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Founded in Truth Fellowship - Bible Teachings and Sermons

Founded in Truth Fellowship - Bible Teachings and Sermons

Founded in Truth Fellowship is a Messianic Fellowship in Rock Hill, SC that provides Biblical teachings, fellowship, and resources for Biblical studies. Founded in Truth Fellowship is able to spread the gospel and the word of Yeshua because of supporters like you. If Founded in Truth has been a blessing to you or your family, we ask that you would give so that the same messages can bless others. To give to Founded in Truth Fellowship, click this link ””
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show series
The Danger of Being the Temple - Ananias and Sapphira In a compelling Bible Teachings delivered at Founded in Truth Fellowship, Matthew Vander Els explored the profound significance of participating in the community of God and the serious consequences of approaching this sacred connection with anything less than complete honesty and commitment. Dra…
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Two Davids in the Bible Today's Bible teaching at Founded in Truth Fellowship explores the fascinating topic of how King David is presented in different parts of the Bible, drawing a parallel to the diverse artistic portrayals of David during the Renaissance period. The speaker, potentially Matthew Vander Els, begins by highlighting the human tende…
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5 Mistakes When Judging Someone Biblically Introduction Matthew Vander Els from Founded In Truth Fellowship introduces a Bible teaching focused on the complexities of judging others from a biblical perspective. The teaching begins with a personal anecdote about his family getting sick and a reflection on his late grandmother, Cynthia, and her uncon…
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When Jesus Doesn’t Answer Questions In a teaching delivered at Founded in Truth Fellowship, the focus is on the intriguing way Jesus, or Yeshua as referred to, often responded to inquiries. Instead of providing straightforward answers, Jesus frequently posed questions in return. This approach wasn't due to a lack of knowledge; the speaker asserts t…
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Idols in Orbit - Why We Put God in a Box • How Big is God? | Seek First the Kingdom of God | Sermon The Awe-Inspiring Vastness of Space and Our Limited Perception Matthew Vander Els begins by sharing his excitement about the images from the James Webb telescope. He notes that while we have a conceptual understanding of the vastness of space, actual…
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The Image of God - Humans, Mission, and Jesus In this insightful Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, Matthew Vander Els explores the profound concept of humanity being created in the image of God. He begins by inviting listeners to consider their search for something bigger than themselves, a community rooted in truth and love, and a p…
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What is the Sabbath? In this Bible teaching delivered by Matthew Vander Els at Founded in Truth Fellowship, the concept of the Sabbath is explored as more than just a weekly day of rest. It is presented as a central theme woven throughout the entire biblical narrative, beginning with creation and pointing towards an ultimate, eternal rest found in …
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Pentecost and the Whole House of Israel • What is Shavuot? | Shavuot and Jesus | The Lost Tribes This Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, delivered by Matthew Vander Els, explores the deep connections between the Jewish festival of Shavuot and the Christian celebration of Pentecost. It delves into the historical context of Shavuot, its…
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Grace of the Torah - Discovering the Gospel in the Law • Messianic Teaching about the Torah | Jesus Understanding the Torah: More Than Just Laws In a recent teaching at Founded in Truth Fellowship, the speaker, Matthew Vander Els, delved into the profound significance of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numb…
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Divine Nurturer - Maternal Depictions of God in the Bible This Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship explores a fascinating and often underemphasized aspect of God's character as revealed in the Scriptures: His maternal nature. Matthew Vander Els leads this insightful discussion, drawing attention to the various ways the biblical authors …
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Unclean Food and the Gospel - Sabbath Service Introduction This Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, delivered during a Sabbath service, explores the topic of clean and unclean foods as outlined in the Old Testament and their relevance in light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The speaker, likely Matthew Vander Els, guides the congregatio…
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Yeshua's Passover The Foundation of Redemption This Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship centers on the profound significance of Passover and its reinterpretation by Yeshua (Jesus) during the Last Supper. The speaker emphasizes that the Passover event is not merely a historical commemoration but the foundational narrative for the entire …
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Exodus - The Shadow of the Lamb Welcome to Founded in Truth Fellowship Welcome to Founded in Truth, a community that sees itself as more than just a fellowship; it's a family grounded in truth and love, where the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and the Son of God are worshipped. As Matthew Vander Els begins, a greeting of Shabbat Shalom is extend…
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The New Jerusalem - Messianic Revelation Teaching This teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, likely delivered by Matthew Vander Els, delves into the profound and symbolic meaning of the New Jerusalem as depicted in the Book of Revelation. The message emphasizes that understanding this vision is not just about a future reality, but also about h…
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Esther - Humor, Horror, and Revelation This Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship explores the book of Esther, revealing its unexpected blend of humor, horror, and the profound revelation of God's providential hand, even in the absence of His direct mention. Matthew Vander Els guides us through the narrative, encouraging a deeper engageme…
