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Escaping Denver

Escaping Denver / Curiouscast

Sara and Noah wake up in complete darkness, trapped miles below the Denver International Airport (DIA) with no hope for escape. Join their perilous journey as they struggle for freedom from a mind-bending labyrinth filled with unimaginable horrors. Their only hope could come from the complete stranger they can send voice messages to. Escaping Denver dives straight into the deep end of conspiracy theories surrounding the Denver International Airport.
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"Há muitas maneiras de olhar para o nosso futuro mas nenhuma pode virar a cara à crise climática. Todas as semanas, Francisco Sena Santos e o professor Filipe Duarte Santos avaliam a temperatura do planeta.
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Escapist Corner

Escapist CrossFit by Rickard Long

The Escapist Corner is a podcast where we talk about sports, health, nutrition and entrepreneurship. We talk to CrossFit athletes, sportsmen, Doctors and business owners.
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¿Por qué quienes apuntan a las estrellas muchas veces terminan incendiados por la infamia? México ha sido forjado por el ascenso y la espectacular caída de los poderosos. En las habitaciones más oscuras, en cuartos llenos de mentiras, se tramaron maniobras que salieron terriblemente mal. El periodista Carlos Puig nos presenta Escándalo Mexicano, una exploración de las historias más sórdidas de la política, la farándula, los negocios, la cultura y el deporte del México contemporáneo. En cada ...
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Der Podcast mit allen Informationen zur größten Musikshow der Welt und den nationalen ESC-Vorentscheidungen. ESC kompakt ist der reichweitenstärkste unabhängige deutschsprachige Nachrichtenblog zum Eurovision Song Contest.
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Hi 我是Jacky,歡迎來到《電扶梯走左邊》! 這個頻道取名為 《電扶梯走左邊》 是因為台灣捷運電扶梯通常站右邊,左邊是大家可以快速到達目的,超越人群的捷徑。希望可以幫助你自我成長,離開舒適圈,做最好的自己! 我會訪問很厲害、有趣,讓我很敬佩的人,希望從他們的人生經驗,生活習慣,做事態度,讓聽眾能夠吸收更多元的觀點融入在生活或工作中 。我們以含金量爆高,給聽眾最大價值為主要目標。 我們特別創立 《電粉大家庭》,有一群和你一樣不斷追求自我成長的朋友,透過共同的價值取向、互相督促、交流知識、挑戰各種有趣的活動,每月只要$299,讓你能夠爆發性成為更好的自己! 想了解更多電扶梯走左邊? 合作邀約:[email protected]
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The European Society of Cardiology brings you the most relevant news in cardiovascular medicine, opinions from leading experts, and insight into the latest developments in our field that really matter. You can also be interested in other ESC podcasts: ESC Cardio Talk, EHRA Cardio Talk and HFA Cardio Talk. Check them out!
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EUROmission - dein ESC Podcast

Bernhard Schreiber, Johannes Breitkopf

EUROmission Unsere Mission ist es, dich über unser liebstes Hobby zu informieren: Den Eurovision Song Contest. Seit Jahrzehnten ist der Wettbewerb beliebt in ganz Europa, selbst in Australien liebt man den ESC. Wir berichten über Besonderheiten, die Veränderungen in den letzten sieben Jahrzehnten und über die Teilnehmerländer. Du erfährst, was es mit der "ESC-Bubble" auf sich hat, welche vergessenen Lieder mal beim ESC waren und unsere Highlights der beliebtesten Musikshow der Welt. Dies und ...
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Seit 1956 ist der Eurovision Song Contest aus dem Fernsehprogramm nicht mehr wegzudenken und für viele Fans eine absolute Herzensangelegenheit. Über 1.500 Acts standen schon auf der großen Bühne - und mindestens genauso viele Geschichten hat der Wettbewerb hervorgebracht. In ESC Update sind die Journalisten Thomas Mohr und Marcel Stober immer nah dran am Geschehen und besprechen mit Künstlern, Entscheidern und Experten das Gestern, Heute und Morgen der größten Musikshow des Planeten. Einmal ...
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Coproducida con France 24 en español, Escala en París es una cita semanal con artistas, deportistas, empresarios, científicos, protagonistas de la política, etc. Un puente entre América latina y la Ciudad Luz.
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Lawfare & Goat Rodeo

The War in Ukraine has already claimed tens of thousands of lives and left entire cities in ruins. It’s a human tragedy on an unimaginable scale. But beyond the death toll and destruction, the conflict represents something even larger: a flashpoint in the ongoing battle between democracy and authoritarianism, sovereignty and imperialism. Escalation is a gripping narrative podcast that delves deep into the complex and often fraught history of the relationship between the United States and Ukr ...
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Fire Escape Cast

