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show episodes
On the Espresso English podcast, you'll learn English grammar, vocabulary, phrases, idioms, and more. Espresso English lessons are clear and practical, making it easy to learn the language quickly and effectively. Visit to get English courses and e-books that will help you learn faster!
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Willkommen zum Podcast von Lars Amend. Der #1 SPIEGEL-Bestsellerautor von insgesamt 13 Büchern und 2 Kinderbüchern u.a. "Dieses bescheuerte Herz", "Why Not?" und "It's All Good" macht hier, was er am meisten liebt: Espresso trinken und über das Leben reden. Motivierende Worte über Liebe, Erfolg, Glück und Seelenfrieden.
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Energy Espresso is a unique and engaging podcast that intersects the dynamic world of energy solutions with the rich culture of coffee. Each episode aims to enlighten and energize its audience with insightful discussions on energy, engaging interviews with key industry executives, and a delightful exploration of various coffee brands and types.
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Im Podcast Healthcare EsPResso beleuchten unterschiedliche Mitarbeitende der Agentur Weber Shandwick einfach und verständlich interessante Themen der Health-Branche, geben Einblicke in ihren Arbeitsalltag und diskutieren über aktuelle Entwicklungen und Trends der Kommunikationswelt. Fragen, Anregungen Kritik? Schickt uns eine Nachricht auf Produziert von der Agentur Weber Shandwick.
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Espresso Talk Today

Robin Lofton and Frederick Douglas Lofton

We confront issues and their effects on Black people in the United States and around the world. From climate change to white supremacy, police violence to veganism, we face these highly charged topics with courage and curiosity. Our uncommon conversation is quick, engaging, and enlightening. Grab an espresso and join the convo!
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The Espresso Hour

Dickie Bush and Nicolas Cole

In each episode, we share our insights, tactics, and lessons learned as we scale our writing education company to $10mm. If you're looking for "insider" tips to help you grow and scale your digital business, you're going to love The Espresso Hour!
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Welcome to The Real Estate Espresso Podcast, your morning shot of what's new in the world of real estate investing. Join investor, syndicator, developer, and author Victor J. Menasce as he shares his daily real estate investment outlook. Our weekday episodes deliver 5 minutes of high-energy, high-impact content to fuel your success. Plus, don't miss our weekend editions featuring exclusive interviews with renowned guests such as Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Helms, Peter Schiff, and more.
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Espresso Yourself w. Barbara – Sipping on real talk Ready for a strong dose of real talk? Join me, Barbara, as I sit down with fascinating guests to dive into society’s quirks, life’s mysteries, and the big questions we all think about but rarely discuss. Each episode is a blend of laughs, insights, and unfiltered perspectives that challenge the ordinary. If you’re up for thought-provoking topics, unexpected revelations, and a little extra fuel for your mind, grab an espresso (martini) with ...
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Welcome to An Espresso Shot of Confidence, the podcast that empowers people to share their awesomeness with the world LOUDLY and PROUDLY. When you feel confident in yourself, your values, and your actions, you have the power to smash through blocks, change negative narratives and smash through blocks. Each week, we will explore confidence from many different angles and discover how living authentically gives you the power to make magic. There will be regular guests that inspire, empower, giv ...
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A podcast series from Charlotte Ellis Maldari, founder of Kaffeen, a new business and marketing consultancy for creative agencies. In short, Charlotte keeps your studio busy. Each episode, Charlotte interviews an expert in their field, takes listener questions and peruses topics of industry interest. This is a show that’ll inspire you to kick start your agency growth and generally to make creative agency sales and marketing feel more manageable and less grubby.
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Jak zostać Black Beltem? Czy Six Sigma jest lepsza niż Lean? Jak to działa? Czy nadaje się do Twojej branży? To tylko niektóre z tematów, które poruszamy. Podcast jak dobre espresso - nie za długi, konkretny i bez wodolejstwa! Wśród gości, wyłącznie eksperci, którzy mieli odwagę popełniać błędy... Posłuchaj, a może części z nich, nie będziesz musiał powtarzać. Gospodarzem jest KamiL Torczewski, od 2001 r. związany z programem Six Sigma. Obecnie Prezes Zarządu Akademii Białego Kruka
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A podcast for women who want to take action to get the career they know they deserve. Every week I’ll be sharing simple, honest, and actionable career advice in short, easy to listen to chunks. Each episode looks at a common issue career or work issue with practical suggestions to help you overcome obstacles and advice and to support your career ambitions and goals. You’ll leave with clear strategies to help you be more fulfilled and successful at work. Quite simply it's work and careers, do ...
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Espresso with Erin & Sarit is a podcast dedicated to encouraging women to transform their lives for the better. Specifically those who have struggled with their weight, body image, and yo-yo dieting. Hosted by nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle coaches Erin and Sarit, the show is an avenue for open and very honest discussions on how to overcome the battles we face on our weight loss journey, be honest with ourselves, and find the power you have within to create a life you're excited to wake u ...
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Als Führungskraft kennst du diese hartnäckigen Herausforderungen: schwierige Teammitglieder erfolgreich führen, zielführend und konsequent kommunizieren, neue Teammitglieder finden und binden, einen hohen Krankenstand in den Griff bekommen, Zeit für die wichtigen Dinge schaffen und die Motivation im Team auch in stürmischen Zeiten hochhalten. Du willst dein Team erfolgreich, mit viel Herz und Mut, führen? Dann gilt es, praktische Lösungen für diese Herausforderungen zu finden. Und genau dabe ...
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Espresso Corner

