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Welcome to New Health Club podcast. This is where the conversation around the new age of mental wellness begins. I think, that psychedelics will play a big part in this and there is a lot of scientific research happening, plus an industry growing around the topic, as we speak. But what are LSD, magic mushrooms, psilocybin and MDMA or Ketamine exactly doing for our mental health and personal progress in the future? On the “New Health Club Podcast” I talk to real innovators, thought leaders an ...
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Weiter wissen

Reatch - Research. Think. Change.

Fülle die kurze Umfrage aus und hilf uns, den Podcast noch besser zu machen. Du findest die Umfrage auf Reatch setzt sich ein für eine wissenschaftsfreundliche Gesellschaft und Politik: Science for Society!
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This is probably the most personal podcast & video I recorded so far. Together with my Co-Founder of The New Health Institute Philip von Drechsel I sat down and we both opened up about addiction, trauma and the PTSD we were carrying around in very different ways.Which became the reason why we founded The New Health Institute. Our mission is to chan…
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Solar cells convert only a small fraction of sunlight into electricity — so how have they become the world’s fastest-growing energy technology? In this episode of Weiter wissen, we take you on a journey through solar energy’s physics, history, and its place in the modern world. Through our playful Energy Olympics, you’ll learn how solar compares to…
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Pestizide, Dünger, Monokulturen: Was einst die Grüne Revolution ermöglichte, hat jetzt einen fahlen Beigeschmack. Nach Jahrzehnten der konventionellen Anbaumethoden wird klar, dass diese Art von Landwirtschaft zwar für grössere Ernten gesorgt hat, aber die Gesundheit von Mensch, Tier und Natur bedroht. Doch wie können wir unsere Umwelt schützen und…
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Today I am talking to Patrick de Jongh founder of "When Nature Calls” in Amsterdam: you could say the fanciest smart shop in Amsterdam, hands down. But it is more than a smart shop. The store shows how a stylish and modern place to sell innovative wellness products can look like. No old and dusty space cakes here! Patrick founded “When Nature Calls…
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Get ready for an exhilarating ride! Today, I’m joined by the incredible Jon Hopkins, a Grammy-winning artist revolutionizing the psychedelic music scene. We dive into his latest album, RITUAL, alongside his collaborator, Dan (aka 7rays). Picture this: our podcast unfolds in an unusual setting — a children's room adorned with an army of plastic sold…
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Sollte Wissenschaft die Politik gestalten? Kann sie sich dem Politischen überhaupt entziehen? Diese Fragen stehen im Fokus bei Reatch. In diesem Zusammenhang haben wir kürzlich Thesen für eine wissenschaftsfreundliche Kultur veröffentlicht, die wir in einer spannenden Diskussion erörtert haben. Zu Gast waren Dr. Benedikt Knüsel (ETH Zürich), Servan…
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Was beeinflusst, wieso wir manche Musik mögen und manche nicht? Predictive Coding ist eine Theorie, die diese Frage zum Teil beantworten kann. Wenn Du schon immer wissen wolltest, wieso dir manche Lieder nach wiederholtem Hören immer besser gefallen und nach zu viel Wiederholungen nicht mehr, dann ist diese Folge genau das richtige für dich! Wenn d…
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In dieser Podcast-Episode von "Weiter Wissen" geht es um ein besonders drängendes Thema: Nachhaltigkeit im Gesundheitswesen. Gemeinsam mit Dr. med. Christian Abshagen, Leiter der Fachstelle Nachhaltigkeit am Universitätsspital Basel, wird die Klimakrise als Gesundheitskrise beleuchtet und diskutiert, wie das Gesundheitssystem seinen ökologischen Fu…
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Let’s celebrate. This is episode 100! My guest is Jonathan Sabbagh, Co-Founder of Journey Clinical and I talk about normalising Ketamine therapy for all, plus why PTSD can fire up your career - until you realize it is harmful to you. Since a few years I am following Jonathan and his wife and Co-Founder Myriam Barthe’s great work around the idea to …
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How to make constructions more environmentally friendly? The answer is multiple and complex, but we make it easier in this podcast! We speak in this Reatch podcast about building insulation, bio-inspired and bio-sourced materials, low tech, bio-climatic environment, all with the integrated management. Don't forget to subscribe to the Weiter Wissen …
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I have the pleasure of speaking with Elise Loehnen, one of my favourite authors whose storytelling resonates deeply with me. We share a journey of realizing the toll of overwork, anxiety, and the pursuit of wellness as a cure-all, only to discover the transformative power of psychedelics. Elise's expertise in content creation was evident during her…
