Wherein comedian Drew Bulkeley and Ex-Berliner columnist Konrad Werner and maybe a guest discuss the last week of news in Germany.
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Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and German-speaking Australians. - Nachrichten und Geschichten aus unserer deutschsprachigen Community in Australien, in deutscher Sprache.
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Can a sculpture turn Canberra into a tourist hot spot? - Kann eine Skulptur Canberra zur Touristenattraktion machen?
Art tourism is booming, taking people to places they might never have visited otherwise. Canberra, Australia's capital, is also following this trend. With a spectacular sculpture, it could become a new hotspot for art lovers — at least that's the hope. - Kunsttourismus boomt und bringt Menschen an Orte, die sie sonst vielleicht nie besucht hätten. …
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Finnland und Deutschland besorgt über zwei beschädigte Datenkabel in der Ostsee / G20-Staaten planen stärkere Besteuerung der Superreichen und halten am 1,5-Grad-Ziel fest / Zwei zusätzliche Anklagen gegen den Moderator Alan Jones / Premierminister Albanese bespricht Status Taiwans mit Chinas Präsidenten / CCTV- und Bodycam-Aufnahmen belasten Poliz…
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“Feeling comfortable in speaking a language is like taking a warm bath” - „Eine Sprache, in der man sich wohl fühlt, ist wie ein warmes Bad“
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What does it feel like to learn a new language in a foreign country? Author Irena Kobald deals with this question in her children's book “My Two Blankets.” Irena shares with us how her heart-warming story reaches people from all over the world. - Wie fühlt es sich an, eine neue Sprache in einem fremden Land zu lernen? Damit hat sich die Autorin Ire…
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US-Präsident Joe Biden genehmigt offenbar Einsatz von US-Waffen mit längerer Reichweite für Angriffe auf Ziele tief im russischen Staatsgebiet / Grünen-Kanzlerkandidat Robert Habeck will „Taurus“-Marschflugkörper an die Ukraine / Festnahme des ehemaligen Moderators Alan Jones nach Ermittlungen wegen mutmaßlicher sexueller Übergriffe / Regierung pla…
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Overcoming cultural differences - Kulturelle Unterschiede überwinden
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The Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia conference was recently held in Brisbane. Participants at the event discussed topics such as cultural diversity, integration and the challenges faced by migrant communities in Australia. Louise Moeller is Australian and lived and worked in Germany for more than 20 years before moving to Bri…
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Almost everything in communication today is carried out via the Internet. That wasn't always the case, of course. There used to be fax machines and telex and corded telephones, but all these technological developments that were once so useful have disappeared. What also ended up in the museum is the shortwave. Anyone who wanted to listen to interna…
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Several flight cancellations after volcano erupts in Indonesia - Indonesischer Feuerberg blockiert internationalen Luftverkehr
Three Australian airlines have cancelled flights to and from Bali after a volcanic eruption near the popular Indonesian destination created a hazardous ash cloud. Lidia Cortina has the latest updates. - Der Vulkan Lewotobi Laki-Laki in Indonesien kam in den letzten Tagen einfach nicht zur Ruhe und ließ kilometerweite Aschemassen in den Himmel aufst…
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US-Präsident Joe Biden trifft Chinas Staatschef Xi Jinping am Rande des Gipfels der Asiatisch-Pazifischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (APEC) am Samstag in Peru/ nach dem Bruch der Ampelkoalition sind Neuwahlen auf den 23. Februar angesetzt/ die sogenannten "Wirtschaftsweisen" erwarten ein Wirtschaftswachstum von lediglich 0,4 Prozent fuer Deutschland i…
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Young classic star from Berlin - Junger Klassikstar aus Berlin
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Classical music is no longer exclusively the domain of European and American artists. On Saturday and Monday, a young musician duo from Korea will make guest appearances in Sydney and Melbourne. Both were winners of major music awards in 2023 for their excellent playing. Jeonghwan Kim is a celebrated pianist, Jenny Jin an outstanding violinist. Und…
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Tarifpartner hoffen auf Einigung für Pilotabschluss in der vierten Runde der Tarifverhandlungen für die Metall- und Elektroindustrie / Weltwetterorganisation warnt vor ernsthaften Gefahren des Klimawandels / US-Klimabeauftragte Podesta äußert Enttäuschung über Sieg von Donald Trump / Regionalfluggesellschaft Rex erhält staatliche Finanzhilfe von 80…
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“Falling Into Place” — Aylin Tezel talks about her directorial debut, love and “on-screen chemistry” - „Falling Into Place“ – Ein Gespräch mit Aylin Tezel über ihr Regiedebüt, Liebe und „On-Screen-Chemie ...