Kevin Chen & Steward Yang

We believe life is about who you become and not what you have. This podcast is about creating an extraordinary lifestyle by setting unimaginable goals that serve others along the way – while falling in love with the process.
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Einfach gute Business-Gespräche an der Espressomaschine Wer kennt sie nicht, die Gespräche an der Kaffeemaschine, die als Small-Talk beginnen und oft mit wirkungsvollen Erkenntnissen für die eigene Arbeit enden? Im Podcast „Treffpunkt Espressomaschine“ unterhalten sich Barbara und Thorsten Winkler von TCW Organisationskultur einmal im Monat mit „Leuten wie du und ich“ aus der Geschäftswelt über interessante Themen und zeigen somit, dass jeder eine spannende Geschichte zu erzählen hat. Genieß ...
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Digitaler Espresso

Katholisch-Soziales Institut, Siegburg

Der Wachmacher zu Kirche und digitalem Wandel. Einmal im Monat sprechen wir mit spannenden Gästen über Entwicklungen in der digitalen Welt und welchen positiven Mehrwert die christlichen Kirchen hierzu leisten können. Das aktuelle Jahresthema lautet "". Wir blicken auf den kommunikativen Wandel, der sich mit der digitalen Transformation vollzieht.
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We're grinding everything that's brewing in the startup scene. Inside each episode you can listen to ideas that you don't usually think about. Paul and Florin try to really get to the essence of each topic they discuss. Facebook: Twitter:
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🌞😁 Listen to "Espresso With Love" and Wake Up With A Smile!! Every Monday at 6AM EST! 15min of motivation, accountability and a ton of love! Jump start your week with DISCO and let's Expose Your Greatness!
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Dolce Gelato and Espresso Bar

