A United Methodist Congregation located in downtown Travelers Rest, SC, right on the Swamp Rabbit Trail. Visit our website: www.trmethodist.net Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: TRMethodist Rev. Brian Gilmer & Rev. Christine Matthews, Pastors
Weekly sermons from Lakeside United Methodist Church in Sanford, Florida. Rev. Dan Wunderlich and guests deliver sermons that bring the Bible to life, inspire faith, and communicate the hope we have in Jesus.
First United Methodist Church of Gadsden welcomes you. Join us on Sunday morning live with Pastor Sam Hayes at 11:20 am for Sundays sermon. Sermons will also be available on our website or through your sermon.net app
Listen to messages recorded during weekly Sunday services from the United Methodist Church in Grenola, Kansas. Services are held every Sunday from 11am to 12pm. Come and be fed by teachings directly from the Word of God and enjoy fellowship with other followers who live to share the love of Jesus!
Welcome to First United Methodist Church, Santa Barbara (FUMCSB). We are members of the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN), a growing movement of United Methodist individuals, congregations, campus ministries, and other groups working to fully include all God's children in The United Methodist Church. We are located at 305 E. Anapamu, Santa Barbara, CA.
We are The Commons at Glencliff, a Nashville-based congregation of the United Methodist Church. Together, we seek to build beloved community through respite housing and practices of faith that are rooted in mercy and justice. This podcast features our Sunday sermons and various vignettes and devotionals. See how we're living into our mission of changing the world at www.glencliffumc.org
Our mission is to transform the people of Lake Highlands and beyond, by Connecting through the love of Christ, Deepening relationships with Christ, and Serving with the heart of Christ.
Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. First United Methodist Church in Lakeland, Florida will fulfill this mission by living and sharing the love of Christ with joy. Visit us at firstumc.org.
Each week throughout Lent, let God's word wash over you as you reflect and listen for what God is saying to you right now. Each episode features a part of scripture you will hear on Sunday morning and is shared using Lectio Divina, which translates as Divine Reading.
First United Methodist Church stands at the heart of downtown Baton Rouge as an anchor of stability for many of the people of our great city. Since 1834, First Church has been a place to worship God, to learn the story of God's love, to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and to serve the larger community. First Church is a place with open hearts, open minds and open doors, where people at all stages of their faith journey can feel comfortable and grow in discipleship.
All Class Members have answered God’s call and, through the guidance of The Holy Spirit, will achieve their full potential as active Disciples for Christ. As a result, we will change the world and continue to support each other through the joys and hardships of life.
Worship services that are relevant, passionate, and life-changing. A choice of both traditional and contemporary worship styles. An invitation to live a life that matters…to make a difference! St. Luke’s United Methodist Church wants to make a real difference in your life – in your spiritual life, in your relationships, and in the city and world. Whether you’re young or old, single, married, single again, with or without children, St. Luke’s has a place for you! We invite you to experience t ...
We know that exercise and good nutrition help keep us physically healthy. Unfortunately, we don’t always follow through. Our spiritual lives are similar. We know what we need to grow as Christians, but sometimes we struggle. Get Your Spirit in Shape is a free, 30-minute, monthly podcast from United Methodist Communications featuring conversations with leaders, authors, and others who offer spiritual nutrition and exercises for our everyday lives. Join us as we get—and keep—our spirits in shape.
Our mission is to to live out God’s love for all. We strengthen our faith as we worship, study, develop a creative, supportive community, and serve others. Together, we encourage each other in our call and our many ministries. We strive to transform the world as we put love and faith in action, reaching out to others – locally and globally. We work together for life and justice for all people. We affirm our United Methodist heritage, seek to understand and celebrate our many differences as w ...
We hope you'll join us each week for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:45 am. If you are unable to attend, if would like to hear a sermon again, or if you would like to share the message with others, we will post an mp3 version of each sermon on this page. Thanks for listening!
Dauphin Way UMC has both a thriving traditional service and a dynamic contemporary service. Located in Mobile, Alabama, we invite you to hear what our pastors say each week as we work together to make disciples who make a difference in our community and in the larger context. For more information on Dauphin Way visit dauphinwayumc.org.
Audio of Pastor Darren Cowdrey's weekly message, as we work together toward fulfilling our mission statement: "Setting a Course for a Better Life." Live-streamed weekly from our campus in Westlake Village, CA. Video of this entire worship service is available for viewing or listening on our home page at http://www.umcwv.org for approximately 3 weeks, and then also available on our YouTube channel at https://bit.ly/4hFmuBZ All songs used in compliance with our CCLI and streaming licenses.Copy ...
