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show episodes

Neon Liberalism

Liberal Currents

A podcast from Liberal Currents ( hosted by Samantha Hancox-Li, with commentary from a liberal perspective on politics, society, economics, media, culture, philosophy, academia, gender, identity, urbanism, books, education, and on and on.
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Lib Dem Podcast

The LibDem Pod Team

A casual look about all things Liberal Democrat in the weird and wonderfully sandalled world of LibDem Land. Started by Richard Kemp & John Potter but with guests from everywhere. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @libdempod
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We are a gospel-centred family of churches, who worship joyfully, grow together, and live sent. This podcast features weekly messages from Liberti Carrara. Podcasts are also available for other Liberti churches. For more info, visit
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Chelsea and Layton

Join Chelsea and Layton as they discuss pornography’s hard truths through the lens of stories, science, and Scripture. Liberator Podcast was created to remove the barriers of shame and embarrassment that stifle conversations and community around the effects of pornography. We look forward to earning your trust.
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閒置中 Liber Podcast by 本土研究社

本土研究社 Liber Research Community

《閒置中 Liber Podcast》係由本土研究社嘅一班研究員製作。平時攰攰地個陣,停一停將平日關注嘅唔同議題沈澱同累積,研究以外同大家深度講解研究背後嘅心路歷程,破除迷思同發掘新諗法,提著亂世之中唔好閒置自己,仍然關注香港身邊事物嘅朋友記著follow我哋,想聽啲咩都歡迎PM同我哋講! 研究員:劍青、Brian、Sunny、Cody、Emily and more Facebook: IG: YT: 支持本土研究社: #閒置中 #本土研究社 #本研Podcast #LiberPodcast
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Liberating Motherhood

Liberating Motherhood

Mothers are tired of anti-mother misogyny, household labor inequality, and a culture that expects mothers to bear the burdens of its many shortcomings--all without complaint. Mothers are vital to feminism, and have been neglected in feminist discourse for far too long. Mothers are constantly told that political problems are personal--that if we communicate better, mother better, behave better, things will improve. The only path to change is through widespread political change. That's what th ...
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Dialog Liber

Teodor Cătăniciu

La Dialog Liber stăm de vorbă cu lideri din societatea românească și explorăm împreună nuanțele provocărilor din jurul nostru. Găzduit de Teodor Cătăniciu, misiunea Dialog Liber este să încurajeze dezbateri publice deschise, să promoveze gândirea pe termen lung prin cărți bune, și să susțină un optimism informat pentru oamenii din arenă, cei care construiesc soluții pentru problemele României.
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The Libertarian Christian Podcast

Libertarian Christian Institute

Join the Libertarian Christian Institute as each week they explore, debate, and analyze the issues that are directly relevant to the intersection of Christianity and liberty. Always thoughtful, frequently controversial, and never boring (trust us), it is our hope and prayer that The Libertarian Christian Podcast serve as a valuable resource to the Church for years to come. If you'd like to reach out to us and ask a question or submit some feedback, you can reach us at podcast@libertarianchri ...
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The Civil Liberties Minute

ACLU of Massachusetts

Taking on injustices, 90 seconds at a time! The Civil Liberties Minute™ podcasts--with attorney Bill Newman, director of the ACLU's western Massachusetts office--highlight threats to our civil liberties and what you can do to protect our freedoms.
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Sexy psychedelic music from '60s to now. Aural enlightainment through a Thelemic splooge of otic Chaos Magick. Crossing the Abyss on a camel of tones. A dichotomy of melody & noise. Sirius music to illuminate the opposition.' s not up to me...hell, I don't even know what's coming next.
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Liberti Church Collingswood

Liberti Church Collingswood

Welcome to the audio podcast of Liberti Church Collingswood in Collingswood, NJ! On this feed you can find our Sunday sermons, weekly “The Post Sunday Blues: A Preaching Postmortem” show, and our newest podcast, "Five Golden Things: The Liberti Lists". Our mission is to live, speak, and serve as the very presence of Jesus for Collingswood and its surrounding boroughs. For more information, visit us at
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Liberalism in Question | CIS

Robert Forsyth | Centre for Independent Studies

Are you looking for sound, thought-provoking conversations on current affairs, politics, and culture from a Classical Liberal perspective? If yes, you are in the right place. Liberalism in Question engages some of our society’s most prominent researchers, political figures, and free speech advocates --finding out their views on the state of Classical Liberalism.
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The New Liberal Podcast

Center for New Liberalism

The New Liberal Podcast dives into the deep end of policy, politics and identity and hosts the economists, academics, industry leaders, thinkers and politicians whose ideas are shaping society.
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Come Through, Liberation!

