Michael Carroll nyilvános
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The official podcast of Michael Carroll. Michael’s passion is to equip the church with biblical truth that will launch them forward into a life of spiritual growth. Through his unique perspective and intentional focus on the themes of the Bible, Michael pulls the mission of Jesus out of every scripture. This podcast will not only give you the tools you need to study the Bible more effectively, it will also give you relevant steps you can take to move forward with your purpose in life. Suppor ...
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show series
In this episode we bring you into a lecture that Michael gives in an Old Testament theology class that talks about Jesus being the long awaited return of a Messianic King from the line of David. This Christmas we don't just celebrate the birth of a Savior, we worship and celebrate the return of a King. The Kingdom that this King ushers in has huge …
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In this episode we had Dr. Matthew Thomas on the line and the dialogue was extremely helpful and brought a ton of insight into Paul's letters and how the early church was interpreting his ideas of faith, works of the law and justification. Over the last century biblical scholarship has made tremendous progress in breaking ground into our understand…
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In this episode we have Pastor Tyshone Roland from Free Chapel in Atlanta Georgia on the line with us. Tyshone is extremely passionate about Jesus and raising up this next generation! His passion for the Bible and helping young people develop in their purpose created some great dialogue full of wisdom and encouragement about how we can better appro…
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Our pursuit of God can often take the form of our own individual relationship apart from our community and people we interact with. We create compartments in our life where some are spiritual and others are what we would consider just the regular day to day activities. But the Bible teaches that God desires our whole lives to be filled with His Pre…
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On this episode we had Brittney Moses and this conversation was so incredibly helpful for so many people navigating their own well being and spiritual growth. Brittney is currently a Psychology Student and Research Assistant at UCLA. She is also a certified recovery support group facilitator with NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness and a …
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We had Hunter Chaney on the line with us today. Hunter is the Executive Director of an incredible Non-Profit Organization called "God Behind Bars." We talked about everything from taking the Gospel to Prisons across the country, restoring families through reaching those who are incarcerated to how God Behind Bars is filling in the gap and allowing …
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On today's episode we have comedian/actor C KING on the line with us! C KING (also known as Christian King) is an up and coming comedian who is known around the world for his hilarious impersonations of Denzel Washington and other celebrities. Through these impersonations he is quickly being embraced and accepted as one of the funniest guys on Inst…
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In today’s episode we had New Testament scholar Patrick Schreiner on the line to discuss his book “The Kingdom of God and the Glory of the Cross.” We talked about an aspect that much Gospel preaching and teaching often misses, and that’s Jesus’ royal assignment of being enthroned as King. Yet, Jesus wasn’t the King the first century was expecting, …
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Outreach and Mission needs to be redefined, and that’s exactly what happened in this conversation. On this episode we had Scott Free from Citytakers and Crossover Church Atlanta with us and we talked about the Mission every believer carries as a Christian. Gospel driven ministry is not organizing events but living a life empowered by the Spirit of …
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In this episode Hope Moquin was on the line and the conversation was life-giving, REAL and honest. Hope is the Associate director of Free Chapel College as well as an author & blogger and has a huge heart to reach and impact the lives of women. She shared her heart with how to handle the atmosphere of social media while staying focused on Jesus and…
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In this episode we had Dr. Carmen Imes who is an incredible Author and Old Testament Scholar on the line with us. The topic was bearing God's Name and why the Covenant God made with Israel at Mt. Sinai has huge implications and meaning for Christians today. Have you ever heard the commandment do not take the Lord's name in vain? I'm willing to bet …
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In this episode Pastor Eli Brown is on the line and we address the topic of Social Injustice, and how to have uncomfortable conversations that inform and lead to growth and change. All across the world voices are being heard from a wide variety of perspectives. As Christians who are desiring to truly make an impact and make disciples who reflect th…
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In this episode we have Trenton Jackson who is the founder of a company called "Jesus Loves You." We had a great time talking about the story of Jesus Loves You as well as hearing Trenton's passion to help people realize and pursue their purpose in life. Trenton has an amazing heart for people and it comes out in this episode as we talk everything …
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Today we had Pastor Tommy Kyllonen come hang for a few and talk about the story of Crossover Church and how him and his wife have been on a mission to reach and rebuild the city of Tampa. Crossover Church is an anomaly in many ways, and Pastor Tommy shares his heart for neighborhoods that often go overlooked. This story of God's faithfulness is pow…
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In this episode we had Pastor Christopher J. Harris from Crossover Church in Tampa Florida on the line with us, and this conversation quickly got powerful! This conversation set the table for a Christian response to racism and injustice as Pastor Christopher shared some wisdom and insight with us that we believe can help all of us take real practic…
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We had Ben Cooley with us today and we talked the fight against human trafficking across the world, and what people need to know to get informed and help make a difference. Every day men women and children are being trafficked against their will, and most often it's happening right in front of us and many people never realize what's going on behind…