Worship at Tyler Memorial United Methodist Church in Chillicothe, Ohio. Tyler Memorial UMC is situated in Chillicothe, OH, just west of the historic downtown area. It is a historic urban church located in a caring and engaged neighborhood. The church serves as a hub for various civic groups, welcoming all individuals with a shared purpose for the betterment of the community. Join us for worship on Sundays at 11:00 AM. Our worship is traditional, featuring an organ, choir, and liturgy. Office ...
Developed especially for innovative leaders assigned in the Columbia District, Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference, United Methodist Church, to help you navigate United Methodist systems and culture as you enact God's bold mission.
Join Pastor Robb as he continues his series on Luke's gospel - "The Need to be Needy." Scripture Reading: Luke 10:27-35 Visit us on Sundays at 305 E. Anapamu, Santa Barbara, CA. Find out more at www.fumcsb.orgPastor Robert Fuesler & Pastor Liz Aguilar által
On this first Sunday of Lent, we begin a new series on the seven I Am sayings of Jesus and the seven signs of Jesus. Today, we look at John 6 which contains the "I am bread of life," and the feeding of the five thousand.Beth A Waldrup által
How does nonviolence shape our faith? This week on Beyond the Sermon, Mat Hotho and Pastor Sally Campbell-Evans discuss how her experiences—from mission work to peaceful protests—shaped her understanding of Jesus and justice, and what it means to live out a nonviolent faith today. Find out more at HydeParkUMC.org/NextSteps…
God is at work on the puzzle pieces of our life. Gospel reading by Bill Eddy. Sermon by Rev. Beth Demme For more information, visit www.graymumc.orgGray Memorial United Methodist Church által
Send us a text Grace transforms even the most broken souls, but only if we dare to believe we're worthy of it. This powerful truth emerges as we begin our Lenten journey through Victor Hugo's masterpiece, Les Misérables, examining how theological concepts manifest in this beloved narrative. Jean Valjean's story captivates us from his first appearan…
Series ~ Through Sermon ~ Through Chaos Scriptures ~ Genesis 1:1-13, Genesis 7:7-12, Psalm 46 What do we do when it feels like forces that are completely out of our control are causing chaos in the world or in our own life? Is it possible to live with a faith that rejects fear?
Rev Jon Reynolds preaches on 1 Timothy 3: 14-17 http://www.brightonfumc.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/BUMC030925.mp3 The post “Making Sense Of The Bible: Searching For Answers” appeared first on First United Methodist Church-Brighton & Whitmore Lake.Brighton First United Methodist Church által
Life is a journey of faith, and as disciples of Christ, we are called to follow Him with our whole hearts. This Sunday, we begin a new sermon series, Doing What Disciples Do, with the message "Follow," based on Matthew 4:18-22. As we step into the sacred season of Lent, let’s reflect on what it truly means to follow Jesus. Join us for worship as we…
Join us for live broadcasts, GFUMC worship services at 9 am and 11 am on Sunday mornings are offered in-person and livestream.Rev. Sherri Reynolds által
Churches are good at food drives, but not as good at food justice, claims Kathy Webb, a cradle United Methodist who has worked in Arkansas politics for decades. Kathy shares how her faith integrates with social justice as a passionate advocate who engages with her community, city boards, commissions and church to tackle pressing issues such as hous…
WORD OF ASSURANCE Listen to Jesus. He will guide and care for you. Place your trust in him, for he is God’s chosen, God’s beloved. His ways are the ways of peace and hope. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES John 6:24-40 Hebrews 10:23-25 1 Thessalonians 5:14-24 SERMON MESSAGE Pastor Kenny TeagueGrenola UMC által
Worship: Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time; Minister: Rev. Debbie Weatherspoon;Message: "The Third Way"; Scripture: Luke 6:27-38; Music director: Scott Jespersen; Worship Leaders: Mikko Jokela, Melani Gantes, Becky Wheat, Charles LynchRev. Debbie Weatherspoon által
This sermon from Rev. Ingrid McIntyre unpacks how Jesus challenges societal norms by prioritizing compassion over laws, urging us to redefine justice and form unlikely alliances for change. The sermon shares the story of Jesus and his disciples challenging Sabbath laws in Mark 12. Glencliff United Methodist Church is an inclusive and justice-seekin…
Scripture references: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 and Luke 6:17-26 Jesus' message in Luke 6:17-26 is really clear and direct—He doesn’t beat around the bush. He lays out the values of the Kingdom in stark contrast to worldly values, making sure His listeners understand exactly what He means. He speaksplainly about who is blessed and why, and He also doe…