show episodes
This is a Christian podcast designed to help with our daily walk as Christians. On the podcast, we talk about daily issues, short messages that get to the point, successful habits, and more. Practice makes better, so if we want to have a better walk we need to learn and apply. Check out some episodes below. We hope you enjoy.
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show series
Ever stumbled upon a challenge so great that you questioned your capability to overcome it? Cuddle up and join us for an inspiring discourse on the indomitable figures like Joshua, Caleb, and King David, who despite facing seemingly insurmountable adversities, held steadfast in their faith and God's promises. These biblical stalwarts serve as poign…
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Ever felt like you're not being seen or chosen, like David in the Bible? It might feel like you're on the sidelines, but perhaps, you’re being set up for a divine purpose. Let's delve deep into David's story, explore the trials, tribulations, and the ultimate triumph that shaped his journey. Discover how these hurdles were not setbacks, but setups …
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Are you tired of drifting aimlessly, losing track of your goals amidst the chaos of life? Imagine what it would feel like to take control, to maximize your potential, and to maintain laser-like focus on what truly matters. Join me, Jeff, as we journey through the art of setting expectations high, steering clear from petty distractions, and investin…
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What if the true fulfillment you've been seeking is just one step of faith away? This episode invites you to journey with us through a profound exploration of repentance and the transformative power of accepting Christ into our lives. We draw from the lessons of Pharaoh, whose heart remained hardened despite witnessing miracles. It's a sobering rem…
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Are you caught in a cycle of negativity and complaints? Imagine a life where you focus on blessings, gratitude, and the beauty of being obedient to Christ. Join me, Jeff, as I use Numbers 21, verses 1 through 7, to discuss the damaging effects of incessant complaining and the transformative power of a positive, God-focused viewpoint in this enlight…
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Ever wondered about the value of your faith in the face of adversity? Here's a story that's bound to answer that question and inspire you to stand tall. In this episode of TheWalkinCrosscom podcast, we journey through the biblical tale of Daniel – a tale of courage, faith, and principled resilience. We delve into the intricacies of Daniel's audacio…
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Are you ready to discover the power of self-encouragement and the impact it can have in times of adversity? We promise to help you uncover the strength within and guide you on a journey to even better mental and spiritual wellbeing. Inspired by King David's story in the Bible, we'll share insights on how to uplift yourself during challenging times …
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Are you feeling trapped in envy, or struggling with the concept of grace and repentance? Fear not, for we've got an episode that will guide you through the labyrinth of these emotions and spiritual concepts, illuminating your path with the enduring tale of Daniel. We'll dissect the concept of favor, opposition, and encouragement, drawing from Danie…
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Pod 62 Todays pleasures, goals, accomplishments. Walking Cross This is Jeff at Walking don’t forget we have the full podcast notes in our blog on Get the full podcast notes trust me to look back on. I believe we need to put the good in everyday. Here are a few gold nuggets · What is a pleasure for you? I’ve talked about …
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This is Jeff at Walking don’t forget we have the full podcast notes in our blog on Get the full podcast notes trust me to look back on. I believe we need to put the good in everyday. Here are a few gold nuggets · Head off trouble as soon as you can. The bible talks about agreeing with your adversary quickly. Repenting qu…
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Do it right now make it happen and make growth a priority. If your listening to this you probably don’t want to be average. Well if you are going to make growth a priority you might consider taking note of what inspires you about others and starting to incorporate them as actions. I’m not talking about become like a person I’m talking about admirin…
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Walking Cross This is Jeff at Walking don’t forget we have the full podcast notes in our blog on Get the full podcast notes trust me to look back on. I believe we need to put the good in everyday. Here are a few gold nuggets · Celebrate the good in your day whether that is something that just happened or something your l…
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Walking Cross This is Jeff at Walking don’t forget we have the full podcast notes in our blog on Get the full podcast notes trust me. I believe we need to put the good in everyday. Here are a few gold nuggets · I love this saying nobody kicks a dead dog. In other words if someone is attacking you sometimes it’s a complim…
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This is Jeff at Walking don’t forget we have the full podcast notes in our blog on I believe we need to put the good in everyday. Here are a few gold nuggets · Get rid of being bored by being busy. Yes there is a time for rest but if your bored I think it is a sign your not being productive in the moment. Ask yourself wh…
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Ecclesiastes10 and 2 A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fools heart at his left. I think of this verse as meaning the wise mans choice is established, tried and true. Built upon a foundation. Ecclesiastes 10 18 by much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through. We have to be willing…
