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show episodes
What’s up with the name “Disciple Dojo”?? Great question! One of my lifelong passions has been studying the martial arts. And the place where you study and train in martial arts is a Dojo. Christian Discipleship is similar to martial arts training (if you don’t believe me, just ask Paul–he says so himself in his letter to Christians in ancient Corinth [1Cor. 9:26-27]!). We have a Sensei (teacher): Jesus. We have a katana (sword): Scripture. Thus Disciple Dojo is intended as a virtual Dojo–wh ...
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The Dojo SA Podcast

The DojoSA Podcast

Welcome to The Dojo, home to unfiltered conversations, raw opinions and hysterical banter. Join The Sensei and The Archbishop as they unpack Trending Topics, Hip Hop and Life in their quest for true enlightenment.
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Dojo Talks: A Chess Podcast

IM Kostya Kavutskiy, IM David Pruess, GM Jesse Kraai

The official podcast of ChessDojo (IM Kostya Kavutskiy, IM David Pruess, & GM Jesse Kraai). Most episodes are streamed live to Interested in improving your chess? Welcome to the Dojo! A structured plan to hold yourself accountable to and a group to do it with. - Follow ChessDojo here: Website: Twitch: Discord: Twitter: Insta ...
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Rast je rezultat svakodnevnog i kontinuiranog rada. On se ne nasljeđuje već se uči, trenira i stvara. I baš prema tome vas vodimo i pokrećemo kroz ovaj Reiki Dojo podcast show.. Danijel Salijević internacionalni je reiki majstor učitelj, predavač i mentor. Podučava reiki dugi niz godina te vas usmjerava prema uspješnom osobnom i poslovnom rastu. Reiki Dojo podcast show sadrži obilje korisnih i zanimljivih audio - radijskih emisija. Družimo se u novim emisijama koje možete preslušavati dok še ...
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The Dojo w/ Domino & Hesh Jones

H.K. Domino & Hesh Jones

Anime Analysis by African Americans. Comic Book commentary by coloreds. Movie reviews for me and you...yo mama and yo cousin too. Become a supporter of this podcast:
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Welcome to Digital Dojo, broadcasting straight from inLIFE Ranch! Join David and Cooper each month as we dive into the hottest topics in digital marketing to help your business thrive. Here at the Dojo, we keep things real and authentic, honouring the Bushido Samurai Code as our guiding principles: Righteousness, Loyalty, Honour, Respect, Honesty, Courage, and Consistency. Each episode is crafted into three key katas for your business journey: 1️⃣ News & Insights – Stay ahead with the latest ...
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The life dojo podcast

Michael David Climmer

Welcome to The Life Dojo , Hosted by Michael David Climmer, the podcast is a self improvement platform dedicated to helping you conquer the challenges of life with tips, strategies, insights and interviews with carefully selected guests covering all things health, well-being ,spirituality, martial arts and fitness to help you on your journey towards a healthier purpose driven life! Subscribe and turn on notifications to stay updated with my latest content, and start forging your path to self ...
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Class Dojo

Yasmine Contreras

Learn a little bit about this educational tool and how teachers are using it in their classroom learning. Cover art photo provided by Bia Andrade on Unsplash:
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Va’s Dojo- Is a business entrepreneur show base on The Basic Steps of Success. Each month there will be different business or entrepreneur topic. Support this podcast:
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The DevOps Dojo

Johan Abildskov

The DevOps Dojo is an educational podcast focused on DevOps and making the world of building software a little better. Each episode covers a principle, practice or common DevOps fable. Join the Dojo to expand your software development horizons!
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Don’s Dojo

Donovan J Garcia

First and foremost, thank you for your curiosity! Here I will be talking about daily challenges and answering any of my followers questions as time goes on! I’m looking forward to creating short stories as well, but in the meantime all of your support and feedback are will be greatly appreciated! Enjoy!
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Typography Dojo

