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Podcast showcasing Variety Arts talent from around the world. Juggling, Magic, Standup Comedy, Impressions, Ventriloquism, Dance, solo musicians, and More! Series of 3 short videos of talent and Hosted by a different Tag Team each week. Lots of Laughs and great way to see a variety of talents in a podcast.
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Hi, ich bin Susi! In diesem Podcast spreche ich mit Freund:innen und Expert:innen darüber, wie bewusste oder unbewusste Rollenmuster unsere Lebensmodelle prägen; wie unsere Vorstellung von Gender Anpassungsdruck erzeugt und wie Stereotype immer wieder kulturell reproduziert werden. Mit feministischem Blick schauen wir auf Genderthemen zwischen Identität und Kultur. „Das Patriarchat bleibt aufrechterhalten, weil wir alle an bestimmte Erzählungen glauben – und sie als Wahrheit betrachten.“ [Em ...
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You've been in the HR trenches for years. Now, are you ready to look toward the future? Join host, Meghan M Biro on the #WorkTrends podcast from TalentCulture as she talks about how work is changing. You'll get all the news you need to stay current, and hear from leading experts, HR tech vendors and HR practitioners about what inspires them. Join us on Twitter every Wednesday at 1:30 pm Eastern for a live chat using the hashtag #WorkTrends.
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We are entering a new era of consciousness — one where freedom, courage, and deep trust replace fear, control, and suppression. My work is about leading people into this new paradigm and helping humanity to rebel against the beliefs, systems and ways of being that are no longer serving us.
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How exactly do high-performing talent, HR, and recruiting teams operate on a day-to-day basis? We find out through conversations with talent leaders at some of the world's most influential businesses.
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Talento Escondido resalta la creatividad de los artistas independientes, explorando la dedicación y el esfuerzo que ponen en una de sus obras. Entrevistamos a artistas para que nos cuenten el proceso creativo detrás de una canción o poema.
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A podcast about all aspects of Talent Intelligence, Talent Research, Talent Analytics, Labor Intelligence, Human Capital Intelligence, Competitor Labor Intelligence. This is a sister podcast to the main Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/talentintelligencecollective
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Join Pinpoint CEO Tom Hacquoil for quick-fire questions with leading recruiters on Talent Talks. And catch up on previous episodes of The Talent Revolution—a podcast dedicated to talent acquisition specialists, people leaders, and CEOs who want to hire better humans, and build stronger teams. Know someone who'd be great on Talent Talks? Email us at podcast@pinpointhq.com
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Talk Talent To Me

Rob Stevenson: Recruiting, Employer Branding, and Career Growth Expert.

Starring recruiting leadership from everywhere under the talent acquisition sun, Talk Talent To Me is a fast-paced rough-and-tumble tour through the strategies, metrics, techniques, and trends shaping the recruitment industry. Brought to you by your pals at LHH.
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Our intention is to interview inspirational and interesting people from the world of Technology and Business to uncover new ideas and innovations.We want to learn how business and technology can benefit humankind in the future.
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The Gartner Talent Angle podcast is a new and exciting approach to talent management. Every month, we’ll talk with those on the forefront of HR innovation — innovators, academics, HR professionals, economists, coaches — to explore the most interesting and cutting edge ideas in the world of HR and people development. Join us as we reimagine talent.
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At Rubberband, we empower each other through positivity, kindness and practical advice. If you want to sit back and enjoy some great content, check out a podcast, vent a lost placement, showcase excellence in HR tech or just need some guidance, we’ve got your back. Join a community of 1000’s of peers who understand the unique challenges you face. Here, you can speak freely and find the support you need, without any corporate ties. Rubberband: Company agnostic. Low Ego, High Empathy. Always s ...
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With "Secondhand Talent", we want to devote a platform to taking moments to shine the spotlight on those that manage the spotlights. We want to use this platform to highlight some of our incredible colleagues in the industry whose names you might otherwise never hear. Thank you for joining us - come along, stay a while! LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/secondhandtalent Website: www.secondhandtalent.com
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Hosted by serial entrepreneur Rob Levin, The Great Talent, Great Business podcast dives into the strategies that drive business success through the power of exceptional talent. With over 30 years of experience and a reputation as a top speaker on business and entrepreneurship, Rob shares practical, impactful insights alongside industry experts, helping leaders navigate challenges and optimize their talent strategies. Whether you’re a business owner, manager, or talent professional, this show ...
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Talent Hub Talk