Ina Camille and TJ Speaks

Welcome to Come Through, Liberation, a podcast where we create an inclusive, interactive community between the hosts, guests, and listeners. Hosts, Ina Camille (she/her) and TJ Speaks (they/them), are two Black folks on a mission to find out why our society is like this and more importantly, how we can unfuck ourselves by asking questions about collective liberation. Come Through Liberation will encourage authenticity, transparency and vulnerability as we explore our way through questions of ...
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The Protestant Libertarian Podcast explores the intersection between protestant Biblical studies and libertarian philosophy. We will discuss the Bible, history, culture, economics, philosophy, and current events from both protestant and libertarian perspectives. Questions, comments, suggestions? Please reach out to me at [email protected]. You can also follow the podcast on Twitter: @prolibertypod. If you like the show and want to support it, you can! Check out the Protestan ...
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Chaque semaine, Droits et Libertés propose un éclairage sur une atteinte à la dignité humaine, mais aussi sur le combat, mené sous toutes les latitudes, par des défenseurs des droits de l’homme. De la peine de mort à la discrimination des minorités, de la répression du droit syndical à la persistance de pratiques traditionnelles dégradantes – ce podcast vous propose des reportages et des interviews qui illustrent l’universalité de tous droits humains : politiques, civils, économiques, sociau ...
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L'Heure Libertine

Ouest Track Radio

Quand votre ouïe s’émouvra au son de la voix voluptueuse de Rita Berni, vous découvrirez que votre oreille est aussi une zone érogène. Il ne s’agira pas de soupirs suggestifs, de confidences grivoises ou d’expériences lubriques mais de réelles fictions romanesques fleuries d’épisodes torrides, sans tabou, avec des mots doux ou des mots crus. Durant L’heure libertine, Rita vous enveloppera de sa voix ronde, chaude, empreinte de toute sa passion d’amoureuse, c’est à dire de son charme qui comp ...
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Leo's Liberation

Leo's Liberation

Unlock your potential with Leo's Liberation - the thought-provoking podcast that bookends your week with bursts of inspiration. Every Monday & Friday, Leo dives into compelling topics designed to challenge perspectives and ignite curiosity. These, quick and impactful episodes are the perfect catalyst to start your week with momentum and to reflect as it winds down. From exploring life's big questions to unraveling everyday intricacies, Tune in, liberate your mind, and transform your routine ...
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The Erotic Liberation Podcast Conversations to share and celebrate our erotic selves so we can activate, reclaim, and heal erotic power as a pathway to aliveness and personal transformation. Brought to you by the Body Electric School
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Welcome to ”Liberate Your Bliss,” the newest spiritual podcast on the scene! I’m Chelsi, your host, ready to guide you through a transformative journey of healing, spirituality, and trauma recovery. We dive deep into raw, real personal journeys and spiritual growth, offering honest conversations and practical insights. No fluff, just real talk and wisdom from healers and thought leaders. Join us if you’re ready to challenge norms, question everything, and push boundaries. Hit that subscribe ...
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For our liberation is a podcast dedicated to liberation through education. For a multitude of reasons we need to start doing life differently and with this podcast I aim to help people to do just that by way of inspirational discussions, educational content and eye opening insights. I also intend to throw in a dollop of joy for good measure, because what's the point otherwise.
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In Defense of Liberation

In Defense of Liberation!

