文芸評論家の三宅香帆とライターの谷頭和希が、新刊本のアイデアをご提案するポッドキャスト番組。 独自の視点で、まだ世の中に出ていない本のアイデアをたくさん考えています。 毎週月曜8時頃に更新! 【パーソナリティー】 ◇三宅香帆 1994年生まれ。エンタメから古典文学まで批評や解説を幅広く手がける。著書『文芸オタクの私が教える バズる文章教室』『(読んだふりしたけど)ぶっちゃけよく分からん、あの名作小説を面白く読む方法』等。 ◇谷頭和希 1997年生まれ。チェーンストアやテーマパークなど、現代の都市空間について語る。著作に『ドンキにはなぜペンギンがいるのか』 、『ブックオフから考える 「なんとなく」から生まれた文化のインフラ』等。 【制作協力】 合同会社サバービア・ラボ
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時事通信社が配信する速報性・信頼性が高いニュースを英語でお伝えします。 リスニング力を伸ばす教材としてもお使い頂けます。
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ハードコアゲーマーのためのWebメディア 「Game*Spark」がお届けするPodcastです。
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アメリカ・マサチューセッツ州ボストンからプロ総合格闘家が配信する番組「ゴールド・エクスペリエンス・タテキ・テック」は自身のバイオロジーをハックするバイオハッカー センタージャパンの代表として、大人の為の健康・保健・体育などにフォーカスしたエジュテイメント番組を提供しています。幸せで幸福な状態「ウェルビーイング」を視聴者さんと共に考えながら毎エピソード、テーマを絞り勉強していく番組です。様々な分野のプロフェッショナルとの対談やタテキ・マツダの「黄金の経験」を共有する内容です。 SHOWノート>https://tatekitechmatsuda.com/podcast/jp ホスト紹介 松田干城(まつだたてき)Tateki Tech Matsuda セーラム州立大学・スポーツ科学科コーチング学部 卒業 ノースイースタン大学大学院・応用栄養学専攻修士課程 修了 ボストンを拠点に現役プロ格闘家の傍、ヘルスコンサルタント、ビジネスコーディネーターとして活動中。世界のトップスーパーモデルやベンチャーキャピタリストなど分野問わず世界を牽引する人物をコーチングし、格闘技の運動や専門の栄養学だけ ...
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Journalists from Jiji Press and the Yomiuri Shimbun daily were awarded the Vaughn-Uyeda Memorial International Journalistic Prize for fiscal 2024 at a ceremony in Tokyo on Friday.時事通信社 által
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Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba on Friday signaled his readiness to speak before a Diet political ethics panel over his controversial distribution of gift vouchers to new lawmakers of his ruling Liberal Democratic Party.時事通信社 által
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The foreign ministers of Japan, China and South Korea are expected to agree at a meeting in Tokyo on Saturday to speed up coordination to hold a trilateral summit by the end of this year at the earliest, informed sources said Friday.時事通信社 által
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Pay increases offered by Japanese companies so far in this year's "shunto" spring wage negotiations have averaged 5.40 pct, a second tally by the Japanese Trade Union Confederation, or Rengo, showed Friday.時事通信社 által
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Shigeru Iwasaki, former chief of the Japanese Self Defense Force's Joint Staff, has been appointed as a political adviser to the executive branch of Taiwan's government, it was learned Friday.時事通信社 által
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Japanese Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako will visit the Pacific island of Iwoto, also known as Iwojima, on April 7 to pay respects to those who died there during World War II, the Imperial Household Agency said Friday.時事通信社 által
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Osaka District Court on Friday rejected a petition for damages for coercive interrogations in an embezzlement case in which a former company president was acquitted later.時事通信社 által
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Japan's Defense Minister Gen Nakatani said Friday no change has been made to the Japan-U.S. policy of improving cooperation in military command and control.時事通信社 által
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Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba said Friday that a compromise would be a realistic way to solve the issue of whether to introduce a selective dual surname system for married couples.時事通信社 által
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Financial assets held by households in Japan as of the end of 2024 rose 4.0pctfrom a year earlier to a record 2,230 trillion yen, Bank of Japan data showed Friday.時事通信社 által
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Three successor groups of the now-defunct Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult continue to attract new young members 30 years after the cult carried out a deadly sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway system.時事通信社 által
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A Japanese government expert panel said Friday that residents of Tokyo and nearby prefectures should continue life in their own homes as much as they can in the event of an eruption of Mount Fuji.時事通信社 által
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India plans to promote its art, science and technology, including its space development efforts, at its pavilion in the 2025 World Exposition in Osaka, western Japan, from next month.時事通信社 által
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Members of Japan's leading opposition party and the public relations chief of China's ruling party have reaffirmed the importance of developing ties of mutual benefits and trust between the East Asian neighbors.時事通信社 által
