In the smokey back room of the Bird and Baby, affectionatelly called “The Rabbit Room”, the LOTRO Questers came together again. What was a expected to be a small company of maybe a dozen or so free folk soon grew into a great company of heroes and by the time we embarked on our journey, had gathered nearly thirty hearty travelers! Before we set out upon our travels to the northern remnants of the fallen Kingdom of Arnor, we took a moment to discuss the Rabbit Room’s famous residents, both in and out of game. C.S. Lewis, Owen Barfield and Charles Williams each had their names rearranged and their likenesses transported to middle earth and if you look closely among the gathered adventurers, you can see Jack Lewisdown, Owen Farfield and Carlo Williams. In spite of our interruption, they continued their discussions of absent friends and lost texts. We left them to their scholarly discussions and set forth from the Rabbit Room, bound for the ruins of Tinnudir! Along the way we discussed the beauty and depth of the Professor’s Secondary World – both in literature and in the digital world. Discussions lead to talk of events great and terrible that would come to pass in the history of Middle-earth and as we passed Ted Sandyman, we admonished him for even sins he had not yet committed – some more forcefully than others… That’s not to say we spoke of nothing by treachery and villainy on our quest! Far from it! We spoke of great heroes of the past, particularly none other than the name sake of Bandoras Fortunefoot, the Bullroarer – Bandobras Took! This great hero of the Shire is most known for inventing the sport of golf when he slew the goblin Golfimbul by striking his head from his shoulders with a great club. The head landed a great many yards away, in a rabbit hole. Thus the shirefolk gave Middle-earth the game of golf! But enough about heroes of the past! There are countless heroes here in the waning days of the Third Age! Our great company was lead by myself, Bandoras Fortunefoot – but I was certainly out shined by the valiant spirit of those who traveled at my side. Accompanying me on this great LOTRO Quest were Locney Esgal, Imperius, Nevanna, Beornara, Lurelias, Narimbor, Anagg, Beatwyn, Ngairiel, Gerakthir, Barosa, Gennyrose, Neiahel, Craicwyn, Knostril, Juneith, Daeglo, Diamond,Welken, Alebart, Muiran, Fisli, Larkfeather, and even the famous Goldenstar! Still as brave a company as we were, we were all humbled when we came to the tiny hobbit outpost of Dwaling. For you see, there dwell the Ronald Dwale, known in this world as John Ronald Reuel Tolkien! The Professor himself! We basked long in his wisdom and quite company, gathering to hear whispers and pieces of the histories of middle-earth or snippets of unfinished tales. He even offered to share a pull of Old Toby with us – a great honor indeed! But our journey was not without perils for even the well-traveled roads of Middle-earth are not safe! Indeed, in spite of our valiant efforts some fell before the forces of Shadow along the road – but the great hero Imperius would leave no man (nor dwarf, nor elf, nor hobbit) behind! Going alone into the Wild with the courage of a Ranger he set to rescue our lost companions and bring them back into the folds of the company! His steadfast steps took him as far as Evendim, where he was able to rescue our fallen comrades and (though a bit late), rejoin the company! Imperius, Hero of the Lost Finally, we made our way to the shores of Tinnudir, ruined outpost of the once magnificent Kingdom of Arnor. We paused at its shores to look upon the ruined capital of Arnor, Annuminas. We celebrated our journey with fireworks and dancing, but a great fire stirred in our hearts. We looked upon Elendil’s city and the flames of injustice became kindled inside us. Suddenly celebration turned to valour and we sprang into the waters – charging the very harbors of the ruined capital! Indeed, our reckless heroics paid off as we stormed the shores of Annuminas, bringing low the servants of Shadow who fouled this once glorious metropolis with their presence! After carving a path of justice with blades and bravery, we came to rest at a great relic of the past, the Tomb of Elendil the Tall, Bearer of Narsil. Humbled by the mere shadow of this great king of ages that had slipped into legend, we paused to reflect, relax and enjoy the fruits of yet another successful LoTRO Quest! Join us next time, for laughter and lore, fellowship and tom-foolery! Join us and see where the road sweeps us of to! From the peaks of Amon Sul to the Foundations of Stone, there’s no telling where the next LoTRO Quest will take us and the only way to find out is to join us! Click the link below to listen to our epic travels, or download it for later enjoyment. DOWNLOAD | SUBSCRIBE | ITUNES…