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Someone told me some time ago sometimes you have to be the change you want to see . Meaning be good to people even when they don't deserve it, be nice. Christian ministry it's not about you as much as it is about helping people and being the witness that you need to be The Bible says to be perfect even as your father is perfect in heaven Matthew 5 …
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This Podcast is about last minute mentality trying to stop last minute mentality starting to look at the different areas of your life that could be better. Here's some question what's holding you back? A lot of times it is mindset excuses that you tell yourself. The negative self talk. Here is a question is it your situation or is it how you're thi…
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If you have God you have everything you need. There's a story in The Bible that says he would have passed them by but they bid him come in. They cried out to him he'd come walking on the water and they needed him They called out to him Pray without ceasing we need to specifically ask for things but we need to focus and meditate on God's word we nee…
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The spirtual void in your life cannot be filled with stuff it must be filled with Christ. Accept Christ into your heart now dont wait. He paid the debt accept the free gift right now. When you have a relationship you spend time with them. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. Take the time in prayer and in relationship talk…
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Sometimes we have the wrong mindset. Dont let things cheat you out of a blessings. How do we suppose to be successful Christians if we dont spend time with God and in the bible. Focus on the right things before you start. Focus on adding value in every area of your life. Focus on the mission its not just about you its about helping others, being a …
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Talking about making your main priority your main focus. * Spend time in the Word reading everyday. Maybe it is just five minutes, and working up to 15 minutes, then 30 mins and beyond. * Focusing on the good of others, building them up, praying for your enemies, focusing on the things we can change and putting action and thoughts on those things *…
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* A wise man will hear and increase learning. I believe you have to have a foundation to even receive sometimes. That means are you spending time reading Gods Word meditating on Gods Word. Have your first received Christ into your heart? * We don't always feel like being obedient but when you build that habit you have a routine. Go to church have o…
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Pod 46 Renewing your mind and putting your confidence in Christ. I talked about putting your confidence in God also talked about renewing your mind. I think every day we need to renew our mind everyday. I think every day we need to make sure that our confidence is in Christ. If our confidence is just in ouselves if we lose a lot our confidence is s…
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Standing in truth and focusing on eternal things. Focus on doing what is right. Don't talk about people. Sometimes we just have to give things to God. We need to recognize were not the judge. What are things you need to do that are productive. Focus on doing what is right in Christ. Why are you climbing the mountain is it a eternal mission? Make su…
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Casting down imaginations. Focus on what God wants you to do. Sometimes people will not agree with that. Focus on the things that you need to do that is right. There are things that you can do something about. Don't focus on the negative emotions and the negative things that you can't do anything about. Ask yourself does this really matter in 10 ye…
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Doing Whats right whether people like it or not. Serving God is not always popular with people, and sometime even people that may claim to be Christians don't want you to do the right thing. Do whats right. Make sure your mindset is right. I really believe sometimes the reason God would have us pray for people is because it sets us free.…
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Trusting in the Lord a lot of times just means to me trusting him even when I don't know exactly know what hes doing. If I know his word then I know his nature and I believe he has a plan even though I don't always understand. Then just asking God what he wants to do in your life. Be not afraid of sudden fear because the Lord will be your confidenc…
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Talking about Rejoice in the Lord always. I see a form of prayer as praise. Its important to be thankful to God for what he has done. Everyday if you take so time to be thankful to God before you start. Put yourself in a state of gratitude. Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest think on these things. Dwell on good things. We need…
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David woke up early to do what he was asked to do. He ran to the battle when he new what his mission was. He had criticism he quickly addressed it and moved on. He remembered how God had delivered him. He believed the promise over a giant. He spoke faith, he was not deterred by fear he faced the facts and believed God. He professed faith not fear. …
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Keep your heart because out of come the issues of life. Thank God for the things he has done for you. Take a few moments everyday just to take a few moments to thank God for things your thankful for. Enter into his courts with praise. Choose every morning something to be thankful for. Stay in the joy of the Lord and not the strife of life. Put your…
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You have to choose to be happy everyday it's not a free gift. You have to the sun before you get started how your day is gonna be, what you're gonna focus on, and to get started right away. You need to think about the things that you're grateful for. You need to consciously choose things to think about, And you need to focus on kicking the bad thin…
