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土曜0時二配信 | 思索生知ポッドキャスト番組 #レクリエーションポート 俳優と写真家のふたりが深夜にお届け!! クスッと笑える音声をあなたの日常に。 辞書を使ったお勉強コーナーも有り。 👽 深夜ノ、リラックストークヲドウゾ 番組のご感想、お便りはお気軽に公式から! 【公式サイト】 https://art-cachecache.com/recreationport/ 【Twitter】@RECREATION_Port
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’Portrætalbum’ er et musikalsk portrætprogram, hvor musikformidler Anders Bøtter hver uge har nogle af Danmarks største tv-værter, sportsstjerner, forfattere, politikere, skuespillere, musikere, komikere og andre levemennesker i studiet til en snak om et musikalbum, der har en helt særlig betydning for dem. Vi kommer tæt på ugens gæst gennem musikken, når Anders og gæsten sammen tegner et portræt af både albummet og dets betydning for gæsten. Samtidig sættes albummet ind i en større fortælli ...
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The world is full of mystery. Man's hubris would have you believe that the world is mapped, it is explained, it has been conquered. But many would disagree. We believe the world still has mystery. That there are layers upon layers of the world that remain unexplored and unexplained. That there is still magic and mystery all around us.. if only we would open our eyes and our hearts to understand. Paranormal Portal explores the many mysteries that still persist. Discussing theory, testimonial ...
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Portréty osobností známých i méně známých. Kronika dvacátého století viděná skrz osobní příběhy politiků střední Evropy, ale i lidí politikou zasažených. Všechny díly podcastu Portréty můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu mujRozhlas.cz.
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Portal to Ascension Radio

Neil Gaur - Portal to Ascension

Explore and Expand your consciousness at Portal to Ascension. Bringing forth revolutionary and empowering conscious individuals that have dedicated their lives to the paradigm shift that is now occurring on the planet.
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Menschen im Porträt

Markus Leyacker-Schatzl

Was verbindet Hollywood-Stars, erfolgreiche Unternehmer, Spitzensportler, Bestseller-Autoren und Millionäre mit Lebensrettern oder Menschen, die existenz- oder lebensbedrohende Krisen überwunden haben? Das was wirklich zählt, sind nicht die Erfolge, sondern die Menschen hinter den Erfolgen. Ihre persönliche Geschichte, ihre Gedanken, ihre Gefühle – ihre Strategie und ihr Handeln. Ab sofort hier in „Menschen im Porträt“!
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National Portrait Gallery

Art, biography, history and identity collide in this podcast from the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery. Join Director Kim Sajet as she chats with artists, historians, and thought leaders about the big and small ways that portraits shape our world.
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Portal Quandary is a real-play dramedy Dungeons and Dragons podcast. Magnolia, Lucille, Noah and Hymmbo are four strangers who find themselves stuck in a mystical land farther away than they ever thought possible. Our party must explore this dangerous land to return home, but somehow, this alien world provokes questions about home they never thought to ask.
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The Adventuring Portal

Rising Arts Productions

A D&D actual-play podcast featuring comedians and actors from Sydney, Australia. The Adventuring Portal will take them to new and exciting worlds filled with monsters to fight, treasure to find and laughs to be had.
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Nos reímos de la política en el podcast de Toni Martínez, Especialistas Secundarios y todo su equipo: El Mundo?Today, Sheila Blanco, Javier Coronas, Juanma López Iturriaga, Luis Piedrahita, Raúl Pérez o Lucía Taboada.?Un repaso nada convencional a los sonidos del día. En directo en La Ventana de lunes a jueves a las 17:00 y a cualquier hora si te suscribes.
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One Controller Port is a video game podcast focused on niche games, news stories, and topics. Learn something new every week with a show that differs from your typical weekly gaming podcast. Part of OneControllerPort.com, which features video reviews, articles, podcasts, streams, and more! Find me on Twitter @Oculin
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Welcome to the F1 Time Portal, where we dive headfirst into the thrilling history of Formula 1 racing. The stories, dramas, drivers - and of course the awesome racing! Brought to you by two F1 nerds😊
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Bringing together local businesses and neighbors of Port Saint Lucie. Good Neighbor Podcast hosted by Garfield Bowen helps residents discover and connect with your local business owners in and around Port St Lucie, Florida. Is your business serving the residents of Port Saint Lucie? Then, we need to talk! Visit gnpPSL.com to schedule your free interview.
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"Locos Por Correr" es el programa de radio de la multiplataforma de comunicación especializada en running. "Locos Por Correr" además de radio, es web, redes sociales, running team, prensa y difusión, marketing y RRPP del segmento running.
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Porta - das Tor zur Geschichte

