Learn French with free daily podcasts, brought to you by French teachers from Paris. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Learn French by Podcast is an exciting series of French lessons for everybody. Work with high-quality audio podcasts in your own time and at your own pace. Want to clarify some details? Something you couldn't quite understand? Then download comprehensive PDF Guides which elucidate all the finer points. Learn French the fun way.
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You can download the entire audio course on our website: www.linguaboost.com Boost your fluency in French with LinguaBoost! Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just isolated words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers.
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Learn French with Gaëlle, an experienced French teacher. 99% in French and designed for students with a basic level (A2) or lower intermediate (B1). Gaëlle speaks slowly to make it easier to understand. If you have an intermediate level, you can always increase the playback speed in your app. Each week, you’ll improve your French whilst also learning about French culture, society, history, and much more. Go to LanguaTalk.com/frenchpod to read an interactive transcript of each episode as you ...
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Easy French: Learn French through authentic conversations | Conversations authentiques pour apprendre le français
Hélène & Judith
Bienvenue les amis ! The Easy French podcast was made for you if you love learning French while entertaining yourself with funny and educational content. In it, we explore cultural and day-to-day topics in a light-hearted way. While listening to us, you will learn tons of French expressions, phrases, and even slang to help you grasp French as spoken by the locals! And because we love interacting with French learners, we will also answer your questions and invite you to send us voice messages ...
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Learn French with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at FrenchPod101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!
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Bienvenue sur Learn To French. My name is Eden and I’m a native French language teacher. I love to share my knowledge and help learners with the most common and obvious (or not!) questions they have regarding French. Bilingual texts, dictation exercises, French grammar lessons and much more. Grab yourself a coffee, sit back, relax and kick start your French learning journey!
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Welcome to La Classe, your go-to podcast for mastering intermediate French at levels B1 & B2! Immerse yourself in captivating monologues, engaging discussions, and enriching content all delivered entirely in French, meticulously crafted to enhance your listening comprehension and fluency. With our app, also named La Classe d'Estelle, available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, you'll unlock access to detailed transcriptions and interactive exercises tailored to reinforce you ...
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In the new LFWA Podcast we teach a French word, look at where it comes from and take a deep dive into the language and culture that surrounds it.
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Improve your French vocabulary with this series of podcasts.
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Learn French is a channel to learn French through easy-to-follow lessons. Here, you can find podcasts on grammar, vocabulary and much more. You can find French practice quizzes and articles on language learning at: https://www.summerlanguages.net/blog/french/ If you like to watch more French lessons here on Learn French YouTube channel here: shorturl.at/uLTX3 I'd love to hear from you: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/summer.languages.18 Twitter: https://twitter.com/LanguagesSummer Instagr ...
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⭐️Transcripts and language activities for all my podcasts are available on my website www.explorefrench.com ⭐️Discover the most captivating way to learn French! My structured narrations are designed to help you practice vocabulary and grammar level by level, while immersing yourself in fascinating topics. ⭐️Podcasts are read in comprehensible French (speed adapted to each level) and are followed by sentence-by-sentence translation and explanations in English, to help you understand the langu ...
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Do you like French? Let's learn French with little PoPo word by word.
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Learn French with real-life conversations! Join us as we chat to ordinary (and not so ordinary) French people about life, love, and everything in between.
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Hi It's Romeo here. Your faithfull french (native) teacher. Subscribe t to the podcast by clicking this link: bit.ly/LearnFrenchPodcast Learning french has never been so easy all you have to do is subscribing to Learn French Today daily podcasts ! I release one new episode everyday. You will receive every podcasts show notes, worksheets and episodes via email when you subscribe. Type this in your browser to access the subscription page: bit.ly/LearnFrenchPodcast
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HaitianCreoleMP3: Learn Haitian Creole + French Online in No Time
Joseph J. Charles (SakPaseLearnHaitianCreole Textbook)
Learn Haitian Creole To Connect with Haitians, Conduct your business and Help Rebuild Haiti. All Haitians speak Creole. To Reach Out to Them, You'd better learn Creole
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Grammaire - t euphonique et questions formelles
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24:49In this episode, Gaelle tackles a grammar point: how to build formal questions and how to use the “t euphonique”. If you ever wondered why French people say “comment va-t-elle?” and where this extra “t” comes from, you are in the right place. Check out Langua, a cutting-edge AI platform to help you become fluent in French: https://languatalk.com/fr…
