Interviews with profound, yet down-to-earth spiritual teachers. Hear their life stories and nuggets of wisdom that you can apply to your spiritual search. If the great mysteries of life intrigue you, then you will enjoy this show. Some of the questions we explore: Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? What is the self? Is there a soul? What is enlightenment? What is death? What is the difference between meditation for relaxation and meditation for self inquiry?
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I first interviewed Bob Cergol in episode 2 of the podcast back in 2016. In this episode, we discuss his new book Hope! Life’s Calling: Finding Yourself on the Spiritual Path Called Life. Even meditation alone is insufficient. One will not complete the journey of going within solely by sitting and self-reflecting. Unless one’s lifestyle … Continue …
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Tyler Matthew is one of many unpretentious, extraordinary people doing their part as friends along the path to spiritual awakening. Right now, your true self, your absolute identity is fully here in the exact same way its fully here in deep sleep and the dream state and the awakened state…. You can learn to abide … Continue reading "Tyler Matthew: …
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Filo Sophie King is one of many unpretentious, extraordinary people doing their part as friends along the path to spiritual awakening. What you think of as nothing is in truth, everything. Remember it is all only a dream. Realize that what you want is not up to you, and will never be achieved by you, … Continue reading "Filo Sophie King: Awakening …
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Most recently, Federico Faggin founded the “Federico and Elvia Faggin Foundation” to support the scientific study of consciousness. But his path to the study of consciousness was preceded by his contributions to some of the key technologies in the computing world. In 1968, Dr. Faggin moved to Palo Alto, California, to work at Fairchild Semiconducto…
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Message in a Bottle: Reflections on the Spiritual Path is a new book from the TAT Foundation Press. Rather than another book by a spiritual teacher, this book takes the approach of asking spiritual seekers, those still on the path to “finding,” to share their stories and wisdom. Interestingly, each contributor to this volume also … Continue reading…
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August “Augie” Turak was the first student of Richard Rose and played an key role in introducing me to the spiritual search through his founding of the Self Knowledge Symposium. Thus, I was happy for the opportunity to interview him in support of his new book, Not Less Than Everything: One Man’s Quest for Spiritual … Continue reading "August Turak …
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What happens when you take the rigor of a physicist and combine that with the earnest desire of a seeker of enlightenment? In his mid-twenties, Shawn Pethel picked up a book by Ken Wilber and was introduced to Eastern philosophy and the idea of enlightenment. As a scientist, he recognized that these Eastern meditators were … Continue reading "Shawn…
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My reading this episode is two extracts from the works of Ramana Maharshi. The first is an excerpt from a longer work entitled “Who Am I,” and the second is titled “Self Enquiry.” The “Self Enquiry” piece was written around 1901, and both writings appear in Author Osborne’s The Collected Works of Sri Ramana Maharshi. … Continue reading "Ramana Maha…
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My reading this episode is an excerpt from Eddie Traversa’s book, Truth Realization. Eddie was an extraordinarily sincere spiritual teacher and friend who passed away in 2022. His website no longer exists, but at least as of the time of this writing, his book is still available, and you can listen to my podcast interview … Continue reading "A Readi…
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Mike Gegenheimer is president of the TAT Foundation, coauthor with me of Passages: An Introduction and Commentary on Richard Rose’s Albigen System, and helps facilitate a self-inquiry group based in Columbus, Ohio. In this episode, we delve into his years with Richard Rose and the early days of the TAT Foundation, his experiences with the … Continu…
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This episode is from an interview titled “Satsang with Shawn Nevins” conducted by Reverend Saina Fernandez from the Awakening Together group. It took a few minutes to find our groove, but thanks to the Reverend’s great questions, this interview hit several key topics and moments of inspiration including discussions on honesty, focus, intuition, and…
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My reading this episode is an excerpt from my book, Subtraction: The Simple Math of Enlightenment, where I describe the moments that led up to my enlightenment experience. It occurred as I was reading a transcript of Franklin Merrell-Wolff’s Induction talk, so this reading is a mix of my words and quotes from Merrell-Wolff’s talk. … Continue readin…
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This episode’s reading features two dialogues from the book Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi. Covering the period 1935 to 1939, the book is an excellent resource for the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and was a constant companion while I lived in a cabin on Richard Rose’s farm. Ramana Maharshi’s teaching are best not read cover … Continue reading "Rama…
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This episode’s reading is a selection called “The Basis of Awareness” from Instant Zen, a translation by Thomas Cleary of the writings of zen master Foyan. Foyan was a 12th century Chinese Zen master and is one of the few Zen masters that Cleary felt equal to the great ones of the Golden Age of … Continue reading "Foyan – The Basis of Awareness"…
