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Marcel Welte ist Abenteurer. Schon mit 17 Jahren gings mit dem Moped nach Frankreich, nach dem Abitur nach Neuseeland und zuletzt zusammen mit seiner Freundin mit dem Motorrad von München in den Iran und wieder zurück. Was er auf diesen Reisen erlebt hat, erzählt der leidenschaftliche Motorradfahrer auf der Blauen Couch.…
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Ep 585 features Donna, a 911 Professional at Travis County Sheriff's Office out of Austin, TX. Sponsored by INdigital - Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Web Episode topics – Challenges and surprises of starting in public safety Donna's transformative experience at a unique leadership training event Early career stories, including memorable calls and…
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Here's another Mid-Week Tease and in this episode Adelle shares about VICTIM MINDSET. This was inspired by Legally Clueless Episode 304 where Fareed Khimani spoke about it. Here's the resource/article on victim mindset that Adelle wants to share with you: Watch our East Africa Tour Series here:…
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Nadja Tomoum ist Ausstellungsmacherin. Und das mit einem Profil, wie es hierzulande nur wenige freie Kuratorinnen zu bieten haben. Von der Idee einer Schau über die Zusammenstellung der Exponate bis hin zur Finanzierung organisiert sie alles selbständig. Und sie konnte damit im vergangenen Jahr im Frankfurter Palmengarten mit der Ausstellung "Versp…
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Darnell is the founder and CEO of Thurgood Industries, a career-building platform for skilled workers. He shares his amazing story of how he grew up in New York public housing, served 17 years in prison, and went on to graduate from Yale Law School the same year he received a diploma in manufacturing technology and machining from Lincoln Tech. Big …
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This week’s caller wants advice on how to spend an unexpected $40,000 gift from her kleptomaniac grandma, but what starts as a light-hearted question quickly turns introspective. She talks with Gethard about financial struggles, mental health, recovery from addiction, and the pros and cons of using the money for practical needs—showing how one wind…
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С Евгенией Жуковой мы поговорили о том, на каких диалектах говорят в Чайна-таунах в США, как эти самые Чайна-тауны называются на китайском, какие звуки и настроения там царят, а также что там можно увидеть и попробовать. Музыка: записана Евгений Жуковой в районе 唐人街 в Сан-Франциско. Ссылки на каналы Евгении:…
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In a world that constantly demands more—more work, more achievement, more hustle—how do we learn to pause? Kate sits down with her sister Maria Bowler, a writer, creativity coach, and spiritual director, to talk about the pressures of the “producer self,” that voice inside us all that equates our worth with what we do, fix, or achieve. This convers…
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In this classic episode of True Spis, undercover CIA agent James Olson takes Vanessa Kirby on a nail-biting mission behind the Iron Curtain. In the late 1970s, James was tasked with tapping an underground communications line between Moscow and a top-secret nuclear weapons facility. Under constant surveillance from the KGB, he would need to use a co…
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In 1984, Carol Shaben was just 22-years-old when her father, politician Larry Shaben, narrowly survived the Wapiti 402 crash. Nearly 30 years later, she chronicled the crash and the unlikely friendships it forged in her book, Into the Abyss. Today, Carol joins host Cassie De Pecol to discuss how the experience shaped the lives of the four survivors…
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A bullied boy finds companionship in his animal friends, but as he grows up and finds himself trapped in a soulless career, he discovers a new purpose: freeing animals from captivity and facing the dire consequences. Today’s episode featured Wayne Hsiung. You can reach out to Wayne at or on Instagram, YouTube and Substack @wayn…
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Babygirl, the new erotic thriller starring Nicole Kidman, features an age-gap romance and a power imbalance. But according to the filmmaker Halina Reijn, it’s more about “what part of us is civilized…and what part of us is still driven by primal forces.” It’s also extremely entertaining, sexy, and dryly hilarious. This week, Halina Reijn talks abou…
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Every Tuesday, we grab a past question from the Facebook group, then Meredith and Scott answer it and read some of the answers given by other listeners. The question for this episode: You're in a middle seat at a movie - you need to pee - do you give your neighbors the butt or crotch while exiting? Why? Links for this episode: Progressive commercia…
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A Valentina le dijeron muchas veces que tenía que cambiar para encajar. Desde que era una niña, su peso era un tema de conversación y todos a su alrededor le decían que tenía que adelgazar. Pero con el tiempo se daría cuenta de que no necesitaba cambiar de esa forma para ser feliz. En nuestro sitio web puedes encontrar una transcripción del episodi…
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This week on The Moth Radio Hour: stories of beef! Petty grievances to full blown rivalries. At work, over the phone, and, of course, online. This episode is hosted by Moth Director Chloe Salmon. The Moth Radio Hour is produced by The Moth and Jay Allison of Atlantic Public Media. Storytellers: Lori Tucker-Sullivan begins getting a series of strang…
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While Kevin is off visiting Thailand as an American abroad, John LaSala hosts this episode where Sean Wellington and Michael McFadden are also Americans abroad. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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La cruz del Valle de los Caídos, hoy el Valle de Cuelgamuros, es la cruz más grande del mundo, según el libro Guinness de los Records. Tiene más más de 150 metros de altura, cada brazo mide unos 24 metros y es visible a más de 40 kilómetros de distancia. En 2018, Isaías Lafuente publicó 'Esclavos por la patria: Un antídoto contra el olvido de la hi…