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This episode is sponsored by Magi Ancestral Supplements, whose leading team of neuroscientists, ethnophamacologists, and phytochemists, has unlocked the formulation of an ancient Eastern psychoactive elixir that was lost to time. Lets talk about ancient alchemy today! Today I chat with Dr. Shauheen Etminan, the founder of VCENNA an advanced biotech…
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Today I am speaking with Madison Margolin, an author, journalist, editor, consultant, educator, and guide to all things Jewish-Psychedelic. She is the also the former Co-Founder of the Double Blind magazine about the new culture of psychedelics. Her book. Exile and Ecstasy Growing Up with Ram Dass and Coming of Age in the Jewish Psychedelic Undergr…
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We've always told you that practicing sport is good for your health. And that if you want to stay in tip-top shape, it's best to look after your beloved muscles! But did you know that muscles aren't the only organs in the body that can be trained? Yes, the brain can be trained too! And fortunately, I'd like to tell you! In this episode, you'll find…
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Have you thought about changing your mind, I mean really change it? And have you thought about going on a trip? I mean a psychedelic trip? There will be more and more facilities in the future where you can do this in a safe set and setting, also in a legal setting. My podcast is a space were I introduce these places to you and today I am talking to…
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Social scientist Rachelle Sampson & Regenerative economist Bennet Zelner are working on a super interesting study and program. Designed for executive leaders facing an increasingly complex world, the Connected Leadership Program explores the potential of psychedelics to unlock greater creativity and resourcefulness for navigating complexity. The pr…
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In dieser Podcast-Episode tauchen wir tief in das Phänomen des Flow-Zustands ein; jenes begehrte Gefühl des vollkommenen Aufgehens in einer Tätigkeit, das sowohl bei Künstler*innen als auch bei Athlet*innen bekannt ist. Wir haben uns zusammen mit der Berufsmusikern Cordelia Hagmann und dem Berufssportler Nicolas A. Müller auf die Suche nach der Ant…
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Krebs – eine Krankheit mit der die Mehrheit von uns bereits in Kontakt gekommen ist. Da es verschiedenen Arten von Krebs gibt, ist die Herausforderung, eine geeignete Therapie für den individuellen Krebsfall des Patienten zu finden. Die bisherigen Krebstherapien wie Chemotherapie, das Herausschneiden des betroffenen Gewebes in einer Operation, oder…
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I wrote 40 e-mails to Carl Hart to ask him for a podcast. and I would have written 50.To me he is one of the most fascinating scientist that came on the radar in the context of the psychedelic renaissance a few years ago. Finally two weeks ago, I was able to talk to him at Neue House in New York. Dr. Carl L. Hart, Ziff Professor at Columbia Univers…
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This episode was not very easy to do. It was a difficult conversation. Very open, very vulnerable, but it was a conversation I wanted to have with a the Safe Heart foundation- A Professional support for the survivors of the music festivals on October 7th in Israel. We decided to keep this episode as little political as possible. So we would be able…
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My guest today is David Orren CEO and Co Founder of Gaba Labs. David and his team are producing a drink called Sentia, Sentia has been created with the research support of Professor David Nutt, one of the most important psychedelic researchers contributing to the new psychedelic industry and science. (check out his organization DRUG SCIENCE) A drin…
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Todays opic might seem like a harsh one. PTSD Post traumatic stress syndrome and how it could be healed with MDMA therapy or ibogaine soon. But the world should be informed what this looks like, especially in the current state. Civilians and veterans are suffering. We are exposed to a whole new situation of trauma and war, even just watching what i…
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Today I talk to Sandra Statz, Founder and CEO of A.P Chem. Sandra is Beauty executive. Chronic pain navigator. Mother. Sandra is a business leader and brand creator with more than 15 years of experience in the beauty industry working with brands including La Mer, Guerlain and Clinique. She’s also a ketamine advocate – an educator and confidant for …
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Just imagine, you are running a company. And you would like to offer a better mental health care for your employees, maybe psychedelic therapy? Sounds crazy? It is not. It is it already working. In the coming years, companies will have to change to supoort their employees differently. I finally have Sherry Rais on the show, a fascinating founder an…