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This episode’s reading is a selection called “To Think of Time” from Walt Whitman’s 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass. Describing the writing as “soaring” may seem cliched, but if you listen and allow the words to work their magic you may feel the expansion and uplifting that Whitman strives to transmit as the covering … Continue reading "To Think of…
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This episode’s reading is a short excerpt of spiritual poetry from the TAT Foundation publication Beyond Mind, Beyond Death. It’s the first volume published by the TAT Press, and I consider it a “desert island” book–one you return to again and again for insight and inspiration. The reading opens with “Just Look” by J.C. Its … Continue reading "Spir…
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This episode’s reading is an an excerpt from the book I Am That by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, which I found at The excerpt was titled “The Realization of Nisargadatta.” Though not labelled as such in the book, in this excerpt Nisargadatta clearly and, as always, succinctly describes his spiritual realization. See my review of … Con…
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This episode’s reading is an essay by Alfred Pulyan titled “The Penny That Blots Out The Sun.” Pulyan was a little-known Zen teacher based in Connecticut and active in the 1950s through his death in 1966. Like so many authentic teachers, he labored in relative obscurity, yet his words and deeds continue to affect many. … Continue reading "The Penny…
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This episode’s reading is an essay by William Samuel titled “The World is After the Fact” from his book The Child Within Us Lives! In it, William Samuel reaches out to the audience laying bare the depth of his understanding and felt experience of Reality. I’ve only scratched the surface of William Samuel’s teachings, so … Continue reading "The Worl…
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This episode’s reading is an essay by Bernadette Roberts titled “How it Works.” In just a few paragraphs, Bernadette dives deep into the paradox of the unmanifested, manifesting, and manifested. It’s from her book The Experience of No-Self. Though Bernadette considered herself a Christian writer and seemed perpetually irritated with anyone trying t…
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What is Zen transmission? Today’s reading is from Bart Marshall’s essay called “Transmission” published in the book Beyond Mind, Beyond Death. Bart has appeared on this podcast and was featured in my film Closer Than Close, so I’m sure many of you are familiar with his work. It’s a brilliant essay, striking a bell that’s … Continue reading "“Transm…
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The first time I saw Richard Rose, I heard him give his Lecture of Questions. It began with “What do you know for sure? Does a man own a house or does a house own him?” and continued, question after question, challenging my assumptions, beliefs, and hopes about every aspect of life. I was both … Continue reading "The Lecture of Questions – Revisite…
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The one thing I didn’t ask Pat “The Barber” Crowley in our interview was how he got his nickname. I’ll blame that on the Irish gift for storytelling, in full evidence with Pat Crowley, which mesmerized and transported me to the wild seashores of Ireland and into the heart of Pat’s hunger for Truth. Pat … Continue reading "Pat The Barber Crowley: th…
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My last interview with Art Ticknor was nearly 15 years ago, so I thought it time to catch up and see what’s new. Nothing much, in the sense that Art is still as uncompromising and ever a truth-seeking gadfly. In addition to audio, there is video available for this interview. Check it out below. Art … Continue reading "Art Ticknor: the essence of co…
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John E Davis II is a spiritual teacher who passed away in 1984 , leaving behind an audiotaped interview and a few poems that appeared in a TAT Journal shortly after his passing. I resurrected that interview for this month’s podcast because it’s refreshingly far removed from the increasingly homogeneous mass of spiritual teachings on … Continue read…
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Joel Morwood is the spiritual director of the Center for Sacred Sciences in Eugene, Oregon. For over 30 years, he’s helped guide seekers on the spiritual path through his many talks, essays, and books, as well as helped fashion a body of teachings that calls upon the great mystical traditions. It was 2017 when I … Continue reading "Joel Morwood Int…
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Bob Fergeson, author of The Listening Attention and Dark Zen: A Guru on the Bayou, is a spiritual teacher who focuses on the nuts and bolts of spiritual seeking while also conveying with his presence the ineffable message of Reality. Hopefully this Bob Fergeson interview offers a taste of both. In this episode with Bob … Continue reading "Bob Ferge…
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I credit Joseph Sadony with inspiring me to explore the realm of intuition and giving a taste of the difference between an emotion that is a reaction to a thought, and a thought that is a reaction to a feeling. Every so often, I dust off my copy of Gates of the Mind and get … Continue reading "Dr. Richard Howlin on Joseph Sadony"…
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The tagline on Maury Lee’s website reads ” Sixty-nine year old male, expressing non duality, realization, by the grace of God.” The simplicity, yet depth, of that line is a good summation of Maury Lee. Maury was recommended to me by Michael Casari, and I found him to be an otherwise quiet soul who became … Continue reading "Maury Lee Interview"…
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Shawn Nevins által
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Shawn Nevins által