Fire Escape Cast

Dan Ryckert, Mary Kish, and Mike Mahardy can’t shut down bars while talking about video games like they used to, so they created Fire Escape to keep those chats going from across the country. Support them at
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Escapists Anonymous

Escapists Anonymous

The Fantasy Fiction Book Club and peer support network for fantasy literature fanatics. Two friends, Sam and Dan, explore the epic worlds of fantasy fiction literature as they select books to deep-dive into. Read along with us and join in the conversation on our social media @escapistsanonymouspod. Episodes will include spoilers, so make sure you've read the sections that we're covering. If you're a fan of Joe Abercrombie, Patrick Rothfuss, Peter V. Brett, Brent Weeks, Terry Pratchett, Tolke ...
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ESC Cardio Talk

European Society of Cardiology

The ESC podcasts - regular recordings from the European Society of Cardiology. Hear renowned experts discuss cardiovascular advances relevant to daily practice. Check here regularly to stay up to date. You can also be interested in other ESC podcasts: EHRA Cardio Talk, HFA Cardio Talk and ESC TV Today. Check them out!
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Welcome to The Corporate Escapists, a platform dedicated to helping individuals navigate the transition from corporate life to entrepreneurship. Our host, Christine Innes, is an international best-selling author, coach, and entrepreneur who brings in experts from around the world to share their insights and inspirational stories on mindset, innovation, leadership, entrepreneurship, lifestyle, and more. We believe that it's never too late to follow your passion and create the life and busines ...
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Amika Mota was a young mother, a midwife, and the daughter of a feminist icon. One night she caused a fatal crash that would separate her from her family and brand her as a criminal. Trapped inside prison, looking for any way out, she gets the call to join an all-female crew of incarcerated firefighters. When the alarm sounds, they drive out into the community on fire trucks as heroes – pulling bodies from crash scenes, saving lives and fighting fire. Every call brings her the chance to recl ...
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Erotic short stories for Men! These erotic stories are inspired by real sex chat sessions that take place on the Arousr platform. New Episodes Every Thursday at 12 AM EST NSFW Warning: All roleplay chat stories are portrayed by consenting adults and are purely fictional characters using AI voiceover
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NXIVM (pronounced "Nexium") calls itself a humanitarian community. Experts call it a cult. Uncover: Escaping NXIVM is an investigative podcast series about the group, its leader Keith Raniere and one woman's journey to get out. From CBC Podcasts and CBC News. For the best in true crime from CBC, ad-free, visit
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ESC-Podcast: Germany 12 Points!

Mit Katja Feller & Alexander Scharff

Der ESC ist die größte Musikshow der Welt. Aus deutscher Sicht jedoch vor allem eins: eine endlose Peinlichkeit. Jedes Jahr dasselbe Desaster – Germany 0 Points. Katja und Alex haben genug davon. Sie wollen den Sieg, weil sie den ESC lieben! Doch hier gibt’s kein Fan-Geblubber, sondern schonungslose Analysen. Knallharte Meinungen statt Ausreden. Garniert mit einer gehörigen Portion ESC-Wahnsinn, viel Spaß und jeder Menge Lacher. Ihr Versprechen: Es wird viel gefeiert - aber nicht, weil ein S ...
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Escaping Samsara

Nathan Thompson & Evgeny Dziatko

Escaping Saṃsāra - Yoga and Meditation Podcast about practices that liberate us. Interviews with spiritual teachers from the yoga world and beyond. We are a group of friends dedicated to exploring the deep teachings of yoga and other spiritual traditions to see what unites them in their search for Truth and how each practitioner has danced with the Mystery. We want to learn from today’s elders about their paths and experiences. What has worked, what hasn’t and what is downright weird. From C ...
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The Escape Pod Podcast

Alex Azor & Andrew Parker, Bleav

Andrew Parker (Wafellow) & Alex Azor (Young Aardvark) discuss their thoughts and opinions on anything and everything in pop culture, with a specific lean towards properties in the comic book space.
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Modern Escapism

