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Napit Edellä on itsenäinen ja sensuroimaton jalkapallomedia. Napit Edellä nimi kuvaa kolmen jalkapallohullunurheilutoimittajanalun lähestymistapaa podcastien aikana. Viikoittain ilmestyvä podcast käsittelee jalkapallomaailman ajankohtaisia aiheita, sekä ennakoi ja jälkiviisastelee otteluiden tiimoilta. Podcastin aihealueet sisältävät mm. Huuhkajia, pukkipartya, Valioliigaa, Mestareiden liigaa, ja paljon muuta. EXTRA KONTENTTIIN LINKIN KAUTTA: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/napit-ede ...
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Aquí encontrarás mis prédicas, clases, presentaciones y otros materiales de todo tipo que voy haciendo. Te invito también a que te sumes al canal de nuestro Beit Midrash en https://www.youtube.com/pasionygratitudMX y por supuesto a mi histórico blog http://www.judiosyjudaismo.com Espero disfrutes aprendiendo juntos. Un abrazo, Rab Diego
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*Cue the Sue Heck squeal* Welcome to "Middling with Eden and Brock," the ultimate rewatch podcast of ABC's The Middle. Hosted by Eden Sher and Brock Ciarlelli, who played the ever optimistic Sue Heck and the jazz square aficionado Brad Bottig, this podcast takes you on a nostalgic journey through the beloved series with plenty of laughs that sparked their real life friendship and the stories that followed. Join us as we revisit every episode with behind-the-scenes stories and special guests. ...
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Eden Exchanges

The Business Journey Podcast By Eden Exchange

Franchising, business and investment insights from leading voices in the Australian market. Presented by Eden Exchange, a platform to buy and sell businesses, buy and sell franchises, or find an investor or an investment. Eden Exchange also provides targeted and integrated marketing and PR campaigns to sell your business to buyers in Australia and Overseas, find an investor or increase your franchise sales.
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Canal dedidcado a los programas de producción propia de la emisora virtual EDENEX, la Radio del Misterio. Hoy comienza una nueva etapa destinada a divulgar el mundo de los enigmas y misterios a través de las ondas de Internet. Un reto apasionante que no entiende de fronteras o barreras. Los mejores programas radiofónicos nacionales e internacionales dedicados al mundo del misterio en su más amplia vertiente, estarán a tú alcance a partir de ahora desde nuestra web gracias a la colaboración d ...
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Eden and Amadeus

Eden Kendall and Amadeus

99.9 Gator Country morning show hosts Eden Kendall and Amadeus share stories that they did not have time to cover on the air, and they take a deeper dive into those that did make the cut. Fans of Your Hometown Morning Show will enjoy a more behind the scenes look at what goes into the making of a country radio morning show. Listen daily for this PG-13 version of the top stories making pop culture headlines, artist interviews, and much , much more.
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edelcrowd im Gespräch mit Anbauvereinigungen, Politik, Justiz und Aktivisten zum Thema Cannabis Legalisierung und allem drum und dran... Hier erfahrt ihr, wie es den neuen Cannabis Clubs geht, was Clubgründer, Konsumentinnen und Kritiker denken - und worum sich aktuelle Diskussion drehen. Gastgeberin und Podcast-Host ist edelcrowd Co-Gründerin Katrin, die für euch die Fragen stellt... edelcrowd ist eure App für Cannabis Social Club Management - alles ready an Tag 1 von Mitglieder-/Anbau- und ...
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Voice of Eden with Amaechi