Miguel Castro, Alexander Wittlings; Redaktion: Johanna Heckeley

Wer sind eigentlich die Personen, deren Spuren wir noch heute in historischen Funden begegnen? Wie haben sie gelebt, was hat sie bewegt? Und was ist eigentlich von ihnen geblieben? Unsere beiden Autoren Miguel Castro und Alexander Wittlings machen sich in ihrem Geschichts-Podcast gemeinsam mit ihren Gästen auf die Suche. Dabei legen sie ihren Fokus auf die älteste Stadt Deutschlands, Trier, und die geschichtsträchtige Region zwischen Mosel, Eifel und Hunsrück. Was für Zeugnissen bekannter un ...
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Are you struggling to create a career and life vision that you love? Portfolio Career Podcast is here to provide proven success stories, actionable tips, and key skills to do this for you. David Nebinski talks with people who have designed their Portfolio Career that allows for growth, resiliency, and happiness. Tune in to build and grow your Portfolio Career. Let's have some fun!
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Join in as Nikki Closser, a mentor in the Sue Bryce Education community, interviews photographers who manage successful portrait photography businesses from around the globe using the business model Sue Bryce teaches. Subscribe to hear stories that will fast track your success and transform you as a photographer and business owner.
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Discerning Geeks Portal

Discerning Geeks Portal

Discerning Geeks Portal is a gateway into the exploration of all things geek: Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, ‘80s movies, TV, and more. Dave, Todd, Andruw, and Preston, take a discerning look into the world of geek fandom. We care about intriguing storytelling, compelling characters, and thought-provoking themes, but we also love action, special effects, and comedy. We break down the positives, negatives, and mixed feelings about everything we cover. Step through the portal with us for fun an ...
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Started in 2024, the Port Orange Police Department's podcast not only features members from our department, but also community members and partnerships, along with leaders in the law enforcement profession around the country. Our podcast will give you a glimpse in to what our department does and has to offer and also have important discussions with community members and leaders.
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Libros,libros y más libros...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...
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show series
Grande Deus e Pai, queremos louvar e engrandecer Teu nome, mais uma vez. Queremos Te dizer muito obrigado porque temos um Guia que é a Bíblia. Por isso, hoje, queremos te pedir uma bênção especial para todos os nossos amigos e ouvintes que têm estudado a Tua palavra. Os que têm sede de aprender e descobrir o quanto é maravilhoso desvendar o que Tu,…
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Algunos adjetivos con los que se suele calificar a los niños (inocente, dulce, ingenuo) no caben para los pequeños protagonistas de esta historia. En el contexto de una tarde cualquiera, cuando la madre ya no sabe cómo disculpar ante las visitas el comportamiento de los chicos, la chispa de maldad que los habita encenderá el fuego de la tragedia. L…
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...e tá longe do fim! Bob Dylan - "Like A Rolling Stone" R.E.M. - "Electrolite" Tangolo Mangos - "Poca" Legião Urbana - "Só Por Hoje" Maglore - "Me Deixa Legal" Maria Beraldo + Negro Leo - "Quem Eu Sou" St. Vincent - "Hombre Roto" Exclusive os Cabides - "Rua da Lua Cheia" Fleetwood Mac - "Dreams" Pulp - "The Trees" Lana Del Rey - "Brooklyn Baby" Pa…
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A paralisia na política de reforma agrária do governo federal foi o tema do Três Por Quatro desta sexta-feira (13). Com críticas incisivas à atuação do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA) e do Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (Incra), João Pedro Stédile, líder do MST, expôs as dificuldades enfrentadas pelas 72 mil família…
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😍 Emisión 546 de "Locos Por Correr RADIO", del Lunes 9 de diciembre de 2024. = = = = - Maratón Valencia. Furos por los dorsales para 2025 y la historia de Sabastian Sawe, el ganador que ahora todas las maratones quieren tener. - Maratones de Argentina ya tienen fecha definida para 2025: los 42K de Rosario, los 42K de La Pampa y la media maratón de …
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Descubra o que está por trás da rotina de um dos baristas mais talentosos do mundo quando o assunto é desenhar com leite em xícaras de espresso. Nessa conversa, o barista Eduardo Olímpio revela sobre seus treinamentos, comemora seus feitos e nos conta seus sonhos. Pega a visão! Siga Edu no Instagram: @edu.o.santos quer apoiar mais entrevistas como …
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Meditamos aquietando mente y cuerpo, entregándonos al silencio y la plenitud expansiva. Esta semana estamos hablando sobre la comunicación consciente inspirada en los escritos de Stuart Wilde. Les comparto unos ejercicios interesantes a poner en práctica. Sesión grabada en vivo con la comunidad meditadora "Espacio Silencio" https://www.ilanaospina.…
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💫 This transformative panel features thought leaders and spiritual pioneers sharing profound insights on ascension, personal awakening, and collective evolution. 🌀🌈 Explore the tools, practices, and cosmic shifts shaping humanity's path to higher consciousness. 🌠🔮Join Raquel Spring’s astrological wisdom, Neil Gaur’s perspectives on ancient knowledg…