Modern Escapism

A weekly podcast where five friends talk pop culture from TV, Games, Movies, Books, Music, Wrestling, Comics, Podcasts and everything in between. Each week we discuss the news from the pop culture & media world as well as reviewing what media we've been consuming that week. Our main aim is to help our listeners procrastinate and get away from the real world for a couple of hours, have a laugh with us and hopefully come away with some fantastic recommendations. Join us every Thursday for a ne ...
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show series
And with that, the National Finals are over. As we publish the latest Insight News podcast we’re waiting on France to declare its entry to the 2025 Eurovision Song Contest. The community’s reaction is in the spotlight this week, as are the artists’ reactions. Other delegations are working the PR machines to get as much love inside the community and…
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Host: Susanna Price Guest: Maya Buch Want to watch that extended interview? Go to: Disclaimer: ESC TV Today is supported by Bristol Myers Squibb. This scientific content and opinions expressed in the programme have not been influenced in any way by its sponsor. This programme is intended for…
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Skandale und neue Songs Johannes ist in dieser Woche wieder am Start. Gerade rechtzeitig, um über die großen Skandale der Woche zu sprechen: Mans Zelmerlöw wird nur zweiter im schwedischen Vorentscheid. Außerdem muss Malta nun doch den anrüchigen Song KANT überarbeiten. Im weiteren Verlauf sprechen wir über neue ESC-Songs, u.a. aus Österreich und K…
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12 Points bei Steady unterstützen: Noch gut zwei Monate bis zum ESC 2025 in Basel und nun stehen fast alle Acts und Songs für den Gesangswettbewerb fest. Man kann es fast schon Tradition nennen, dass euch Andi alle Ländervertreter*innen vorstellt - und ich höre fleißig zu und gebe hin und wied…
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Beschreibung: Nachdem ESC-Chef Stefan Raab nun mit Abor & Tynna nach Basel zum ESC fahren wird, haben Katja und Alex festgestellt, dass er sich nicht so wirklich um sie kümmert, wohl aber um sein eigenes Ego. Link: ESC-Beitrag von Österreich: JJ – Wasted Love:…
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Join Our Patreon!!! - Socials - Insta: TikTok: Twitter: ❤️ Follow Press ESC ❤️ Rae: Lisa: Marche: Edited by:…
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In Basel wird geballert! Abor & Tynna haben sich im deutschen Vorentscheid "Chefsache ESC" von Stefan Raab durchgesetzt. Das Geschwister-Duo aus Wien konnte sich zuerst einen Platz im Superfinale sichern und holte dort die meisten Stimmen vom Televoting-Publikum. Mit "Baller" wird erstmals seit dem Jahr 1998 ein ESC-Song aus Deutschland wieder komp…
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La Celtiberia es un territorio histórico, cambiante a lo largo del tiempo, en el que vivían diversos pueblos prerromanos de origen celta. Se extendería, más o menos, por parte de las actuales provincias de La Rioja, Burgos, Valladolid, Segovia, Soria, Zaragoza, Guadalajara, Teruel y Cuenca. Hoy os proponemos conocer un pequeño rincón, ubicado en la…
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In this clip, Lisa and David share their truly wild experience of visiting the outdoor escape rooms of Escape Woods. Listen to the Whole Episode: When you support Room Escape Artist on Patreon at $15 per month (or above), you get access to the Spoilers Club, our exclusive podcast where hosts David Spira and Peih-Gee Law chat in depth with creators …
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Author : Jonathan Sullivan Narrator : Serah Eley Hosts : Alasdair Stuart and Serah Eley Audio Producers : Adam Pracht and Serah Eley Imperial originally appeared in Monolith 6 and on Escape Pod episode 1 on May 12, 2005. Rated R. Contains profanity, sexual content, politics, and sarcasm. Jonathan Sullivan…
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La comarca Oscos-Eo tiene la catalogación de Reserva de la Biosfera, lo que nos indica que aquí vamos a encontrar un territorio de naturaleza bien cuidada y modo de vida sostenible. Estamos en Asturias, claro, y os animamos a seguirnos entre los valles y montañas de esta comarca en esta nueva escapada. Escuchar audio…
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This episode covers: Cardiology This Week: A concise summary of recent studies AI and the future of the Electrocardiogram The heart in rheumatic disorders and autoimmune diseases Statistics Made Easy: Bayesian analysis Host: Susanna Price Guests: Carlos Aguiar, Paul Friedman, Maya Buch Want to watch that episode? Go to:…
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María Raquenel Portillo pertenece a la primera camada de artistas impulsadas por Sergio Andrade, y al grupo Boquitas Pintadas, que Andrade conduce al éxito para desaparecerlo poco después. Mary, su esposa-asistente, es casi una esclava de Gloria Trevi y Andrade. Mientras Trevi cosecha éxitos, otra niña, de 14 años, conquista al productor. Su nombre…
