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Un podcast créé par Cathy Intro, coach de français, pour vous aider à mieux connaître les francophones et à améliorer votre français. Conçu pour les niveaux intermédiaires-supérieurs et avancés intéressés par la culture française et nord-américaine ou qui préparent un test (DELF, DALF, TCF, TEF). Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mypolyglotlife/support
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This podcast is for people who already have some basic knowledge of Catalan or speak some other Romance languages. Using the natural approach, I speak using comprehensible words and speed. Can’t wait for the next episode? You will find more than 50 videos to learn Catalan on my YouTube channel, including subtitles in English and Catalan: https://www.youtube.com/c/CouchPolyglot Aquest podcast és per a persones que ja tenen un nivell bàsic de català o que ja parlen altres llengües romàniques. ...
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Polyglot Software Development

Krish Palaniappan and Varun Palaniappan

We’ve been doing Software Development and Architecture work for a while at Snowpal, and currently have several B2B and B2C products in production. In this podcast, we’ll share our experiences on a regular basis to help you & your teams build great software. The topics covered in this podcast will include Product Management, Project Management, Architecture, Development, Deployment, Security, Release Management, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, and just about everything else an ambitious, fast ...
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Hello! My name is Ralph Valentino Jean. And my podcast is about language learning. I am a polyglot, I want to share my techniques with you you. And I also want to teach Haitian creole language, English, and French. So have fun with the podcast "Self-Taught POLYGLOT" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-x4mbvzo-Vfq5dxI5XV2xA
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Hey everyone! My name is Samuel (or Sam pick one) and I'm on my way to become a polyglot! I speak Portuguese, English and Spanish. I'm learning Italian, French and German. Hopefully, through my experiences (and my struggles) I can help you learn languages too!
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This is a podcast about languages and language-learning from a unique perspective. Since 2018, I have spent thousands of hours studying (to varying degrees) 16 languages (!), and I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't, from apps to websites to books to YouTube channels, podcasts and more. Join me as we explore the process of language learning, as well as the languages themselves (the true stars of the show!).
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Software Engineer and Developer Advocate, Nic Raboy, shares all his tips and tricks to becoming a polyglot developer. Learn about the latest trends in web, mobile, and game development and how you can quickly get ahead in becoming an incredible developer. With a background in programming languages such as Java, Android, Node.js, and Golang and a background with frameworks such as Express, Ionic Framework, NativeScript, Zend Framework, and Apache Cordova, Nic Raboy is a polyglot with a lot to ...
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A podcast about language, language learning, and sociolinguistics from a polyglot's point of view! Be sure to follow @PolyglottalPod on Twitter and @ThePolyglottalStop on Instagram and Tiktok! Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/angeliquevoices. Join the Patreon family: https://patreon.com/angeliquevoices Happy Learning!
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show series
Qui a le droit de parler et d'être écouté? Tout le monde n'est pas égal. Et les personnes qui s'expriment dans une langue étrangère font face à des défis supplémentaires. 5 conseils pour acquérir les compétences pour discuter de sujets sensibles en français avec plus de confiance. Sommaire: Annonce: webinaire le 20 juin 2024 (From 0 to bilingual: t…
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Bon dia, com estàs? :) Avui comparteixo amb vosaltres la part número 2 de la celebració dels 2 anys del podcast. Vaig fer un directe multilingüe al canal de YouTube per celebrar els 4 anys del canal. El trobaràs aquí: https://www.youtube.com/live/eGmlptbPZ28 Com em pots ajudar? Subscriu-te al meu canal de YouTube aquí. Hi trobaràs, entre altres cos…
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Un épisode pour pratiquer la compréhension orale et l'argumentation en français avec des questions de coaching pour réfléchir en conclusion. (Avertissement: je mentionne l'actualité en Israël et Palestine, si tu ne veux pas écouter, tu peux avancer de 7:43 à 8:36 directement.) La deuxième partie sera diffusée la semaine prochaine (Qui a le droit de…
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Holaaaa, com anem? :) Jo avui estic molt contenta perquè celebrem que fa dos anys que existeix aquest podcast! Moltes gràcies pel vostre suport, espero que aquest episodi sigui interessant. Com que ha quedat una mica llarg, he decidit dividir-lo en dues parts (PART 1 i PART 2). Vaig fer un directe multilingüe al canal de YouTube per celebrar els 4 …
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Ei, hola, com va tot? en aquest episodi et parlo de la meva experiència treballant en una fira. Com et comento durant l'episodi, pot ser una experiència molt intensa, amb molt d'estrès, però també amb moments molt interessants i enriquidors. Espero que sigui interessant! Com em pots ajudar? Subscriu-te al meu canal de YouTube aquí. Hi trobaràs, ent…
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Est-ce une bonne idée de faire des flashcards pour mémoriser du vocabulaire? Si oui, quels sont les ingrédients d'une flashcard idéale? Écoute l'épisode pour le savoir! Transcription disponible: francais.mypolyglotlife.com Sommaire: Deux choses importantes pour rendre ton apprentissage du français plus efficace Comment j’ai redécouvert et appris à …