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We are finally back! Today I talk to Suzanne Khan and Alice Policand, founders of Bien Health, Suzanne is a biochemist engineer who worked for L’Oreal, Alice is a luxury marketing specialist who worked for LVMH. But then they met and decided to build a great looking micro dosing brand from Paris. To me their brand was one of the first psychedelic b…
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In dieser Episode sprechen wir mit Stefano Amberg über das sogenannte Essential Use Concept und wie es auf Mikroplastik angewendet werden kann. Wir diskutieren die Vorteile dieses Ansatzes gegenüber anderen Regulierungsmaßnahmen, wie es Innovation fördern kann und welche Schritte für eine erfolgreiche Implementierung notwendig sind. Zudem werfen wi…
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Here is Volume 2 of our Psychedelic Morning Show! Our second episode is really insightful, watch out for new ideas, new approaches in psychedelics. Our guests this time are a great mixture which roles psychedelics can play in out future lives. Meet Tommasso Barba, PhD candidate at Center for Psychedelic Research, Imperial College London talking abo…
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In today's episode I present you our first Psychedelic Morning Show, Vol.1. A great live podcast collaboration I did with Joe Moore, from Psychedelics Today at the Psychedelic Science conference by MAPS in Denver, this June. To me, it was an incredible joint venture of two podcast. And a community service at a very early time of the day! (We kicked…
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Dies ist eine französische Podcast-Episode. Vous entendez souvent le mot « gluten » autour de vous ? Magazines, journaux, magasins… Spécialistes, célébrités, sportifs d’élite… Il est à la fois partout et en même temps nulle part. Le « sans gluten » est devenu un élément du quotidien, car de nombreux produits l’affichent fièrement. Pourtant, vous n’…
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This episode is in German, and there are reasons why. Since my guest today is Finn Age Hänsel, founder of Sanity Group, I thought it was time to give an update in german, what actually has happened and maybe will be happing in a near decriminalised cannabis and psychedelic future. Finn and I talk about how cannabis could treat ADHD in grown ups and…
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This is one of the nerdiest episode at the TNHC so far, but also one that’s really necessary right now. In this episode I am talking about AI and Psychedelics with the amazing AI expert Nicole Büttner, Founder & CEO of Merantix Momentum. Merantix believes that to unlock the profound potentials of AI, a collaborative approach is needed. My second gu…
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Lauren Taus has become quite a name in the psychedelic world. She is based in Los Angeles and is a licensed psychotherapist practicing Ketamine-assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) in Los Angeles, California. She integrates modern science and ancient wisdom to support personal transformation and much needed systemic change. She started “Inbodied Life” as a…
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In dieser Episode haben wir Rahel Schmidt zu Gast, die im Herbst 2022 den Ideenwettbewerb vom Franxini-Projekt von Reatch gewonnen hat. Ihre Idee ist ein wissenschaftlich begleitetes Kompetenzzentrum für Opfer sexualisierter Gewalt. Rahel Schmidt erzählt uns in dieser Episode, wie sie auf die Idee gekommen ist, wie ein solches Kompetenzzentrum auss…
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We finally can reveal what we were working on last month, besides the first TNHC retreat.Together with the Canadian company Dimensions, we will Co-Create psychedelic retreats in Europe, starting this autumn in the Netherlands with magic truffle experiences. Dimensions offers safe and legal plant medicine-assisted experiences for personal growth and…
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My guest today is Cindy Gallop or Lucinda Lee Gallop. And she is quite something! I wanted to have Cindy on the show, because she engaged on a psychedelic journey (with 62) not because of mental health reasons. She embarked on a truffle journey, just out of very simple curiosity. And lust for life. And resetting perspectives. To me Cindy’s case als…
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This is our second life recording at Soho House Berlin. This time, we are talking about a topic that is just developing as we speak. Psychedelic leadership.What does it actually mean? Does it mean C Level people will engage in psychedelic experiences to look for better leadership practices and transformation? Does it mean at one point companies can…
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Dr. Molly Maloof, physician and entrepreneur, kind of the female pendant to Andrew Huberman, is finally on the show today! Molly Maloof is one of the first people I read about, in terms of the new psychedelic space. Molly is one of the people in the psychedelic space, who marries science, medicine and psychedelics. Working on future topics in psych…