Rachel Elnar @ TypeEd

Typography Dojo is the place where we explore the traditions and techniques in the practice of type and typography with lessons and insights from visual design masters. Join me to learn more about typesetting, readability, hand lettering, editorial design, type design, Calligraphy, logo design and how they improve graphic communication.
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Haloooo semua! ada Joddy dan Jovita di DOJO: Double Jo! yang siap kalian dengerin kapan aja buat ngobrolin romansa romansa klean ini anak muda ya cinta cintaan receh lu. Eh di like di share juga boleh gapapa loh dikasih tau temen - temen nya buat denger juga. Hey its good to meet you guys! Share The Love 💓 IG & Twitter: @joooooot @jovitaeliana
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Welcome to The 10 Minute Dojo podcast with Lee Taylor, where amazing things happen. Husband, father, student, instructor, friend, human being. Just trying to make sense of martial arts and life! Involved in the martial arts since childhood offering expert tuition as an instructor and published author for over a decade.
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From the Dojo

Denney Choi & Daniel Schiffman

Podcast from the folks at Baem Jiu Jitsu in Fremont California. We'll dive into Jiu Jitsu questions, analysis, topics in and around our community and the list goes on. Have a seat and listen.
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Every week, Your Bored Brother convenes his Diplomacy Dojo, where players of all skill levels come together to discuss their most "pressing" Diplomacy questions. To participate in the Diplomacy Dojo, contact Your Bored Brother through his website,, or make a pledge on Patreon at for instant access to the discord server.
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Welcome to "The Gentleman's Dojo with Steve Byrne & Gary Cannon". Gary has been opening on the road for Steve for years. Gary isn't accomplished, Steve is. Their relationship is one centered on Gary busting Steve's balls, relentlessly. Join them for 30 minutes of almost brotherly love where they recap their expeditions & experiences on the road as comics and the world in general as young men.
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Join us on as we explore how organizations can adapt for the future with the latest solutions and inspirational stories directly from industry experts. Our video podcast features C-level leadership sharing insights and lessons learned from the forefront of the Travel and Hospitality Technology sector. Don't miss your gateway to driving the Travel & Hospitality industry forward with! Check out our sponsor's Travel & Hospitality page for more information: Encora Travel & Ho ...
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Welcome to Ratchet Dojo, a NYC based podcast that brings all the insider scoop on Jiu Jitsu life. Every week we delve in every detail related to this sport. We also flirt with Jiu Jitsu & MMA analysis from time to time. Everyone can get a little ratchet! Don't forget to subscribe and support 􏰀 Support this podcast:
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Dojo Real Talk

Kyle Porter

Our mission is to partner with parents, schools, and communities to build stronger futures for kids. On Dojo Real Talk, we give real actionable tips for parents to build stronger relationships, stronger families, and stronger futures for their kids. Each week, we'll provide new insights and valuable expert knowledge and will answer your questions about the things you deal with as parents.
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The Dungeon Master’s Dojo