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L'investissement en temps de qualité et en efforts stratégiques qu'on va mettre dans ce travail du vocabulaire va donner des résultats. Je t'en dis plus dans cet épisode et dans le prochain! Sommaire: C'est important de connaître plus de mots, mais faut-il apprendre par thématique ou prendre tout ce qui vient à toi? Des stratégies pour enrichir ton…
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Hola, com estàs? Tot bé? Avui et vull parlar d'audiollibres. En aquest enllaç podeu trobar informació sobre audiollibres en català: https://llengua.gencat.cat/ca/serveis/informacio_i_difusio/accions_sensibilitzacio/audiollibres/ En aquest episodi et parlo d'aquests dos llibres, que em van agradar molt: - Baumgartner, de Paul Auster (més informació …
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Ajay Chankramath⁠, Head of Platform Engineering at ⁠ThoughtWorks⁠, discusses measuring and improving developer experience through platform engineering. Platform engineering is the abstracted set of tools, principles, and techniques that make developers' lives easier and enable DevOps. It focuses on improving developer productivity and reducing fric…
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Et si vouloir aller plus vite passait par le fait de ralentir? Même s'il s'agit d'apprendre le français à un niveau avancé. La société contemporaine nous pousse à en faire ou en vouloir toujours plus, à aller plus vite, à être plus efficace... Et ça concerne aussi l'apprentissage des langues. Mais les neurosciences nous aident à comprendre quels so…
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Bon dia, com anem? A l'episodi d'avui parlem de com preparar-se si has de fer una presentació. Què en penses? Et parlo simplement de la meva opinió i experiència, potser tu ho veus diferent? També et parlo del meu últim vídeo en català, en què parlo sobre sortir de la zona de confort: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pkpx9M-gik Com em pots ajudar? …
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Bon dia, com anem? A l'episodi d'avui veurem la lletra de la cançó "El món és teu", del grup "Els Catarres". Espero que sigui interessant! Pots escoltar-la aquí: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK7VVS7kge4 Com em pots ajudar? Subscriu-te al meu canal de YouTube aquí. Hi trobaràs, entre altres coses, una llista de reproducció amb més de 60 vídeos pe…
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In this conversation, Krish discusses the need for software development to evolve. He emphasizes the importance of adapting to change and exploring new ways of doing things. Krish also highlights the role of AI in software development and the potential benefits it can bring. He encourages reevaluating problem-solving approaches and finding more eff…
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In this conversation, Krish shares his thoughts on the challenges of entrepreneurship and building a software company. He emphasizes that while technical challenges are expected, non-technical challenges often prove to be more important. He discusses the evolving challenges of AI and the need to balance priorities and efficiency. Krish also highlig…
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La question des plateaux dans l'apprentissage. Pourquoi c'est normal et comment dépasser le plateau intermédiaire? Je partage mon expérience d'apprenante et je t'invite à réfléchir à ce qui fonctionne pour toi et à comment tu pourrais passer à la prochaine étape de ton apprentissage. transcription disponible: francais.mypolyglotlofe.com Sommaire: L…
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Bon dia, com va tot? De vegades el món en què vivim pot ser aclaparador. Som lliures en molts aspectes, però al mateix temps hi ha mil impulsos i mil coses que podríem fer. Avui us parlo d'això. Tu què en penses? Envia'm un missatge! Com em pots ajudar? Subscriu-te al meu canal de YouTube aquí. Hi trobaràs, entre altres coses, una llista de reprodu…
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Bon dia, com anem? D'aquí a un mes farà dos anys que vaig crear el primer episodi d'aquest podcast, com passa el temps! I també farà quatre anys que va néixer "Couch Polyglot". Per celebrar-ho, m'agradaria fer un episodi especial amb les vostres preguntes. Me les podeu enviar a l'Instagram, al YouTube o em podeu enviar un missatge a couch.polyglot@…
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In this episode, ⁠⁠Leigh Lawhon⁠⁠ discusses the importance of transparency in software projects. She highlights the gap between product managers and developers, emphasizing the need for clear communication and understanding of the 'why' behind tasks. She explores the influence of culture on UX/UI design and the challenges of localization. She empha…
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Si les modes de vie et d'expression des habitants des deux pays sont très différents, il y a à la base de la culture française et japonaise quelques points communs significatifs qui expliquent peut-être cette attraction mutuelle. Toutefois, le fossé culturel fait que l'autre garde toujours une part de mystère fascinant! Sommaire: * 8 points communs…
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Jake Moshenko⁠, CEO of ⁠AuthZed⁠, discusses the importance of permissioning databases and the challenges of implementing permissions at scale. He explains how AuthZed solves this problem by providing a common API for flexible and fine-grained authorization. The target market for AuthZed includes companies of all sizes that need to add complex permi…