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German actress, screenwriter and director Aylin Tezel is currently celebrating the Australian premiere of her feature film debut “Falling Into Place” as part of the 2024 Russell Hobbs British Film Festival. In this interview, she talks, among other things, about the genre of film romance, as well as her versatile role as leading actress, director a…
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High-speed trains: “Australia has missed opportunities in the past.” - Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge: "Australien hat in der Vergangenheit Gelegenheiten verpasst."
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For 40 years Australia has been discussing a network for high-speed trains. However, the new CEO of the High Speed Rail Authority, Tim Parker, now wants to get serious. He is convinced that the effort and expenditure can be worthwhile. We asked rail expert Doc Frank Heibel what to make of this and whether we might still get high-speed connections a…
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Fighting toxic masculinity: Australia introduces “Anti-Andrew-Tate” courses in schools - Gegen toxische Männlichkeit: Australien führt "Anti-Andrew-Tate"-Kurse an Schulen ein
At least one woman dies in Australia every week. Sexist incidents are increasing even in schools. A federal state now wants to start early and educate young people. Victoria is the first to test new teaching tools against toxic masculinity that influencers like Andrew Tate have made popular. - Jede Woche stirbt mindestens eine Frau in Australien. S…
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New vaccination program adopted to protect against respiratory virus - Neues Impfprogramm zum Schutz vor Atemwegs-Virus beschlossen
A new free vaccination program from the Australian government is intended to protect pregnant women and babies from the potentially deadly respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). According to Health Minister Mark Butler, this could reduce more than 90 percent of associated hospital stays. - Ein neues kostenloses Impfprogramm der australischen Regierung …
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Regierungskrise Deutschland: Vertrauensfrage vielleicht doch im Dezember / Wiederwahl Trumps wirft Schatten auf COP 29 / Isreals Nationaler Sicherheitsrat mahnt Israelis und Juden zu Vorsicht / Chris Evans erster Anti-Sklaverei-Beauftragter / 88-Jähriger läuft zum zwölften Mal Athener Marathon / Bundesliga: Frankfurt schlägt Stuttgart in heimischem…
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Looking back on the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall: An interview with journalist Alexandra Falk - Rückblick zum 35. Jahrestag des Mauerfalls: Journalistin Alexandra Falk im Gespräch
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Journalist Alexandra Falk lives in Wellington, New Zealand, and works for various German media outlets. With her involvement in the “Wir sind der Osten” initiative, she is actively working promoting a new awareness of the regions of East Germany. Leading up to the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, she curated the exhibition “Berlin W…
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Der russische Präsident Putin gratuliert nun doch Trump zur Präsidentenwahl/ erste Opfer im Kampf zwischen ukrainischen und nordkoreanischen Armeeangehörigen/ der scheidende US-Präsident Biden sichert seinem Nachfolger Donald Trump einen „friedlichen und geordneten“ Übergang zur Amtsübernahme zu / nach dem Ausscheiden der FDP wollen SPD und Grüne i…
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Cultural fatballs - Kulturelle Fettnäpfchen
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Chris Dammann gives helpful tips and information on how to find your way down under. In conversation with Katharina Lösche, he sheds light on the cultural differences between Germans and Australians and describes the pitfalls that Germans in Australia often encounter. - Chris Dammann gibt hilfreiche Tipps und Informationen, wie man sich in Down Und…
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Donald Trump not only won the US presidential election more clearly than expected, his Republican Party can also count on a broad majority in Congress. Dieter Herrmann, editor-in-chief of the newspaper DIE WOCHE IN AUSTRALIA, says that only the dominance of the election victory surprised him. - Donald Trump hat nicht nur die US-Präsidentschaftswahl…
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Political earthquake in Berlin the night after the US election - Politisches Beben in Berlin nach der US-Wahl
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The results of the US election continues to occupy people all over the world. In the shadow of this major event, the coalition in Berlin fell apart — new elections have now been announced for the coming year. Prof. Markus Wagner is an expert in constitutional law and explains what to expect in Germany's politics over the coming weeks and months. Th…
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Leipzig 1989: The Protest That Changed History - Leipzig 1989: Der Protest, der Geschichte schrieb
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In October 1989, 70,000 East Germans took to Leipzig’s streets, demanding freedom. Amid mounting tension, the "Leipzig Six" issued a call for calm, setting the stage for the fall of the Berlin Wall. Revisit that pivotal moment, and hear from those whose voices, courage, and sacrifice were behind a peaceful revolution that transformed a nation. - Im…
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Migrants aren't being hired in the jobs they're qualified for. It's costing Australia billions - SBS Examines: Migranten werden nicht für die Jobs eingestellt, für die sie qualifiziert sind.