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This is the last episode for 2022 and what a year it was. But before 2023 starts, we have a great episode for you, which gives you a taste of what’s to come at TNHC in 2023: live podcasts and events with an audience. I find this such an energetic experience to have an audience in the room and also provide room again for live Q & A. My guest was Roc…
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My guest today is Patrick Cox and I have to say, he is a very special guest, because I bought his shoes to be cool. Patrick’s shoes made you belong to the so called cool Britannia in the 90ties: The band Oasis wore them, glamorous DJs and rockstars, cool Londoners, the cool nightlife world wore them. More than that. The whole fashion world liked Pa…
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🎧 Abonniere diesen Podcast Gib uns dein Feedback mit dieser kurzen Umfrage. Dieser Podcast ist eine Aufzeichnung eines Reatch Live-Events, welcher mit Zoom aufgezeichnet wurde. Da es sich um eine Aufzeichnung handelt, kannst du natürlich nicht mehr live kommentieren. Gesprächsteilnehmer*innen: Dr. Marcel Salathé is professor of digital epidemiology…
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“The workplace & mental health 3.0” Tobias Silberzahn is a Partner in McKinsey’s Berlin office where he is a member of the Healthcare Practice and the Innovation Practice. McKinsey, called “The Form”, is one of the most famous management consulting groups and supposed to know it all. They charge corporations top dollar to help them run with state-o…
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I can finally welcome Dr. Gabor Maté on the show! One of the most empathic, unapologetic and science driven people in the mental health space. I love that combination! And yes, we are also talking about psychedelics and trauma, but what I really like about Gabor is that he sounds like a contemporary, cool philosopher, helping to explain the excitin…
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Jamie Wheal is the author of Recapture the Rapture: Rethinking God, Sex and Death In a World That's Lost Its Mind, and the Pulitzer-nominated global bestseller Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work. He is the founder of the Flow Genome Project, an international organizati…
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Robert Bent works with the VC fund Vine Ventures and is co-founder and CEO at Othership, a global community to improve mental health in an accessible way. Othership combines beautiful social spaces that deliver peak experiences and a mobile app that teaches breathwork. Prior to Othership, Robbert was Ecosystem Growth lead at the Ethereum Foundation…
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🎧 Abonniere diesen Podcast Gib uns dein Feedback mit dieser kurzen Umfrage. The panel discussion in this episode was conducted in English. Russia has been waging a war in Ukraine since 24 February 2022. In the last 2 months, the news about this war has been inundated, not only in the classical media, but also in the social networks. How can one cla…
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Julie Holland is an American psychopharmacologist, psychiatrist, and author. She is an really important voice in the new psychedelic world, we are just creating. She is the author of five books, including Moody Bitches, Good Chemistry, Weekends at Bellevue: Nine Years on the Night Shift at the Psych ER, a memoir documenting her experience as the we…
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🎧 Abonniere diesen Podcast Gib uns dein Feedback mit dieser kurzen Umfrage. Im Spital gilt es täglich, Entscheidungen über das Wohlbefinden von Patient:innen zu treffen. Die medizinischen Empfehlungen müssen dabei mit ethischen Überlegungen in Einklang gebracht werden – keine leichte Aufgabe. In dieser Podcastfolge wagen wir gemeinsam ein Gedankene…
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And just like that, there will be a whole new generation of politicians working on integrating psychedelic assisted therapy in the healthcare system and into new laws. How will the BTM (Betäubungsmittelgesetz in Germany) look like? Will we see a decentralization of mental health care? Why is pretty much everyone microdosing, although it is still re…
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Journey Clinical, Jonathan Sabbagh and Myriam Barthes, is my guest today. VCs named their company one of the top 15 startups in the psychedelic field. Journey Clinical is a turnkey telehealth platform that enables licensed psychotherapists to include legal, evidence-based Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapies (PAP) in their practice, starting with K…
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My guest on The New Health Club Show today is Sa'ad Shah, managing partner of the Noetic Fund. Saad basically grew up all over the world, went to the JFK School in Berlin, worked in real estate banking, corporate credit, and derivative sales & trading.–and he holds a BA in Economics and Political Science from Columbia University.The Noetic Fund is …
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