Ben Duncombe: Salesforce, Sales Force, CRM, Data

Talent Hub Talk is a podcast dedicated to giving you your Salesforce fix, featuring insights and real-life stories from Trailblazers, community leaders and those in the ecosystem with a valuable perspective to share. Talent Hub Talk is a podcast brought to you by Ben Duncombe, Founder of Talent Hub, the Salesforce Recruitment Experts.
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McKinsey Talks Talent

McKinsey People & Organizational Performance

McKinsey talent experts Bryan Hancock, Bill Schaninger, and others on how to make the most of talent as a competitive advantage, navigate today’s fast-changing talent landscape, and prepare now for the future of work.
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The Talent Sync is a new podcast from Talent Board and JobSync. Your hosts are JobSync’s Leah Daniels and Talent Board’s Kevin Grossman, and each podcast episode will feature anything and everything about recruiting and hiring – literally the “kitchen” sink on The Talent Sync and how all things TA work together, should work together, and sometimes don’t. Kevin and Leah will include TA industry news, research, trends, market activity, interviews, recruiting technologies, and a little industry ...
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Want to build talented teams that drive your company toward big goals and big growth? Need immediate staff for a pending project? Success starts with finding the right recruiting and staffing firm. Each week, we talk with top talent strategists, staffing experts, and industry leaders. Our guests share their insider tips for: -Identifying top talent at every level -Placing the right people in the right roles -Motivating and retaining your workforce -Enhancing workforce flexibility through tem ...
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If you're looking to grow your podcast audience, radio and podcast veteran Erik K. Johnson helps you transform your podcast information into entertainment that keeps your audience coming back episode after episode.
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In this digital first world, the old ways of recruiting are becoming obsolete. Or are they? The talent demands on every business has put TA squarely in the hot seat. Welcome to Talent Acquisition In The Trenches, a real dialogue podcast with talent acquisition pro’s closest to the front line. We want to talk to our peers who are actually doing the heavy lifting day in and day out.
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Explore Ohio's diverse musical landscape with Late Night Local Talent! Our podcast showcases talented artists from across the state of Ohio, spanning genres from rap and hip-hop to alternative rock. Listen here to these full-length interviews with artists that we showcase every Monday from 10pm to 11pm on 88.1 WZIP-FM. If you are interested in being featured, you can submit your music or request an interview by emailing us at latenightlocaltalent@gmail.com!
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In each episode, Cheryl invites a talented voice actor into the Kitchen to share their favorite recipe, while also delving into the origins, significance and the meaning it holds for them. From savory soups to sweet desserts, this podcast has something for everyone. Whether you're a seasoned chef or just starting out in the kitchen, this podcast will hopefully leave you feeling inspired and hungry for more!
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TalentHub Podcast on suunatud eelkõige neile, kelle igapäeva töö hõlmab inimestega tööd, ettevõtte ehitamist või selle juhtimist. Iga kahe nädala tagant kutsume enda saatesse külalise, et rääkida erinevatel praktilistel ja kaasaegsetel personalivaldkonna teemadel. Saate pikkus on umbes 45 minutit ja tavaliselt jaotub see kolme teemablokki - kõige pealt saame tuttavaks oma saatekülalisega, siis räägime konkreetsel HR teemal ning iga saade lõppeb kiire küsimus-vastus vooruga.
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In this series we’ll be talking to learning and development and HR professionals from organisations all over the world. We’ll dig into what they’re doing in their own organisations to drive performance in an ever changing landscape. We’ll ask questions like how can you best skill up your workforce, keep them motivated and allow your teams to thrive? We’ll look at what works and what doesn’t and we’ll try and do this with as much of a human element as possible. Totara creates talent developme ...
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Welcome to Talent Talks with Nawres, the podcast where professionals share their career journeys, personal stories, and the lessons they’ve learned along the way. Every episode, you’ll hear from experts across different industries as they discuss how they’ve built fulfilling careers that fuel both their happiness and success. Whether you’re job searching, feeling stuck in your current role, or ready to leave a company that takes more than it gives, this space is for you. Tune in every other ...
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The Talent Trade