Voice of Eden with Amaechi

Gain insights into life through the lens of God's Word. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Welcome to the Voice of Eden podcast with Amaechi. I'm a professional graphic designer, singer, and a devoted believer in God!🥰😍 This podcast is dedicated to: 📍 Enlightening people with the truth about their identity in Christ. 📍 Cultivating a generation of God-fearing and serving individuals. 📍 Nurturing a love for the Word of God in people. Join us as we embark on a journey of Rest!!
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Lass uns gemeinsam durchs Gartenjahr gehen. Jeden Montag bis Freitag, 5 Mal pro Woche, erhältst du hier jede Menge Ideen, Tipps & Erinnerungen für deinen Nutzgarten. Egal ob es um Aussaat oder Ernte geht, ob Gemüse oder Blume, Garten oder Balkon, Theorie oder Praxis, frisch aus dem Garten, ab auf die Ohren.
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主要以生活中發生的事情拿來做話題的延伸 兩人的聊天節奏輕鬆又帶點微尷尬 來做塑造一種無拘無束的聊天氛圍 希望能在無聊的時刻 給大家一點陪伴~ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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15-year-old Eden Westbrook, lived in a small seaside town in Tasmania. One night after a minor disagreement with her family she left home. The next morning, she was found dead hanging from a tree on the main road into the town. The family don’t believe she took her own life. This series delves into the family's view of the police investigation, the witness that was last to see Eden Alive, missing evidence, new information and a tiny town with a dark secret. This is 'Our Little Edey – The Ede ...
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Ric Edelman is the nation’s most acclaimed financial advisor, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of 11 books on personal finance with more than one million copies in print in seven languages, and founder of the nation’s largest financial planning firm, ranked #1 for quality by Consumer Reports. Every weekday, Ric gives you the information you need about the five personal finance topics that matter most today: longevity, retirement security, exponential technologies, digital assets, and ...
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Edelina Investe