Australia is facing a skills shortage. So why are migrants struggling to find work in line with their education and experience? - Australien sieht sich mit einem Fachkräftemangel konfrontiert. Warum haben Migranten also Schwierigkeiten, Arbeit zu finden, die ihrer Ausbildung und Erfahrung entspricht?…
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Die Ampel-Koalition ist zerbrochen/ Der republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidat Donald Trump erringt einen klaren Sieg bei der US-Präsidentschaftswahl/ Die australische Regierung plant ein Verbot für Kinder unter 16 Jahren, soziale Medien zu nutzen/ Verbraucherschutzbehörde beginnt öffentliche Anhörungen zu den Preisen in australischen Supermärkte…
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America has voted: Donald Trump returns to the White House. He was not only able to win over important swing states, but also activate new groups of voters. Benjamin Kanthak and Wolfgang Müller discuss the surprising election result. - Amerika hat gewählt: Donald Trump kehrt ins Weiße Haus zurück. Er konnte nicht nur wichtige Swing States für sich …
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The fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, marked the beginning of a night of liberation, unity, and hope. But behind the iconic images lies a complex story of opportunities and challenges that have left a lasting impact on East Germany and the entire country. This series delves deeply into the transformations that began on that pivotal day—a…
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Der stellvertretende Premierminister Richard Marles sagt Beziehungen Australiens zu den USA bleiben unabhängig vom Ausgang der Präsidentschaftswahlen stark / Vertreter der First Nations fordern Queensland Premier auf Entscheidung zur Abschaffung der Wahrheits- und Heilungskommission zu überdenken / Erste Bohrungen für geplante Hochgeschwindigkeits-…
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“A colorful plate of opportunities”: career prospects at German Careers Day - "Ein bunter Teller an Möglichkeiten": Karriereausblicke beim German Careers Day
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German is not an easy language to learn. And then, of course, there is the question: What can I actually do with my German language skills? German Careers Day was organised to answer this question. It took place in Melbourne on October 25 and is a collaboration between the University of Melbourne, Monash University and the Goethe-Institut. - Deutsc…
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Was in Japan die Kirschblütenzeit, ist in vielen Orten an der Ostküste Australiens die Jacaranda-Blüte. Die Bäume im lilafarbenen Kleid sind Touristenmagnete. In Sydney schließen in diesem Jahr sogar einige Straßen, damit Urlauberinnen und Urlauber gefahrlos Fotos machen können.
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“Be critical, don't be seduced!” - "Seid kritisch, lasst Euch nicht verführen!"