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Today was a powerful moment as Marquez Hughley came by to share some of his own experiences dealing with systemic racism and injustice in the workplace, and how he feels it has worked its way out into the systems of our society and government. Marquez brought inspiration and encourage as he talked about biblical principles of unity and hope for a b…
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This episode we had Akande Davis (FKA as "Davis Absolute" and currently known as "FLF") who is a hip-hop artist/entrepreneur and is widely known in many circles within the Christian Hip Hop community as being someone who is passionate about living a life submitted to Jesus in all that he does. I particularly loved this talk because Akande is also a…
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Have you ever struggled believing in your dreams God has given you? Do you walk through tensions of heaviness, depression, discouragement or doubt that keep you from walking out what God has called you to? If you have (which is everyone of us) YOU NEED TO LISTEN to this episode! We have Jonathan Rivera with us and the table is set to put it all out…
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In this episode Arden Bevere came by and the conversation inspired us all! He shared the vision behind Sons & Daughters and talked about how God birthed this in him through a season of of learning to remain humble regardless of the position of ministry you find yourself in. We loved our time with Arden and we know this talk is going to bless you! C…
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In this episode we had Gus Cabrera come hang out with us to share a little of his story and what God has been challenging him with lately. Gus is the founder of the More Than Words Movement, and is currently on a short term training mission with his wife Jess as they prepare to church plant. Gus opened up with some of his own struggles in leadershi…
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In todays episode we had Pastor Luke Barnett from Dream City Church and it quickly became a special moment. Pastor Luke shared some of his story about walking into a new season of ministry with a God sized Dream that changed his life and has impacted countless lives along the way. You don't want to miss this moment, you will be inspired by the enco…
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In this episode we had Eli Bonilla from Abundant Life Church in San Antonia Texas. Eli has a passion for reaching the next generation, and this comes out from the very beginning of our conversation. We hit everything from remaining true to the Gospel and not placing methods of reaching people over the mission of God and His Church. This talk quickl…
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This episode we had the great honor of having Pastor Brian Steele from the Phoenix Dream Center on with us, and the conversation quickly got inspiring. Pastor Brian is a mentor of Michael's and helped him early on in his ministry shape his heart for mission and discipleship. This conversation produced so much amazing content that will inspire you t…
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We had Noah Herrin stop by to share some of what has been going on with him, as well as talk about what it's been like navigating marriage, social media, leadership, traveling, major life changes all while maintaining his relationship with God. Noah gives us some incredible insight and encouragement on how to set up rhythms and boundaries in your l…
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We had the great privilege of having Josh Turner from OneHope International on the show to talk about FeedYouth, a ministry determined to equip and resource the next generation with incredible content that is biblical and relevant for today. This conversation quickly got inspiring as Josh not only informed us about FeedYouth but also shared some of…
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Keren Emmanuel stopped by for a conversation, and the discussion quickly got real and inspiring. The passion and genuine desire to be connected to God and allow Him to form us in our lives becomes the topic of discussion which produces tons of nuggets and encouraging ideas throughout the talk. This episode will encourage and inspire you to stay plu…
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Pastor Terry Parkman stopped by to hang for a few, and in this conversation so much wisdom and insight came out of how to effectively reach this next generation, how to lead with integrity, and ultimately how to last the long-haul in ministry in a world that is constantly shifting. You do not want to miss this episode, you'll probably have to liste…
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This conversation with Pastor Rob Bailey was life giving in so many ways. Rob celebrates the successes he has seen in the local church as they have learned to adjust to the COVID-19 isolation, as well as encouraging leadership to take these moments and put our focus on equipping the Next Generation for the work of the ministry. Pastor Rob, has a hu…
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Pastor Josh Andrew has an amazing heart for the local church, as well as helping people to find their place within community. His heart for community and real, authentic relationships comes out in this conversation and his most urgent advice to Christians today is to find accountability and relationships you can be real in. This conversation was en…
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This conversation with Ben Gomez is life changing to say the least. In our talk we covered pain, suffering, theology and Ben opens up about his own experience of pain from his own life to encourage the audience to remain hopeful through it all. Ben is an Assistant Professor and Co-Campus Pastor at Southeastern University and lives with his amazing …
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This conversation with Jonathan Rivera was deep, fascinating, challenging and so life-giving for all of those who are comfortable being stretched. We talk about the challenges leaders have had in this pandemic, why the local church needed to be forced to self-evaluate and so much more. The greatest take away from this episode, are you passionately …
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This was an amazing conversation with Pastor Chad Craig who is an author, pastor, church planter, a husband and father of 3. Pastor Chad has a heart for producing disciples and moving the work of God's Kingdom forward through the local church. This talk will bless you, we touch on spiritual formation, practical living for God, being prepared to adj…