Southwestern Family of Podcasts

The Talent Trade is all about finding the right person, for the right opportunity, at the right time. But how exactly do you do that the "right" way? Executive Search Partner and Top Biller Stephanie Maas shares more than 25 years of experience about what it takes to be a top recruiter in today's "talent trade" market, using ThinkingAhead’s four-prong system focused on recruiting, business development, planning, and managing your mindset. It’s real, honest information about how to build your ...
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The Breakthrough Hiring Show: Recruiting and Talent Acquisition Conversations

James Mackey: Recruiting, Talent Acquisition, Hiring, SaaS, Tech, Startups, growth-stage, RPO, James Mackey, Diversity and Inclusion, HR, Human Resources, business, Retention Strategies, Onboarding Process, Recruitment Metrics, Job Boards, Social Media Re

Welcome to The Breakthrough Hiring Show! We are on a mission to help leaders make hiring a competitive advantage. Join our host, James Mackey, and guests as they discuss various topics, with episodes ranging from high-level thought leadership to the tactical implementation of process and technology. You will learn how to: - Shift your team’s culture to a talent-first organization. - Develop a step-by-step guide to hiring and empowering top talent. - Leverage data, process, and technology to ...
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Each month Jane Kennedy and Ewan Anderson chat to a member of Scotland's exciting and burgeoning startup scene to glean their insight and expertise into what makes their business tick. TalentSpark is powered by Eden Scott - the people business.
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Welcome to The Talent Forge! Where we are shaping the future of training and development I am your host, Jay Johnson. Through my 20+ years as a coach, trainer, and leader, I have seen the best and the worst of talent development across the globe. That has inspired and compelled me to create a show that helps other professionals like me navigate the challenging waters of growing people. The Talent Forge isn't your typical tips and tricks podcast. We delve deeper, explore the future, and pione ...
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Der GainTalents Podcast bietet Dir jede Woche eine neue Folge mit Expertenwissen in den Bereichen Talente gewinnen und Talente entwickeln. Meine Podcast-Gäste liefern Dir Wissen und Best-Practices aus den Bereichen der Unternehmenswelt, der IT-/Softwareindustrie, der Training- und Coachingbranche sowie der Wissenschaft und Forschung. Und zusätzlich erhältst Du interessante Specials, die meine Gesprächspartner nur den GainTalents Podcast-Hörern exklusiv zur Verfügung stellen.
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Tune In To Talent talks about the ever-evolving landscape of talent needs, exploring strategies and insights that drive innovation and growth. From hiring the brightest minds to nurturing exceptional teams, we're here to talk about how to unlock the full potential of your organization.
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Tune into The Training Associates (TTA) “Bring Out the Talent” podcast to hear from learning and development talent and partners on their innovative approaches and industry insights. In each episode, TTA’s CEO, Maria Melfa, and Talent Manager, Jocelyn Allen will chat with subject matter experts and bring you casual, yet insightful conversations. Maria and Jocelyn use their unique blend of industry experience and humor to interview the L&D industry’s most influential people, latest topics, an ...
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AGT Time Pod - America's Got Talent Fancast

Cody Patterson, Jay Bock, AGT Commenter

Step into the spotlight with Cody Patterson, Jay Bock, and the enigmatic AGT Commenter as they unleash their passion for the electrifying world of America's Got Talent! Dive deep into every sensational episode during the summer season, where they recap the latest jaw-dropping performances, invite special guests, and even chat with the incredible contestants themselves. But the fun doesn't stop when the lights dim; in the offseason, join them as they journey back through the show's most memor ...
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科技職涯 Talent Connect 是由 Cake 製作的 Podcast 節目,專門邀請在科技、數位等不同領域的工作者來分享他們的職涯趣事。如果目前想找一份理想機會,不妨試試透過 Cake 做履歷找工作吧!https://www.cake.me
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Analyzing EB-1A/O-1 extraordinary ability, EB-2C National Interest Waiver USCIS denials and decisions from the DHS/Administrative Appeals Office. Note that AI is used as a speaker in some of the analyses. It is not intended as legal guidance. Info is subject to error. Immigration Law is complicated. Consult with a private attorney.
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Danmark bugner af nye talenter, der eksperimenterer med lyd. De fortæller historier, deler deres passion, viden, drømme og fantasier, og de sætter fokus på relevans i vores samfund. Radio4 giver de nye talenter en chance for at udkomme og få professionel sparring – og dig en chance for at opleve dem.
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Miguel Formiga

