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Our passion is to be radically transformed into the likeness of Jesus as we encounter His presence, worship together, serve one another, walk in the truth of God's word and extend Jesus' love into our communities around us. Welcome to Verso Vineyard Church!
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Simina & Claudiu

Un podcast cu cititori binedispuși, despre cărți de ficțiune. ● Gazdele podcastului Față/Verso: ● Simina Popa, traducătoare și organizatoare de proiecte culturale. Limba portugheză este un partener stabil în viața ei profesională. Traduce autori de limbă portugheză din 2007, încercând să continue la același standard munca generațiilor anterioare de traducători. Este membră a ARTLIT – Asociația Română a Traducătorilor Literari, unde organizează discuții publice între traducători. În proiectel ...
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Verso a Verso Podcast

Verso a Verso Podcast

Todos en V.aV.cJ somos siervos de Dios con un compromiso ante el Padre y Jesucristo y por supuesto ante todos los que nos escuchan, de enseñar la Biblia, la Palabra de Dios no adulterada(1 Pedro 2:2), sin agregar, ni diluir su contenido, (Deuteronomio 4:2) ni cambiar la interpretación (que la Biblia se interpreta así misma) para sacar provecho de ella y de los que buscan a Jesucristo de todo corazón (Filipenses 3:19).
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Feeling Versonic is an Indie Hub featuring news, views and interviews with notable creatives on entrepreneurial lifestyle, health (very much including mental health) and original independent music.
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José Luis Larco Delgado

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Versos na Palavra é um Podcast de Teopoética. É uma tentativa importante de articulação entre Teologia e Literatura. Queremos levar a Palavra de Deus por meios de recursos literários diversos. Eu sou o padre Samuel Garcia e vou te acompanhar nesta proposta.
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¡Hola! Bienvenid@ a mi podcast, donde estaré recitando poesía, tanto original como de algunos de mis poetas favoritos. ¡Espero que lo disfrutes!🖤 Hi! Welcome to my podcast! Here you'll be able to find my original poems, and also some recitations of my favorite authors, I hope you enjoy it! 🖤
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Versos Del Alma

Juan David Villamizar Rojas

Un espacio donde aprenderemos, opinaremos y debatiremos frente a incógnitas que nacen en la lectura bíblica, y no creer que la Biblia no es accesible para adquirir este conocimiento. Vendrá sorpresas para los más grandes y los más chicos.
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Bienvenidos. Urbanitas entre versos nace como una herramienta de difusión de poesía y micro-relatos sin ánimo de lucro ni publicidad, utilizando la emisión de programas podcast editados y con formato HQ, con una estructura inexistente actualmente en internet, dando cobijo a varias secciones, teniendo como principal a un escritor/”poeta urbano” diferente en cada capítulo, que recite varios de sus poemas o micro-relatos. Esta plataforma servirá para que autores se den a conocer y oyentes descu ...
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La Strada verso il Draft è il podcast di Huddle Magazine che vi accompagnerà verso il Draft 2024 che si terrà dal 25 al 27 aprile a Detroit. E dal giorno dopo analizzerà tutte le scelte squadra per squadra.
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Converso Verso a Verso

