Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Japanese-speaking Australians. - 世界やオーストラリアのニュース、インタビュー、特集、そしてコミュニティーの話題などを、SBSの日本語放送でお聴きいただけます。
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オーストラリアにいるYukiと東京にいるSummerが性に関する情報やニュースを紹介したり、ゆるく英語と関西弁で話し合います。私たちは、性について学び語り合うことは自分へのエンパワーメントにつながっていくと思います。 We’re mainly two females, Yuki in Australia and Summer in Tokyo, openly talking about sex and any sex-related news. We believe that breaking sexual taboos can lead us to self-empowerment.
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日本語と英語でサッカーの世界情報についての話を聴いて、英語が学べるポッドキャスト。 // A weekly podcast in Japanese & English, discussing the world of football.
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it. But one of the MCs is in Adelaide and warmly looking forward to some feedback from each of you about language, military affairs, japanese history, aviation,etc こんにちは! ラジオが大好きな2人の大学生が世界や日本のニュース、近況から、海外生活での発見、新しい"トレンド"や、バカバカしいエロトークもはさみつつ「Radio Tonight」をやっていきたいと思います。グダグダですが、日本とオーストラリアを繋ぐ架け橋となるような番組を目指していきます。 E- ...
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オーストラリアのラジオ局にてDJ歴7年のKojiによる、インタビューポッドキャスト「Just Global」。世界の様々な分野で活躍する地球人へのインタビューを皆さんにお届けする番組です。ナビゲーターは、オーストラリア歴15年の浅野浩治(日本を含む世界6カ国でCDをリリースするロックバンド「Wellingtons」のギタリスト、そしてフリーランスのナレーターとして活動中)。毎週月曜配信中の無料メルマガ「Just Australia」も併せてご利用ください。
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We discusses business environment in Japan from a global perspective. グローバルな視点から見た日本の経済について解説・ディスカッションする対談形式のPodcastです。 今後は日本語配信など、徐々にコンテンツの幅を広げていく予定です。 -- 株式会社IGPIグループ Our website: Twitter:@IGPI_PR Youtube:
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This week on Music File, Nao featured Kenyan Australian singer-songwriter and rapper Elsy Wameyo. - メルボルンのサウンドエンジア、安齋直宗さんが担当する、毎週金曜日のコーナー『Music File』。第543回目のアーティストは、ケニア出身、オーストラリア在住のシンガーソングライターでラッパーの、エルシー・ワメヨ。
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SBS Japanese Weekly News Wrap Friday 3 January - SBS日本語放送週間ニュースラップ 1月3日金曜日
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Australians among the first in the world to welcome the start of 2025. New laws criminalising wage theft in Australia to come into effect. - 今年もオーストラリアは世界中の多くの国より一足早く新年を迎えました。「賃金泥棒」が犯罪とみなされることになりました。
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Global snacks to accompany your drinks - 酒が止まらない!世界のおつまみ特集第1弾!(FS 88)
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Every Friday, culinary instructor Mayu Tomaru hosts the segment 'Eating in Australia.' On the 88th episode, Mayu shared some great snack ideas to accompany your drinks. - メルボルンの料理講師、都丸真由さんがお届けする毎週金曜日のコーナー、『オーストラリアで食べる』。第88回は真由さんお勧めのおつまみをご紹介いただきました。
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SBS Japanese News for Thursday 1 January - SBS日本語放送ニュース1月2日木曜日
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Listen to the News from today's live program (1-2pm). - 午後1時から放送されたラジオ番組のニュース部分をお届けします。2025年1月2日放送。
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The song of this week is 'Hai yorokonde' by kocchi no kento - 2025年、最初の J-Pop Hub ではこっちのけんとの「はいよろこんで」を取り上げます。
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元トライアスロン選手・淵上翔子さん スポーツ大国オーストラリアで伸び伸びと生きる(お勧めアーカイブ)
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Australians have marked the start of 2025 with fireworks and parties. The new year brings policy changes and increased government payments for over a million Australians. - オーストラリアの各地では新年の到来を花火とともに迎える人々で賑わいました。今年から給与や社会保障制度に関する法律が変わります。
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2024年1月1日に起きた能登半島地震から一年が立ちました。 しかし、復旧作業の難航と9月に同地域を襲った洪水の被害で、人々はまだ以前の生活に戻ることができていません。
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Listening to what your body needs is important throughout the year, but it becomes even more crucial during extreme weather. Here are some essential tips to beat the Australian summer. - 自分の体の声に耳を傾けることはいつでも大切ですが、過酷な天候が続くオーストラリアの夏には特に重要です。このエピソードでは、夏を快適に乗り切るための重要なポイントをご紹介します。
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SBS Japanese visited Sydney's Fukuoka prefecture association's annual mochi event. Freshly pounded mochi was served with sweet red bean paste, coated in kinako or prepared as Fukuoka-style ozoni soup. - シドニー福岡県人会の毎年恒例、餅つき大会にお邪魔しました。つきたてのお餅はあんこを入れたり、きな粉をかけたり、福岡のお雑煮として振る舞われました。