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The Millennial Reign - The Revelation - The Millennium of Jesus Understanding the Thousand-Year Reign in Revelation 20 In a recent teaching at Founded in Truth Fellowship in Rock Hill, South Carolina, the topic of the millennial reign of Christ as described in Revelation chapter 20 was explored. The speaker, Matthew Vander Els, guided the congregat…
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Nonviolence and the Divine Warrior - Messianic Revelation Teaching In this insightful Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, Matthew Vander Els explores the often-misunderstood theme of violence within the book of Revelation. He argues that a proper understanding of Jesus' teachings and the practices of the early church reveals a powerful…
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What Does 666 Mean - Revelation Study In this Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, delivered by Matthew Vander Els, the focus is on understanding the significance of the number 666 as it appears in the Book of Revelation. The teaching emphasizes that 666 should not be interpreted solely as a literal code for a specific individual but ra…
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What Is the Mark of the Beast? In a recent Bible teaching at Founded in Truth Fellowship, Matthew Vander Els explored the often-misunderstood topic of the mark of the beast, primarily drawing from Revelation chapter 13. The teaching aimed to provide a deeper understanding of this concept within its original historical and theological context, movin…
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Apocalypse of the Manger - Revelation 12 This Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, likely given by Matthew Vander Els, delves into a unique perspective on the birth of Jesus (Yeshua) by examining Revelation chapter 12. Instead of the familiar peaceful scene of the nativity found in Luke and Matthew, this passage in Revelation presents a…
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Revelation - The 144,000 in Revelation 7 & 14 In a Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, Matthew Vander Els explores the significant imagery of the 144,000 in the Book of Revelation, specifically chapters 7 and 14. The teaching emphasizes that Revelation is not primarily a book of fear or anxiety about the end of the world, but rather a …
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Jesus and Hanukkah - The Good Shepherd vs The Maccabees This Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, delivered by Matthew Vander Els, explores the profound connections between the Old Testament festival of Hanukkah and the person and ministry of Jesus Christ, particularly as depicted in the Gospel of John. The message delves into the histo…
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Stand Saturday - An Opportunity of a Life During a gathering at Founded in Truth Fellowship, Matthew Vander Els introduced a significant message centered around the concept of "Stand Saturday," an extension of "Stand Sunday," aimed at raising awareness about the urgent need to support vulnerable children in foster care. The teaching drew on biblica…
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Revelation - The Temple and the Two Witnesses In this Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, Matthew Vander Els guides us through a significant passage in the book of Revelation, specifically chapter 11, focusing on the symbolism of the temple and the two witnesses. He emphasizes that Revelation, while containing visions of the future, wa…
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Revelation - The Four Horsemen and the Two Witnesses Introduction to Revelation Matthew Vander Els, a pastor at Founded in Truth Fellowship, introduces a teaching on the book of Revelation. He emphasizes the importance of experiencing the book as its first audience did: by reading it from beginning to end in one sitting, without immediately focusin…
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Revelation - The Roaring Lamb Matthew Vander Els, a pastor at Founded in Truth Fellowship, introduces a series on the book of Revelation, titled "Hope Revealed." He welcomes those present and watching online to the fellowship, emphasizing that it is a community founded on truth and love, a place to worship Jesus, whom they call Yeshua. The communit…
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Revelation: Hope Revealed • Founded in Truth | Messianic Livestream | Book of Revelation This Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, delivered by Pastor Matthew Vander Els, focuses on understanding the Book of Revelation not as a prophecy of fear and destruction, but as a revelation of Jesus Christ (Yeshua) as King and a powerful source o…
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Rumors of War - Living Out Matthew 24 This Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, delivered by Matthew Vander Els, explores the often-misunderstood chapter of Matthew 24. The central topic revolves around how believers should interpret and respond to unsettling events in the world, drawing parallels between the prophecies of Jesus regardi…
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Saving My Enemy - Echoes of the Good Samaritan Introduction Matthew Vander Els, a community pastor at Founded in Truth Fellowship, a Bible-loving and Sabbath-celebrating community, welcomes everyone and explains that the week's message follows from the previous one, which discussed winning and losing according to Yeshua (Jesus). This teaching focus…
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Saving My Enemy - Echoes of the Good Samaritan (High Quality) This Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, presented by Matthew Vander Els, delves into the profound meaning of the parable of the Good Samaritan found in Luke chapter 10. It goes beyond a simple lesson in being kind and explores the deeply rooted historical and cultural conte…
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Our Father - God as Father - Father’s Day Sermon In a Bible Teachings delivered at Founded in Truth Fellowship, likely by Matthew Vander Els, the focus is on understanding God through the metaphor of a father, particularly in the context of Father's Day. The message explores the deep and intimate relationship that God desires to have with humanity,…