The Dungeon Master’s Dojo

Hello And welcome to The Dungeon Master’s Dojo. We’ll be talking Dungeons and Dragons and other role playing games to bring you tips and tricks to build your skills to be a better game master and player. Head on over to our webpage for more blogs and post.
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Dōjō is a space for immensive learning or meditation - in Japanese, it literally means, "place of the Way". Join me every Sunday in our little space, where we can plug in, sip a cup of coffee, and learn about a new personal growth or spiritual topic to take with you for the rest of the week.
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show series
Is the midlife crisis really a crisis—or is it a midlife awakening? In this video, I share my personal journey of realizing that what I once thought was a crisis was actually a wake-up call—a sign that I was unfulfilled and needed a change. It led me on a path of self-discovery, purpose, and personal growth. I also discuss my work as a life coach a…
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You wont believe how hard the co-presenter whacks his head off the table in this episode! #Clickbait We talk how to be trusted in a completely fabricated and untrustworthy digital world. Cutting through the noise and exposing the biggest online lies—from SEO scams that promise to get you to the top of Google overnight to clickbait tactics designed …
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Do you rely solely on your digital tuner to get your pipes in tune? Digital bagpipe tuners have become as commonplace in the piping world as the smartphones they often operate on. But are they a necessity, or just a shiny distraction? This week, Andrew and Jim look at the pros and cons of digital bagpipe tuners, ignited by a listener's question abo…
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Učenje o reikiju nije samo usvajanje novih tehnika, već i otkrivanje kako ovaj put duhovnog razvoja može poboljšati vašu svakodnevnu praksu i profesionalni život. U ovoj emisiji uz dodatni bonus o usmjeravanju energije, govorim i o potrebi da reiki stavite u svoju službu u skladu sa svojim željama i potrebama.…
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GM Jesse Kraai, IM David Pruess, and IM Kostya Kavutskiy discuss the differences and pros vs cons between Online Chess and Over the Board (OTB) Chess in today's episode of Dojo Talks, the ChessDojo podcast! Get ChessDojo's first book, How to Analyze Your Games, here: Watch Live - Join the Training…
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The Ninjas are back for another episode. The guys talk about Captain America: Brave New World (30:52), A Buffy The Vampire Slayer revival (55:30), the first look at Karl Urban as Johnny Cage (1:05:05), The Fantastic Four: First Steps trailer (1:23:03) plus more! The Dojo Is Gang! The Dojo Provides! ⛩ Picks: Domino | Ali Siddiq presents Marcus D. Wi…
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In this episode Dr. Andrew King and I discuss our mutual love for Jiujitsu, why everyone should train, and his work on the book of Hosea! Andrew's faculty page: Andrew on Twitter at: @drandrewmkingThe "Every Voice" database that Andrew helps run can be found at: https://database.everyvoicekin…
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Pour cette reprise, le Dojobar s’attarde sur un sujet qui me tient particulièrement à cœur : le boomer shooter. Il s’agit de ces shooters « à l’ancienne », au moins dans ces principes de design, et qui reviennent un peu à la mode à l’époque où le FPS devient de plus en plus du grand spectacle, sans forcément beaucoup de fond, ni de forme. Nous somm…
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Martial arts isn’t just about fighting—it’s about transformation. In this video, I share my personal journey into martial arts, starting at age 10, and how it became a powerful tool to channel my anger, build discipline, and shape me into the man I am today. Inspired by The Karate Kid, I stepped onto the path of martial arts and never looked back. …
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In this episode Dr. Nijay Gupta returns to the Dojo to talk about something most NT scholars shy away from: LOVE! Nijay's book is available at: Nijay's substack: Nijay's podcast with A.J. Swoboda:…
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Ever tried something new and thought, "Easy! I could do that"—only to fail spectacularly? That’s the hierarchy of competence in action. It’s the universal journey from complete ignorance to effortless mastery. And guess what? You’ve been through it more times than you can count. This week, Andrew and Jim break down the hierarchy of competence, expl…
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GM Jesse Kraai, IM David Pruess, and IM Kostya Kavutskiy discuss who will qualify for the 2026 FIDE Candidates cycle in today's episode of Dojo Talks, the ChessDojo podcast! Get ChessDojo's first book, How to Analyze Your Games, here: Watch Live - Join the Training Program -…
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In this episode Pastor and author Caleb Campbell steps into the Dojo to discuss the controversial concept of "Christian Nationalism", including myths about it and how it is to be evaluated in light of the actual Christian faith.Caleb's book Disarming Leviathan is available at:…
