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Hotel láska

Lýdia Ondrušová a Žaneta Morovská

Sme Lýdia a Žaneta a láska je náš domov. Reflektujeme svoje vzťahy, kde pocitujeme ťahy smerom hore, smerom dole i do strany. Obe píšeme. Lýdia je divadelníčka. Hrá. Žaneta hry vymýšľa a rada sa pýta. Baví nás život a jeho kvetnatá analýza v kryštálovej váze pochybností, obáv, hravosti a radosti.
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Stephanie Laska lost 140 pounds and created DIRTY, LAZY, KETO – a “doable” ketogenic diet that works. As shared on NBC’s Today show and on the covers of Woman’s World magazine, DIRTY, LAZY, KETO will help you achieve your keto weight loss goals. 20,000+ Positive reviews on Amazon! Learn more at
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Podcast über Trauma Heilung, Liebesentfaltung und wundervolles Leben. Hier findest du ganzheitliche Inspirationen, Wissen und praktische Tipps von Experten zu den Themen Trauma Heilung, Selbstliebe, liebevolle Beziehungen, Ausstieg aus der toxischen Co-Abhängigkeiten, Paartherapie, gesunde Weiblichkeit und Männlichkeit, lebendiges, authentisches Leben, geerdete Spiritualität und Medialität.
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Der große Fußball Fanpodcast von Life Radio und dem LASK. Wir schauen hinter die Kulissen des Spielbetriebs und diskutieren mit Fans, Spielern und Offiziellen die wichtigsten Themen bei den Schwarz-Weißen. Jeden zweiten Donnerstag um 12 Uhr. Du hast Feedback zum Podcast? Schreib uns an!
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Adventures in the Spirit with Jared Laskey is a deep dive into the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. Signs, wonders, healing, miracles, and prophetic ministry are shared in a practical way, drawing you closer to Jesus. You will be encouraged, equipped, and empowered as you are activated in your adventures in the Spirit. We interview fivefold ministers, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. You’ll be inspired to hear from my friends around the world who share personal s ...
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Be encouraged, equipped and empowered to live the supernatural, Spirit-empowered life. Receive profound revelation and deep Biblical insight on the Holy Spirit, prophecy, healing, miracles, signs and wonders and more. Partner with us at to rescue sex trafficking victims, care for orphans and support our missions.
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Cyklus vyprávění, příběhů, rozjímání a hudby českého malíře Jiřího Anderleho. Za asistence milovaného nevyzpytatelného papouška Žandy. Všechny díly podcastu Láska za lásku můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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Gamer není jen ten, kdo je v tom nejlepší. Gamer je ten, kdo si hraní užívá! Může to být holka, kluk, děda i babička. Ale i slavný zpěvák nebo profesionální sportovkyně. Upřímně, mám dojem, že videohry jsou v našich životech víc, než si myslíme. A že si zaslouží trochu té lásky. Na gauči! Milovnice her Naomi Adachi uvádí podcast Láska na gauči, do kterého si zve různé české osobnosti.
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show series
Dr. Mark Rutland is the executive director of The National Institute of Christian Leadership and the owner of The Rutland Consultancy. In a world where the challenges of aging loom large, Keep On Keeping On by Mark Rutland offers a laugh-out-loud handbook on how to embrace perpetual youth. Purchase his new book at 'Keep On Keeping On,' on hardcover…
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Listen in to encouraging true stories of God's supernatural power on the mission field. Fayth McConnell is a missionary to Mexico with 'God is on the Move Ministries.' She shares healing and miracles from a life of faithful prayer and service to the Lord. This episode was recorded live on Facebook in my living room and produced by Lydia Laskey. Dow…
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Hear stories of incredible inner healing and transformation! Dr. Gale Kragt returns to our podcast sharing the 'Heart of Healing.' Receive your inner healing by watching or listening in. And purchase his book at 'The Heart of Healing' on paperback, ebook, and audiobook. Download our free PDF, 'How to Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. If you…
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Want to know how to see the sick healed, the blind receive sight, cancers vanish, demons cast out in your day to day life? Dr. Mark Gurley shows us how God can use you in healing, deliverance and miracles. He is a successful businessman and author of 'Healing, Deliverance & Miracles' on paperback and Kindle. Download our free PDF's, 'How to Receive…
