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Gustavo Carvalho entrevista pessoas para quem a comédia é paixão e profissão. Por vezes abre a porta a conversas sobre outros temas culturais que o entusiasmam, seja sobre teatro, música, digital, televisão ou cinema. A comédia, a arte e a cultura que estão para acontecer, todas as terças-feiras no Humor À Primeira Vista.
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Boonta Vista

Boonta Vista

The least consequential news from around the world from the least informed minds in Australia. Andrew, Theo, Lucy and Ben bring you the week's stories that conveniently fit into one of their countless, concerningly specific segments. Keep up with the latest news from Nature Corner, Paging Dr. Lucy, Planely Speaking, Omens and Portents, The Hole Report and many, many more. • Find out more at • Subscribe for weekly bonus episodes at ...
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傾聽小聲音,擁抱大世界──歡迎收聽《Vista的小聲音》!這是由 Vista Cheng 所製作的 Podcast 節目,節目內容包括但不限於好書推薦、科技趨勢、商業模式、數位工具分享與筆記術等多元的主題。 Vista 小檔案:當過工程師、製作人、記者、主編、產品總監、講師和顧問,是一個跨領域的學習者。 個人網站: Vista的小聲音: E-mail: 歡迎贊助: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Energy Vista

Leslie Palti-Guzman

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary experts. In each episode of Energy Vista podcast, Leslie Palti-Guzman will chat with energy experts from all around the world. 1) We will delve into some timely energy issues 2) We will get to know both their professional and personal trajectories 3) We will hear their advice for all of us What is the goal? Making Experts Great Again. I'm exploring ways to contribute more actively to the public debate and policymaking around the geopolitics of energ ...
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O Podcast do Dinheiro, da Educação Financeira e das Finanças. O PhD em educação financeira, Reinaldo Domingos, orienta sobre os meios para organizar as suas finanças e realizar os seus sonhos e de seus familiares! Semanalmente novos podcasts que proporcionam uma visão simples sobre o dinheiro, mostrando como ficar rico e realizar sonhos!
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The VistaMilk Podcast

VistaMilk SFI Research Centre

VistaMilk SFI Research Centre is focused on innovative pasture-based dairying and is co-funded by Science Foundation Ireland and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. During the course of this podcast series, we will introduce you to some of our fantastic researchers and the work they do here at the centre.
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Window glass repair company in Tucson AZ. Vista Glass has been in business since 2000. We are proud to service the Tucson area with our glass experience and expertise. we offer free mobile service and estimates.
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Bem-vindos, aqui poderão encontrar temas sobre Tecnologia, acessibilidade e outros assuntos. Para ouvir no itunes ou apple podcast introduzir na App o feed RSS: Novos episódios todas as semanas. Foto do podcast feita por Josh Rose no Unsplash:
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Moscovo à Vista