Semilla de Mostaza

A menudo, en el Instituto Bíblico Semilla de Mostaza (IBSM) recibimos preguntas sobre pasajes de la Biblia, doctrina o sobre la técnica de estudio de la Biblia. Por mucho tiempo intentamos contestar una por una, pero inevitablemente se nos iban acumulando, porque si bien algunas preguntas eran fáciles de responder, otras requerirían mucho espacio y mucho esfuerzo para poder contestar por escrito (además, era una ardua tarea para una sola persona). Por otro lado, algunas veces, distintas pers ...
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show series
The Christian race is not won by looking back. In Philippians 3:13-14, Paul urges us to forget what is behind and press on toward the prize—a life fully focused on Christ. While remembering God's past faithfulness brings gratitude and growth, dwelling on past failures, sins, or regrets can hinder our progress. Jesus warned against looking back, as …
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Pentru că suntem ascultători (de podcasturi), am urmat îndemnul scriitoarei Gabriela Adameșteanu din episodul dedicat Târgului de Carte Gaudeamus și ne-am pus pe răsfoit Jurnalul lui Paul Cornea (Polirom, 2024). Cel mai nimerit pentru a-i pune microfonul dinainte am găsit că este editorul jurnalului, cercetătorul Petruș Costea. Așa am aflat despre …
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What does it mean to know Christ? The simple gospel reminds us that salvation comes through “Jesus PLUS nothing.” In Philippians 3:7-11, Paul shifts from salvation to the ultimate prize—knowing Christ. He warns against placing value on earthly achievements, as he once did, realising that everything is worthless compared to knowing Jesus. Salvation …
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In this talk, we explore the five ways God guides us—Commanding Scripture, the Compelling Spirit, Counsel of the Saints, Common Sense, and Circumstantial Signs. We are reminded that the race we run only matters when it aligns with God’s purpose. Through vivid examples and personal reflections, this message challenges us to ensure we are running the…
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Buonasera, ma secondo voi gli sviluppatori devono prestare ascolto alle critiche dei giocatori e modificare i giochi in base a questo? E ancora, la comprerete Switch2? Ecco di cosa parliamo in questa prima puntata dello scoppiettante 2025. Buon ascolto Per le musiche: Rough Jazz Groove di Francesco biondi Mustache di Eulalia Project…
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What does it mean to run the race of faith? The simple gospel reminds us that salvation comes through “Jesus PLUS nothing.” In Philippians 3:2-4, Paul warns against complicating the gospel with rules or works, as some early believers attempted by adding the law to faith. Salvation is solely through Christ's finished work on the cross, which fulfill…
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What does it mean to rejoice in the Lord? In Philippians 3:1, Paul calls us to rejoice—not in circumstances, but in Christ Himself. Writing from prison, he shows that joy is not about what we see but who we know. True joy strengthens our faith, protects us from despair, and keeps us running toward the ultimate prize. Like Jesus, who endured the cro…
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As we step into a new year, we often set goals, but have you considered what your ultimate goal is? In this talk, we explore Paul’s words in Philippians 3, where he likens the Christian life to a race. He urges us to press on toward the ultimate prize—knowing Christ.The race is set by God, requiring perseverance, focus, and faithfulness. Our reward…
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Juan 13:31-38 - Serie que hemos llamado "Gloria, Amor y Emoción" donde nuestro Señor Jesucristo anuncia que su gloria iba a ser manifestada por medio de la traición de Judas, les da un nuevo mandamiento y anuncia la negación de Pedro. Toma tu bíblia y camina con nosotros; #versoaversoconJesus .Verso a Verso Podcast által
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Fred invited us to reflect on the profound truth of Psalm 65:11, which reminds us that God crowns the year with His goodness. Through this encouraging message, we are called to trust in God’s faithfulness, even amidst life’s challenges. Fred unpacked how the Lord’s goodness surrounds and sustains us, guiding us to seek Him with reverence, walk in t…
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Have you ever wondered how God chooses to reveal His plans and glory to the world? In this talk from our Christmas series, we explore the profound truth that God often works through the unexpected. Through the story of the shepherds—the first to hear the announcement of Jesus' birth—we see how God’s grace reaches the outcasts, His glory is revealed…
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Târguri de carte organizate tematic, transparență mai mare în practicile editoriale, solidaritate între edituri mici și mari, bucuria spațiului de dialog cu cititorii și colegii de breaslă sunt câteva din ideile editorilor cu care ne-am întâlnit la Târgul de Carte Gaudeamus (4-8 decembrie): Luana Schidu (Curtea Veche Publishing), Gheorghe Erizanu (…