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Tears of joy as families welcome home those released in a prisoner swap between Russia and Ukraine. A new year brings a raft of changes to policies and government payments for more than a million Australians. Listen to the News from today's live program (1-2pm). - ロシアとウクライナの間で、捕虜の交換が行われました。1月1日から多くの政策や政府からの支援金に変更が加わります。午後1時から放送されたラジオ番組のニュース部分をお届けしま…
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SBS Japanese team selects. Which content inspired us the most? - SBS日本語チームが選びました!今年特に印象に残ったコンテンツは?
On the last day of 2024, the SBS Japanese team talks about the content that inspired us the most this year. - 2024年も残す所あと僅か。 SBS日本語放送スタッフのユミ、ジュンコ、そしてケイトが、今年一年を振り返り、特に印象に残った放送をご紹介します!
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New Year's Eve fireworks are a time of celebration for humans, but for many pets, it is a time of distress. There have been reports of pets panicking due to the sound of fireworks and engaging in dangerous behaviour. - 大晦日の花火は人間にとって祝祭のひとときですが、多くのペットにとっては苦痛の時間です。花火の音でパニックを起こし、危険な行動に出るケースも報告されています。
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Former US President Jimmy Carter at the age of 100. American, Canadian and British citizens will be able to apply to join the Australian Defence Force from the start of the new year. - アメリカの元大統領で、ノーベル平和賞を受賞した、ジミー・カーター氏が亡くなりました。100歳でした。アメリカ、カナダ、イギリスの市民は、2025年からオーストラリア国防軍(ADF)に応募できるようになります。
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Left naked and alone, Nasubi was watched by millions. Decades later, he's back in the spotlight - 「懸賞生活」のなすび、国際映画祭でシドニーへ(お勧めアーカーイブ)
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In the late 1990s, aspiring comedian Tomoaki 'Nasubi' Hamatsu became an unwitting television sensation when he was confined naked to an apartment for more than a year. His TV experience is captured in a new documentary was screened at Sydney Film Festival. On air June 2024. - 90年代に一世を風靡したバラエティー番組、「進ぬ!電波少年」の「懸賞生活企画」で一躍有名となった、なすびこと浜津智明さん。当時の経験を描いたドキュ…
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Football & English által
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Omiya Ardija are the latest team to be given wings by Red Bull, recently unveiling a new logo following the takeover by the energy drink giants. Coming on the back of Jurgen Klopp’s decision to join as Global Head of Soccer, fans are once again dealing with the idea of something they love being tainted by a global corporation.…
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Playing Out from the Back
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To some it’s a tactically and statistically proven method of starting a high-value sequence of play. To others it’s needlessly risky, a fad that may work for Pep Guardiola in the rarified air of the top end of the Premier League but which invariably fails as you get lower down the leagues.Football & English által
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A script-less chat about things happening in the world of football.Football & English által
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To some, it’s the highest individual honour that a footballer can receive. To others, it’s a vanity award, a simple popularity contest. But it has an interesting history and every year seems to get more controversial. So how do you win it? Who decides it? Do players care about it? And what is the plural of Ballon d’Or?…
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Fans of the A-League call it the best league in the world. Whether that’s true or not, it’s a beautiful league and it’s uniquely Australian. In part two of our series on football in Australia, we’re talking about how the A-League was created, and what it is today.Football & English által
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Last week, Australia’s professional football league, the A-League, kicked off its 20th season! To celebrate this milestone, our next two episodes are dedicated to the national football leagues in Australia. It is a complicated story of identity, crowd trouble, fighting against forces that want to destroy football in Australia, before being reborn i…
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The Harmony of the J.League
