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RTVSLO – Val 202

Mihilizem je pogovorni podkast, ki mu nikakor ne smete verjeti, saj je žlahtni nejeveri pravzaprav namenjen. S pametnimi ljudmi govori o tistih neumnostih sveta, ki se jim preudarni, servilni in zato popularni vzdrževalci obstoječe religije neskončne gospodarske rasti, ki krasijo naslovnice in ekrane, z razlogom izogibajo.
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Something which will stimulate your mind Going to add some value in your life . Sharing real life experiences of different situations ,people ,circumstances . Let’s discuss and try how we can try to add some change in our thinking and environment
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Mihir Sharma, Senior Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, explains the stories that matter to India and the world. The podcast demystifies the headlines in your newspaper and the findings in research papers alike – and draws on the expertise and commentary of the community and network.
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the podcast you need to feel empowered. if your looking for inspiration, motivation, advice & life hacks delivered with a bit of tough love, you're in the right place. mihi is an ex-lawyer turned business owner, content creator & career girl who talks all things life & wellness: career, confidence, personal finance, relationships, side hustles, boundaries, self-development & everything in between. time to start living your best life as your best self! life is too short to be anything other t ...
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¿Cuál es tu propósito de vida? Una pregunta un poco fuerte ¿no? Pero son esas preguntas, las difíciles de constar, las que nos dan las mejores respuestas si pensamos en ellas con el detenimiento necesario. Este podcast tiene la idea de ser una serie de lecciones que le dejaré a mi hijo y a todo aquel que decida escuchar sobre un solo respecto: ¿CÓMO VIVIR UNA VIDA PLENA Y CON PROPÓSITO? Recuerda: el desarrollo personal no es algo que ocurre de la noche a la mañana. Así que semana a semana va ...
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show series
Je čudovito zanimiv tip. Okej, lahko bi mu rekli tudi čuden tip. Nekoč je imel na Radiu Študent najboljšo in hkrati najslabšo oddajo na svetu – Milo raste vitica. Ker domovina v njem ni pripoznala novinarskega genija, je šel v Berlin in irskim babicam prodajal stacionarno telefonijo. Ko so ga odpustili, se je vrgel v turizem in vlačil pijane študen…
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Matjaža sem slišal v podkastu Odnosi so zakon govoriti o njegovem odnosu z bogom. Pa o tem, kako je poskusil vse vzhodnjaške prakse, preden je, kot pravi sam, postal Jezusov učenec. Izjemno pronicljiv sogovornik, ki ruši vse stereotipe o tem, kaj pomeni slediti nečemu višjemu. Ne pripada nobeni instituciji in ima samo enega šefa. Matjaž je model! U…
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We speak to Ngāti Pukenga representative Rahera Ohia about the iwi’s Waitangi Tribunal claim over the repeal of section 7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act. Then panelists Charlie Rahiri and Koro Nicholas discuss what’s on the agenda at the upcoming National Iwi Chairs Forum and the 160-year commemoration for the Battle of Pukehinahina.…
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Uroš je jabolko, ki se je hotelo odkotaliti daleč od drevesa, pa je vseeno zrasel v psihoterapevta. Doktoriral je iz duševnih motenj v športu, v zadnjem času pa presenetil s knjigo, ki je vzdignila kar nekaj prahu: Duševne motnje v športu. Vsem, ki v vrhunskem športu vidite popolnost telesa in duha, branje odsvetujemo. In poslušanje. Uživajte.…
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Former MFAT Minister Nanaia Mahuta shares her views on the Government’s position on the war in Gaza, mandatory referendums for Māori wards, and the scrapping of Three Waters. Then we discuss the latest in politics with panelists Lara Grieve and Jack Tautokai McDonald.
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Lučka je lokalni sinonim za zavest o podnebnih spremembah. Pa ne samo lokalni! Spodobi se vedeti, da je njena ekipa pred leti za svoja prizadevanja dobila Nobelovo nagrado. Pravi, da so klimatologinje za segrevanje vedele še v času, ko je nosila kavbojske škornje in o frontah ter okluzijah predavala meni. Dovolj zgodaj? Vse bo jasno, če ji prisluhn…
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Historian Scott Hamilton on Aotearoa’s dark history of segregation, and panelists Tina Wickliffe and Shane Te Pou discuss opposition to affirmative action, the surge in anti-trans protests, the government’s 36-point plan, and we rate our new Māori MPs.
