Pawel nyilvános
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This podcast contains a short daily devotional to help guide your prayer time with the Lord. Each episode is three to five minutes long and is designed to help you focus your prayer life and time with the Lord.To sign up for the daily email use the following link
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Uwolnij Swoją Głupotę Wszystko co powstrzymuje cię przed tym co chcesz robić jest głupotą. Uwolnij ją - pozwól jej odejść. Moim hobbi jest uwalnianie własnej głupoty. Wychodzi ona z ukrycia podczas działania, demaskuje ją otwartość i gotowość do popełniania błędów.
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Opowiadacz historii Wszystko co powstrzymuje cię przed tym co chcesz robić jest głupotą. Uwolnij ją - pozwól jej odejść. Moim hobbi jest uwalnianie własnej głupoty. Wychodzi ona z ukrycia podczas działania, demaskuje ją otwartość i gotowość do popełniania błędów. W historiach, które opowiadam chcę demaskować to, co czesto uważane jest za "normalne", a jest zwykłą głupotą, do której trudno sie przyznać. Bardziej istotne jest to czego powinniśmy się pozbyć a nie nauczyć.
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Życie może być lepsze tylko dzięki TOBIE. Wyprostuj się. Ten dzień jest taki jakim chcesz aby był. Przestań myśleć o sobie, myśl o działaniu. Jesteś odpowiedzialny za bliskich i sprawy z nimi związane. Hej, dobrze, że jesteś. "Blog osobisty" do takiej kategorii zaliczam to miejsce, w którym teraz jesteś. Zapisuję i opowiadam moje osobiste interpretacje smaku, barwy i odczuć życia codziennego. Jeżeli choćby jedna myśl tu zawarta będzie dla Ciebie inspirująca i sprowokuje do działania, które d ...
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Paweł Lenar jest liderem w branży Marketingu Sieciowego od 12 lat. Zbudował organizacje sprzedażowe liczące łącznie ponad 70 000 partnerów w 23 krajach. Jest laureatem nagrody Polish National Sales Awards dla najlepszego menedżera branży MLM w Polsce. Autor bestsellerowych książek oraz systemów szkoleniowych. Pomaga Networkerom wrzucić piąty bieg w karierze. Paweł Lenar Podcast skierowany jest do tych przedsiębiorców budujących swój biznes w marketingu sieciowym, którzy chcą przenieść swoje ...
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show series
Witajcie w kolejnym odcinku! Dziś gościmy Bartosza Nosiadka, którego wielu z Was zna jako eksperta w dziedzinie nieruchomości i autora książki, która pomogła wielu osobom osiągnąć sukces finansowy. W tym odcinku porozmawiamy jednak o fundamencie naszego istnienia czyli o relacjach między ludzkich, rodzinie, szczęściu i wartościach.- Powiemy tez jak…
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If you can lose it, it is not yours anyway. Luke 12:15 (CSB) —15He then told them, “Watch out and be on guard against all greed, because one’s life is not in the abundance of his possessions.” Click Here to support this ministry and receive the print devotional called "The Word For You Today." Click Here to subscribe to our YouTube channel.…
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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Psalm 112:2–10 (CSB) —2His descendants will be powerful in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. 3Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever. 4Light shines in the darkness for the upright. He is gracious, compassionate, and righteous. 5Good will come to the one who lends generously and conducts his …
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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Luke 2:51–52 (CSB) —51Then he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was obedient to them. His mother kept all these things in her heart. 52And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with people. Click Here to support this ministry and receive the print devotional called "The Word For You Today." Click Here to subscr…
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W tym odcinku poruszamy temat, który dotyka wielu ludzi w Polsce czyli nieszczęsny alkoholizm. Naszym gościem jest Maciej Kramarz, ekspert w dziedzinie terapii uzależnień, który pomoże nam zrozumieć, czym jest alkoholizm, jak go rozpoznać i jak sobie z nim radzić.🔍 Co znajdziesz w odcinku:- Definicja alkoholizmu: Jak rozpoznać, że problem jest powa…
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Let's strive to know the Lord. Check out our new website Hosea 6:1–3 (CSB) —1Come, let’s return to the Lord. For he has torn us, and he will heal us; he has wounded us, and he will bind up our wounds. 2He will revive us after two days, and on the third day he will raise us up so we can live in his presence. 3Let’s strive to know …