A proposta de Miguel Formiga é explorar o tema da capacitação do ser humano com foco no ponto de vista da competência espiritual, conduzindo o indivíduo à reflexão acerca do desenvolvimento de sua espiritualidade. Um programa que une arte, conhecimento e espiritualidade.
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Die Jagd auf einen Millionenbetrüger. Eine Geschichte über Vertrauen und Freundschaft, Lüge und Betrug. Wie brachte der Deutsche Felix Vossen - Filmproduzent, Daytrader, Textilunternehmer-Spross - engste Freunde und Angehörige um Millionen? Wie leben seine Opfer heute damit? In Staffel 2 der preisgekrönten Serie geht NDR Info Reporter Christoph Heinzle Spuren nach, die bis in die USA und nach Indien führen – zu einer betrogenen Betrügerin.
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Talent acquisition is undergoing unprecedented disruption as AI, economic uncertainty, and the ever-shortening lifespan of skills radically reshape recruiting. On Recruiting Future, Matt Alder explores this evolving landscape, using insightful interviews with transformational TA practitioners and forward-thinking experts to spark your imagination and provide the insights you need to shape the future of talent acquisition in your organization. Each episode explores topics such as AI, recruiti ...
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show series
In this episode of Conscious Rebel, we uncover one of the most powerful, yet often overlooked, keys to manifestation — falling in love with where you are right now. What if you could feel complete, worthy, and abundant exactly as you are, regardless of your circumstances? Imagine how much more powerful your manifestation process would be when you a…
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Sharing yourself on your podcast is the way to build relationships with your audience. However, you need to be careful what you share. SHARE YOURSELF AUTHENTICALLY We have group calls twice a month inside the Podcast Profits Accelerator. This is where a group of podcasters are growing the audience and business. You can see details at www.PodcastTal…
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Part 2 of our 2025 AGT Bracket results is here. Who will be crowned champion? Contact Information Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Threads | Bluesky | Email About AGT Time Podcast AGT Time Podcast is a weekly podcast covering the hit NBC talent competition America's Got Talent. The hosts, Cody Patterson & Jay Bock recap each episode during the regu…
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Dive into an insightful conversation with Emma Rainville, dubbed the Wizard of Ops, as she shares her unparalleled wisdom on the intersection of operations and talent development. With an incredible journey from managing one of the largest HVAC companies in Texas to becoming a fractional COO, Emma unveils the secret ingredients for operational succ…
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Rich shares invaluable insights from his time at Google and Facebook, explaining why he transitioned into the startup world and how Anyscale is tackling the challenges of machine learning talent acquisition. We also discuss the importance of sourcing differentiation, the role of AI in recruiting, and why every employee should think like a recruiter…
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In 2023, cybersecurity is a $202 billion industry with hundreds of thousands of jobs. It’s hard to imagine that it was once a fledgling sector, but back in 2009 when Al Lerberg chose it, that’s exactly what it was. “Up and coming” was how cybersecurity was once described. Today, it’s a dominant, mainstream niche that shows no signs of slowing down,…
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Send us a text Welcome to Season 4, Episode 15, of "Secondhand Talent: The Podcast"!!! We're so happy we're here and so, so incredibly grateful for all of your love and support along the way. On behalf of all of us here at Secondhand Talent, Steiner & Steener - WE LOVE YOU, FRANDS!!! This week we have the pleasure of releasing to you the Secondhand…
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Part 1 of our 2025 AGT Bracket results is here. How will the first 2 rounds of Golden Buzzers shake out? Contact Information Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Threads | Bluesky | Email About AGT Time Podcast AGT Time Podcast is a weekly podcast covering the hit NBC talent competition America's Got Talent. The hosts, Cody Patterson & Jay Bock recap e…
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On this episode of Great Talent Great Business, Rob Levin interviews Bob Borcherdt, Founder and CEO of IN2GREAT and discuss how you can unlock the hidden potential within your organization. Bob delves into the root causes, emphasizing the critical role of leadership development and the creation of cultures of clarity. Learn how fostering better lea…
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Recently, Mikayla had the opportunity to interview Eddie Grancos from Alomar, Glass Bones, and I Hate It Too from Akron! Make sure to check out Alomar's latest E.P. "the chamber of the sun" and I Hate It Too's E.P. "Void Emotion"! Listen all the way through and tune in Mondays 10 - 11pm on 88.1 WZIP to hear Alomar, Glass Bones, I Hate It Too and ot…