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Are lower-grade pipe bands missing out on easy wins by focusing on the wrong things? This week, Andrew and Jim chat through how lower grade pipe bands (Grade 4 and 5) can improve their sound with minimal effort. They start by dissecting a Reddit user’s advice, then dive into Andrew’s top observations as a competition judge and instructor for lower …
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The warrior mindset isn’t about avoiding pain—it’s about transforming it into power. Life will test you, push you, and try to break you. But if you’re still standing, you’re already a warrior. Now, it’s time to embrace that strength and use your struggles as fuel for growth. In this video, I’ll show you how to develop the warrior mindset—a mindset …
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The sensei debate Kostya’s controversial claim that all major chess tournaments should switch to rapid, exploring its potential impact on classical chess, player improvement, tournament structure, and fan engagement, ultimately leaving Jesse and David unconvinced. Get ChessDojo's first book, How to Analyze Your Games, here: …
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Ever been frustrated by vague, subjective feedback from a judge or teacher? Only things that can be measured can be improved. So how do you measure your progress? We need to find ways to get an objective, pass-or-fail result. This week, we’re diving into the sixth commandment in Andrew’s 11 Commandments of Mastery: You Shalt Practice Objectively (A…
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In this powerful and transformative episode, I share the story of how I began my healing journey at age 41. Inspired by the remarkable story of Geoff Thompson—a world-renowned karate expert and former nightclub bouncer who overcame the trauma of childhood abuse to transform his life—I took a deep dive into my own struggles with anger and unresolved…
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Dr. Joel Sneed, a psychologist and dedicated adult chess improver, discusses the challenges of learning chess later in life, his struggles with perfectionism and obsession over openings, and how psychological techniques like ACT and CBT can help manage chess-related anxiety. Get ChessDojo's first book, How to Analyze Your Games, here: https://amzn.…
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Dr. Matt O’Reilly is Lead Pastor of Christ Church Birmingham, Director of Research at Wesley Biblical Seminary, and a fellow of the Center for Pastor Theologians. Matt's book "Free to be Holy" is available at: can see more of Matt's work on YouTube at @TheologyProjectOnline and follow him on Twitte…
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The Ninjas are back for another episode. The guys talk about the return of the Wayans brothers to the Scary Movie franchise with Scary Movie 6 and whether or not it can be made in the right way given the nature of 2025’s PC climate (42:14) The first look at Magazine Dreams with Jonathan Majors and if this is the beginning of his come back or is it …
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In this episode, our friend Isaac Paley returns to share some Aramaic insights from the Targums! If you are interested in Hebrew or Aramaic reading, or have questions about anything rabbinics-related, you can email Isaac directly: isaacbpaley @ gmail Other resources mentioned:* Sinai Tabernacle and Holiness -…
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I am excited to have my favorite Catholic scholar, Dr. Matthew Thomas, back in the Dojo! In this episode we talk about why Josephus is important for Christians to read.The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible is available at: Benedict XVI's Encyclical -…
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I am excited to have my favorite Catholic scholar, Dr. Matthew Thomas, back in the Dojo! In this episode we talk about why Josephus is important for Christians to read.The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible is available at: Benedict XVI's Encyclical -…
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🚀 AI is taking over – but in the best way possible! From fun and quirky uses to game-changing business applications, this episode of Digital Dojo dives deep into all things AI. Don't forget to check the video out on the youtube channel! Support the showinLIFE által
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Have you ever had to learn a bunch of new tunes all at once? This week, Andrew and Jim talk through the best ways to tackle learning a huge stack of bagpipe tunes quickly – while still having fun. A sneak preview – some tips include playing all tunes as daily as possible in order of importance, trying NOT to memorize, and recording yourself to make…
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The sensei debate whether FIDE should introduce an official Super-GM title, discussing its potential requirements, the impact of rating inflation, and how chess titles should evolve to reflect modern competitive standards. Get ChessDojo's first book, How to Analyze Your Games, here: Watch Live - J…
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Are weight loss drugs like Ozempic the solution—or just another dangerous quick fix? In this episode, I break down the real dangers of Ozempic and other weight loss drugs, exposing the risks and long-term consequences of relying on shortcuts. Sustainable weight loss isn’t about a magic pill—it’s about simple, time-tested principles: eat less, move …