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A CSOK Plusz, a falusi CSOK, a babaváró és a munkáshitel 2025-ös kombinációit tekintettük át, amelyek jó része támogatássá alakul át, ha megérkezik a kellő számú baba. Ezen támogatások részleteit Palkó Istvánnal a Portfolio vezető elemzőjével tekintettük át. A műsor második részében arról volt szó, hogy robbantásos merényletet hajtottak végre Moszk…
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A fuvarozást, logisztikát nem véletlenül szokták a gazdaság érhálózataként emlegetni, hiszen gyakorlatilag minden szektort érint kisebb nagyobb mértékben. Éppen ezért remek lakmuszpapír is, amely azonnal jelzi, ha lassul vagy éppen növekszik a GDP. Barna Zsolttal, a Waberer’s csoport elnök-vezérigazgatójával beszélgettünk a cég terveiről, akvizíció…
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Merry Christmas, and welcome to the last minute marathon of Christmas-related movie reviews for 2024. First up, we review "Iron Man 3." We reviewed "Iron Man" and "Iron Man 2" in episodes #011 & #099. This makes the 3rd trilogy that we've completed, having reviewed the "Back to the Future" trilogy in episodes #058, #065, and #088, and "The Lord of …
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Turns out being a major God is not all it's cracked up to be... This week we find our Arcadian's spiralling through chaos magic and unpredictable portals in their pursuit for their final destination: home. From grasshoppers to traveling carny's, Daara, Mallory, Zawabashi and Sprig face it all in the blink of an eye. Will our newlyweds (and Zawabash…
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Azt tekintettük át, hogy az OTP Jelzálogbank most megjelent lakóingatlan értéktérképe mit mutat hazai lakáspiac alakulásával kapcsolatban. Erről Futó Pétert a Portfolio ingatlanpiaci elemzőjét kérdeztük. A második részben arról volt szó, hogy mi vár Németországra azután, hogy Olaf Scholz elbukta a bizalmi szavazást így formálisan is megbukott a ném…
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Az elmúlt években meglepően jól teljesít az állattenyésztés a növénytermesztéssel szemben, azonban mindez nem jelenti azt, hogy az ágazatban nem lennének megoldandó problémák. Az állattartás különböző szegmensei ráadásul merőben eltérően teljesítenek: míg a sertéstartás és a broilernevelés jobb eredményeket mutat fel, a víziszárnyasok és a pulyka t…
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In this mini 'Blink' episode, Kim asks political aide Jack Watson for his thoughts on a couple of Time magazine covers featuring his old boss, former President Jimmy Carter. One depicts the transition team that helped Carter sift through potential political appointees -- a team that Jack led. The other depicts Carter with his characteristic broad s…
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Nosso Deus e Pai. Louvamos Teu Nome. Louvamos pela oportunidade da vida no dia de hoje. Por estarmos aqui mais uma vez, conectados em oração. Alguns de nós estão cansados, desanimados, atribulados, doentes… Outros, animados, dispostos. Tu sabes como estamos. O que passa no mais profundo de nosso coração. Por isso, Pai, queremos pedir agora a Tua bê…
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En Lunes Deportivo repasamos la derrota del Barça y su consecuencia en forma de chistes sobre el monstruo del Leganés. También conocemos cómo la expresión “flechita para arriba” ha inspirado una camiseta inteligente.
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🌟 This dynamic panel brings together renowned visionaries and experts to discuss the evolving landscape of UFO disclosure, human consciousness, and extraterrestrial contact. 👽💫 From government revelations to personal experiences, explore the impact of disclosure on humanity’s awakening and ascension. 🌠🌀Dive deep into the metaphysical and practical …
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A műsor első részében Varga Mihály jegybankelnöki meghallgatásával foglalkoztunk, többek között azzal, hogy milyen monetáris politikát folytathat a jelenleg még pénzügyminiszterként dolgozó politikus, illetve, hogy kik voltak még jelen a mai eseményen és ennek mi lehet az üzenete. Minderről Csiki Gergelyt, a Portfolio lapigazgatóját, makroelemzőjét…
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Mozgalmas év volt 2024 a tőkepiacokon, éppen ezért érdekes, hogy a magyar értéktőzsde hogyan értékeli az elmúlt időszakot. Erről és jövő évi terveiről kérdezzük Végh Richárdot a BÉT vezérigazgatóját a Portfolio Business Podcast legújabb adásában. Áttekintettük a BÉT Xtend piacának idei eseményeit, és azt hogy 2025-ben hogyan lehetne egyre több haza…
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2024 izgalmas év volt az ingatlanpiacon: meglepő fordulatok, változó keresleti preferenciák és kihívásokkal teli befektetési környezet formálták az ágazatot. A mai adásban az ingatlanárak dinamikájáról, a befektetési volumenek csökkenésének okairól, valamint az iroda- és ipari ingatlanok helyzetéről beszélgettünk két vendégünkkel: Tuza Ritával, az …
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For some, a Paranormal Event changes their life. But for others, it is something that has ALWAYS been a part of theirs. Several people have lived their entire lives in the company of the Paranormal. It has been present in their formative years, all the way through their adult lives. On this episode, I welcome Barbara Mora to the show to discuss her…
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