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Iată-ne ajunși și la partea a doua a podcastului în care am luat pulsul Târgului de Carte Gaudeamus. Întâlnirile noastre cu traducători, scriitori și editori au fost întâmplătoare, însă noi le-am ordonat frumușel — că, deh, ne place ordinea —, iar acum e rândul scriitorilor să vorbească la microfonul Față/Verso. Homari homerici, tăvi spațiale, tehn…
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La ediția din 2024 a Târgului de Carte Gaudeamus (4-8 decembrie), cum ne-am întâlnit cu cineva cunoscut, pac, i-am pus microfonul sub nas! Așa am cules o serie de interviuri, mărturii și vorbulițe de la traducători, scriitori și editori, bucuroși să se revadă cu ocazia Târgului. În acest prim episod am adunat în jurul unei mese-n târg pe traducătoa…
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Have you ever felt stuck in a season of waiting, wondering if God is working? In this talk from our Christmas series, we reflect on the truth that God’s timing is always perfect.Through the story of Simeon, Anna, and the 400 years of silence before Jesus’ birth, we see how waiting can deepen our trust, refine our character, and prepare us for God’s…
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Echipa Față/Verso revine la microfon! Scuturăm praful, aerisim microfoanele și pregătim discuții și chicoteli noi într-un nou sezon, o colaborare cu revista Observator cultural. Apropiați-vă să vă gâdilăm urechile! Gazdele și realizatorii podcastului Față/Verso sunt Simina Popa și Claudiu Sfirschi-Lăudat.…
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In our last episode of The Verso Podcast before the winter break, our host Eleanor Penny is joined by Israeli historian, and activist Ilan Pappé, to discuss the false histories upon which the modern state of Israel is founded. We are of course still working on bringing you more of these in depth discussions with our wonderful Verso authors in our u…
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Have you ever felt alone or distant from God? As we continue in our Christmas Talk Series, we reflect on the powerful truth of Emmanuel, meaning "God with us," revealed through the birth of Jesus Christ. His birth shows that God chose to enter our world, bringing comfort and hope in our struggles. His presence transforms us, offering peace and assu…
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As we enter the Christmas season, we see lights all around us breaking into the darkness of winter. But does this symbolise something more than just decoration at Christmas time? Over 2,000 years ago the promised saviour of the world came into the darkness to bring light to the earth, an arrival which would change the course of history for ever.…
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This week we have a special episode for you as part of our inter-season programming - an interview with Matteo Pasquinelli. Of course, we’re still working hard to bring you more roundtable discussions with our wonderful Verso authors in our upcoming fourth series of The Verso Podcast, but until then we hope you’ll enjoy the exciting interim episode…
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This sermon emphasises preparing God’s house—both as a physical space and within our hearts—as a dwelling for His presence. Worship is not merely an invitation but a command and a lifestyle that aligns with God’s character and name. Through worship, we grow in faith, encounter Jesus, and establish His name in our lives and communities. The message …
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God has called us to stewardship. As believers we are at the centre of His redemptive plan for the earth (Gen 1:26-27). In this talk, we explore how He calls and commissions us to walk in this understanding (Josh 1:1-3), and contend in prayer as we respond to the challenges and issues we face on the way with courage and purposeful action in order t…
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On this week’s episode of The Verso Podcast we’re back to our typical format - our host, Eleanor Penny, is joined by Wim Carton and Andreas Malm to discuss their new book Overshoot: How the World Surrendered to Climate Breakdown (BUY HERE: We’re still working on bringing you more of these r…
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Who is Jesus? Was he a good teacher? Or maybe a prophet? Or was he the Son of God? As we look at the first of Jesus’ ‘I am’ statements found in the gospel of John, we find a wonderful answer to this question in the form of a metaphor – I am the bread of life!- We looked at the following points as it relates to the divine nature of the statement ‘I …
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This week we have a special episode for you as part of our inter-season programming - an interview with Enzo Traverso. Of course, we’re still working hard to bring you more roundtable discussions with our wonderful Verso authors in our upcoming fourth series of The Verso Podcast, but until then we have some exciting interim episodes coming up for y…