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高田馬場経済新聞が運営するラジオ『馬場経ラジオ』から公式に許諾をいただき、2025年1月にライブ配信された『CoderDojo スペシャル回』の切り抜き動画を DojoCast としても配信させていただいております。各出演者やノーカート版などは以下のリンクから! 高田馬場経済新聞 (森下・田中): 司会 (俳優 伊藤白馬): ゲスト (安川要平):ノーカット版: 冒頭の紹介記事:…
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When was the last time you learned a new tune? This week, Andrew and Jim are diving into “constant variance” - that is, constantly and consistently trying new things, whether that’s trying to play new music regularly, changing practice routines, environments, and other approaches to become a better musician. It has so many benefits, including makin…
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The sensei are joined by GM Jacok Aagaard to discuss who decides the world championship. Get ChessDojo's first book, How to Analyze Your Games, here: Watch Live - Join the Training Program - Play Chess - Merch - …
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The Ninjas are back for the New Year. The guys start the episode talking about the TikTok ban (30:18) a Holes reboot at Disney Plus (39:30) Marvel Snap getting hit in the TikTok ban crossfire (41:50) the new Daredevil: Born Again trailer (1:14:20)plus more enjoy Picks: Domino | BALLOONERISM Hesh | Sakamoto Days Help support the show by becoming a P…
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GM Jesse Kraai, IM David Pruess, and IM Kostya Kavutskiy rank the top five greatest chess authors of all time in today's episode of Dojo Talks, the ChessDojo podcast! Get ChessDojo's first book, How to Analyze Your Games, here: Watch Live - Join the Training Program - Play C…
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In this episode we are joined by Literary Editor and Revising Translator of the new RJPS Tanakh, Rabbi Beth Lieberman! RJPS DISCOUNT FOR DOJO LISTENERS:Save 40% off with code 6AF23 at Beth Lieberman’s website:***Disciple Dojo shirts and other gifts a…
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Ever tried to multitask? Putting aside the fact that multitasking is a myth (more on that in the episode...) did you end up doing any of those many things *well*? Multitasking doesn’t work, especially if you’re trying to master a musical instrument. As soon as you allow a single distraction into a practice session, you've cheated yourself out of pr…
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GM Jon Ludvig Hammer joins the sensei on this Dojo Talks to discuss whether beginners should study openings, and if so, how much? Get ChessDojo's first book, How to Analyze Your Games, here: Watch Live - Join the Training Program - Play Chess -…
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Do you avoid recording yourself? Get nervous at the idea of people listening to you play? Although it can be nerve wracking, recording yourself for analysis is a must if you want to improve your playing. This week, Andrew and Jim and talking about all things recording – why to do it, our up to date recommendations on how to do it and what equipment…
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In this series we will be reading through the Psalms one by one and pointing out cool stuff along the way. The goal is to help get the Psalms into our theological landscape so that they help form our outlook as they have done for God's people for nearly 3,000 years. Previous videos in the series can be found at:…
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Would you want to learn to drive in a Formula 1 race-car, or learn to fly an airplane in a Boeing 787 Dreamliner? Even if it sounds really cool, in reality, high-end sophisticated tools are designed for masters of their craft, and not at all suited for beginners or intermediates. Yet, more often than not, a piping beginner has a bagpipe setup that …
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The sensei are joined by GM Jon Ludvig Hammer to discuss the 2024 World Rapid Blitz Championship and Magnus Carlsen's controversial decision to split the championship title with Ian Nepomniachtchi, drawing significant criticism for bending competition rules and setting a troubling precedent. Get ChessDojo's first book, How to Analyze Your Games, he…
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The Ninjas are back for the last episode of the year. For this episode, the guys are joined by Dominican Khaled, Robby, and Ra. The group discusses the Karate Kid: Legends trailer (53:40), Jared Leto being cast as Skeletor in the live-action Masters Of The Universe movie (57:17), Video Games we are looking forward to in 2025 (1:37:10) the new Super…
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Jesse, David, and Kostya discuss the controversy around "DenimGate," involving Magnus Carlsen's disqualification from the World Rapid Tournament due to dress code violations, with broader implications for tensions between Carlsen, FIDE, and Freestyle chess organizers. Get ChessDojo's first book, How to Analyze Your Games, here:…
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Happy New Year – almost! This week Andrew and Jim revisit some of the highs, the lows, and everything in between – including Jim's hair, which is basically a third host at this point – as we reflect on the pod's progress so far... and some of the exciting plans (and guests) we're cooking up for 2025! Here's what we cover in (a LOT) of detail this w…
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