris Rozo, quien ha escrito y trabajado desde el cuidado comunitario ambiental y nos comparte algunas reflexiones al respecto.…
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durée : 00:06:54 - Ces chansons qui font l'actu - par : Bertrand DICALE - Les appels à boycotter Tesla ou Coca Cola commencent à se faire entendre, alors que Donald Trump lance sa guerre des droits de douane. Mais si notre culture populaire a toujours critiqué l'américanisation de notre mode de vie, elle n'est peut-être pas très belliqueuse.…
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Identifique os pecados que enfraquecem a vida cristã e descubra como as virtudes cardeais oferecem um caminho de restauração e crescimento espiritual. Explore a verdade bíblica sobre essas realidades, aprenda a vencer as armadilhas do pecado e desenvolva um caráter moldado pelos valores do Reino de Deus.…
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Explore as principais diferenças entre o catolicismo e o ensino bíblico, compreendendo suas origens, doutrinas e práticas à luz das Escrituras. Aprenda a abordar essas questões com sabedoria, respeito e amor, fortalecendo sua fé e capacitando-se para diálogos edificantes sobre a verdade do Evangelho.…
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Aprenda a transformar conflitos em oportunidades para crescimento e reconciliação! Descubra princípios bíblicos para lidar com desentendimentos de forma sábia e graciosa, fortalecendo relacionamentos e promovendo a paz. Torne-se um pacificador em sua família, trabalho e igreja, refletindo o amor de Cristo e glorificando a Deus em cada situação.…
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Philip Morris, Altria, BAT & Co. unter der Lupe! Tabak-Aktien zählen zu den profitabelsten Dividendenzahlern – aber wie sieht die Zukunft aus? 📈🔥 Tobias Kramer & Christian W. Röhl sprechen über Chancen & Risiken! ⭐️ Sponsorhinweis: Diese Sendung wird unterstützt durch Scalable Capital. Mehr zum Scalable Capital Broker-Depot mit Trading-Flatrate, in…
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Learn the secrets to buying investment properties with little or no down payments in Fontana. This class is Module 25 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: What are the loans you use to invest in real estate with little or no down payment? What are the real estate investing strategies you can…
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The Spirits Saga takes another wild turn, blending the chaos of Utopia, the bite of The Thick of It, and the absurdity of Fawlty Towers into one Tasmanian political whirlwind. Joining Font PR partners Brad Stansfield and Becher Townshend, Labor Party consultant Jack Milroy and The Mercury’s political editor David Killick dive into a packed episode …
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L'agricultura regenerativa descriu prctiques agrcoles i ramaderes que, entre altres beneficis, reverteixen el canvi climtic mitjanant la restauraci de la matria orgnica i de la biodiversitat del sl degradat, amb la qual cosa s'obt com a resultat una disminuci del carboni atmosfric i una millora del cicle de l'aigua. Per aix anem fins a Pedret i Mar…
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Il doit bien être lundi à quelque part...! Pour le quatorzième épisode, Olivier et Fred reviennent sur la défaite de 1-0 du CF Montréal face au Minnesota United FC, l'entrée en matière d'Aleksandr Guboglo, l'absence de Samuel Piette et bien plus!La Commission Athlétique által
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Per abbonarvi ai nostri podcast cliccate qui: L'abbonamento comprende: •⁠ ⁠I nostri due daily podcast, Rasoiate e Lo stellato •⁠ ⁠I nostri 3 vodcast, disponibili anche video, Fontana di Trevi, Elastici e L’ascia raddoppia Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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The ongoing saga of Zelensky, Trump, and Europe’s high-stakes drama continues. This episode unpacks the fiery White House clash between U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, where tensions over war, diplomacy, and gratitude exploded in the Oval Office. I also explore the U.K.'s backdoor deal with Ukraine that went …
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A pregação "Vida na pior crise" apresenta uma reflexão profunda sobre quem é Deus, quem somos nós e as possibilidades que encontramos n'Ele. Nos lembra que Deus é eterno e nosso refúgio ao longo das gerações (Salmo 90.1-2), enquanto nós, humanos, somos mortais e nossas vidas são breves e cheias de desafios (Salmo 90.10). Apesar da ira divina sobre …
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Indiens Wirtschaft boomt! Doch welche Aktien profitieren am meisten? Tobias Kramer & Jonathan Neuscheler sprechen über Apple, Mahindra, Fairfax India & Co. – jetzt die spannendsten Investment-Chancen entdecken! ⭐️ Sponsorhinweis: Diese Sendung wird unterstützt durch Scalable Capital. Mehr zum Scalable Capital Broker-Depot mit Trading-Flatrate, inkl…