Antena1 - RTP

Mundial de 2018. Dois comentadores cruzam ideias e visões na antecipação de cada uma das jornadas do Mundial de futebol. Rui Malheiro e Luis Cristóvão com moderação de Paulo Sérgio e Alexandre Afonso.
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Mi chiamo Mary, vivo in Sicilia, sono non vedente dalla nascita, cosa che vivo come un dettaglio e non come un problema, infatti questo non mi ha impedito di diventare una psicologa, con la speranza di aiutare gli altri a traverso il mio lavoro, ne di coltivare le mie più grandi passioni, una su tutte , la radio. Dopo diversi anni in radio locali, il 13 ottobre del 2009, è sbarcata on line Incrediradio, una webradio che si caratterizza per l’ascolto di tutti i generi musicali e che, come le ...
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Ser inteligente emocionalmente é se destacar em tudo o que você faz na vida. Nesse canal de Podcast você irá receber sempre informações valiosas de como se destacar no mercado competitivo e ser um destaque entre outras pessoas.
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show series
Music, it's a part of our day to day lives. We sing songs each Sunday in worship, but how much attention do we actually pay to them? How often do we break down what a song is telling us? How often do we let music guide our lives? This Sunday we explore how music affects, feeds, and sustains our lives. James Przibilla Bible Readings: 1 Samuel 16:16,…
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Learn the secrets to what happens while you're under contract to buy an investment property in Chula Vista. This class is Module 27 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: What happens once you’re under contract through when you’re closing on a property? What due diligence should you be doing? …
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🎁 Gratuito - Baixe o 1° capítulo do livro Descubra Seu Eu Financeiro: ao primeiro episódio da nova série do Dinheiro à Vista: Família Sustentável Financeiramente.Quem não deseja uma vida boa, próspera e sustentável para sua família? A verdade é que qualquer um pode…
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Quando este podcast começou, em 2018, Mário Falcão ainda não tinha feito stand-up comedy pela primeira vez. Seis anos depois, já conta com mais de 600 atuações. Após abrir as digressões de Gilmário Vemba e Hugo Sousa estreia-se a solo com “Menino de Ouro”, em Lisboa e no Porto. Com este especial, o humorista de Massamá quer “deixar de ser pobre e, …
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Anche questa volta, Mary e Vincent ci accompagnano in un viaggio tra novità e ricordi, analizzando con la loro prospettiva unica il mondo della televisione, del cinema e della musica. 📺 Dalla TV alle piattaforme streaming Questa puntata è un vero e proprio vortice di contenuti! Si parte dalla discussa trasposizione de Il Gattopardo su Netflix, che …
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In this Energy Vista episode, Leslie Palti-Guzman sits down with Tarek Souki, an energy executive with deep experience in the U.S. LNG industry through his roles at Cheniere Energy and Tellurian. Together, they unpack the challenges of financing LNG projects, and whether America can maintain its competitive edge in the global LNG race. How do finan…
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Music, it's a part of our day to day lives. We sing songs each Sunday in worship, but how much attention do we actually pay to them? How often do we break down what a song is telling us? How often do we let music guide our lives? This Sunday we explore how music affects, feeds, and sustains our lives. James Przibilla Bible Readings: 1 Samuel 16:16,…
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【Vista 的小聲音 × Isaac Wong|AI 時代的一人創業學,如何勇敢踏出致富第一步?】 💡 你是否也曾經想過:「如果可以一個人創業,自由自在地做喜歡的事,那該有多好?」然而一人創業看似輕鬆,實則充滿挑戰,究竟該如何開始,才不會一頭撞進死胡同? 📢 本集節目特別邀請從香港走到英國的 AI 一人創業家 Isaac Wong,他將真實分享自己從多次創業失敗中汲取的寶貴經驗,帶你掌握 AI 時代的一人創業關鍵法則! 🚩【為什麼一人創業?】 Isaac曾經歷過職場的不順遂,感受到為自己而活的重要,於是他踏上了一人創業之路。透過真實故事,告訴你為什麼「找到自己的初心」才是成功的第一步! 🚩【AI工具如何改變創業方式?】 過去創業需要團隊,但現在透過 ChatGPT 與各種 AI 工具的輔助…
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Join Jennifer Vela Valido, Ph.D., the Localization Quality Program Manager at Spotify, in conversation with María Roa at VistaTalks. Jennifer has over 15 years of experience in the localization industry. She has led innovative strategies in linguistic quality management, vendor operations, and academic research. Her expertise, combined with her pas…
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🤝 Agende seu encontro com um Terapeuta Financeiro da DSOP:ê já deve ter ouvido falar das inúmeras bets e apostas online que existem hoje por aí. Mas será que elas podem ser consideradas investimentos ou são apenas jogos arriscados?Todo investimento tem um risco, mesmo os mais seguros de renda fixa…