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Shawn Nevins által
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Shawn Nevins által
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A little holiday gift to you in this end of the year podcast: a guided meditation. Though I rarely did guided meditation in my younger days, I now see it as skillful practice as well as having the potential to develop rapport when done in a group setting. A guided meditation is the opportunity to … Continue reading "Guided Meditation 1"…
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Richard Rose has been one of my 5-star teachers since the inception of He passed away in 2005, but his work influences numerous contemporary teachers. I thought it would be interesting to interview one of his long-time students, Michael Casari, and get a glimpse of life with Richard Rose as well as another person’s … Continue…
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Most of us, I would venture to say, have at some time or other had a feeling that something was present beyond our traditional senses, something without a name, not specific nor particular, but thoroughly present in a manner inexplicable, very near and very far away, beyond our current ability to explain. ~Pattiann Rogers Pattiann … Continue readin…
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To have great poets, there must be great audiences, too. ~Walt Whitman Which quote means to say, thank you, to all of you reading and listening to this site. This month’s podcast is a mini-episode featuring readings of some of my favorite spiritual poetry. For much of my life, I was a person with only a … Continue reading "Spiritual Poetry"…
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Anything we do with our heart and soul becomes a spiritual endeavor, in spite of ourselves. ~ Jerry Wennstrom One of the striking features of my interview with Jerry Wennstrom is it felt we were in the same room even though we were hundreds of miles apart. There is a sort of innocent intensity about … Continue reading "Jerry Wennstrom Interview"…
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“I’m not a teacher,” says Norio Kushi, “I’m not someone who knows something you don’t know. Just look for yourself and see what you see.” Though Norio Kushi says he is not a spiritual teacher, the story of his spiritual awakening is a fascinating one, and his advice in light of that awakening is worth … Continue reading "Norio Kushi Interview"…
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Jan Frazier is a spiritual teacher and author of When Fear Falls Away and The Great Sweetening, among other books. In our interview, I found Jan’s emphasis on allowing and unfolding a nice counterpoint to my usual drive to find practices and tools to speed up the spiritual search. I hope you find this Jan … Continue reading "Jan Frazier Interview"…
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A mini-episode with a few spiritual poems from the book Beyond Mind, Beyond Death. If you like the spiritual poetry of Rumi, I think you’ll enjoy this. Listen to the episode on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play. Stream by clicking here, or download after you follow the link by using right-click and then “save as.” Listen on Youtube: QUESTION(S) OF ……
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My teachers were the sun, moon, stars, dirt, wind, trees, and the critters. All of them were preaching the truth…. ~ The Hillbilly Sutra There is a hidden spiritual goldmine tucked away in rural Tennessee. He doesn’t consider himself a spiritual teacher and rarely speaks in public or does interviews on this topic. Fortunately, he … Continue reading…
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Daniel Ingram is author of Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha and a leading proponent of Buddhism as a practical path to enlightenment in this lifetime. He’s played a key role in keeping Buddhism vital and accessible while also grounded in the core teachings. If you’re on a Buddhist path or thinking about exploring … Continue reading "Danie…
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Australia: land of koala bears, kangaroos, Vegemite, and enlightened Aussies like Eddie Traversa. Eddie is in the unique position of being both a psychotherapist and awakened, which gives him a deep perspective as well as a broad tool set with which to help clients. In our interview, he discusses why he doesn’t focus on helping … Continue reading "…
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This 1.5 hour interview with Michael Taft seemed to fly by, leaving me immediately wanting a Part 2. As you will see, Michael is deeply knowledgeable about meditation and succinctly explained the paradox of the observer watching the observer–a meditative trap which dumbfounded me for many years. Michael Taft’s wide-ranging experience defines a pers…
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When Paul Rezendes was kind enough to write a blurb for the back cover of Images of Essence, my book collaboration with Bob Fergeson, I had no idea there was anything more to Paul than being a talented nature photographer and wildlife tracker. A few years later, a friend recommended I watch of series of … Continue reading "Paul Rezendes Interview"…
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"We're overlooking things because of the sheer familiarly of them."Shawn Nevins által
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"I really wonder what God feels like?" That's the question that finally drove Anima Pundeer to awakening.Shawn Nevins által
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Shake up your preconceptions about spiritual awakening and enlightenment by joining my guest, Paul Constant.Shawn Nevins által
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Our conversation tackles Advaita misconceptions, Bob's time with Richard Rose, his own awakening experience, and even includes Bob's "cheat sheet" for the spiritual search.Shawn Nevins által
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