102 - Epidemic during a Pandemic
Manage episode 312290411 series 3231993
Raj joins us to talk about Tesla, Cybertruck and much more!
As a reminder you can watch the video version of the show on your YouTube channel here:
Our Patreon page if you'd like to support us directly: https://patreon.com/teslaownersonline
Raj's YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkcpAX1PqQWcR44D19kVX7Q
SpaceX nails the landing! https://youtu.be/z9eoubnO-pE?t=386
Tesla Q2 production is sold out https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-q2-2021-sold-out-report/
How Tesla is beating the chip shortage https://insideevs.com/news/505188/tesla-not-affected-chip-shortage/
Referral Program Changes coming https://twitter.com/Writer_StevenL/status/1390296448747593730?s=20
Cybertruck Die cast model coming https://twitter.com/JVerdura/status/1388920692503060483?s=20
Cyberlandr thingy https://www.cyberlandr.com/
Software 2021.4.15.5 now using all cameras for rain sensing https://twitter.com/greentheonly/status/1389454497471209479?s=20
A possible look at what V11 could bring https://twitter.com/model3owners/status/1387382280998506498?s=21
Tesla has jobs for semi technicians https://www.tesmanian.com/blogs/tesmanian-blog/tesla-opens-recruitment-for-a-semi-service-technician
Pedestrian warning system retrofits available https://teslaownersonline.com/threads/pedestrian-warning-system-retrofits-now-available.17974/
Model 3 Replacement Tire Discussion (OEM sizes only) https://teslaownersonline.com/threads/model-3-replacement-tire-discussion-oem-sizes-only.13024/
Order GetJeda Wireless charging pad or USB HUB:
Buying a Model S, X or performance Model 3? Use our owner referral code to get 1000 miles (1500kms) of free Supercharging
Trevor's Referral: https://ts.la/trevor41818
Eric's Referral: https://ts.la/eric95497
Ian's Referral: https://ts.la/ian37694
Special thanks to our sponsor FEYNLAB for all your ceramic coating needs: https://www.feynlab.com
Special thanks to EVAnnex for sponsoring the show. Check out their awesome Tesla accessories at https://evannex.com
T shirts for the cause
Model 3 Evolve by Mad Hungarian https://teespring.com/shop/model-3-evolve-by-madhungarian
Our Twitter accounts:
Trevor @Model3Owners
Ian Pavelko @MadHungarian
113 epizódok