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What’s Vanguard’s secret talent acquisition superpower? Turning their mission into an irresistible recruiting pitch. Tiffany Haley, Head of Global Talent Acquisition at Vanguard, shares why the best recruiters are those who genuinely believe in what they're selling. In this episode, Tiffany explains how she coaches her team to leverage empathy, pas…
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Three key changes are impacting today’s labor market: a changing workforce composition, evolving attitudes toward work, and new tools and technologies to empower employees and candidates. HR leaders must understand the implications of these changes as they set talent strategies and build out capabilities for their organizations. Gad Levanon, chief …
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The last 3 years have made it clear that AI isn’t going anywhere. In fact, it’s set to become a bigger part of our jobs. In the recruiting industry, we’ve seen the rise of tools that are changing the way we find and communicate with candidates. Even though many recruiters are concerned about AI, it’s actually not the enemy. It’s the key to efficien…
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In this episode of Talent Talks with Nawres, I speak with Sean Kennedy, a Talent Acquisition expert known as "The TA Guy", who brings a people-first mindset to hiring and career growth. Sean shares how this philosophy has shaped his career and approach to talent acquisition, as well as what job seekers should look for in a company to ensure it is n…
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Achtung (Werbung in eigener Sache): Jetzt mein Buch "Die perfekte Candidate Journey & Experience" unter folgenden Links bestellen: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-662-66875-7 https://bit.ly/3KEgwDF https://amzn.to/3mbzhUO Der inhaltliche Fokus liegt auf Recruiting für mittelständische Unternehmen sowie Startups und darum, wie die Candi…
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Culture doesn’t exist—at least not in the way we think it does. In this episode of Talent Talks, host Rob Adams is joined by John O. Burdett, Founder of Orxestra® Inc. and Leadership Advisor to TRANSEARCH International, to challenge conventional wisdom on organizational culture. With decades of experience as a senior HR executive and consultant to …
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Cody, AGT Commenter, and Minnesota Ryan got together to draft some Golden Buzzers for the 2025 AGT Madness Bracket. Summary In this episode of AGT Time, the hosts discuss the Golden Buzzer bracket for America's Got Talent, detailing the drafting process of the acts, revealing statistics about past Golden Buzzer winners, and analyzing the matchups i…
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The traditional approach to developing employer value propositions can often be complex and time-consuming. While this in-depth methodology might work well for large, complex organizations, many employers invest months or even years in exhaustive research and complex frameworks only to often end up with EVPs that sound remarkably similar to their c…
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Storytelling is a powerful way to create relationships with your audience. Your stories allow you audience to get to know you. STORYTELLING BY THE BEST The best speakers in the world use powerful storytelling. Zig Ziglar always used great stories in every point he made. He was a master at storytelling. If you've listened to Zig, you've heard the st…
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Technology-driven mass personalization has completely transformed how we engage with brands as consumers. However, while companies have raced to deliver tailored products and services to their customers, the employee experience has lagged behind, with most organizations still operating standardized processes that treat all employees the same. At th…
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GUEST: Will Russell - POSITION: Co-founder - COMPANY: Outhire - TOPIC: Talent Tech - FORMAT: Podcast. Please note: There is no conflict of interest with any content produced by Rubberband, including this Podcast episode- no money is changing hands and Rubberband does not receive commissions for promotion or subsequent sales. Exploring Workplace Men…
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This is an encore podcast presentation previously aired on April 12th, 2024. The journey of a customer is undeniably important, but the employee experience is equally critical for a business's success. Research shows that focusing on the employee journey can directly impact customer satisfaction, driving growth and profitability. By mapping the emp…
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It's time to get serious. We're not find any diamonds in the rough at this point. We mean business now. No joking around. We're here to recap America's Got Talent season 10 Quarterfinals 3. Chapkis Dance Metal Mulisha DADitude! Alicia Michilli Gary Vider Mountain Faith Band Oz Pearlman The Professional Regurgitator Benjamin Yanatan Daniella Mass Fr…