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137: Royaume-Uni 🇬🇧 vs. France 🇫🇷
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39:49Les deux pays sont proches géographiquement et culturellement, mais il existe des différences, qui ont pu parfois nous choquer 😲 en tant que Françaises au Royaume-Uni, ou dans le cas de Harry, en tant que Britannique en France. La cuisine 🥫, les sujets de conversation 💬, la mode 👠 , la séduction 💕, nous discutons de tous ces sujets et beaucoup d'au…
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To get 55% OFF Lingopie annual plan please follow this link: https://learn.lingopie.com/FrenchPod --------------------- Les États-Unis ont expulsé plus de 200 membres présumés du gang vénézuélien Tren de Aragua vers le Salvador, où ils ont été emprisonnés. Traduction: The United States expelled over 200 suspected members of the Venezuelan gang Tr…
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Lesson 62: Technology pt. 1
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13:20In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: I'm going to check my email. / How do I connect to the internet? / I need to charge my phone. / Is this the right charger for my phone? / I'm downloading an app. / Can you show me how to use this app? / What is the password? / I can't remember my password.…
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How to say 'I'm joking' in French (and how to use these expressions)
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10:11Learning how to say 'I’m joking' in French is a fun and essential step in mastering conversational French. Whether you’re joking with friends or clarifying a misunderstanding, knowing the right expressions can make your French sound more natural. In this episode, we’ll explore common phrases like 'je plaisante,' 'je rigole,' and 'je déconne,' and I…
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215: Les EU et l’UE toujours amis mais plus alliés
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19:05To say that relations between the U.S. and Europe have changed is an understatement. NATO is a major bone of contention and the introduction of tariffs has caused turmoil in financial markets. Let’s talk about it in this lesson.Plus Publications által
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learn 5 biggest festivals in FranceFrenchPod101.com által
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Bonjour à tous et bienvenue dans cet épisode de La Classe. Je suis Estelle, votre professeure de français, et aujourd’hui, nous allons parler de motivation, d'effort et d'ambition et apprendre 5 expressions ! Vous verrez, ces expressions peuvent parfaitement s’appliquer à votre parcours d’apprentissage du français.Pour fêter mon 100ème épisode, j’a…
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To get 55% OFF Lingopie annual plan please follow this link: https://learn.lingopie.com/FrenchPod ------------------------ Les États-Unis ont mené des frappes "décisives" contre les Houthis au Yémen, tuant neuf civils selon les rebelles, attisant les tensions régionales. Traduction: The United States conducted "decisive" strikes against the Houth…
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Des millions de Cubains ont passé une deuxième nuit sans électricité, suite à une défaillance du système électrique national. Traduction: Millions of Cubans spent a second night without electricity, following a failure in the national electrical system. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.…
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La Grèce a connu une vague de chaleur record en mars, suivie de chutes de neige inattendues, perturbant la vie quotidienne. Traduction: Greece experienced a record heatwave in March, followed by unexpected snowfall, disrupting daily life. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.…
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En Ukraine, une brigade utilise des publicités provocantes et des "semaines d'essai" pour relancer la mobilisation. Cette initiative vise à renforcer les rangs face à l'ennemi. Traduction: In Ukraine, a brigade is using provocative ads and "trial weeks" to boost mobilization. This initiative aims to strengthen the ranks against the enemy. Hébergé p…
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136: Tout le monde va en thérapie ?
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35:59La thérapie en France, comment ça marche ? Qui y va ? Combien ça coûte ? Comment bien choisir son spécialiste de santé mentale ? Que peut-on attendre d'un suivi psychologique ? Interactive Transcript and Vocab Helper Get interactive transcripts, live vocabulary and bonus content for all our episodes! 7-Day FREE trial at: easyfrench.fm/membership Sh…
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Une Santé Fragile Inquiète les Fidèles (Fragile Health Concerns the Faithful) Le pape François, hospitalisé depuis trois semaines, a passé une nuit tranquille. Son état de santé préoccupe les fidèles ...
Le pape François, hospitalisé depuis trois semaines, a passé une nuit tranquille. Son état de santé préoccupe les fidèles du monde entier. Traduction: Pope Francis, hospitalized for three weeks, had a peaceful night. His health condition worries faithful around the world. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.…
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Un homme armé a été abattu près de la Maison-Blanche par les agents du Secret Service. L'incident s'est produit alors que le président Trump était en Floride. Traduction: An armed man was shot near the White House by Secret Service agents. The incident occurred while President Trump was in Florida. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour …
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Après plusieurs reports, la fusée Ariane 6 a enfin décollé pour sa première mission commerciale. Ce lancement symbolise la souveraineté retrouvée de l'Europe dans le domaine spatial. Traduction: After several delays, the Ariane 6 rocket finally took off on its first commercial mission. This launch symbolizes Europe's regained sovereignty in space. …
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Lesson 59: What are you wearing?