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Bon dia, com va tot? coneixes la sèrie "Plats Bruts"? És una sèrie que la majoria de catalans coneixen i la pots mirar gratuïtament. Crec que és un bon recurs per practicar el català i en aquest episodi t'explico de què tracta. Espero que sigui interessant. Aquí podeu trobar més informació i també hi trobareu els episodis: https://www.ccma.cat/3cat…
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In this podcast, Krish discusses the impact of layoffs and how individuals can better prepare themselves for such situations. He emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and expanding one's skill set to stay competitive in the job market. Krish also advises against becoming too attached to a company and building a lifestyle around the highe…
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For Entertainment Purposes only. In this podcast episode, Krish Palaniappan introduces the idea of creating a series of podcasts on trading stocks, which is a departure from their usual software-related topics. He mentions that while Snowpal is not in the business of trading and does not claim to be experts in finance, they have some knowledge and …
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Hola, com anem? Com va tot? Espero que et trobis bé i que no estiguis malalt (o malalta)! Per si vols parlar sobre aquest tema o saber què dir quan vas a cal metge, espero que et resulti molt útil aquest episodi. Com em pots ajudar? Subscriu-te al meu canal de YouTube aquí. Hi trobaràs, entre altres coses, una llista de reproducció amb més de 60 ví…
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In this podcast episode, Krish Palaniappan interviews ⁠Andy Hilliard⁠, CEO of ⁠Accelerance⁠, about offshoring and building effective globally distributed teams. They discuss the importance of understanding cultural differences in offshoring, the challenges of offshoring for different types of positions, and navigating the risks of offshoring with d…
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À l’occasion du Mois de l’Histoire des Noirs, célébré aux Etats-Unis et au Canada, voici un épisode pour mettre en lumière des personnalités noires de l’histoire de France que tu ne connais peut-être pas. Nous allons explorer le monde de la littérature, des idées, du cinéma et de la politique. Sommaire: 1. Alexandre Dumas (père) 2. Euzhan Palcy 3. …
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In this conversation, Krish discusses the evolution of software development over the past two decades. He covers various topics such as technology changes, work styles, shorter attention spans, the developer vs engineer mindset, and the importance of passion and commitment in one's career. Krish emphasizes the need for adaptability and embracing ch…
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In this episode, ⁠Serkan Durusoy⁠ shares his experiences and insights on the impact of layoffs, both from a leadership perspective and as someone who has been let go. He emphasizes the importance of proactive planning and avoiding surprises in the layoff process. Serkan also discusses the need for individuals to manage their attachment to a company…
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Bon dia, com estàs? Espero que estiguis bé. Avui et vull parlar d'un article que m'ha semblat interessant sobre les "ciutats verdes". El pots llegir aquí per si vols saber-ne més o per si vols buscar algunes paraules que no hagis entès: https://monplaneta.cat/sostenibilitat/ciutats-verdes-promouen-gentrificacio-desigualtats-63843/ Espero que sigui …
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In this podcast episode, ⁠Kramer⁠ discusses his recent travels and the evolution of automation in traditional services. He highlights the excitement of witnessing the accelerated adoption of automation in different countries. The conversation then shifts to the most delicious vegetarian food in New Zealand. The hosts recap the previous podcast and …
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In this episode, Krish and ⁠Jason⁠ discuss the evolution of software development and the changes they have witnessed over the years. They reflect on their first lines of code and compare the differences between then and now. They also explore the pace of change in technology and the challenges it presents for developers. The conversation touches on…
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Ei, com anem? Avui veurem un article que ens indica quines són les 22 preguntes més típiques si anem a una entrevista de feina. Si vols saber-ne més, pots llegir l'article aquí: https://treball.barcelonactiva.cat/porta22/images/cat/Barcelona_Treball_22_preguntes_cat_tcm9-3830.pdf Espero que sigui un tema interessant! Com em pots ajudar? Subscriu-te…
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Tracy Ragan⁠ discusses software supply chain management and the importance of generating and consuming Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) in decoupled architectures. She explains the challenges of managing libraries and dependencies in microservices and the need for aggregated SBOMs. Tracy emphasizes the importance of rapid response to vulnerabilit…
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A l'occasion du décès de Robert Badinter, avocat qui a obtenu l'abolition de la peine de mort en France, retour sur 2 moments clés de l'histoire de France du 20è siècle. Focus sur les actions de 3 personalités qui se sont battues pour leurs convictions. Sommaire Robert Badinter: l’abolition de la peine de mort Méthode d’administration de la peine d…
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Bon dia, com va tot? Ja és l'episodi número 100, enhorabona per arribar fins aquí! :) Moltes gràcies per escoltar el podcast i moltes gràcies als meus Patreons i als que em doneu suport a Ko-Fi. Com que penso que és molt important ser agraït, en aquest episodi parlem de cent coses de les quals pots estar agraït o agraïda (et dono 10 categories i al…