In Defense of Liberation is a conscientizing program meant to help folks organize around liberation for ALL peoples through political education, experience, stories, histories - failed, and successful - and through active struggle TODAY! We are here to grow, build, learn, make mistakes, correct them, and learn some more - because we want an END to Settler-Colonialism, Imperialism, and oppression, everywhere. No one can struggle alone. This podcast is only an interjection into the conversatio ...
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The Reformed Libertarians Podcast

Libertarian Christian Institute

The Reformed Libertarians Podcast aims to educate and inspire listeners to intelligently embrace and passionately promote a view of libertarianism as grounded in the Reformed Faith, and informed by a Reformed worldview. Exploring free society from a Reformed perspective, hosts Kerry Baldwin and Gregory Baus discuss culture, society, politics, economics, theology, philosophy, worldview, and more. Follow the show at and discover how to think about liberty and human flo ...
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show series
Season 6 is here!!!! After a hectic few months the Lib Dem Podcast is back with episode 268. John and Hannah are joined by Cllr Mike Ross. Mike is the candidate to be the Lib Dem's first large seat area victory as he fights to win the Hull and East Yorkshire Mayor. How hard is it for Lib Dems to scale up to a seat that contains 6 parliamentary cons…
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Hva gjør Europa og Norge nå? Høyrebølgen går sin gang, men Høyre gjør det dårligere på meningsmålingene. Hvordan kan vi tolke dette? Hør ny episode av Liberal halvtime med Unge Høyre-leder Ola Svenneby, i samtale med Skjalg Stokke Hougen. See for privacy information.Civita og Moderne Media által
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We continue the inquiry into the implications and future returns on going kinetic in the drug war as elucidated by worthies in the new administration. I examine the implications and the second and third order effects of this endeavor which is, by extension, a declaration of war on the Mexican government. References: Tom Wainwright Narconomics: How …
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On COI #765, Kyle Anzalone breaks down the latest news from Washington and the Middle East. The Kyle Anzalone Show Odysee Rumble Donate LBRY Credits bTTEiLoteVdMbLS7YqDVSZyjEY1eMgW7CP Donate Bitcoin 36PP4kT28jjUZcL44dXDonFwrVVDHntsrk Donate Bitcoin Cash Qp6gznu4xm97cj7j9vqepqxcfuctq2exvvqu7aamz6 Patreon Subscribe Star YouTube Facebook Twitter MeWe …
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唔知大家有冇買玻璃瓶裝牛奶嘅習慣呢?喝完飲品後可以去便利店按返個瓶,攞返$1呢個做法鼓勵大家回收再用玻璃瓶,從而減少廢物。政府就膠瓶同紙包飲品都建議推行類似政策,叫「生產者責任制」,每個膠瓶同紙包飲品回贈一毫子。究竟淨係得一毫子鼓唔鼓勵到大家回收呢?今集《閒置中》同大家討論都市廢物嘅問題。 嘉賓:綠惜地球助理環境事務經理 Steven 研究員:劍、Brian
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Președinții SUA și Ucrainei au schimbat replici direct în fața presei. Trump i-a reproșat lui Zelenski că nu este recunoscător pentru sprijinul SUA în război. La discuție a luat parte și vicepreședintele JD Vance.Europa Liberă Moldova által
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In this episode of Libertarian Counterpoint, James Just and Alexander Vazquez dive into the latest headlines. They discuss the impeachment calls against Argentina's president following a crypto crash, California senators grilling CPUC over multiple PG&E rate hikes, and the challenges Amazon union organizers face after a North Carolina election loss…
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On COI #764, Kyle Anzalone discusses the latest news. The Kyle Anzalone Show Odysee Rumble Donate LBRY Credits bTTEiLoteVdMbLS7YqDVSZyjEY1eMgW7CP Donate Bitcoin 36PP4kT28jjUZcL44dXDonFwrVVDHntsrk Donate Bitcoin Cash Qp6gznu4xm97cj7j9vqepqxcfuctq2exvvqu7aamz6 Patreon Subscribe Star YouTube Facebook Twitter MeWe Apple Podcast Amazon Music Google Podc…
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Rhythms refix. Artist - Title Gekkering - Bob Moog & The Search Of The Chub Genius DJ Spike - Mr President Material - Words Of Advice Gogol Bordello - Wonderlust King Mr. Mark - Surprise Party David and the Woods - Teenage Riot xpoemsx - the feast of first night 01/01/21 feedtime - Hear Me Calling Kwerk - Thud The Dream Syndicate - Definitely Clean…
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Hva var Friedrich Hayeks største bidrag til den liberale idétradisjonen? Og hva gjør ideene til denne østerriksk-britiske økonomen, filosofen, politiske tenkeren og nobelprisvinneren stadig aktuelle? Hør på et halvannen times dypdykk i Hayeks tenkning med to av Norges fremste eksperter på Friedrich Hayek, forfatter Hans Chr. Garmann Johnsen og Lars…