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We are commissioned to go to the nations - including the one we live in and for the people we see everyday. No matter who we are, God has a part for us to play in giving everyone a chance to encounter his transformational love, and its why we are called to step into the second greatest command Jesus gives us to love our neighbours as ourselves.…
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Caríssimo ouvinte,Neste episódio, damos continuidade às profundas reflexões sobre a esperança. Convido você a se aconchegar e permitir que essas palavras ressoem em seu coração. Ouça com atenção e, se encontrar valor neste conteúdo, compartilhe com aqueles que também possam se beneficiar dessa mensagem de esperança.…
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Jesus demonstrates in his life, that as his disciples we will be moved to compassion for the multitude and moved to action for the one. As we look at a reality where nearly 40% of the world have still little or zero access to the good news of Jesus, some in the far reach places of the world, we are reminded in Matt 9 that the harvest is ripe! The q…
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This week we’ve got something a little different for you. Whilst we’re still technically between seasons - and working hard to bring you more roundtable discussions with our wonderful Verso authors in our upcoming fourth series of The Verso Podcast - we wanted to share a great episode we’ve been collaborating on with our friends over at Macrodose. …
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Hoje, mergulharemos no fascinante tema da força interior. Em um mundo repleto de desafios e incertezas, a verdadeira força não se mede apenas por músculos ou poder, mas pela resiliência e coragem que carregamos dentro de nós. Neste episódio, exploraremos um poema de Carlos Drummond de Andrade, “ombros suportam o mundo” e o texto Bíblico de Filipens…
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Hearing power testimonies, that reveal the costly reality and extraordinary faith of believers who are being persecuted we are challenged to reflect upon the scriptures and what it means for each one of us to be a disciple of Jesus. There is a paradigm shift that Jesus brings to our worldview that requires a response. To live is Christ and to die i…
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Querido ouvinte do Versosna Palavra, seja bem-vindo ao segundo episódio da terceira temporada do nosso podcast. Tudo é graça de Deus. Tudo! Colocar a teologia espiritual em diálogocom a literatura objetiva este projeto. Estamos nesta caminhada a duas temporadas e iniciamos com alegria mais uma temporada toda especial. Iremospropor reflexões que vis…
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Kick starting our Mission series we will explore the why, what and how of mission embedded in God’s story and the impact on us as we steward the reach vision God has entrusted us with. We will discover how the bible provides a grounding framework and exhortation for everyone to step into taking their place in seeing the Great Commission fulfilled.•…
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We don’t like to talk about money in church and yet the whole world talks about, with thousands of marketing messages a day bombarding us with the lie that we need to accumulate to spend on ourselves. Yet what does the bible say about money, if anything? As we look into the Bible we find out God’s blueprint for money in our lives and the promises f…
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How do you respond to a change in season? With excitement and hope or anxiety and dread? As we gear up for a new school term, Mark contrasts how the world would counsel us to approach it and how the Bible lays out our approach. Diving into the often mis-understood Book of Ecclesiastes, we see that ultimately, everything is Vanity! A message of hope…
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Today we're publishing part two of our sell-out live event recorded at London's Union Chapel on July 26th. For this discussion we teamed up with our friends over at The Dig for a podcast extravaganza. Eleanor Penny of the Verso Podcast and Dig host Daniel Denvir sat down with writer and academic Laleh Khalili and the freshly re-elected, newly indep…
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Today we're publishing part one of our sell-out live event recorded at London's Union Chapel on July 26th.For our first show of the evening we were joined by our friends at MACRODOSE podcast for a recording of their highly-recommended show on the future of global capitalism. This discussion was hosted by writer and academic Dalia Gabriel, and featu…
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Rom 12:2 says don’t be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds… We experience three transforming exchanges that renew our minds as we spend quality time in God’s presence : • Exchanging Imposter Syndrome for Position and Purpose • Exchanging Striving for Partnership and Pace • Exchanging Fear for Protection and Prov…
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