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In this episode of Totara Talks Talent, we dive into the world of extended enterprise learning—how organisations can train not just their own employees, but also partners, retailers, and other external stakeholders to drive business success. The guests for this epsiode are Nicola Griffin, Group Training Manager - Retail at BSH, and Mark Parrish, Ma…
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AI is starting to drive a profound shift in the workplace. The skills we've prioritized for decades are becoming automated, with uniquely human capabilities beginning to emerge as the true differentiators. So, are your hiring and development strategies still focused on what machines can already do, or are you investing in the skills that AI can't r…
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In the age of AI and rapid technological evolution, skills planning has become a greater challenge than ever before. But how else can businesses ensure clear succession paths across their organizations? As we dive down this rabbit hole, we are joined today by Lupe Colangelo, the Director of Alumni Engagement and Employer Partnerships at General Ass…
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What happens when a television journalist becomes an HR executive and discovers the transformative power of crayons? Susan Hensley shares her transformative three-career act from television journalist to HR executive to art journaling coach, revealing how each career phase built valuable skills that enhanced her effectiveness as a leader. Her exper…
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Chris Gray, Partner in the Energy & Renewables practice at ThinkingAhead Executive Search, shares his unlikely journey from music to search, the 5 mental categories to consider to stay in the right headspace, how to keep building momentum, and why tuning out reality is sometimes necessary. Discover what sets ThinkingAhead apart, hear stories from r…
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When you’ve spent your corporate career specializing and thriving in an industry you love, why not build your search business in the same space? The more you know your industry, the easier it is to spot A+ talent and build trust, and the easier it is to run your business. The opportunity to continue in an industry he’s passionate about from the oth…
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📢 Dieser Podcast wirft einen feministischen Blick auf Gender zwischen Identität & Popkultur 🙏 Ich brauche deine Hilfe: Ich freue mich sehr, wenn du den Podcast finanziell unterstützt Ein Transkript dieser Folge findest du 👉 hier .................... 🐍 Gibt es toxische Weiblichkeit? In der weiblichen Prägung werden Frauen darauf getrimmt, Männern zu…
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On today's episode, Matt welcomes back Courtnay Wittmershaus, Director of Workforce Planning and Recruitment Strategy at Sharp Healthcare. Since her last appearance, Courtney has been driving major transformation within her TA team, implementing new leadership structures, data-driven reporting, and operational improvements to enhance healthcare rec…
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Send us a text Welcome to Season 4, Episode 16, of "Secondhand Talent: The Podcast"!!! We're so happy we're here and so, so incredibly grateful for all of your love and support along the way. On behalf of all of us here at Secondhand Talent, Steiner & Steener - WE LOVE YOU, FRANDS!!! This week we have the pleasure of releasing to you the Secondhand…
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Welcome to ‘The Voice Kitchen’ podcast: Where Recipes and Voice Talent Blend! I’m your host, Cheryl Holling From savory soups to sweet desserts, this podcast has something for everyone. Whether you're a seasoned chef or just starting out in the kitchen, ‘The Voice Kitchen’ is a place for voice actors and foodies to gather ‘round a virtual table and…
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Now it’s time to sync up with your hosts Leah Daniels and Kevin Grossman on The Talent Sync. Leah and Kevin talk about Why Empathic Leadership Is Vital For The Humans. The Talent Sync is a collaborative podcast production about anything and everything recruiting and hiring – literally the kitchen sink on how all things in Talent Acquisition work to…
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Welcome to Episode 35 of the Talent Intelligence Collective podcast! Alan Walker, Alison Ettridge, and Toby Culshaw sit down with Chris Woodward, whose fascinating journey from military leadership to strategic workforce planning offers a masterclass in talent strategy and organisational effectiveness. This month's intelligence roundup features Toby…
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GUEST: Felix Blackler - POSITION: Managing Director - COMPANY: Reiss Motivation - TOPIC: Talent Tech - FORMAT: Podcast. Please note: There is no conflict of interest with any content produced by Rubberband, including this Podcast episode- no money is changing hands and Rubberband does not receive commissions for promotion or subsequent sales. Explo…
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