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Führer und Verführer is a film that offers us unprecedented insights behind the scenes of the Third Reich and shows the perspective of the perpetrators. The focus is on the Minister of Propaganda Josef Goebbels and his personal relationship with Adolf Hitler. Führer und Seducer is currently showing at the Jewish International Film Festival. We spok…
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UN-Artenschutzkonferenz endet mit gemischtem Ergebnis / Spanisches Königspaar mit Schlamm beworfen / Indigene kritisieren neue liberale Regierung Queenslands / 200 Soldaten in Bolivien entführt / Minister Jim Betts verteidigt VIP-Mitgliedschaft mit Qantas
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Die U.S. Präsidentschaftswahl am 5. November verspricht ein spannendes Duell: Für die Demokraten geht Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris ins Rennen, für die Republikaner strebt Ex-Präsident Donald Trump ein Comeback an. Doch wie schon 2020 könnte das Ergebnis auf sich warten lassen. Rechtliche Anfechtungen werden bereits vorbereitet. Es könnte eine Zeit…
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There is a health issue that is often identified too late by those affected because it persistently takes a long time without symptoms. We're talking about osteoporosis - also known as bone loss. More and more are affected, as the number of people over 55 years of age is rapidly increasing - not only in Australia but also in most other nations. Dr.…
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Für diesen Monat sind bei SBS On Demand spannende Serien und Dokumentationen in deutscher Sprache erschienen. Und diese möchten wir Ihnen vorstellen. Es geht unter anderem um einen Bänker, der deutsche Geschichte geschrieben hat und um eine begehrte Büste, um die sich international gestritten wird.
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Wie ein Bergbaumagnat die Debatte um Kaffeepausen und Homeoffice neu angefacht hat.
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Mit einer Aussage hat der Milliardär Chris Ellison eine Debatte um flexible Arbeitsarrangements in Australien losgetreten. Während einer Präsentation hat der Bergbaumagnat in Westaustralien denkwürdige Worte fallen lassen: Er wolle seine Angestellten den ganzen Tag im Büro „gefangen halten“, um die Produktion zu steigern, sagte Ellison. Kaffeepause…
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Save the camels - Rettet die Kamele
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Camels have a bad image in Australia and are considered a plague. Very wrongly, says Valentin Hellweg, manager of a camel farm in Queensland. In an interview with SBS German correspondent Katharina Lösche, he praises the healthy milk from camels for our diet and the export success of other camel products. - Kamele haben in Australien ein schlechtes…
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“The first job where I think, oh my God, I love my job. ” - „Der erste Beruf, bei dem ich denke, oh mein Gott, ich liebe meinen Job.“
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Lydia Schmelter has lived in Queensland's capital Brisbane for 25 years and has found personal happiness during her time on the 5th continent and has also been able to reinvent herself several times professionally. In conversation with SBS reporter Benjamin Kanthak, the cheerful German reveals, among other things, what brought her to Australia in t…
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“You have to work for every concert as if it were the biggest program you've ever played. ” - „Man muss für jedes Konzert arbeiten, als wäre es das größte Programm, das man jemals gespielt hat.“
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The Austrian conductor Hans Graf is an award-winning conductor and has conducted various successful orchestras worldwide. Graf has been the director of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra since 2020 and will perform with the orchestra again in Australia at the Sydney Opera House on February 12 next year for the first time since 2016. SBS reporter Benj…
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“We stood at the train station and explained to people that they are now allowed to travel to West Germany. ” - „Wir haben am Bahnhof gestanden und den Menschen erklärt, dass sie jetzt nach Westdeutschland ...
