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Sabbath School From Home

Cameron and Lachlan Rogers

Sabbath School is perhaps the most communal and participatory element of a regular Seventh-day Adventist church event (after foot-washing), but social distancing has us all isolated at home. This is a weekly Sabbath School styled conversation on Biblical themes and passages. Join in the conversation by writing comments/questions to .
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Sabbath School Study Hour

Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!

You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly quarterly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.
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We present or expound on a principle or belief related to the SDA Sabbath School quarterly each week. We invite you to visit our website to learn more about who we are and, just as important, who we are not. Tune in each week for new and interesting insights to your Sabbath School studies.
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This podcast is for the weekly Seventh-Day Adventist Sabbath school lessons and other bible studies A new podcast will be added every sabbath (Saturday) and occasionally when other bible studies happen. I hope you enjoy the topic and that the lord blesses you with what is discussed.
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show series
Part of loving one another is sharing a concern for the well-being of those around us. When others are afflicted by poverty, oppression, or any kind of injustice, we should be concerned. When others are oppressed, we should not turn a blind eye. Instead, we should ask ourselves what we can do, individually and corporately, to advance God’s love and…
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How much does understanding actually help us to cope with suffering? An interesting feature of the Sabbath School lesson this quarter is that it consistently assumes there is comfort in knowing why bad things happen. This may well be true in some situations, but we ponder on the story of Job who was never told the answer to this question. The quest…
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ब्रह्माण्डीय द्वन्द्व मुख्यतया परमेश्वरको चरित्रमाथिको विवाद हो, जुन शैतानको परमेश्वरको भलाइ, न्याय र सरकार विरुद्धको निन्दनीय आरोपहरूको कारणले हुन्छ। यो एक प्रकारको ब्रह्माण्डीय करार मुद्दा हो।Adventist World Radio által
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What is our moral potential according to Jesus? In Mark 10:17-20, Jesus tells His disciples that moral perfection is necessary in order to receive everlasting life, and that although this is impossible with man, moral perfection is possible with God’s help. For more study, see: “What Jesus Taught About Doing Right and Wrong,” by Trent Wilde https:/…
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हामीले अघिल्ला पाठहरूमा देखेका छौं कि, ब्रह्माण्डीय द्वन्द्व भित्र, शैतान र उसका समूहहरूलाई यस संसारमा अस्थायी रूपमा महत्त्वपूर्ण अधिकार क्षेत्र प्रदान गरिएको छ, कुनै प्रकारको संलग्नता नियमहरू अनुसार सीमित।Adventist World Radio által
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ब्रह्माण्डीय द्वन्द्वमा आकाशीय शासकहरूको व्यापक दृष्टिकोण प्रकाशको पुस्तकमा समेटिएको छ, जहाँ शैतानलाई "ठूलो अजिङ्गर" को रूपमा चित्रण गरिएको छ जसले परमेश्वरको विरोध गर्छ र "सारा संसारलाई धोका दिन्छ"।Adventist World Radio által
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हामीले देखेझैं, राष्ट्रहरूका झूटा “देवताहरू” भेषमा रहेका राक्षसहरू थिए। अनि अन्यत्र हामी प्रमाण देख्छौं कि कहिलेकाहीं पार्थिव शासकहरूको पछाडि राक्षसी स्वर्गीय शासकहरू हुन्छन्। परमेश्वरले पठाएका स्वर्गदूतहरूलाई पनि शत्रुको सेनाले विरोध गर्न सक्छ।Adventist World Radio által
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ब्रह्माण्डीय द्वन्द्वको प्रकृति प्रकट गर्ने एउटा शक्तिशाली कथा १ राजा १८:१९-४० मा पाउन सकिन्छ, कार्मेल पर्वतमा एलिया, जहाँ परमप्रभुले तथाकथित "राष्ट्रहरूका देवताहरू" लाई पर्दाफास गर्नुहुन्छ।Adventist World Radio által
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Many struggle with the question: If God is good, why is there so much suffering? Where is He in the midst of pain? The cosmic conflict helps shed light on this crucial issue, yet many questions remain. But when our search for answers falls short, we can look to Jesus on the cross and see that God is trustworthy, even when some questions remain unan…
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Are there rules for the Cosmic Conflict? The lesson this week sets out to explore the "rules of engagement" in the conflict between God and Satan. Is this a helpful framing of the situation if Satan - the great deceiver - disregards any rules and tries to cheat? The idea has value in attempting to explain why God might not step in sometimes as we w…
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Is it possible to always do the right thing and always avoid doing wrong? Many Christians think this is impossible, nor the standard for the Christian here in this life. But what we will look at in this podcast is one teaching of Jesus found in Matthew 4:17 and 7:16-18, and also in Luke 6:43-44, that dispels the idea that Jesus thought moral perfec…
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हामीले परमेश्वर र शैतान बीचको ब्रह्माण्डीय द्वन्द्व सिकाउने केही खण्डहरू देखेका छौं। तर यस्तो द्वन्द्व कसरी सम्भव छ? सर्वशक्तिमान ईश्वरको विरोध कसले गर्न सक्छAdventist World Radio által
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For the cosmic conflict to occur, God must allow the enemy some freedom and power within certain parameters, though the details are unknown to us. Even God's angels operate within these "rules of engagement." Understanding that God governs by love, not coercion, helps us grasp this concept and better understand the great controversy.…
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What about celebrating what God does, more than analysing what he might not prevent? This conversation grows out of the previous episode, revisiting the idea of comparing or weighing good versus evil in the world. In a profound sense it seems that goodness really must outweigh all the suffering. This is the fundamental core of hope in the Christian…
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