The Friends Of Israel Today nyilvános
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show episodes
The Friends of Israel Today is a magazine style radio program/podcast made up multiple segments; bible teaching, Q&A, interviews, and dramatic readings of Holocaust survivor, Zvi Kalisher’s articles, entitled Apples of Gold. We’ve intentionally crafted this program to revolve around God’s Word and how it affects our lives today.
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show series
This program is a rebroadcast from October 22, 2022 It’s impossible to capture all of Jesus’ wonderful attributes in just one name, so we learn about His holiness through the many different designations He’s given in Scripture. One such name is the Holy One of God. The apostle Peter called Him this name—and so did demons! What does this title ... R…
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Why is antisemitism dismissed in a way that other forms of racism are not? What makes hatred of the Jewish people so palatable? This week, David Bernstein, founder of the Jewish Institute for Liberal Values, speaks about the growth of global antisemitism. His analysis of the role of politics in antisemitism from college campuses to city streets wil…
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The glory of God isn’t a concept we can’t wrap our minds around. It’s the very substance and presence of God! Over the past two weeks, we studied how God’s physical manifestation dwelled with His Chosen People. But God’s substance, having resided in the Temple, left before the Temple’s destruction through the Mount of Olives, leaving the Israelites…
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As Christians, we praise God for His glory—but what exactly is God’s glory? Last week we identified it as His substance, His physical manifestation dwelling with His people, and studied the consequence of disrespecting His it. In part 2 of our series on God’s glory, we take a look at a healthy fear of and love for it. King David ... Read More The p…
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We often praise God for and speak about His incomparable glory. But do you really know what His glory is? Could you define it? Understanding God’s glory is key to understanding His character. Scripture shows that His glory is not an abstract concept—it’s His substance, His physical presence. Chris kicks off a 3-week series on God’s glory beginning …
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Why does Israel face tremendous hostility from its neighbors? Why do many Middle Eastern nations want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth? From groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Authority to countries like Iran, Syria, and Lebanon, existential threats are never far from the Jewish nation. Our May/June issue of Israel My Glory m…
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Last week we studied examples from Jesus’ life that demonstrate that He was undeniably a Zionist who understood the inextricable link between the Jewish people and the land of Israel. But after Jesus’ death and resurrection, did that special connection become irrelevant? Is Jesus still a Zionist today? Chris finds the answer by taking a look at the…
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Anti-Zionism is spreading throughout the world. Recently, college campuses have become hotbeds for this form of antisemitism, as protesters against Israel chant, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.” But the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea is the nation of Israel’s. The fierce wave of criticism against Zionists, t…
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The creation of the State of Israel in 1948 was truly a miracle. But how does a nation starting with almost nothing become prosperous? Israel faced some serious growing pains and worked hard to provide for its immigrant citizens. And the story behind its journey is fascinating! Chris teaches a captivating history lesson on the growth of the State o…
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When you devote your life to a specific goal, others take notice and find inspiration. Friends of Israel field representatives Jeff and Arlene Berg have devoted their lives to serving God’s Chosen People—and their lives provide unbelievable inspiration for us to do the same! The scope of their ministry and their compassion for the Jewish people has…
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Do you know the meaning behind the Passover Seder’s unique practices? If you’ve never enjoyed a Seder, you might not know how to make sense of its many different traditions. Whether you’re curious about the Haggadah, the zeroa, or the maror, you’ll find answers to your Passover questions in this week’s broadcast! Chris walks us through the major el…
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Israel has been locked in a war with Hamas since October, but it now faces a much greater enemy: Iran. The Middle East powerhouse launched more than 300 drones and missiles from its own soil into Israel last Saturday night, marking the first time it had ever done so directly without using one of its proxies, like Hamas. What should ... Read More Th…
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Is the Jewish-Palestinian conflict in Israel blown out of proportion, or is it as hostile as it sounds? We hear many stories of animosity between these groups, but it’s hard to know the truth when we live far from Israel. That’s why Justin Kron, founding director of the Kesher Project, which connects the church to its Jewish roots, produced Hope ..…
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God’s wonderful plan of redemption stretches to everything in creation, but Israel is the key to its fulfillment. God gave the Jewish people special covenants and a special role in His plan. The apostles Peter and Paul highlighted these truths, linking Israel’s repentance from sin to Jesus the Messiah’s return and the restoration of God’s Kingdom. …
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Have you ever imagined how Jesus must have felt the night before His crucifixion? He knew His time to die for the sins of the world had come, and excruciating pain and suffering lay before Him. Sometimes we lose sight of the tremendous physical and emotional price of Jesus’ sacrifice. This Easter, let’s put ourselves in His position to better ... R…
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While most of us grieve for and sympathize with Israelis who suffered horrific violence perpetrated by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023, we can never fully understand their experiences. But firsthand accounts of that brutal day give us a true look into the eyes of the Israelis who bravely persevered and survived. Ronit Glaser, an Israeli mother …