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This episode is in celebration and remembrance of the Passover Festival being celebrated all throughout the world starting today. The Exodus was the moment in the biblical narrative where God reveals Himself as the Rescuer. From liberation from oppression and slavery, offering wisdom and insight into how to form healthy communities and bringing His…
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This is a recording of a live discussion during a lecture at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. Pulling from Paul’s letter to the Colossians, we talked about how Paul encouraged and taught this early church to deal with opposition and navigate difficult circumstances while remaining united as the church. A lot of this insight Paul gives …
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Many people struggle feeling or sensing that God is with them during their day to day activities. When trials come, God can feel so distant. Yet, the Bible teaches that because of the work of Jesus at the Cross, His atoning blood makes our lives the sanctuary where His presence rests. In this message, Pastor Michael explores what the Bible teaches …
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The Samaritans and Israelites had a longstanding history of opposition and conflict that led them to live with prejudices towards one another. It was not socially acceptable for the Jewish people to associate themselves with the Samaritans. So when Jesus meets with an adulterous Samaritan woman who was ceremonially impure, he was breaking through e…
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How important is character in the life of a Christian? So important that from the moment of conversion to the moment of us entering into the fullness of God’s presence after death the Holy Spirit has our character formation deeply embedded within everything He is doing in our lives. We have many seasons and transitions we all face in life, but no m…
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Proverbs 8 gives us a sneak peak into the act of creation, and how Wisdom played a crucial part in every stage that was laid out in Genesis 1-2. Wisdom is also a major theme that runs throughout the plot-line of the Bible. Paul encourages and prays for the church to grow in wisdom. So why is wisdom so important? How does this apply to you in your o…
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Often times when we think of our relationship with God, we become very focused on our own circumstances and future. But thats not necessarily the way God looks at your relationship with Him. Although He is a loving Father and an ever present in your greatest time of need, He has placed deeper spiritual purpose and empowerment that is community focu…
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Christians can often get so busy in their lives that they forget Jesus sent an Advocate to lead and guide them through their life. This Advocate is the Holy Spirit, and without understanding His purpose and perspective as He leads us through life, we can often times misunderstand whats going on in our personal lives, and grow frustrated when we sho…
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Paul's letters have become some of the most influential writings in the history of literature. Not only have they shaped the minds of Christians for thousands of years, but they have helped communities of believers learn to live and grow in unity. Paul's purpose behind everything he did was rooted in what he believed about the Gospel and what Jesus…
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In episode 3 of "Who is Paul?" we go deeper into the mind of Paul as he navigates his first missionary journey, a confrontation in Jerusalem regarding his fellow laborer Titus being pressured to get circumcised, and the whirlwind of political and social conflict that the Gospel Message is bringing in the communities of the Roman Empire. This episod…
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Many people look at Paul as a radical Jew who was dramatically converted to a different religion that we now call Christianity, but that's not at all the Paul we learn about in the New Testament. Paul's vision of Jesus being the fulfillment of Israels long awaited ancient promises radically enhanced his perspective of the God of Israel, and in turn…
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The Apostle Paul is not only one of the most influential minds to have ever lived, he is also one of the most misunderstood. Many people think of Paul as a missionary who traveled around going city to city sharing the Gospel to get people saved, and moving on to the next group of people. But there is so much more dynamic when it comes to what was m…
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In light of the summer, and all of the vacations and families spending time with each other, Michael wants to focus on the importance of rest and how that impacts our spiritual growth. God's presence is a place where we were designed to breath, live and move from and not strive to find. We are created to thrive with the power and Spirit of God flow…
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In the final episode of “Jesus” series, we go deeper into how Jesus’ death and resurrection confirmed and enthroned Jesus as the King over all powers, rulers and authorities. Although this is often misunderstood, the New Testament is crystal clear on what this means not only for our future as God’s people, but also how this should effect our presen…
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Christians fundamentally believe in the Cross, but why do so many live as if they don't? A lot of people claim to know God, but why do they seem to struggle sensing His presence in their life? The answer to this question may not be what you think it is. When you fully understand what Jesus accomplished at the Cross, then you will know with greater …
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Most people know that Jesus died on the cross to forgive us of our sins, and when we accept Jesus into our lives we can go to heaven. But that's not all the Bible teaches! Although this is basically true, there is deeper purpose and meaning behind what Jesus accomplished at the Cross, and when you learn to understand exactly all that the Bible teac…
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Jesus. Who do you think He is? Theres no doubt that many people have different perspectives, opinions and ideas about who this man named Jesus really was, but what do you think? If you're a Christian, you might be surprised to learn that what you believe about Jesus may not be the full picture. Michael takes us on a journey into the mind of a 1st c…
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