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12:14In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: What are you wearing? / I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt. / He's wearing a shirt and a green tie. / I'm not sure what to wear today. / By the way... / By the way, what is she wearing? / She's wearing a white dress. / I don't have anything to wear!LinguaBoost által
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La France a connu un hiver exceptionnellement doux, avec un mois de février particulièrement chaud. Cette tendance s'inscrit dans un contexte mondial où les températures continuent de battre des records. Traduction: France experienced an exceptionally mild winter, with an unusually warm February. This trend is part of a global pattern where tempera…
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L'industrie du cinéma américain : une diversité en question (The American Film Industry: Diversity in Question)
Si vous voulez prendre des leçons de français avec moi: logokala@hotmail.com ---------------------- L'industrie du cinéma américain semble mettre en sourdine la promotion des minorités, suscitant des débats sur la diversité à Hollywood. Traduction: The American film industry appears to be downplaying minority promotion, sparking debates about div…
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135: La procrastination : pourquoi on attend ?
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29:18Sortir les poubelles, changer les draps 🛌, écrire une thèse 👩🏻💻 ou finir un projet DIY 🎨... quelles sont les choses que la procrastination nous empêche de finir, ou même de commencer ? Sommes-nous simplement paresseux 🦥, ou y a-t-il des raisons plus profondes qui nous poussent à procrastiner ? Quelles astuces 💡nous permettent (parfois) d'y remédie…
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La Russie appelle à un cessez-le-feu : changement de position ? (Russia Calls for a Ceasefire: A Change in Position?)
Si vous voulez prendre des leçons de français avec moi: logokala@hotmail.com ---------------------- Des militants proguerre russes proches du Kremlin plaident désormais pour un cessez-le-feu en Ukraine, marquant un possible tournant. Traduction: Pro-war Russian activists close to the Kremlin now advocate for a ceasefire in Ukraine, signaling a po…
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Sommet européen : soutien renouvelé à l'Ukraine (European Summit: Renewed Support for Ukraine)
Les dirigeants européens se sont réunis à Londres pour réaffirmer leur soutien à l'Ukraine, malgré les tensions avec les États-Unis. Traduction: European leaders met in London to reaffirm their support for Ukraine, despite tensions with the United States. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.…
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Lors de la 97ᵉ cérémonie des Oscars, Zoe Saldana a remporté le prix du meilleur second rôle, et "Flow" a été sacré meilleur film d'animation. Traduction: At the 97th Academy Awards, Zoe Saldana won Best Supporting Actress, and "Flow" was awarded Best Animated Feature. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.…
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Lesson 51: Who are you waiting for?
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15:36In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Who are you waiting for? / Are you waiting for someone? / I'm waiting for a friend. / I'm sorry I'm late. How long have you been waiting? / I've been waiting here for fifteen minutes. / Are you leaving now? / I'll wait five more minutes, then I'll leave. / Is there someone waiting for you? / I hav…
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Let's practice your French listening and writing skills with this French dictation exercise. 📰 Corrigez la dictée (Correct the dictation) : L'énergie renouvelable - Dictée— SPECIAL OFFERS 💬 PRACTICE FRENCH WITH AI Get 20% OFF your first month with LANGUA Pro Use code: EDEN20 ► Here LANGUATALK 👩🏫 Learn with a Native French Tutor - …
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Israël a suspendu l'aide humanitaire à Gaza, le Hamas dénonçant une violation du cessez-le-feu. Cette interruption menace la trêve récemment établie. Traduction: Israel suspended humanitarian aid to Gaza, with Hamas denouncing a ceasefire violation. This interruption threatens the recently established truce. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/p…
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In this episode, Gaelle talks about a sad and difficult topic: death. Following the loss of her friend, she realised that death is not something we easily talk about, and we usually don’t know the appropriate words for it. You will learn how to express the loss, your condolences and how funerals take place in France. After all, death is a part of t…
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La série culte "Bref." revient avec une deuxième saison sur Disney+, treize ans après la première, composée de six épisodes de trente à quarante minutes. Traduction: The cult series "Bref." returns with a second season on Disney+, thirteen years after the first, consisting of six episodes of thirty to forty minutes. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast…
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measure your progress with this video quizFrenchPod101.com által
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Bonjour à toutes et à tous, bienvenue dans ce nouvel épisode de La Classe. Je suis Estelle, votre professeur de français. Aujourd'hui, nous allons explorer ces petites expressions qui nous aident à exprimer nos opinions, qu'elles soient positives ou négatives ! Parce qu’il ne suffit pas de dire simplement "j’aime" ou "je n’aime pas", il existe mill…
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134: De La Rochelle à Nîmes avec French With Panache !
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36:04Derrière le nom "French With Panache", il y a Nathan et Violaine, journalistes de formation et maintenant spécialistes du français étrangère. Ils transmettent leur passion pour l'enseignement 🧑🏫 de la langue et des cultures françaises à travers leur podcast 🎙️, leur chaîne YouTube, et leurs cours de français. Ils nous racontent leur parcours, de l…
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Pour écouter mon autre podcast (Choses à Savoir): Apple Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/fr/podcast/choses-%C3%A0-savoir/id1048372492 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3AL8eKPHOUINc6usVSbRo3 --------------------- À Paris, une soixantaine de pays signent une déclaration commune lors du Sommet pour l'action sur l'intelligence artificielle, affi…
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