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Stig's off daaaaahn saaaath but you've still got the rest of us to keep you up to date. This week we're talking about: Vivarium A Thousand Blows Star Wars: Outlaws Silent Hill 2 Mickey 17 Win or Lose Doubters to Believers CONTACT US Modern Escapism are creating Brilliant Podcasts | Patreon Email Instagram Bluesky Discord Twitch TikTok Check out our…
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Un buque militar venezolano vuelve a prender la chispa de la disputa que entre Venezuela y Guyana en un contexto geopolítico mundial cada vez más tenso. Hace unos días, el presidente guyanés denunció la incursión de este barco en sus aguas, lo que niega Caracas, mientras prepara elecciones, en mayo, de gobernadores en ese territorio. Se trata de la…
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This Chat session begins as Jacks Giantess story is narrated by Nicole. Jacks first experiences in Macrophilia are explored as well as his first encounter with a real life Giant Girlfriend. This is an adult ASMR conversation where a man finds a female partner to roleplay chat with and immerses himself in a fantasy he explores online anonymously. NS…
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The group deals with the aftermath of their recent art exhibition. --- Escape the Dungeon is a podcast by Mike Cripps, Zac Brass, Dom Brass, Nate Brass, and Tyler Knittle. If you like the show, please leave a 5 star review on your favorite podcast app. Escape the Dungeon is available on YouTube at More information a…
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Julian O'Shea and Rueben Berg join us to play through an escape room... wait, it's definitely an escape room, right? Not just a normal hotel room? To find more of Julian O'Shea, check out And get tickets to his shows here and here Find out more about treaty in Victoria at Check out the image…
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Lysine is one of the most underrated essential amino acids, yet it plays a critical role in immune defense, tissue repair, collagen production, and even stress reduction. In this fourth episode of our Essential Amino Acids Series, we break down: ✅ How lysine strengthens the immune system and reduces viral infections ✅ The link between lysine and co…
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By the late 90’s, Russia is reverting back to its corrupt, authoritarian ways and Ukraine begins to slide backward with it. In Ukraine, that corruption will lead to a gruesome murder and cover-up. While in Russia, that corruption will destroy any hopes for an emerging democracy. But after 9/11, The United States is solely focused on the fight again…
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💡 How do you overcome self-doubt, grow your business, and create impact while staying true to yourself? In this powerful episode, Christine Innes sits down with Jo Worthy, a multi-published author, high-energy motivational speaker, and founder of the Worthy Women Movement, to explore the realities of personal and professional growth. 🎙️ In This Epi…
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In this episode we're once again joined by Richard Josephson for a Dharma discussion centred around family life as a vehicle for practicing Buddhist and general liberation teachings. With over 50 years of practice experience both as a monk and a family man, Richard Josephson is perfectly placed to give a wise perspective on how we can best practice…
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Alex schwärmt von Katja in den höchsten Tönen am Frauentag. Die ‚Beweise‘ hält Katja direkt auf der Tonspur fest. Am Ende wirds sogar französisch. Links: Slimane aus Frankreich beim ESC 2024 – so sah es im TV aus: Slimane ESC 2024 – behind the Scenes: Steadycam und TV-Bild:…
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Prof Fred Lee and Chong join Teen to talk about the state of higher education, why universities are bloated with administrators but short on full time professors and instructors, and the way college and grad/professional programs have become finishing schools to sell oneself into the corporate market.Part 1 of 2To access Part 2 and all bonus episod…
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📣 本集介紹 EP Intro 這集我們邀請到「點點心理學」創辦人Winnie,她是台大心理系畢業,並在U-Penn完成心理諮商與精神健康研究所學位,著有《與你相鬱的日子》。 這集非常深入: Winnie分享她走過心理健康谷底的真實經歷,以及如何一步步走向光明 我們討論了心理健康的自我覺察、陪伴技巧與療癒方法 探討了如何在亞洲文化背景下談論心理健康 自律與心理健康的平衡 支持系統的建立與維持 如何實際照顧自己與他人的心理健康 🎙️ 來賓介紹 Guest IntroWinnie是「點點心理學」的創辦人,致力於推廣心理健康知識與精神疾病患者的內心世界。她通過IG分享關於憂鬱症的不同樣貌、如何當一個好的憂鬱症陪伴者、非暴力式溝通等內容。 點點心理學IG: https://www.instagram…
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In this bonus episode of Escalation, we're bringing you an extended conversation with Mariana Budjeryn, a Historian and Senior Research Associate at Harvard and an expert on Ukraine's denuclearization. Stay tuned each week for the next chapter of Escalation. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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