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The Japanese and Brazilian governments are planning to draw up a bilateral action plan calling for mutual visits by the two countries' leaders once every two years, it has been learned.時事通信社 által
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Japan's core consumer price index rose 3.0pctfrom a year before in February amid a continued record-breaking advance in rice prices, internal affairs ministry data showed Friday.時事通信社 által
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Japan's National Police Agency said Friday that it will abolish next month skirts in uniforms worn by community police officers at police boxes and other locations.時事通信社 által
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Japan's Morinari Watanabe on Thursday failed in his bid to become the 10th president of the International Olympic Committee, with the position going to Zimbabwe's Kirsty Coventry.時事通信社 által
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Japan clinched a berth in the finals of the 2026 Soccer World Cup on Thursday, reaching the tournament for the eighth straight time.時事通信社 által
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Mitsubishi Motors Corp. plans to outsource production of electric vehicles to Foxconn, a Taiwanese contract electronics manufacturer, people familiar with the matter said Thursday.時事通信社 által
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Bereaved families and others held a memorial ceremony in Tokyo on Thursday to read out the names of victims of U.S. air raids on the Japanese capital during World War II 80 years ago.時事通信社 által
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SoftBank Group Corp. said Thursday that it will acquire Ampere Computing Holdings LLC, a U.S. semiconductor design company, for 6.5 billion dollars.時事通信社 által
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Bereaved family members and others on Thursday mourned victims of the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult's sarin nerve gas attack on Tokyo's subway system 30 years ago, which left 14 people dead and over 6,000 others injured.時事通信社 által
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A U.S. district court in Detroit on Wednesday ordered Hino Motors Ltd. to pay about 1.6 billion dollars in penalties over a multi-year emissions fraud scheme, the Justice Department said.時事通信社 által
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The U.S. Defense Department is considering halting the planned expansion of US Forces Japan as the administration of President Donald Trump seeks to shrink the federal government, CNN reported Wednesday.時事通信社 által
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ドリキン vs 松尾のAIゲームプログラミング対決! ep595
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2:05:20このポッドキャストでは、確定申告や会計ソフトの利用方法、誕生日や年齢についての考察、時間感覚に関する議論、さらにはサンフランシスコへの出張体験など、幅広いトピックが展開されています。 会話の中では、新型コロナの規制解除の遅れやポッドキャスト業界の現状、日本ポッドキャストアワードの結果について語られました。また、AIを活用したプログラミング環境やゲーム開発が重要な話題となり、AI技術の進化がプログラミングにどのような影響を与えるかについても深く掘り下げています。 具体的には、Replitの課金システムの詳細や、ゲーム開発におけるリソースの有効活用について議論が行われ、実際にシューティングゲームのデモも紹介されました。ゲームデザインの工夫、ボスキャラの進化、ストーリー設定のポイントにも触れ、最後…
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Kyoto Family Court on Wednesday dismissed a petition filed by a married person for gender change in the family register.時事通信社 által
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Former Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida gave gift certificates to lawmakers from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party while in office, LDP sources said Wednesday.時事通信社 által
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A third-party panel said in a report Wednesday that the Hyogo prefectural government's actions to identify a whistleblower over power harassment allegations against Governor Motohiko Saito violated the whistleblower protection law.時事通信社 által
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The average sales price of Japan's 2024 rice crop to wholesalers hit a record high for the sixth straight month in February, the agriculture ministry said Wednesday.時事通信社 által
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A U.S. Army website about Japanese-American troops during World War II was temporarily taken down, as U.S. President Donald Trump's administration works to eliminate signs of diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, from public institutions.時事通信社 által
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The estimated number of visitors to Japan totaled 3,258,100 in February, exceeding three million for the first time on record for the month, the Japan National Tourism Organization said Wednesday.時事通信社 által