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November 9 marks the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Wall. We're accompanying the date this year with a podcast series that will be out soon. We spoke to many eyewitnesses for the project. One of them is software developer Mathias Burbach. He lives in Sydney and accompanied and witnessed the fall of the Wall and the period before that as part o…
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Coffee, cake and more at the Deutsche Schule Melbourne - Aber bitte mit Sahne: Linzer Torte, Donauwelle und mehr beim bilingualen Kaffeeklatsch
The German Week Melbourne has come to an end. We were able to join one of their last events, the 'Kaffeeklatsch' of the Deutsche Schule Melbourne that took place last Saturday. We were able to speak to the organisers, and try some traditional German cakes. - Im Rahmen der German Week Melbourne hat am vergangenen Wochenende bei strahlendem Sonnensch…
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North Korean soldiers in Ukraine: tense situation worsens - Nordkoreanische Soldaten in der Ukraine: Angespannte Lage verschärft sich
According to Ukrainian military intelligence, Russia is said to have brought North Korean soldiers to the Kursk region. They are supposed to support Russian troops in the fight against the Ukrainian offensive. In the past week, footage of thousands of North Korean troops appearing to be training in eastern Russia had already set alarm bells ringing…
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Gingerbread, mulled wine and prawns on the barbecue - Lebkuchen und Glühwein statt Garnelen vom Grill
In Erlangen near Nuremberg, an Australian boutique owner is trying to fight against the online competition. Our SBS correspondent Daniel Salg spoke to her about her expectations for this Christmas season. She also told him why mulled wine and gingerbread are better than prawns on the barbecue. - Das Weihnachtsgeschäft im Einzelhandel läuft so langs…
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David Crisafulli to become new Premier of Queensland - David Crisafulli wird Queenslands neuer Premier
Queensland's Liberal National party has claimed a narrow victory in the state election this weekend, ending nearly a decade of Labor power in the state. A record number of Queenslanders participated in the voting, with abortion, housing and youth crime the focus of the election. - Die Liberal National Party hat in Queensland bei den Wahlen am Woche…
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The first German Week is currently taking place in Canberra and, as in Adelaide, Brisbane or Melbourne, the event also seems to be a complete success in the capital. A central meeting point for the festivities is the Harmonie Club Canberra, which opened its doors in 1964 and has changed over time. There is a big Oktoberfest on the club grounds toda…
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There is still no priestly ordination for women in the Catholic and Orthodox Church. In the Protestant Church, however, the spiritual office is open to both women and men - at least in Germany. However, this has not been the case in Australia so far and this has led to tensions with the German Evangelical Lutheran church in that country. Hopefully …
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Switzerland's fear of “end-of-life" tourism - Sorge vor "Sterbetourismus"
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Concerns about “suicide tourism” have reignited in Switzerland after a US citizen died for the first time in the Alpine state in a specially constructed suicide capsule by Australian physician Dr. Philip Nitschke. Afterwards, there were arrests and the incident is heavily debated. Benjamin Kanthak and Barbara Barkhausen are discussing what is behin…
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Elections were held in Moldova last weekend. Moldovans voted on joining the EU and their new president. Both were confirmed by a slight margin. Now, there are allegations of election fraud from various sources. - In Moldau haben am vergangenen Wochenende Wahlen stattgefunden. Abgestimmt wurde zum Einen über einen EU-Eintritt, gleichzeitig fand die …
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EU-Kommission will den Fischfang in der Ostsee weiter einschränken / Treffen der Brics-Staaten in Russland / Statue von Königin Victoria in Sydney mit roter Farbe beschädigt / Israelisches Militär verteidigt weitere Ziele in Beirut anzugreifen / Opfer der schlimmsten Umweltkatastrophe Brasiliens verklagen BHP am High Court in London auf geschätzte …
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Wilder: True criminal cases in Swiss villages - Wilder: Wahre Kriminalfälle in schweizerischen Dörfern
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The Swiss crime series Wilder is currently showing on SBS on Demand. It shows sides of idyllic Switzerland that we don't necessarily see otherwise. Pierre Monnard directed the first two seasons and talks to us about tricky shoots in the snow and about the real criminal cases behind the individual seasons. - Die schweizerische Krimiserie Wilder ist …
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Careers with the German language? German Careers Day shows the possibilities - Karriere mit der deutschen Sprache? Der German Careers Day zeigt, wie's geht
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German is considered a difficult language. So is it worth the effort to learn the language at all? There will be answers to these questions on Friday, October 25 at German Careers Day in Melbourne. Universities, companies and the Goethe-Institut are setting up career opportunities using the German language. We spoke to two of the organizers. - Deut…
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Hungersnot und tote Helfer in Gaza / USA untersuchen Veröffentlichung von Geheimdokumenten / Bundesgericht: Entlassene Qantas Mitarbeiter bekommen Entschädigung / NSW: Verbot von Handys in Schulen verbessert Leistungen
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