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God’s covenant with King David unlocks many of Scripture’s beautiful truths, particularly about Jesus. It explains why Jesus is the King of Israel, the Messiah, the Son of God, and the Son of Man. This week we conclude our five-part series on the Davidic covenant with our focus on the ties between King David and Jesus, the King of kings. ... Read M…
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Does the Old Testament ever say that God would have a son? The answer determines our right to place our faith in Jesus! This week Chris remembers a conversation with his Jewish friend that gave him a chance to share God’s promises to King David in the Davidic Covenant. In part 4 of our series on this covenant, we see ... Read More The post March 9,…
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Jael Kalisher is a uniquely gifted Friends of Israel (FOI) field representative in Israel. Having joined FOI as a full-time representative only days after Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel in October, Jael has quickly become an invaluable part of FOI’s ministry efforts. Now, she is using her musical talent to glorify the Lord across the world! She sp…
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Even when we are unfaithful to God, He is faithful to us. What a blessed promise! We see this truth through God’s covenant with King David. In part 3 of our series on the Davidic covenant, we examine how this promise was not rooted in the faithfulness of David or any of his descendants but in God alone. Much like ... Read More The post February 24,…
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In 2 Samuel 7, God made a wonderful covenant with David with implications that reached back hundreds of years earlier and extended to Jesus the Messiah. Last week we studied how this Davidic Covenant began with the patriarch Jacob’s blessing to his son, Judah, David’s ancestor through whom royalty was promised. This week we study David’s reverent l…
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This week we begin a series on the Davidic Covenant. This promise God made with King David is a foundational truth that touches so much of Scripture, including Jesus’ birth, identity, and Kingdom reign. But instead of starting with David, we’re beginning with Jacob’s blessings to his sons. Chris walks us through these unconventional blessings this …
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The life of David, the “man after God’s own heart,” was filled with a vast range of experiences. Having been a lowly shepherd, a fierce warrior, a reflective musician, and an exalted king, David drew from his eclectic life to pen about half of the biblical psalms, which mean so much to so many of us who love God’s Word. ... Read More The post Febru…
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God’s glory is awesome and overwhelming—and yet God is willing to reveal His perfect character to us! He showed Moses His glory on Mount Sinai after the Israelites’ sin with the golden calf, revealing that He is merciful, gracious, patient, loving, faithful, just, and forgiving. In part 2 of our series studying the moment when God showed Moses His …
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Have you ever wanted God to show you His glory? Moses did. He carried the weighty privilege and responsibility of leading God’s Chosen People through the wilderness. God performed great miracles before Moses and the Israelites—speaking to him from a burning bush, delivering the people from Egypt, and parting the Red Sea to help them escape Pharaoh’…
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Our series on Paul’s letter to the Romans in September covered the Jewish context of the epistle, atonement, Jesus’ righteousness, reconciliation, redemption, and the eternal security of our salvation. But Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel and the ensuing war interrupted our series in October, as information on the war took precedence in our broadcas…
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This program is a rebroadcast from April 7, 2018. Sometimes, as Christians, we can dismiss the physical effects of struggles and sins we deal with every day. On this week’s show, Chris talks about the negative effects of worry and anxiety and what it does to our minds. We’ll head to the Old Testament and hear about King Hezekiah and ... Read More T…
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This program is a rebroadcast from December 29, 2018. We trust you are enjoying time with family and friends, and we hope you take some time and reflect on the reason we celebrate: God sending Jesus to Earth! Last week we began a two-part series on the incarnation of Jesus, when the Word became flesh. The only way for God ... Read More The post Dec…
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This program is a rebroadcast from December 22, 2018. Merry Christmas! We are excited to take some time out of this busy season and reflect on the reason we celebrate: God sending Jesus to the earth! We begin a two-part series on the incarnation of Jesus, when the Word became flesh. The incarnation is the combination of God becoming man ... Read Mo…
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Many of us are praying for the brave men and women serving with the Israel Defense Forces to protect Israel in its war against Hamas terrorists. They face great danger, and many are wounded in the line of duty. But thanks to Beit Halochem, these injured heroes have a path to recovery. Edan Kleiman is the chairman of Beit Halochem, ... Read More The…
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God works in hearts all around the world, drawing lost souls to a saving knowledge of Himself. Many who receive Christ and study Scripture faithfully sense God’s calling to stand with and bless Israel and the Jewish people. But perhaps the last people you would expect to love the Jewish people would be the descendants of Nazis. Yet, some stories ..…
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As we welcome the Christmas season, many people’s minds are flooded with thoughts of the perfect Christmas present. But only one gift is eternally fulfilling, and it’s offered freely to everyone: Jesus! Because we are sinners, we can never keep God’s holy Law on our own. That’s why He sent His Son, Jesus, to make an end of the Law ... Read More The…
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Celebrate the holiday of gratitude by learning a beautiful lesson from the Bible about thanksgiving! We dig into Leviticus this week for a special lesson. You’re probably not familiar with this law from the Lord unless you’ve done your homework in the fine details of the Law. But Chris draws our attention to Scripture this week for a look at ... Re…