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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W tym odcinku opowiem o inwestowaniu w mieszkania na wynajem. Przyjrzymy się jakie są zalety i wady zakupu nieruchomości za gotówkę w porównaniu z kredytem hipotecznym. Odpowiem też na pytanie, czy obecnie taka inwestycja w mieszkanie jest nadal opłacalna.Paweł Albrecht által
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Don't miss your blessing! Luke 10:23–24 (CSB) —23Then turning to his disciples he said privately, “Blessed are the eyes that see the things you see! 24For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see the things you see but didn’t see them; to hear the things you hear but didn’t hear them.” Click Here to support this ministry and receive th…
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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Where do you put your trust? Jeremiah 17:5 (CSB) —5This is what the Lord says: Cursed is the person who trusts in mankind. He makes human flesh his strength, and his heart turns from the Lord. Click Here to support this ministry and receive the print devotional called "The Word For You Today." Click Here to subscribe to our YouTube channel.…
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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W tym odcinku rozmawiamy o wpływie social media na nasze życie i zdrowie psychiczne. Social media stały się wszechobecne, wypełniając nasze umysły krótkimi, dynamicznymi treściami, które prowadzą do licznych problemów. Obecne algorytmy zaprojektowane są tak, aby przyciągać naszą uwagę, co prowadzi do frustracji, samotności i konieczności wydawania …
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You just never know what the Lord is going to do. Deuteronomy 34:10–12 (CSB) —10No prophet has arisen again in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. 11He was unparalleled for all the signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do against the land of Egypt—to Pharaoh, to all his officials, and to all his land— 12and for all the mighty acts …
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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What do you do when you can't understand God's plan? Deuteronomy 34:4–7 (CSB) —4The Lord then said to him, “This is the land I promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have let you see it with your own eyes, but you will not cross into it.” 5So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, accordin…
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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W tym odcinku rozmawiam z ekspertem na rynku nieruchomości - Damianem Kleczewskim, na temat wynajmu mieszkań oraz inwestowania w lokale w kamienicach. Damian jest doświadczonym inwestorem, z którym miałem okazję współpracować na początku swojej kariery. Jego doświadczenie i wiedza były dla mnie niezwykle cenne, a teraz miałem możliwość ponownie por…
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All provision comes from the Lord. John 3:16 (CSB) —16For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. Click Here to support this ministry and receive the print devotional called "The Word For You Today." Click Here to subscribe to our YouTube channel.…
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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W tym odcinku rozmawiamy na temat histaminy - substancji, o której lekarze rzadko wspominają. Histamina może znacząco wpływać na nasze zdrowie, a jej nadmiar w organizmie prowadzić do szeregu problemów, takich jak dolegliwości żołądkowe, bóle głowy, czy reakcje alergiczne. Ja sam doświadczyłem poprawy samopoczucia i rozwiązania problemów żołądkowyc…
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Do you want to learn more about the miracles of God? If so click here to get your copy of Dr. Pete Pawelek's study called Signs and Wonders. This 8-week study will take you through 40 of the most fascinating miracles in the bible. Along the way, Dr. Pete will unpack some of the hardest questions about miracles. Inside the book, you will find a QR c…
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Pastor Pete Ministries is 100% listener-supported. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, see the links below. To find out more about this ministry, contact Pastor Pete, or discover additional resources visit Click Here if you would like to become a financial partner with Pastor Pete Ministries. Help us reach hundr…
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