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Growing in God having a growth mindset. God does not want us in part but he wants us in whole. It is a process it don’t happen all at once. It is a purifying process, over time I think we constantly need to have a growth mindset. Ask God what do I need to do in this situation? You need to get silent with God and listen. Ask what you really want. As…
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When your doing what God tells you to do and someone hurts your feelings who cares? Who is going to remember it 5 years, 10 years or 100 hundred years. What matters is what you did in the mission field. What you did for God. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which desp…
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Declare you will serve the Lord. Talking about if it seems evil unto you to serve the Lord choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. We need to declare what you stand for. Your walk will determine what people see you have declared in your life. If you put in application the things that work you will get…
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Recognize when you're being attacked. It may come from people that you care about. Base what you say and do off of Truth and facts and not negative emotion. Some people may try to intentionally hurt you and get you to respond in a negative way but in most cases the best thing to do is respond logically without negative emotion ask yourself if there…
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Don't let yesterday steal the joy of today. It's good to have someone to talk to but ultimately we need to give our problems to God. Don't allow the thoughts of yesterday to dwell in your mind and steal the joy of today. You need to ask yourself is there something I can do about this is there something that I can get that's positive by dwelling on …
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Finding a way to have a better walk. Start looking at things the way God would see him not the way you would see him. *Change your mindset and focus to try to see what God would have you do. *We need have an understanding of what God Said do so we can clearly Walk it out and know what he wants. *We need to have discernment of when to speak and when…
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Acting in faith. Pray for those that despitefully use you. Stop judging people. Do good to people. Make up your mind that you're going to love people no matter what. Keep yourself from talking about people. Stop feeling justified about talking about people that have issues. Making up your mind that you're going to pray for people you're going to as…
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Make sure your continually moving forward making progress not living in the past. Always make sure you're doing what is right. Always be honest with people. If you always tell the truth you don't have to worry about the lie you told. When you're doing what is right you don't have to worry about what people think as much. Sometimes you don't even ha…
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I'm talking about first Timothy 3 and 16 it mentions godliness. You know we supposed to look to be godly in all the areas of our life and I mentioned how that we need to identify the areas that we need to be more godly. Identify the areas that you need to be more godly and then ask yourself what would God do. I also talk about in Philippians 2:7 it…
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I'm talking about putting yourself in the vicinity of where God would wants you the place where it brings you success. I also am talking about when you're praying and God is speaking to you and you're feeling the Holy Spirit how the holy Spirit may be confirming that what you're saying is right and you may need to lay claim to what you're asking fo…
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Be deliberate on what you want in your life. Be deliberate don't wait for there to be a demand that has to be placed on your life for you to change. Focus on what you need to do and place a demand on yourself. Focus on putting good in daily, time with God, and the Bible. Regardless how you feel do the right things everyday. What do you need to be d…
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This podcast is talking about the children of Israel coming out for my mom pharaoh and it talks about them to stand still and know that God fights for them.I believe that we need to stay calm and speak and believe God is our provider and have faith in that you know if we're following in is is principles then I believe we come under his favor and th…
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Love your enemies, do good to those that despitefully use you, turn the other cheek. Love is a action not just a strong feeling. Sometimes you have to act when you don't necessarily feel like doing it. You may not feel like showing love but you can still do it. Listen to others don't judge. Make sure what your doing is coming from love.…
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Podcast 23 from the pit to the palace I'm talking about Joseph when his brothers put him in the pit he got out of the pit and got sold in the slavery and then he got in the palace he got threw in jail got out of jail made it back to the palace because God was able to provide. God's grace his unmerited favor can take care of us throughout our life d…
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We all need God. We have this God size hole in us that cannot only be filled with God. We all have a need. People try to fill that hole up with different things but the only thing that can fill that void is God. Receiving Christ in your heart feels that hole. Then start putting faith in your life, read the bible study Godly faith books. Start focus…
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Sometimes we need to choose to listen instead of respond. Some people are not in a place to receive what you have to say and the wisest thing to do in some cases is not say anything. Other times you need to speak up but it takes wisdom to know when to do either. Sometimes it is not the place and time to speak. One of the things you can do is ask Go…
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