Dolce Gelato and Espresso Bar

Welcome to Dolce Gelato and Espresso Bar, where Italian indulgence meets community spirit. Our passion for artisan gelato and expertly brewed espresso drives us to create a haven where friends gather, memories are made, and every scoop tells a story. Handcrafted with the finest local ingredients, our gelato delights the senses while our savory paninis and expertly brewed coffee complete the experience. Join us at Dolce, where every visit is a journey into the heart of authentic Italian hospi ...
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Ciao a tutti e benvenuti ad Espresso 8! Siamo la squadriglia pantere del reparto scout PR3, abbiamo deciso di creare questo podcast come nostra impresa per quest'anno. Se siete annoiati o non sapete cosa fare, schiacciate il tasto riproduci e ascoltateci! Non ve ne pentirete
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Prawnicze espresso - to podcast w którym omawiam to kiedy możesz się starać o odroczenie kary, jakie okoliczności uzasadniają wystąpienie o przerwę w karze oraz jakie przesłanki musisz spełnić żeby wystąpić o warunkowe przedterminowe zwolnienie. Dowiesz się jak napisać wniosek o rozłożenie grzywny na raty, czy iść czy nie iść na posiedzenie sądowe i kiedy możesz się odwołać od decyzji sądu. Nazywam się Daniel Anweiler i na codzień jestem adwokatem reprezentującym moich klientów w sprawach ka ...
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Qu'est-ce qu'on fait quand on manque de lait au bureau chef des Chaussures Rubino? On prend un espresso le temps d'une conversation authentique et inspirante. Nos invités issus des milieux entrepreneurial, artistique et politique nous parlent de leurs projets, de leurs parcours et de leurs défis tout en gardant en tête que la famille est un pilier important de la réussite!
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Der Kaffeesommelier Uli Niedersteiner betreibt seit 2014 die Kaffeerösterei Baruli und nimmt dich mit in seinen spannenden Alltag als Kaffeeröster, Barista und Unternehmer. Er trifft sich mit außergewöhnlichen Menschen auf einen doppelten Espresso und entlockt ihnen auf eine sehr charmante Art und Weise ihre spannenden Geschichten. Ob Zubereitungstips, verrückte Rezepte oder spannende Unternehmergeschichten: Dieser Podcast ist nicht nur was für bärtige Kaffee Nerds, auch alle Feinschmecker k ...
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Gottverdammt, wer trifft sich nachts an der Espressobar? Das sind in der Regel zwei Individuen, die den Espresso brauchen, um lange Gespräche in der Nacht zu führen. Zwei, welche sich seit Kindertagen auf einer Wellenlänge bewegen – sei es in Sachen malerischer und musikalischer Künste oder einfach nur gemeinsamen Hobbys. Und ehrlicherweise steckt dahinter noch viel mehr. Gute Gespräche, wie sie nur die Nacht und der gute Espresso zulässt sind die Regel. Die wichtigen Fragen des Lebens, des ...
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SBC Founder & CEO Rasmus Sojmark provides a jolt of caffeine to regular interviews with the Double Espresso Show. He talks to innovators and entrepreneurs in the sports betting and gaming landscape (and beyond) about what makes them tick, their vision is for the future and their business philosophies.
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show series
On today's show we're talking about asset allocation. Theinspiration for today's show came from the dramatic volatility in the stock market that we've experienced over the last few days. This is nothing new of course. I was in my early 20s and managing my family's assets when black Monday happened in October of 1987. That lesson has repeated itself…
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Habarigani! Discover the power of Kwanzaa as a celebration of Black culture, resilience, and liberation. This episode explores the seven principles of Kwanzaa, connecting each to the inspiring stories of Black historical figures and the importance of the #BelieveBlackPeople movement. Join us for reflection, empowerment, and a call to action for lib…
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Ricardo macht mit der Zahlungsmethode Moneyguard die Kunden hässig. Nach einem «Espresso»-Beitrag haben sich weitere verärgerte Verkäufer und Käufer gemeldet. Wir haben Ricardo erneut konfrontiert. +++ Weiteres Thema: Päcklidiebe gehen um – was kann man dagegen tun?Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF) által
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In questa puntata delle Weekly Insights, spin-off delle Weekly News, parliamo delle campagne più belle (e non solo) di Natale 🤶🏻🧑‍🎄 Gli spot di Natale, non importa come o quando, ci colpiscono sempre. Ma perché? 🎅 Emozione e nostalgia: le campagne natalizie evocano sentimenti di famiglia, gioia e tradizione, creando un legame emotivo con il pubblic…
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Dave Bosco gives us a wider glimpse of the demand brewing from all things tech: from social media, to data centers, and AI which are all seeking a power generation source. Dave Bosco is bullish that natural gas will take the lead in meeting the much needed demand and gives some anecdotes of similar situation Amazon previously faced when it was expa…