Edelina Viana- Mentora de Investimentos

Olá investidores! Sejam bem vindos ao podcast Edelina Investe! Aqui teremos muito conteúdos sobre investimentos, finanças pessoais e muito mais! Aproveitem a jornada! Boraaaa!
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Welcome to the LIVE LIKE EDEN podcast where we talk about all things transformation! Join me in a thought-provoking conversation about what to do when you begin to wake up to who you really are. Whether you are going through subtle shifts or radical changes, we'll discuss transformation and shifts in consciousness, nature and foods that heal, the inner workings of the mind, and how to clean up and clear out your space! When your life begins to unravel, we’ll dive into the physical, mental, a ...
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Der Gold- und Silber- Podcast von www.Kettner-Edelmetalle.de für Investoren, Krisenvorsorger und Sammler. Wir liefern Ihnen hilfreiche Infos & Tipps zu Gold & Silber sowie politischen und kritischen, wirtschaftlichen Themen unserer Finanzwelt Wir möchten, dass Sie sowohl als Investor, Sammler oder Krisenvorsorger immer kostenlos auf dem neuesten Stand bleiben! Wir betreiben unseren Online-Edelmetallhandel seit dem Jahr 2010. Auf /www.youtube.com/c/KettnerEdelmetalleTV bieten wir Ihnen ebenfa ...
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Edellos - Plauderei aus dem Nähkästchen über Themen wie Digitales, Start-ups, Serien, Musik oder einfach nur das Leben in Berlin. Die zwei Schnack-Buddies Christian und Lars geben euch dabei einen warmen und humorvollen Blick auf aktuelle Geschehnisse und reden sich dabei gerne einmal bis ins tiefste Detail. Eben zum akustischen Anfassen!
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Chaque mois - ou presque - edeni invite autour d'une table ronde des personnalités qu'on aime, qu'on admire, qu'on juge intéressantes et pertinentes pour parler d'un sujet autour de notre triptyque fétiche : écologie - santé - éthique
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A podcast about the IFB Cult as told by survivor Sadie Carpenter, with her co-host Gavri'el HaCohen. This podcast covers the IFB, the history of the Independent Fundamental Baptist movement, other cults, other religions, and the real and present threat that cults and cult ideologies pose to society as a whole. Our goal is to promote freedom of mind, freedom of thought, and freedom of religion. General Content Warning: In general we talk about a lot of potentially triggering topics on this sh ...
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Go behind the scenes with putting designer and PGA professional, David Edel as he answers your questions, talks about how to play your best, and sits down with friends for candid golf conversations.
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show series
El episodio del podcast Misterio en Viernes dedicado a Manuel Carballal promete ser un encuentro fascinante con uno de los investigadores más destacados del mundo del misterio en España. En este episodio, los presentadores invitan a Carballal para una charla sin filtros, abordando su trayectoria, las investigaciones más destacadas de su carrera y l…
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An AI-powered robotic companion for older adults, ElliQ, is being tested to reduce loneliness and provide engagement, but concerns remain about its about potential abuse, lack of regulation, and reliance on robots over human interaction. And plan to join us fortwo engaging webinars next week: “What the Election Results Mean for Crypto” on December …
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On this episode, we discuss cannibalism, lab-grown human meat, cloned dinosaurs, and whether or not AI can go to heaven. WE HAVE NEW MERCH AVAILABLE, AND A NEW MERCH SHOP, at https://leavingedenpodcast.threadless.com Stream the Leaving Eden Podcast theme song, Rolling River of Time on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/artist/6lB7RwSQ9X5gnt1BDNugyS?…
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There may be Kobolds peeking out at you from underground. In this episode, we learn how to fight these pervs in the Undercity they call home - with special guest Rawrbeque. Knights guild Discord - https://discord.com/invite/kotrtdisco Sobe & Kobe Discord - https://discord.gg/nqzpE8GRArthuur and TungstenMan által
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We're wrapping up our series called Fresh Fire! This series is all about accessing God’s power for everyday life. This week, we are talking about how we need boldness to follow Jesus.GET CONNECTED + PRAYERNew to EDEN? We’d love to pray for you, too! Let us know at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://eden.church/connect⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ LEARN ABOUT EDEN CHURCHEDEN is a star…
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Send us a text A new community can become something it never set out to be. And it happens FAST. Pastor Brandon takes us to Acts 18:24-28 to walk us away from a version of church we don't want anything to do with. Join us in person sometime! Every Sunday at 11 am. Hackensack Middle School 360 Union Street, Hackensack, NJ 07601…
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Advent Sermon - Luke 1:5-25"Make Ready for the Lord a People Prepared"Pastor Matt GingerichEWC Livestream December 1, 2024Join us as we look into God's Word for encouragement and guidance.Thanks for joining us!DONATE: http://edenworshipcenter.co/donateDOWNLOAD: this week's Bulletin to follow along with Sermon Notes and Announcements! - https://bit.…
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¡Qué gran propuesta para un programa de radio intrigante y lleno de misterio! La combinación de Manu Carballal, un investigador reconocido por su enfoque en temas paranormales, y el programa Misterios en Viernes, es una apuesta segura para capturar la atención de los oyentes amantes de lo desconocido. Este episodio promete explorar criaturas sobren…
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Julio Barroso nos adentra en un apasionante diálogo con el enigmático Manuel Carballal, quien promete desvelar las impactantes verdades ocultas tras la Clasificación Confidencial. En esta reveladora conversación, exploraremos los oscuros y fascinantes nuevos expedientes secretos del CNI, exponiendo cómo sus operaciones se entrelazan con entidades d…
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(00:28) Alkuläpät & Intro haastikseen (06:48) VIERAS: Tero Suonperä - Teron tausta: koulun opettajasta juniorivalmentajaksi ja lopulta miesten joukkueiden päävalmentajaksi... - tekee valmennushommia siviilityön ohessa, onko ollut tavoitteena siirtyä ammattivalmentajaksi? - mitä valmentajuus merkitsee ja mitkä ovat isoimmat haasteet, kun on päävalme…
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To achieve true diversification and reduce market concentration risks, Ric discusses alternative strategies beyond traditional S&P 500 index funds. Equal-weighted ETFs like Invesco's RSP and mid-cap growth funds like OEGAX provide more balanced exposure and potential growth opportunities by focusing on smaller and mid-sized companies. And retirees …