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How do we balance the need to de-carbonize our energy grid with the need to lower energy costs for working class people? Elan Sykes is the Director of Energy and Climate Policy at PPI, and he joins the podcast to discuss how we can build out the grid, lower people's bills, and ultimately end up with clean and abundant energy. To get bonus episodes,…
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În timp ce Ucraina a căzut de acord să ofere SUA acces la resursele sale naturale în schimbul unui sprijin de securitate, jurnaliștii Europei Libere, redacția ucraineană, au întrebat trecători la Odesa și Kropivnițki, oraș dintr-o zonă bogată în minerale, ce cred despre o asemenea înțelegere.Redacția ucraineană RFE/RL által
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Da Sihaam var ni år gammel, blev hun sendt på en islamisk genopdragelsesrejse til Somalia, uden at nogen danske myndigheder greb ind. Nu er Sihaam 21 år gammel og er brudt ud af et muslimsk parallelsamfund præget af vold og social kontrol. Men det har været en hård rejse, hvor hun fortæller, at alt for mange danske myndigheder ignorerede oplagt…
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Da Sihaam var ni år gammel, blev hun sendt på en islamisk genopdragelsesrejse til Somalia, uden at nogen danske myndigheder greb ind. Nu er Sihaam 21 år gammel og er brudt ud af et muslimsk parallelsamfund præget af vold og social kontrol. Men det har været en hård rejse, hvor hun fortæller, at alt for mange danske myndigheder ignorerede oplagt…
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Right before the pandemic, in February of 2020, I took on the role of interim student ministries director at my church. Then the world shut down. I hosted seven weeks of group online, and I recorded a series of videos about the basics of our beliefs for my students to watch before our weekly meetings. These short video introductions to important Bi…
  continue reading “In other words, there is a clandestine network of influential figures (the “Round Table Groups” referred to by Quigley) who cooperate with both the left and the right sides of the traditional political spectrum to carry out their own self-serving agenda. In this way, they rig the system so that voters can never effect …
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The Patriarchal Playbook is my term for the set of canned responses, expectations, and norms men follow without thinking. This concept helps clarify why the behavior of sexist men is both predictable and often nonsensical. In this episode, Jeff and I discuss how that playbook damages heterosexual relationships and limits women’s options. We also go…
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All about the wills this week––human and divine. Plus a cliffhanger! And Another Thing with Jim looks deeper into theology and culture––and takes you along. In this episode: repeated scenes and biblical authority, systemic forces versus individual action, and the uniqueness of the Christian hope. Email another things in to [email protected].…
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On COI #763, Kyle Anzalone discusses the negotiations between the US and Russia aimed at ending the war in Ukraine. The Kyle Anzalone Show Odysee Rumble Donate LBRY Credits bTTEiLoteVdMbLS7YqDVSZyjEY1eMgW7CP Donate Bitcoin 36PP4kT28jjUZcL44dXDonFwrVVDHntsrk Donate Bitcoin Cash Qp6gznu4xm97cj7j9vqepqxcfuctq2exvvqu7aamz6 Patreon Subscribe Star YouTub…
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🩷 FREE Emotional Healing: In this powerful episode, we dive deep into the extraordinary journey of Theo, a gifted healer whose path was forged through two life-altering near-death experiences. These profound awakenings unlocked Theo's innate healing abilities, transforming him into a skilled psychosomatic co…
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For this DHP episode, CJ was joined by Alex Von Sternberg of History Impossible, who lives in the LA area & recently put out an episode about natural disasters & their significant-but-oft-overlooked social & political effects. Join CJ & Alex as they discuss natural disasters in general, the California wildfires in particular, California’s oligarchi…
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In this episode, Michael welcomes guests Darren and Burt as they discuss: (2:28) - Artificial Intelligence and DeepSeek (8:20) - 'The Unwritten Constitution' (16:15) - TouchTunes digital jukebox (22:06) - Smart Phone Addiction Be sure to subscribe to Play For The Libertarian Team so you don't miss our next episode.…
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