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Wereldwijd groeit de macht van extreem rechtse partijen, en zie je linkse politiek verzwakken en krimpen. Waarom? Wat bezielt de kiezer en wat doen politici? In deze aflevering van de Jesse Frederik Show schuift politiek expert Simon Otjes aan om het een en ander uit te leggen. Leesvoer Banger van een handboek over de Nederlandse politiek (met twee…
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Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska, zawodowa dyplomatka i szefowa Wydziału ds. Komunikacji i Dyplomacji Publicznej w ambasadzie RP w Waszyngtonie, zabiera nas za kulisy swojej kariery. W szczerej rozmowie opowiada o doświadczeniach z pracy w placówkach dyplomatycznych na różnych etapach swojej drogi zawodowej oraz dzieli się praktycznymi wskazówkami, jak rozp…
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In this episode of 'The Only One in the Room,' Laura Cathcart Robbins and Scott Slaughter are joined by Meghan Riordan Jarvis, a specialized trauma therapist, author, and podcast host. Meghan reveals the profound impact of personal grief on her life, sharing intimate moments from her childhood trauma of losing Chris, a pivotal spiritual experience …
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Hundratals män har köpt sex av Ottilia, fast hon bara är ett barn. När hemligheten uppdagas av polisen får hon panik. Ska hon avslöja personen som hon försörjt genom att sälja sex sin egen pojkvän? Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Reporter och ljuddesign: Stina Näslund Producent: Gustav Asplund Slutmix: Astrid Ankarcrona Verkligheten g…
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This week, words by First Nations people on January 26, Sovereignty and Identity. 'Australia Day' In our first story, people at the 2012 Yabun festival speak about what so-called ‘Australia day’ means to them. That story was produced by Lauren Carroll Harris, with interviews gathered by Lauren Carroll Harris, Carly Anne Kenneally & Jesse Cox. Unwel…
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Bienvenue dans Les Fabuleux Destins, le podcast pour découvrir des histoires vraies et étonnantes. Découvrez dans cette nouvelle saison l’affaire Lætitia Toureaux, le premier meurtre dans le métro parisien. Espionne anticommuniste pour le compte de grand patron, elle se retrouve rapidement au service de l'État pour infiltrer les cercles d'extrêmes …
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Entre 1940 y 1958 se construye en Guadarrama, y a petición expresa de Franco, el Valle de los Caídos. Un conjunto monumental que incluye, entre otras cosas, una cruz de 150 metros de altura que fue construida, en gran parte, por los presos políticos republicanos. En #ElFaroCruz hablamos con Isaías Lafuente, autor del libro 'Esclavos por la patria: …
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Dave Pearson runs Bite Club, a support service for anyone who has survived a shark attack. Dave’s own brush with death came in 2011, when a three-metre-long bull shark almost tore his arm off. Dave lived that day, but it’s what happened during his recovery that he didn’t see coming. Dave Pearson was with his mates on the NSW mid-north coast back in…
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🌱 De la beauté à l’engagement éthique : le parcours de Sandrea Dans cet épisode, nous rencontrons Sandrea, ancienne créatrice de contenu dans le domaine de la beauté et de la mode, qui a décidé de transformer sa carrière et sa vie pour vivre en accord avec des valeurs plus éthiques et engagées. 💡 Ce que vous allez découvrir : Comment Sandrea a opér…
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Sie ist im Dschungel von West-Papua groß geworden und wurde mit ihrem Buch darüber berühmt. Bei Thorsten Otto spricht sie darüber, wie schwer es für sie war, sich im Westen einzugliedern, warum man im Urwald unsichtbar sein muss und welcher deutsche Prominente der erste war, den sie kannte und heute gerne mal treffen würde. Sabine Kuegler verbracht…
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Mitstudierende sagen schlauere Sachen, auf Social Media haben alle ein schöneres Leben – wir vergleichen uns ständig mit anderen. Das geht auch Alexandra so. Doch Vergleiche sind ganz normal und wichtig. Und wenn wir darunter leiden, können wir aktiv handeln. ********** Ihr hört: Gesprächspartnerin: Alexandra, studiert im Bachelor, arbeitet als Wer…
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Lady Gaga, Marion Anderson, Beyoncé, Frank Sinatra, Pete Seeger, Maya Angelou — musicians and poets have been powerful headliners at inauguration ceremonies across the years signaling change, new beginnings and reflecting the mood of the country and a new administration. In January 1973, following the Christmas bombing of Vietnam, conductor Leonard…
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Viel Haut, Tattoos auf dem ganzen Körper und das Skatebord unter dem Arm: Fotograf Clarence Klingebeil wurde durch seine kontrastreichen Schwarz-Weiß-Porträts von Skatern bekannt. Der gebürtige Berliner lebt und arbeitet in New York und hat schwere Zeiten durchgemacht. Nach einer Krebserkrankung, einem Herzstillstand und einer Arm-Amputation fotogr…
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Der Vagusnerv reguliert zum Beispiel die Herzfrequenz oder das Immunsystem. Professor Maximilian Moser von der Uni Graz zeigt im Gespräch mit Bettina Ahne, wie wichtig der Vagusnerv für unser Wohlbefinden ist. Info zum Buch Prof. Maximilian Moser Die heilende Kraft des Vagus Wie uns der Wundernerv Entspannung und Gesundheit schenkt Verlag: ECOWING,…
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On this episode of Trappin Anonymous (100%) we speak to Shantill Perkins, who, since childhood, has been faced with the horrors of being raised by drug dealers. Hear her heroic tale along with her son's story of survival that will have your heart full of compassion. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Rob Luna is a top-ranked wealth strategist, Fox Business contributor, best-selling author, and successful entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in wealth management. After earning dual MBA’s from UCLA Anderson School of Management and the National University of Singapore, Luna went on to manage money for high-net-worth individuals and consu…
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Being the Republican House leader is a little like marrying Henry VIII. At some point, you’re getting your head cut off. But for now, Mike Johnson remains not just physically intact—but in a position of incredible power. Two weeks ago, Johnson was reelected Speaker of the House on the first ballot. Despite having only the narrowest of House majorit…
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