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The root of out suffering Topic : BitternessYande James által
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Reparenting you Topic : ParentlessSeer Yande James által
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Deconstructing Topic : Shame “I was told my sins were forgiven but I noticed that, I just need to forgive and love myself. I recognised the mistakes and self betrayal. But my shame, was for me to deal with, not for anybody else. I couldn’t run away from it. After I healed it, I asked for mercy, but first I had to acknowledge it.” Quote by. Seer Yan…
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This is a helpful message for those who have trouble focusing. An overall message surrounding self deceptive beliefs, and feeling imprisoned within one's own mind. This will help those living with Autism or/ and ADHD Topic - Imprisonment within mindSeer Yande James által
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You are safe Topic : AbandonmentSeer Yande James által
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Handling Life's wave Topic : wavesSeer Yande James által
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