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Bon dia, com anem? A l'episodi d'avui parlem sobre diferents llengües romàniques. Quines s'assemblen més? Què em sembla més difícil de cada llengua? Tu què en penses? Envia'm un missatge! Com em pots ajudar? Subscriu-te al meu canal de YouTube aquí. Hi trobaràs, entre altres coses, una llista de reproducció amb més de 60 vídeos per aprendre català,…
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In this podcast episode, Krish compares the Instacart and Wegmans apps to identify commonalities and similarities. He discusses the reusability and integration of backend systems, highlighting the benefits of leveraging existing solutions rather than reinventing the wheel. Krish also explains Snowpal's business model, which focuses on selling softw…
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Un épisode au sujet de l'apprentissage des langues et de la technologie. Un thème indispensable pour bien préparer l'examen DALF du C1 ou C2. Les idées, le vocabulaire et la compréhension orale sont utiles aussi si tu étudies pour le niveau B2. 📃 Transcription disponible: https://francais.mypolyglotlife.com/2023/09/06/transcriptions-de-la-saison-5-…
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In this podcast episode, Krish explores Teradata from scratch. He starts by introducing Teradata as a complete cloud analytics and data platform, suitable for building large-scale data warehousing applications. He explains the concepts of data warehousing, data lakes, and data marts. Krish then explores Teradata's platform and products, including T…
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In this podcast episode, ⁠Dr. Deva Rangarajan⁠ discusses the topic of prospecting in sales. The conversation covers various aspects of prospecting, including the changes in prospecting over time, the difference between advertising and marketing, and the role of sales and marketing in outbound and inbound prospecting. The discussion also touches on …
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In this podcast, Krish discusses the importance of using diagrams to effectively communicate within teams. He shares examples of different types of diagrams, including sequence diagrams, flowcharts, and mind maps. Krish emphasizes the productivity and efficiency gained by using digital tools to create diagrams, rather than manually drawing them. He…
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In this podcast, Krish explores the process of digital analysis and how to take the analysis forward. He discusses different approaches to analyzing product usage, including general product usage analysis, client-specific product usage analysis, feature-specific product usage analysis, ad hoc analysis, and usage pattern analysis. Krish emphasizes t…
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Bon dia, com anem? A l'episodi d'avui parlem sobre el dejuni intermitent. Saps què és? Has provat mai de fer-ne? No soc experta del tema, però em sembla interessant! Per saber-ne més, pots llegir aquest article. Com em pots ajudar? Subscriu-te al meu canal de YouTube aquí. Hi trobaràs, entre altres coses, una llista de reproducció amb més de 60 víd…
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This podcast episode explores digital analytics tools, with a focus on FullStory. The host provides an overview of digital analytics and its importance in understanding user behavior and improving online marketing strategies. The features and configuration of FullStory are discussed, including the ability to analyze user activity, track frustrated …
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In this podcast, Krish discusses how each individual represents not only themselves but also a larger population. He emphasizes the importance of credibility, professionalism, clear communication, and commitment to deliverables. Krish also highlights the significance of reputation and how it can impact others who share similarities. He advises lear…
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In this podcast episode, Krish discusses employee retention and the overall employee experience. He shares insights and tips based on his experience in software development and running a startup. The conversation covers various topics such as job descriptions, recruiter reach out, interview processes, communication and feedback, onboarding, promoti…
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In this episode, Krish and Kramer discuss the impact of the automated economy on global economic growth. They explore the differences in the adoption of automated economy between countries and the role of culture in this process. They also identify the countries that are likely to have the largest impact on the automated economy, including India, A…
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In this podcast, Prasanna Veeraswamy discusses his travels to 200 countries and the cultural differences he encountered. The conversation explores the hypothetical scenario of introducing technology to individuals from different countries and the potential impact on happiness. The shared experiences and commonalities between people in Africa are al…
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In this podcast episode, Krish and ⁠Prasanna⁠ continue their conversation about Prasanna's travels. They focus on Africa, discussing its diversity and unique characteristics. They also explore the impact of technology, specifically YouTube consumption, in different regions. The episode concludes with a thought-provoking question about happiness in …
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In this podcast episode, Krish and ⁠Prasanna⁠ discuss the challenges and strategies for building relationships and effective communication in remote work environments. They explore the cultural differences that can impact communication styles and offer insights on how to bridge those gaps. They also discuss the importance of creating off-sites and …
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