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Could we be headed for another Azusa Street Revival―only this time, with an even greater global outpouring of God's glory? It’s no secret we’re moving toward the culmination and conclusion of history. Outpourings of the Spirit have already begun; signs, wonders, and miracles happen daily all across the world. The "even greater things" Jesus spoke o…
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Vianoce budú! Aj keď budeš sama, aj keď budeš so svojou hlučnou rodinou, aj keď sa celého dvadsiatehoštvrtého prehádaš s frajerom. Budú a všetci to tu vieme. Možno si nestihla ozdobiť stromček, napiecť aj linecké, alebo si nájsť toho frajera s ktorým by si sa radšej hádala, ako celý deň len mlčala. Tento diel je tvoj. Nech večné svetlo svieti pre t…
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Boris Brander, Janne Bäckström ja Atte Huhtala ovat toimittaneet teoksen 'Salatieteiden Suomi - Esoteerinen ja okkultti Suomi", joka ilmestyi aiemmin tänä vuonna. Jakso äänitettiin Jannen keittiössä, Turussa, 18. joulukuuta 2024. Tue podcastin tekemistä: tarjoa kahvit tai MobilePay 0407688249 'Mikko Levón által
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Are YOU fighting for the life of your child? Are YOU or a loved one fighting cancer? Are YOU fighting a hopeless diagnosis? Are YOU fighting alcoholism or drug addiction? Have YOU lost a battle and want your faith renewed? Do YOU need someone to teach you how to fight to win? Cyndi Foster shares true stories that helps you win! Purchase her book at…
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How Much Weight Loss Can I Expect on a Keto Diet #34, S.5 New to DIRTY, LAZY, KETO? Start FREE 20,000+ positive reviews on Amazon. Over a million podcast downloads and views on YouTube! As shared on NBC’s Today show and on the covers of Woman’s World magazine, Stephanie Laska lost 140 pounds and created DIRTY, LAZY, KETO – …
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As our world advances, so does the enemy, modifying his age-old weapons to match these challenging times. So we, too, must modify our weapons in order to resist and defeat him at every turn. Prophet John Veal talks to us about his new book, 'Destroying Demonic Tactics' available on paperback, hardcover, ebook and audiobook. Download our Free PDF, '…
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#16 In diesem Podcast-Interview mit Jennifer von Evolution Now dreht sich das Gespräch um den tiefen, persönlichen Heilungsweg „von der Wunde zum Wunder“. Jennifer teilt ihre Lebensgeschichte und beschreibt, wie sie trotz traumatischer Kindheitserfahrungen zu einem erfüllten und spirituell reichen Leben gefunden hat. Dabei geht sie auf die Rolle ih…
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Christina Perera of Revealing Jesus podcast shares her heart for the Lord and pure prophecy. The Holy Spirit moved in us during this episode and we were filled with His Spirit! Also listen to her recent episode with Jared at 'Understanding Truth: Embracing Grace and Devotion with Jared Laskey.' Or download anywhere you enjoy podcasts. Download our …
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Máme 32 rokov. Vieme, čo chceme a nebojíme sa to hovoriť nahlas najjednoduchším a najzrozumiteľnejším spôsobom, akým dokážeme. A aj tak sme si prešli vzťahmi, kde naše potreby neboli vypočuté. Sme single, milujeme naše životy, ale občas je fajn vedieť, že ťa doma niekto čaká. Občas je fajn dostať kvety len tak, lebo je utorok. Občas je fajn dostať …
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In der neuen Ausgabe vom „Life Radio LASK Podcast 1908“ ist diesmal Florian Flecker zu Gast. Er erzählt im Gespräch mit Life Radio-Sportreporter Georg Duschlbauer über sein Comeback nach der Verletzung und warum er gewusst hat, dass er da gleich ein Tor erzielen wird. Es geht um die aktuelle Situation des LASK und er verrät auch, welches besondere …
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#15 Trotz aller technischen Herausforderungen und drei Anläufe haben wir es geschafft: Ein Podcast Gespräch, das tief berührt, aufwühlt, Gehirn sprengt, das spürbar macht, wer wir wirklich sind: Das Unaussprechliche. Tim Taxis erzählt von seiner Reise von der Wunde zum Wunder – vom erfolgreichen, weltbekannten Verkaufstrainer hin zu einem spirituel…
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Substitutes for Potatoes Keto #33, S.5 New to DIRTY, LAZY, KETO? Start FREE 20,000+ positive reviews on Amazon. Over a million podcast downloads and views on YouTube! As shared on NBC’s Today show and on the covers of Woman’s World magazine, Stephanie Laska lost 140 pounds and created DIRTY, LAZY, KETO – a “doable” ketogeni…
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