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The J.League is one of the most interesting football leagues in the world. On the pitch, amazing talent brings excitement to a competitive and unpredictable league. Off the pitch, fans add vibrant colour and endless support, creating a matchday experience that stands out among leagues and sports worldwide.…
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Recapping the latest World Cup Qualifying battle between Japan and Australia.Football & English által
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Taking a break from our usual format to answer some questions from our listeners.Football & English által
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Manchester City forward Bernardo Silva said only one team came to play football in their 2-2 Premier League draw with Arsenal, who were accused of employing "dark arts" at Etihad Stadium. "There was only one team that came to play football," Silva told TNT Sports Brazil. "The other came to play to the limits of what was possible to do and allowed b…
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They are officially the worst team in international football, but San Marino finally ended a 20-year winless run earlier this month by beating Liechtenstein 1-0 in the UEFA Nations League. It was FIFA’s lowest-ranked team’s first-ever competitive win, with their only previous victory coming in a 1-0 friendly against the same opposition in 2004 — pl…
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The 2024/25 Champions League kicked off this week, and it’s the first season of a brand new format. 36 teams playing in a League system, with each team playing against 8 different opponents. Is this an exciting change to the most prestigious club competition in the world, or just another case of trying to fix something that didn’t need to be fixed?…
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Aston Villa fans have called the club "out of touch" for charging up to £97 a ticket for home Champions League matches this season. Villa announced on Wednesday that adult tickets for their four home matches will be priced at £85, £94 and £97, with season ticket-holders getting slight discounts. The Football Supporters' Association called Villa's t…
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Leaving early is a bit of a red flag. Booing your own players too. Wearing a half-and-half scarf, or purchasing a half-and-half scarf: forget it. Fake merchandise. Supporting a club from a place where you do not live. Supporting more than one club. Yes, these days there are multiple ways of outing yourself as “not a true fan”. But who gets to call …
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Football at the Olympics
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The Olympics are the pinnacle of most sports. Every athlete—and even many non-athletes—dreams of bringing home a gold medal for their country. Even just qualifying for the Olympics is an incredible achievement. But can you say the same for football? In a calendar of World Cups, continental cups and an ever-growing list of club competitions, does fo…
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The 2024/25 Premier League season is upon us, so Tomo and Tommy pull out their magic 8 balls to make their predictions for the season.Football & English által
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Kicking off another big season with a look back on a busy summer for Tomo and Tommy.Football & English által
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若者が経営者の右腕として地方企業に飛び込む ~起業力を身に着ける新しい働き方~
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横並びの就活に違和感を覚えている、成長意欲を持つ若者たち。IGPIのマネジャーで、彼らに新しい就職の選択肢を提供するVENTURE FOR JAPANの理事も務める的場大楽をゲストに招き、若者の成長をフォローする新時代の取り組みについて伺います。 メインパーソナリティー:塩野 誠/経営共創基盤(IGPI) 共同経営者(パートナー) 本日のゲスト:的場 大楽/経営共創基盤(IGPI) マネジャー、一般社団法人VENTURE FOR JAPAN理事 VENTURE FOR JAPANのウェブサイトはこちら
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We invite Mr. Rachit Khosla , who resides in Melbourne and is active with IGPI Australia, to discuss various aspects of the actual living environment in Australia, including transportation infrastructure, education, cost of living, and recommended tourist destinations. Main personality: Makoto Shiono, IGPI Partner Today’s guest: Rachit Khosla, Coun…
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What opportunities does Australia offer to Japanese companies?