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Yeshua's Torah • Messianic Teaching | Founded in Truth Fellowship Understanding the Deeper Meaning of God's Law Through Yeshua At Founded in Truth Fellowship, a community that considers itself a family founded on Yeshua, family, and fellowship, a recent teaching delved into the profound relationship between the Torah, the first five books of the Bi…
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Yeshua's Torah - Messianic Teaching In this insightful Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, the speaker, likely Matthew Vander Els, delves into the profound relationship between the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), Yeshua (Jesus), and the concept of faith. The central theme revolves around understanding that while the Torah wa…
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Woe Unto You - Jesus: Blessings and Curses This Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship delves into Jesus' Sermon on the Plain as recorded in the Gospel of Luke, contrasting it with the more familiar Sermon on the Mount in Matthew. The speaker, likely Matthew Vander Els, highlights the unique perspective Luke offers on the blessings and war…
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Why Shavuot is Important The Significance of Shavuot: More Than Just a Holiday Matthew Vander Els from Founded in Truth Fellowship explains that Shavuot, also known as Pentecost, is a significant day rooted deeply in both the Old and New Testaments. It's not merely a historical event but holds profound meaning and practical implications for believe…
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The Salt of the Earth - Messianic Teaching In this insightful Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, the speaker, Matthew Vander Els, delves into the profound meaning of Yeshua's (Jesus's) words in Matthew 5:13-16: "You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world." The teaching explores the multifaceted implications of the…
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Folly - A Message on the Beatitudes The teachings of Jesus, particularly as presented in the Sermon on the Mount, stand in stark contrast to the values and norms of the world. This message from Founded in Truth Fellowship, delivered by Matthew Vander Els, delves into the radical nature of these teachings, emphasizing how they often appear as foolis…
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Satan's Bait - Offense as a Christian's Downfall In this insightful Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, likely delivered by Matthew Vander Els, the focus is on a critical yet often overlooked aspect of the Christian walk: the bait of offense. The message emphasizes how easily believers can be ensnared by taking offense at the viewpoint…
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Passover in Christ - Passover Teaching This Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, possibly delivered by Matthew Vander Els, explores the profound significance of Passover, particularly for believers in Yeshua (Jesus). It delves into the historical context of Passover in the Old Testament, its evolution through time, and its ultimate fulf…
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Passover Teaching - Passover in Egypt The Approaching Passover The upcoming celebration of Passover is a significant time for believers. Founded in Truth Fellowship provides a free Messianic Yeshua-centered Passover Haggadah, available on their website under the resources tab, which offers a walkthrough of the Seder. This Haggadah has received posi…
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Mordecai's Javelin - The Story of Esther In this Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, Matthew Vander Els explores the significance of the biblical story of Esther and its profound implications for the lives of believers today. The teaching uses the metaphor of Mordecai's javelin to illustrate the importance of recognizing God's purpose …
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Imposter Syndrome - A Purim Story Introduction This Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, delivered by Matthew Vander Els, delves into the ancient story of Esther to illuminate a very modern and relatable struggle: the feeling of inadequacy, often referred to as imposter syndrome. The story of Purim, which commemorates the deliverance of…
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The Apocalypse of Mark - Missed Connection Series Introduction to Mark's Gospel and its Old Testament Roots Today's Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship delves into the Gospel of Mark, positioning it within a broader biblical narrative that connects the New Testament back to the Old Testament. The speaker, potentially Matthew Vander Els,…
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Convergence - Missed Connections Series Exploring the Timeless Presence of Jesus in John's Gospel Today's Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, likely delivered by Matthew Vander Els, delves into the unique perspective offered by the Gospel of John regarding the identity and presence of Jesus Christ. The central theme explored is the ide…
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Rhythms of Grace In this insightful Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, Matthew Vander Els explores the profound concept of finding rest and purpose in the midst of life's inevitable challenges. The message begins by inviting listeners into a community rooted in truth and love, a family centered around the worship of Jesus, the King of…
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Paul's Yoke - Finding Peace From Uncertainty In this Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, speaker Matthew Vander Els explores the challenges and uncertainties of life, drawing parallels to the experiences of the Apostle Paul, particularly his journey to Rome as recorded in the Book of Acts. The message emphasizes how believers can find …
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Come and See The Invitation to Encounter the King This Bible teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, likely delivered by Matthew Vander Els, centers on the Gospel of John and its profound invitation to recognize and experience Jesus, or Yeshua, as the prophesied Messiah, the King of Kings, and the very source of new creation. The message emphasi…
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