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Miha je teoretični fizik, ki ga z užitkom poslušaš, čeprav ga včasih težko razumeš. Ponižnost je pojem, na katerega sem pomislil, ko mi je goreče pojasnjeval, kaj se je dogajalo v prvi sekundi po nastanku vesolja. Med drugim mirno namigne, da obstaja možnost, da konca sveta ne bo zakrivil človek, pač pa fizikalno dejstvo, da stvari silijo v bolj st…
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Sara Briški Cirman je Raiven, kadar poje, Sara pa, kadar ne. Včasih je tudi oboje. Naša raketa za Evrosong je magistrica solo petja, harfistka, kmalu pa bo končala študij psihoterapije. Upravičeno sklepaš, da samo sebe precej dobro razume. V debati razkrije veliko več, kot od estradne umetnice pričakuješ. Tudi to, kaj človeka zanese v nastopaške po…
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Former Minister of Broadcasting Willie Jackson speaks to Mihingarangi about the state of the media landscape following the demise of Newshub. Then, Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson reacts to the review of the free school lunch scheme and the Government’s transport plan.
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Jure Gregorčič je dolgoletni avtomobilski novinar in bencinski odvisnik z izjemnim pripovednim navorom. Če poslušate podkast Atmosferci, veste, da gre za tistega dolenjskega patriota, ki bi si na premcu jahte posadil brajde šmarnice. Je mož izjemne pripovedne in nazorske širine, ki zna povezati inženirstvo s humanizmom in čigar uho je v diferencial…
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Ste kdaj razmišljali, v kakšnem odnosu sta vaša identiteta in naša zgodovina? Kaj pa o tem, zakaj imajo vsi zmagovalci ali zmagovalke demokratičnih volitev, diktatorji in diktatorice (ko se bodo zgodile) apetite po reviziji zgodovine? Zakaj so si partizani in osamosvojitelji tako ljubko podobni? Se zgodovina res ponavlja? Je res črnobela? So zgodov…
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Če že ni edini slovenski pisatelj, ki je stal na Everestu, je zagotovo edini, ki je stal na Daulagiriju. In edini, ki živi izključno od pisanja. O padcih in vzponih življenja govoriva. Tistih, ki so bili. Pa tudi onih, ki šele bodo. Video na RTV 365.RTVSLO – Val 202 által
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Med izmi tega sveta tokrat izpostavljamo budizem, ki naš način življenja nagovarja na zanimiv način. Primož Korelc Hiriko je odsedel svoje. In razmislil. O življenju, vesolju in nasploh o vsem. Bivši budistični menih je leta preživel v osamljeni meditaciji in kontemplaciji po širnem svetu. Na Dolenjskem je ustanovil budistični gozdni samostan Saman…
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Je tista, ki je pred leti z možem sklenila, da bo zaslužila sto milijonov in z njimi spremenila svet. V sedmih letih sta – tudi s pomočjo nekaterih tehnik s samega roba verjetnega – mačka Toma spitala dovolj, da sta ga prodala za milijardo. Njen načrt za boljši svet je, da s pozitivnimi vrednotami okuži korporativni svet. Menda na tem svetu obstaja…
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Ivana Djilas je režiserka, dramaturginja, kolumnistka, pisateljica, kar se, priznajmo si, bere bolj dolgočasno, kot če nanizamo pejorativni del identitete, ki ga nadvse rada izpostavi: čefurka, debela ženska, parazitska kulturnica in podobno. Beograjčanka je pred pol življenja ušla v Ljubljano, potem pa se je življenje v »raju«, ki ga mojstrsko pop…
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Študirala je na Harvardu in vodi uspešno slovensko podjetje Anteja ECG, ki v Afriki in drugod razvija modele trajnostnega in krožnega gospodarstva. Je izjemno pragmatičen človek, ki se sprememb v svetu loteva z orodji, ki so nam znotraj danega pač na voljo. Loteva se tudi izzivov, ki zadevajo od nas izkoriščani tretji svet. Nad slab biznis z dobrim…
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When you're setting goals, they never come with a 100% success guarantee. But I know we all hope like hell that we will succeed with our goals 100% of the time. There is no silver bullet, but in this episode we discuss a few of the important strategies to keep in mind to make sure we are setting our goals with a view to ACTUALLY achieve them. Dream…
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Tomaž je filozof, ki odpira takšne teme, da se ob njih ne gre čuditi sentimentom, ki se praktično že od Sokratovih časov trudijo, da bi filozofijo razglasili za nepotrebno, neprištevno ali celo nevarno. Govoriva tudi in predvsem o hoteni nevednosti. Izveste lahko, kaj je to, kdaj in kako to prakticirate in kje na vašem krožniku jo najdete kot šolsk…
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Networking doesn't need to feel cringey and icky. We have been catfished into thinking that networking = shmoozy events where everyone trades business cards and participates in insincere conversations. But if that's all we think of when we hear the word 'networking', we are missing an important piece of the puzzle - it's much easier than seeking ou…
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Launched in 2018, the Māori Carbon Collective was promoted as an indigenous approach to carbon farming, enabling iwi to prosper from the Emissions Trading Scheme while helping to tackle climate change. Mata investigates growing concerns around the group and its elusive managing director, as well as carbon farming's impact on Māori communities.…
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Kadar novinar Boštjan Videmšek obleče neprebojni jopič, pomeni, da bo spet stopil v blato tega sveta. Z veteranom vseh vojn zadnjega četrt stoletja skupaj brodiva po človeku, človeštvu in njega manj aromatičnih posledicah. Lažje ga je imeti rad kot razumeti. Človeka in Boštjana. Video na RTV 365.RTVSLO – Val 202 által
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In her first interview since the election, former Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Nanaia Mahuta speaks about the latest in Gaza. Then former Labour MP for Northcote Shanan Halbert and former Māori Affairs Minister MP Tau Henare discuss coalition talks and the latest here at home.