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Breaking Free from Social Media: Rediscovering Confidence and Your Own Path Have you ever found yourself doing things because you feel you have to rather than because you want to? It was the realisation that I was jumping through hoops on social media that caused me to step away from 'creating content' and in this episode of 'An Espresso Shot of Co…
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Ready to transform your career wins into stepping stones for an extraordinary 2025? In this powerful season finale, we will cover why even the most successful amongst us struggle to acknowledge their achievements and how research backed strategies can help us break this pattern. Drawing from her extensive experience coaching top women leaders, Aman…
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Vor genau sieben Jahren hat sich für mich als Autor in der Weihnachtszeit eine „Katastrophe“ ereignet - ein großer Rückschlag und eine Ungerechtigkeit, die mich damals echt getroffen hat. Darüber erzähle ich in dieser Folge und was ich daraus gelernt habe. Dein Lars Hier geht es direkt zu unserem Partner Leela Quantum Tech: 10% Rabat…
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In this week's episode of the Monday Espresso podcast, Nathan Sweeney and Andrew Shaw discuss recent events and look to the week ahead. Sheldon MacDonald is the Chief Investment Officer of Marlborough and Nathan Sweeney is the Chief Investment Officer of the Marlborough Multi-Asset funds. These are the investment manager’s views at the time of reco…
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Mit Ralf Strupat Deine Worte haben oft mehr Kraft, als du denkst! In Ralfs Solo-Folge hörst du, wie du mit gezielter Kommunikation Begeisterung im Team schaffst. Ob große Reden vor deinem Team oder persönliche Vieraugengespräche – deine Worte können motivieren und verbinden. Du bekommst Tipps zur „3-W-Regel“, erfährst, warum Klartext Orientierung s…
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Give is one of the most common verbs in English - and it’s used in a lot of different expressions. You can give someone the boot, give someone grief, or give someone your word. Do you know what these mean? Today let’s learn 10 expressions using the word give! Before we start, I want to invite you to my upcoming masterclass, where we’ll learn 100 to…
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In the debut episode of Composable, hosts Alysia and Ellie begin with a foundational discussion about composability and its role in shaping Ethereum’s future. In it, they break down: The difference between synchronous (transactions completed within one block) and asynchronous composability (transactions completed across multiple blocks). UX pain po…
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⭐️Leave a Rating + Review 🔓support benny and get every other pod + weekly livestream for $5/month 📺 watch on Youtube on this pod benny reacts to the things that your ex said that you'll never forget (like telling you look like paula dean) 🎟️ 𝗕𝗘𝗡𝗡𝗬'𝗦 𝗨𝗣𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗨𝗣…
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👻 Become a Premium Ghostwriter: Long time no see! In episode 38 of ☕️ Espresso Hour, Ship 30 for 30 Captains Dickie Bush and Nicolas Cole catch up on the last 7 months: their journey so far diving head first into the paid marketing world, how the business has sca…
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It's the last episode for 2024!! How did we get here so quickly? It wouldn't be the final episode of the year if I didn't spend time reflecting on the year that was, and yapping about some predictions for the year ahead! Major trends I saw this year? The shifting from digital to real-world connections, personalized email marketing, and brand authen…
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🎙️ Velkommen til en ny episode af Espresso Yourself med mig, Barbara Aurelia! I dag har jeg min fantastiske veninde Anna Haugaard med i studiet, og sammen dykker vi ned i nogle af de mest ærlige og relaterbare emner om venskaber, selvkærlighed og livets store spørgsmål. Hvordan er man egentlig en god veninde? Plejer du dine veninder på samme måde s…
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Send us a text Episode Summary: In this episode of Kaffeen Espresso, Charlotte shares an exclusive strategy previously reserved for her high-tier clients: the 30-Minute Marketing Ritual. Learn how to generate impactful content consistently without falling into the trap of perfectionism or burnout. Whether you’re looking to create emails, LinkedIn n…
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Hast du schon von Gesundheitskompetenz gehört? Und was steckt eigentlich dahinter? In Deutschland besitzt mehr als die Hälfte der Bevölkerung eine problematische Gesundheitskompetenz. Genau hier setzt die neue Initiative von The Weber Shandwick Collective an: Der Health Literacy Connector. Wie das Programm die Gesundheitskompetenz durch strategisch…
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