An online equine mindset training program designed to deepen your knowledge, improve your riding awareness and transition you from paddock to performance riding. 🙌🏻
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Attending a clinic can be a big investment of time and money and you want to make the most of it. The better you prepare yourself and your horse the more likely you’ll have a successful outing. Most of the time we secure our clinic spot months out, then it sneaks up on us quickly, and we forget the purpose on why we originally secured our spot. In …
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You are not alone in making mistakes, but it’s how you recover and continue riding. Equine Mind Coach can assist in developing a stronger mindset and release the negative emotions associated with rider mistakes. Log onto and Subscribe today to the 8 step paddock to performance program.…
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Equine Mind Coach is an online mindset training program designed to improve your riding mindset, release negative emotions, and transition your riding from paddock to performance.
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