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【Vista的小聲音 × 郝旭烈|解鎖你的財富腦,人生不再白忙一場】 💡 你是否也曾經困惑:「明明這麼拚命工作,為什麼財富卻沒有如期而至?」其實問題從來不是你不夠努力,而是你的腦中住著一個叫做「貧窮木馬程式」的病毒! 📢 本集節目特邀重量級嘉賓:《致富覺察:培養點石成金的財富腦》作者、知名播客「郝聲音」主持人、超人氣企業講師,前台積電財務主管──郝旭烈(郝哥),帶你透過「三察」徹底掃毒、重新植入致富密碼! 🚩【覺察財富病毒】 你知道自己心中的金錢觀念,可能阻礙了你的財富累積嗎?郝哥將帶你深入覺察內心對金錢的認知誤區,讓你從根本提升財商,重新開啟財富之門。 🚩【觀察致富之道】 薪水如何管理才能越存越多?什麼工作更能激發你的潛能並且高效賺錢?買房租房該如何選擇?郝哥教你精準觀察自我特質,找到最適…
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Life constantly requires choices. Some of these are insignificant, while others are important and may actually shape our future. God understands human beings, he understands us, and so in critical moments he encourages us to CHOOSE LIFE. And as we go through our Christian lives God reminds us that we are his people and that he will always look afte…
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Life constantly requires choices. Some of these are insignificant, while others are important and may actually shape our future. God understands human beings, he understands us, and so in critical moments he encourages us to CHOOSE LIFE. And as we go through our Christian lives God reminds us that we are his people and that he will always look afte…
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Lucy, Theo, Andrew, and Ben bring you: From politeness to knife violence, a prayer for Boston, a real giraffe, no prize for Connecticut, and the empty car.***Outro: Cheer Up, Chihiro! - Ovlov***Support our show and get exclusive bonus episodes by subscribing on Patreon:***Email the show at! Call i…
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Learn the secrets to maximizing cash flow on rentals in Chula Vista. This class is Module 26 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include how to improve cash flow: When selecting a real estate agent/broker Locking/floating your mortgage interest rate Searching for less expensive properties Searching …
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🎁 Gratuito - Baixe o primeiro capítulo do livro Mesada Não é Só Dinheiro: 📙 Conheça o livro completo e adquira o seu: Programa Pé-de-Meia é uma iniciativa do governo federal para aumentar a conclusão d…
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🎁 Gratuito - Baixe o primeiro capítulo do livro Livre-se das Dívidas:📙 Conheça o livro completo e adquira o seu:ê sabia que não existe ninguém sem dívidas? E você sabia que elas não são …
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British comedian Sean McLoughlin was recently in Lisbon to open for Ricky Gervais, in the “Mortality” tour. He had already performed at a sold out MEO Arena in 2023, when the creator of “The Office” took to the stage in Portugal for the first time, during the “Armageddon” tour. Sean McLoughlin has also performed his own solo show in Portugal and wi…
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De passagem por Lisboa para abrir o espetáculo “Mortality”, de Ricky Gervais, o humorista britânico Sean McLoughlin esteve à conversa com Gustavo Carvalho. Já tinha atuado numa MEO Arena esgotada, em 2023, quando o criador de “The Office” subiu pela primeira vez a um palco em Portugal, na altura com o espetáculo “Armageddon”. Sean McLoughlin também…
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Anche questa settimana Mary ci accompagna in un viaggio ricco di spunti e curiosità nel mondo del cinema, della televisione e della musica! 🎬📺🎶 🔥 In questa puntata: 📌 Il ricordo di due grandi protagonisti: Bruno Pizzul e Eleonora Giorgi 🕊️ 📌 L’ultimo capitolo della saga di Bridget Jones: cosa aspettarsi? 🤔 📌 Tutte le riflessioni post Sanremo e uno …
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Just as Jesus resisted the devil’s temptations by relying on God's Word, we are called to stand firm by grounding ourselves in Scripture. We should trust Him to provide for our needs. Ultimately, today’s Bible reading encourages us to rely on God, stay connected to His Word, and resist the temptations that seek to draw us away from Him. Pastor Davi…
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Just as Jesus resisted the devil’s temptations by relying on God's Word, we are called to stand firm by grounding ourselves in Scripture. We should trust Him to provide for our needs. Ultimately, today’s Bible reading encourages us to rely on God, stay connected to His Word, and resist the temptations that seek to draw us away from Him. Pastor Davi…
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Lucy, Theo, and Ben bring you: Living in the shadow of your hot wife, the violation of the egg honour system, the future of despining beef, and lifting forbidden kicks from desert trains.***Outro: Do You Feel Alright - KC and the Sunshine Band***Support our show and get exclusive bonus episodes by subscribing on Patreon:…
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