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Japan's Finance Ministry showed on Wednesday an outline of documents related to a controversial state land sale to school operator Moritomo Gakuen to executives of the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet.時事通信社 által
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Researchers found global warming helped bring extraordinarily heavy snowfall to the Tokachi region of Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, and wide areas along the Sea of Japan coast in early February.時事通信社 által
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Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba said Wednesday that the gift certificates he gave to new lawmakers of his ruling Liberal Democratic Party were not meant to support political activities, denying that the move was illegal.時事通信社 által
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A former judge accused of insider trading using information obtained while working on loan at the Financial Services Agency admitted to the allegation in a trial at Tokyo District Court on Wednesday.時事通信社 által
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Japan's agriculture ministry said Wednesday that it will hold an auction of about 70,000 tons of government-stockpiled rice for three days from March 26.時事通信社 által
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The 1995 sarin nerve gas attack on the Tokyo subway system by the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult was a turning point for the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, according to Katsumi Nakamura, who led decontamination work at a subway station following the attack.時事通信社 által
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Japan's Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. has decided to withdraw from an international organization of banks aimed at decarbonizing their operations, following similar moves by its U.S. peers.時事通信社 által
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Tokyo District Court has rejected an application for civil rehabilitation proceedings filed by Funai Electric Co. Chairman Yoshiaki Harada.時事通信社 által
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Japan logged a customs-cleared trade surplus of 584.5 billion yen in February, the biggest amount since March 2021, Finance Ministry preliminary data showed Wednesday.時事通信社 által
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Japan's seasonally adjusted core machinery orders in January fell 3.5pctfrom the previous month for the second straight month of decline, the Cabinet Office said Wednesday.時事通信社 által
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Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Tuesday expressed hope for cooperation with Japan on tackling climate change, as the South American country will chair the COP30 climate conference later this year.時事通信社 által
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Pregnant women and mothers with infants in the Gaza Strip, which has been devastated by intense fighting between Israel and Hamas, are relying on maternal and child health handbooks that Japan has promoted.時事通信社 által
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Opposition Nippon Ishin no Kai ()削除 plans to vote in favor of the government's fiscal 2025 budget bill once it is revised again, people familiar with the matter said Tuesday.時事通信社 által
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Mazda Motor Corp. said Tuesday it will cut its spending on electric vehicle development through 2030 by 500 billion yen to 1.5 trillion yen by pursuing joint development with other companies.時事通信社 által
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Japanese Justice Minister Keisuke Suzuki on Tuesday called for caution over the three successor groups to Aum Shinrikyo, ahead of the 30th anniversary on Thursday of the sarin nerve gas attack on Tokyo's subway system by the doomsday cult.時事通信社 által
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Japan Post Holdings Co. said Tuesday that the number of Japan Post Bank customers affected by Japan Post Co.'s misappropriation of personal information has risen to about 10 million.時事通信社 által
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The foreign ministers of Japan, China and South Korea will hold a trilateral meeting in Tokyo on Saturday, the South Korean Foreign Ministry said Tuesday.時事通信社 által
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A Japanese court Tuesday dismissed a petition seeking to halt operations at the No. 3 reactor of Shikoku Electric Power Co.'s Ikata nuclear power plant in the western prefecture of Ehime.時事通信社 által
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