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What is life in Israel like right now? You’ve probably wondered what Israelis face while their nation is at war. Jael Kalisher, The Friends of Israel’s newest field representative, provides an excellent perspective on the Israel-Hamas war from her firsthand perspective as an Israeli Christian. She joins the show to speak about how we can separate f…
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As Israel fights a physical war against Hamas terrorists, it also finds itself battling to defend its public image. Many people and institutions, particularly universities, have hitched their wagon to Hamas as a symbol of Palestinian resistance and hatred for Israel. Palestinian human rights activist Bassem Eid, founder of the Jerusalem-based Pales…
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When terrorists killed and wounded thousands on October 7, the world stood behind Israel. But it wasn’t long before anti-Zionists turned the tide of public opinion against the Jewish state. To make sense of this response, Josh Reinstein, Director of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and President of the Israel Allies Foundation, joins our show wi…
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Amid a war as consequential as the one between Israel and Hamas, we can’t afford to be uninformed or misinformed. This week, Chris speaks with Steve about how we can navigate the stream of misinformation concerning the war. We must make sure we’re hearing honest, accurate reporting, and Chris outlines a list of truthful sources of news to keep you …
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When Hamas terrorists killed and wounded thousands of Israelis and launched thousands of missiles into the Jewish state, they forced Israel into a brutal war. To help you grapple with Israel’s war with Hamas, The Friends of Israel (FOI) Executive Director Jim Showers shares how our FOI workers are doing in Israel, how Hamas’s attack caught Israel b…
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On Saturday, October 7, Hamas terrorists launched a surprise attack on Israel, killing hundreds, wounding thousands, and capturing more than 100 hostages. These bloodthirsty terrorists murdered innocent civilians—men, women, and children—and urged Israeli Arabs to do the same to their Jewish countrymen. This week, The Friends of Israel Executive Di…
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Are you afraid that you can lose your salvation? Don’t worry—Scripture makes it clear that you can never lose it! If you trust in Christ for salvation, His promise to save you lasts forever. If you have any doubts about your eternal security in Christ, this week’s show will reassure you that your salvation is everlasting from the moment you ... Rea…
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Christians are called to the ministry of reconciliation. In Romans 5:10, Paul shared this wonderful truth: “For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.” In part 4 of our series on the book of Romans, Chris teaches the beauty ... Read More The p…
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The bad news: We owe a debt we could never pay on our own. The good news: Jesus’ righteousness paid our debt! In part 1 of our series on the book of Romans, we studied the Jewish people’s priority in understanding the gospel and God’s justice, and in part 2, we discovered how God provided a perfect blood sacrifice as ... Read More The post Septembe…
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Many Christians consider the book of Romans their favorite because of how clearly it teaches the gospel message. The apostle Paul presented the Good News wonderfully, teaching some fundamental truths about sin, sacrifice, and forgiveness. In part 2 of our series on Romans, Chris explores Paul’s teachings on the work of Christ and the Old Testament …
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Of all the people in the world, the apostle Paul said, the Jewish people need to hear the gospel most—but they also should understand God’s judgment better than all others. Paul used the phrase “to the Jew first and also to the Greek” several times in Acts, demonstrating the Jewish people’s central role in God’s plan of redemption. Chris begins ...…
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Meet an Israeli hero who is saving lives in the Holy Land! On this week’s broadcast, Chris speaks with Shmuel Bowman, executive director of Operation Lifeshield, about the amazing work Shmuel’s organization carries out in Israel. Operation Lifeshield places bomb shelters throughout Israel’s most threatened communities to protect Israelis from rocke…
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The Lord uses faithful believers to accomplish great things, and this week’s guest provides a great example of this fact. Linda Craft has served with The Friends of Israel for more than 20 years alongside her husband, Jonathan, moving from Illinois to Las Vegas—and recently back to Illinois—to carry out the Lord’s work. She speaks with Chris this w…
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David held many remarkable distinctions during his life—shepherd, warrior, psalmist, and king. But his legacy extends beyond these roles in God’s plan for history and the whole world. God made a prophetic promise to David with short- and long-term blessings. The conclusion of our 4-part series on King David centers on the eternal legacy of the man …
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Does the Old Testament still matter today? Yes, as much as ever—for so many reasons! This week, Meno Kalisher, pastor of the Jerusalem Assembly in Israel, teaches us how Paul used the Old Testament to teach the Jewish people foundational truths about the Law, Jesus’ deity, and the unity of Jews and Gentiles in the church. Meno shares insight from .…
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The biblical hero David was a man of many talents. We’ve already studied his history as a shepherd and a warrior king. In part 3 of our 4-part series on David, we’ll explore his artistic side as a psalmist and a musician and how his background influenced his writing. David wrote some of Scripture’s most comforting psalms. This week Chris ... Read M…
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As a young man, David was a great warrior in Israel. Following his stunning victory over the Philistine giant, Goliath, David continued to gain victory for Israel in the Lord’s name. His success made King Saul jealous. But God prospered David, His anointed, who became king when Saul died. In part 2 of our 4-part series on King David, we ... Read Mo…
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