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Australia, with a higher per capita GDP than Japan, has significant business potential. This time, we invite Mr. Rachit Khosla, who is active at IGPI Australia, to explore Australia's business environment and delve into the potential for business collaboration between Japan and Australia. Main personality: Makoto Shiono, IGPI Partner Today’s guest:…
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Well, here we are again! It’s late May and another season is done. This one went by super quickly…it feels like just a few weeks ago that I was in London to see Spurs at the beginning of the season. A lot has happened and we’re here to bring you the biggest stories of the season.Football & English által
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“Look smart, play smart”, as the saying goes. Perhaps it is about time we coined the phrase, “Look smart, manage smart”. This season, Sean Dyche steered Everton clear of relegation danger in the Premier League. And what does Dyche credit as his secret weapon? Ditching wearing a traditional suit and tie for a club tracksuit, of course.…
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They bring together clubs, teammates, opponents, rivals and fans to celebrate the career of a long-serving player. But testimonial matches have been dying off in recent years. On this episode we look back on what they were, and what they are now.Football & English által
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Football has the power to do amazing good in the world. One example of that is charity matches. By bringing footballers and celebrities together for a simple game of football, millions and millions of dollars can be raised to help people in need. On this episode, we’re going to talk about some of those matches and the impact they have.…
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キラキラしたイメージを持たれがちなスタートアップCFO、実際はどのような想いで、どんな業務に取り組んでいるのか。監査法人→IGPI→スタートアップCFOとキャリアを歩む松尾研発AIスタートアップACESの小松原氏をゲストに招き、そのリアルな姿に迫ります。 メインパーソナリティー:塩野 誠/経営共創基盤(IGPI) 共同経営者(パートナー) 本日のゲスト:小松原 龍介氏/株式会社ACES 取締役CFO 株式会社ACES:
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FA Cup replays will be scrapped from the first round onwards in the 2024/25 competition. All rounds of the Emirates FA Cup will also be played on weekends, including the fifth round which has been played in midweek for the past five seasons. The changes come as part of a new six-year agreement between the Football Association and the Premier League…
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Just how important is the captain of a team? They divide up the matchday tickets for other players, lead the team out, choose which end to attack and, if you're really lucky, they may just be the difference between success and failure.Football & English által
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Football fans are known for being loyal and doing as much as they can to try to help their team win. But a minority of supporters think that means chanting about tragic events involving the opposition, and authorities are coming down hard with banning orders. This week we’re exploring one of football’s worst aspects: tragedy chanting.…
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Excited about the chance to come off the bench and change the game? Or frustrated because you’re not starting? Substitutes play a crucial role in deciding football matches, and this week we required a substitute of our own! Unfortunately, we are not able to publish the interview we conducted with a staff member at one of the world’s biggest footbal…
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It’s often seen as a symbol of solidarity and mutual respect between two footballers. Shirts that hold incredible value and are often some of the most sought-after memorabilia items. But isn’t it really just swapping a smelly, sweaty shirt that will likely be packed away in a box somewhere?Football & English által
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Examining the impending trial of blue cards and sending players to the 'sin bin' for cynical fouls and dissent.Football & English által
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Another exciting J.League season is about to kick off. How close will Tomo and Tommy get with their predictions?Football & English által
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IGPI シニア・エグゼクティブ・フェロー 沢田渉と共同経営者 塩野誠が、IGPIカルチュア部と題して、話題の映画『君たちはどう生きるか』『ゴジラ-1.0』『PERFECT DAYS』の3本を語ります。※ネタバレを含みます、ご留意ください。 後編はこちら ・Spotify:・Apple Podcast: メインパーソナリティ:塩野 誠/経営共創基盤(IGPI) 共同経営者(パートナー) 本日…
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IGPI シニア・エグゼクティブ・フェロー 沢田渉と共同経営者 塩野誠が、IGPIカルチュア部と題して、話題の映画『君たちはどう生きるか』『ゴジラ-1.0』『PERFECT DAYS』の3本を語ります。※ネタバレを含みます、ご留意ください。 前編はこちら ・Spotify: ・Apple Podcast:メインパーソナリティ:塩野 誠/経営共創基盤(IGPI) 共同経営者(パートナー) 本日の…
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