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#AlaCartaIB3 | No et perdis el programa 13x27 (edició 595) de Font de Misteris! Ja tens disponible un nou capítol de la tretzena temporada per escoltar-lo quan vulguis. ✨ Hem començat aquest programa 595 de Font de Misteris parlant de William Henry Ireland, un jove que va enganar tota Anglaterra fent creure que havia descobert una obra perduda de W…
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O Salmo 119, o mais longo do Saltério, é uma grande sala deaula. O tema principal é a Lei de Deus, por meio da qual o nosso professor e mestre (Deus), nos fornece direção e sabedoria para a vida, perseverança em meio as dificuldades e esperança com base em Suas promessas. Nessa série de mensagens no Salmo 119, vamos aprender com o salmista a sermos…
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Send us a text El ministerio Quintuple esta llamado para edificar el cuerpo de Cristo de acuerdo a Efesios. Si hacemos cualquier otra cosa menos edificar el cuerpo de Cristo, seremos verdaderamente ministros del evangelio. Gloria a Dios que siempre existirá un remanente fiel y verdadero. La verdadera iglesia de Cristo siempre estaba en victoria. Su…
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Nesse episódio trouxemos as notícias e novidades do mundo da programação que nos chamaram atenção dos dias 22/02 a 28/02. 📌 Conheça as Formações da FIAP Se você sente falta de um espaço físico para interagir, se conectar e estudar, os polos de apoio da FIAP são o que você estava procurando! Espalhados por todo o Brasil, os espaços oferecem infraest…
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Indien boomt! Mit 1,4 Mrd. Menschen und einem rasanten Wachstum könnte Indien die nächste Wirtschaftssupermacht werden! Lohnt sich ein Investment? @takberlin und Jonathan Neuscheler sprechen über Chancen und über 450 % Rendite. ⭐️ Sponsorhinweis: Diese Sendung wird unterstützt durch Scalable Capital. Mehr zum Scalable Capital Broker-Depot mit Tradi…
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Learn the secrets to eliminating or, at least, mitigating the risks when investing in real estate in Fontana. This class is Module 24 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: How to think about risks in terms of severity and likelihood and which are the most devastating? For each risk: what is i…
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Bij Fontys ICT kun je als student kiezen voor open learning: een manier van leren waarbij je maximale vrijheid krijgt binnen het brede vakgebied van ICT. In plaats van traditionele vakken, roosters, toetsen en klaslokalen, werk je met uitdagende 'challenges' die jouw leerproces sturen. Maar hoe werkt dit nu precies en wat voor invloed heeft AI op d…
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In this episode, I share my unfiltered thoughts on the release—or lack thereof—of the Epstein files, diving into the controversy and calling out Attorney General Pam Bondi for her handling of the situation. Later, I discuss the return of Andrew Tate and his brother to the U.S., unpacking what it means and why it matters. Support: https://buymeacoff…
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Dans ce treizième épisode, Olivier reçoit Zorhan Bassong, joueur du Sporting de Kansas City et ancien du CF Montréal, pour une superbe discussion sur son parcours professionnel, sa carrière de soccer, ses anecdotes les plus loufoques, son temps à Montréal et bien plus!La Commission Athlétique által
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Som dijous gras i s temps de botifarra d'ou. I tot i que originriament era un embotit relacionat amb la festa del Carnaval i fet expressament per ser menjat el Dijous Gras, en els darrers anys el consum d'aquest producte del porc s'ha ests a tot l'any. Aquesta botifarra t forma de ferradura, el seu sabor s fi per pronunciat i l'elaboraci s molt sem…
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O Salmo 119, o mais longo do Saltério, é uma grande sala de aula. O tema principal é a Lei de Deus, por meio da qual o nosso professor e mestre (Deus), nos fornece direção e sabedoria para a vida, perseverança em meio as dificuldades e esperança com base em Suas promessas. Nessa série de mensagens no Salmo 119, vamos aprender com o salmista a sermo…
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#AlaCartaIB3 | No et perdis el programa 13x26 (edició 594) de Font de Misteris! Ja tens disponible un nou capítol de la tretzena temporada per escoltar-lo quan vulguis. ✨ Hem començat aquest programa 594 parlant de l'origen d'un esport molt curiós: el surf. Què hi ha darrera d'ell? Quina vinculació pot tenir amb les Illes Balears? Després hem parla…
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As of this episode, I am officially retiring the name Stretchgoose and embarking on a new journey. I discuss the new Captain America movie, delve into a disturbing story about a brain-eating psychopath, and Joy Reid has finally been canceled.Email:[email protected] give a rate and review on apple, spotify or podcast addict…
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