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In honour of the new ORGANISEHER™ productivity planner, this episode is all about how to actually get stuff done - not just tell people you're getting stuff done or planning to get stuff done, actually doing it. We've talked about timeblocking, reflecting, setting up your day with 3 big priorities, categorising your to-do list based on the amount o…
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Eden bolj radikalnih izumov tega sveta je zagotovo alpinizem. In Viki je njegov največji zastopnik. Vsaj kvantitativno, čeprav bi kvante planinskih krogov temu lahko oporekale. Še vedno je edini naše gore alpinist, ki je stal na desetih osemtisočakih in kar nekajkrat videl smrt čisto od blizu. Pa veliko življenja je videl. V tej epizodi podkasta po…
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Life is all about people. The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our experiences which determines the quality of our lives. We've all heard that well known concept around each of us being the average of the five people we each choose to associate with the most. In today's episode, we talk about the five people you NEED in your l…
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Epizoda 0 novega podkasta Mihilizem je posneta pred publiko na Avdiofestivalu Radia Slovenija v ljubljanski Cukrarni. Gost je Borut Pahor. Sodi med domače politike, ki so najbolj zaznamovali obdobje po osamosvojitvi. Nekdanji premier in predsednik republike s svojim slogom delovanja redkokoga pusti ravnodušnega, tudi zdaj, ko uradno ni več politik,…
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If you've ever caught yourself asking the universe for a sign that you're making (or that you have made) the right decision, you aren't alone. When you are faced with big decisions, knowing that whichever choice could impact the direction of your whole life, it's completely fair that you look to the universe or a greater power to give you certainty…
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Če bi bil Sizif rojen v času Elona Muska, Grete Thumberg in umetne inteligence, bi namesto skale v breg po medijih potiskal vprašanje, kam in v čigavem interesu se svet premika. Mihilizem je pogovorni podkast, ki mu nikakor ne smete verjeti, saj je žlahtni nejeveri pravzaprav namenjen. S pametnimi ljudmi govori o tistih neumnostih sveta, ki se jim …
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We all have our triggers. Some of the most difficult, triggering interactions we have are the ones we face when dealing with hurtful people & their hurtful behaviour. While you can't avoid hurtful people for the rest of your life, there are some ways you can manage your triggers so that they don't get the best of you & in order to keep you grounded…
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Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson talks to Mihingarangi about her role as Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence. In an extended interview, she discusses the Green's relationship with Labour, tax, Hoki Whenua Mai, climate change, and the Kermadecs.
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Today is all about that crippling money anxiety that plagues most of us at some point in life. If this is something you're experiencing at the moment, you'll know exactly what I mean when I say that constant stress about money is so consuming that you can hardly focus on anything else. Financial stress is the biggest factor impacting our wellbeing …
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We know that trusting our gut, our intuition or our instinct is usually the right thing to do, but how do we do that when we aren't ready? In this episode, we discuss what it means to trust your gut, why we often struggle with it & how we can find the confidence to overcome any self-doubt that might be getting in the way. We also discuss why it's i…
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Life can be painful, hard & a bit too much to handle sometimes. But it doesn't need to feel that way all the time. It's possible to live a life where all the things that consume your mind now & get you down, could just wash over you. It doesn't mean you pretend like bad things don't happen, they do, but it shouldn't stop you from living a big, brig…
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