Joe Kamalick ICIS Americas Chief Correspondent gives his take on developments in Washington DC.
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Joe Kamalick looks at the chances of the US adopting a new version of the Montreal Protocol after the upcoming Copenhagen summit.
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Story:Joe Kamalick’s Washington Letter 18 September2009 Joe Kamalick’s Washington Letter 18 September2009
Joe Kamalick examines the background behind US’ tariff barrier against entry level tires, and what it could mean for global trade.
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Joe Kamalick asks: are proposals before congress for carbon capture and sequestration pipe dream, or is the US digging itself into a hole?
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Fuel economy, 3500 suggestions, ARPAE and the space race
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Climate change and sacrificial lambs: Joe Kamalick gives his views on what climate change legislation could mean for US industry.
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Understanding the Majority: Joe Kamelick gives a breakdown of the Democratic majority in congress.
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Climate control: Joe Kamelick explains why the pressure is on to get the Climate bill through the US congress.
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The first swallow of summer ICIS. chief Americas correspondent, Joe Kamalick, says statistically the US economy may have turned the corner.
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Facing climate change threats. ICIS chief Americas correspondent, Joe Kamalick, looks at industry concerns over proprietary processes and climate change legislation.
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Making the cap (and trade) fit. ICIS chief Americas correspondent, Joe Kamalick, reports on US legislative efforts towards carbon cap and trade.
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