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Do you complain a lot? Are you around other people who constantly complain? Do you even notice it, or is this simply a perpetual habit of the ego mind? When you focus your attention on something long enough, what happens? It builds in intensity and rages like a wildfire! Could it be that simple to shift out of what is bothering you and into what is…
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Get cozy, it's just us today! Today, we hit everything before we even get to the recap: 1st break ups, horrible Broadway audition stories, and Survivor. Then, we break down episode 117, "The Break Up." Eden sheds light on how her and Atticus' scenes were filmed, Brock fawns over the Mike and Axl 1-shot scene, and we both notice the intentional echo…
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nos adentramos en uno de los temas más misteriosos y escalofriantes del fenómeno OVNI: la abducción. Pero no hablaremos de cualquier tipo de abducción, sino de aquellas que desafían nuestra comprensión de la realidad misma. ¿Qué sucede cuando los investigadores se convierten en parte del misterio? ¿Es posible que el factor humano influya en el prop…
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As the Truth About Your Future comes to an end next month, in addition to being on Ric's list for updates, he suggests three industry leaders in the evolving world of crypto to follow for their expert insights. He also emphasizes the importance of doing your own research. Following up on yesterday's show covering groundbreaking medical breakthrough…
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En su prédica del viernes 22 de noviembre, el Rab Diego abordó la pregunta universal: ¿cuál es el sentido de la vida?. Aunque parece sencilla, afirmó que esta interrogante, que ha intrigado a pensadores durante siglos, suele estar mal planteada.Inspirándose en la parashá Jayei Sara (Las vidas de Sara), destacó que la vida no tiene un único propósit…
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Three quarters of U. S. adults are now either overweight or obese. One in three children are now fat. But help is on the way from new drugs that not only fight obesity but have beneficial effects in fighting a variety of ailments. The impact on health and the economy will be transformative. #ObesityCrisis #HealthAwareness #MedicalBreakthroughs #Wei…
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In this episode, we talk about the Insane Clown Posse, the Juggalo subculture, and the cult/gang allegations that have been made against them. WE HAVE NEW MERCH AVAILABLE, AND A NEW MERCH SHOP, at https://leavingedenpodcast.threadless.com Stream the Leaving Eden Podcast theme song, Rolling River of Time on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/artist/6…
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We're continuing our series called Fresh Fire! This series is all about accessing God’s power for everyday life. This week, we are talking about how following Jesus isn't always easy, but is always worth it.GET CONNECTED + PRAYERNew to EDEN? We’d love to pray for you, too! Let us know at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://eden.church/connect⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ LEARN ABOUT EDE…
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Today on Eden Exchanges, our Client Operations Manager and Team Lead, Kirstie Dinning, spoke to Shannon Stewart, Regional Branch Owner of Urban Clean Gold Coast.Listen as Shannon discusses the Urban Clean offering, the opportunity that’s available in the market, why she joined Urban Clean, how Urban Clean supports new franchisees and much more.Want…
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Pastor Matt Gingerich EWC Livestream November 24, 2024 Join us as we look into God's Word for encouragement and guidance. Thanks for joining us! DONATE: http://edenworshipcenter.co/donate DOWNLOAD: this week's Bulletin to follow along with Sermon Notes and Announcements! - https://bit.ly/3Ty4m3G
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Verano de 1947. En un rincón remoto del desierto de Nuevo México, una tranquila noche fue interrumpida por algo que descendió del cielo. Los primeros en llegar al lugar del impacto hablaron de restos de un material desconocido: fragmentos que no podían romperse ni quemarse, extraños símbolos grabados en su superficie, y, según algunos, rastros de u…
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1. Kirche als Ort für Demokratie - ein Beitrag zum Wahlkampf? 2. Fußball, Antisemitismus und Rassismus nach dem 7.10.23. 3. Wirkt Prävention? Studie der NRW Bistümer zu sexualisierter Gewalt. 4. Neue Innenarchitektur. Berliner Hedwigskathedrale wiedereröffnet. 5. Unsinn und Sinn. Moderation: Christina-Maria Purkert…
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Aktivist Christopher Matt, auch bekannt als Cann4Chris im Gespräch mit edelcrowd: Als erfahrener Konsument warnt er vor zu frühem Konsum und generell der Glorifizierung von Konsum. Als demokratischer Aktivist ruft er dazu auf: "Kennt die Pflanze, ihre Wirkweise und gesündere Konsumformen - und nehmt eure Verantwortung als erwachsene Konsumenten wah…
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As Chegg has plummeted in value due to competition from AI tools like ChatGPT, investors must embrace innovative, forward-thinking companies rather than outdated ones. Plus, while mutual funds may have higher fees compared to ETFs, deciding to switch should depend on long-term investment goals rather than solely on expense ratios or capital gains t…
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¿Sabías que en muchas bodas judías hombres y mujeres no bailan juntos? Esta práctica, que sorprende a muchos, tiene raíces en la halajá, la historia y los cambios culturales de las comunidades judías. En este episodio de Judaísmo Picante, exploramos: • ¿Es el baile mixto una prohibición halájica o una costumbre moderna? • ¿Qué dice el Talmud sobre …
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In this episode of the podcast, we dive into the much-anticipated film adaptation of Wicked, exploring its impact and the enthusiastic reception it has received, particularly from Amadeus, who shares his profound love for the movie. Amadeus discusses the film's visual spectacle, musical performances, and how it brings a fresh perspective to the bel…
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(00:28) Kotimainen ja kansainvälinen maajoukkuejalkapallo! - Pikkuhuuhkajat tyylillä ens kesän kisoihin ja vuosikausia sitten jalostettujen periaatteiden johdolla valmennettu ryhmä sai ansaitsemansa palkinnon. Syyt menestyksen takana ja joukkueen/valmennusryhmän mahdollinen siirtymä Huuhkajiin? - Rive out huomenna? Honsu Tukholmaan? MVNT? - San Mar…
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