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A long time basketball coach and someone who I’ve watched from afar for a long time, Tom Crean (@TomCrean) put this post out recently and I think it’s right on target: “You can never “escape” all the drama and negative people around but you can “avoid” them if you really try. Wasting time on people with ALL the answers or ALL of the negativity take…
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Saw something that got me thinking really about a simple, yet powerful thought - just keep trying to do things the right way!! Kylie Riordan (@mindfulheal) reminds us to “Never regret having a good heart. All good things come back and multiply.” I figure there are so many examples of what not to do in our lives - those examples are all around us re…
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Saw a great post from yesterday that really fits every day! I need to keep things like this on my radar every day as many of the things that are out there on a daily basis are things that I don’t want any part of. From Jon Gordon (@JonGordon11) - “#MindsetMonday Don’t worry about tomorrow. Just win today. Then win the next day and the day after tha…
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Here is another one that I found with the theme of always trying to get better. From Kevin DeShazo (@KevinDeShazo) “A stressed mind leads to inconsistent actions. A calm mind leads to consistent actions. Win the mental battle. Make your mindset your advantage.” The mental battle of life is something that I am at least more aware of now that I’ve be…
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I found two great posts that share a very important message for all of us, especially in today’s age (and really any point in time). First I found this from Mindful Maven (@mindfulmaven_) where this quote was shared: “Those who keep learning will keep rising in life.” - Charlie Munger. Being a lifelong learner is something that always has more posi…
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Went through something a little scary on Thursday, on my way to the hospital for a scheduled surgery. On our drive there, we heard on the radio about an “active shooter” situation at the hospital. Everything in the area was shut down and there was a very heavy police presence in the area. We were maybe 5 minutes away and we quickly pulled into a ne…
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I found a great post that reminded me that I need to be more “tough”. The Winning Difference (@thewinningdiff1) shared this thought from Kansas State University Men’s Head Basketball Coach, Jerome Tang: "Tough people do the next right thing. Guys, when they mess up, they have to do the next right thing." Champions don’t dwell on the last mistake— t…
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Another post that gets me thinking along with the timely manner in which I saw this - I needed to be reminded about kindness with everything that is going on around us. Mark Hickie (@MPHickie) strikes again with this message for all of us. His thoughts on the post are: “A message for today … Kindness has such a powerful ripple effect. Every small a…
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I found something that again, got me reflecting a bit on some thoughts. This one from Psyche Wizard (@PsycheWizard) with a great reminder for me (and hopefully you too) to simply look to keep working hard each and every day for ourselves to be better than we were the day before. “Confidence isn’t thinking you’re better than everyone else, it’s real…
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Found a post from Mind Essentials (@Mind_Essentials) and I saw this: “Sometimes it takes 10 years to get that one year that changes your life.” As I thought about it, it really hit me the truth to that idea in my life, but also for it taking a long time for even one special moment to come available for us. The importance for all of us to keep looki…
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Found a very simple quote - yet powerful - from one of the greatest champions of all time - this comes from Reads with Ravi (@readswithravi) “Don't count the days, make the days count.” ― Muhammad Ali. I’ve been trying to live more in the moment and looking to do things that I need to do so that my days can stack up as great days. When I start taki…
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Picked up a video from Coach Marshall Faulk where he was connected through The Winning Difference (@thewinningdiff1) and they shared this thought from him: "How you do one thing is how you do everything. Effort requires no talent. Hustle requires no talent. You don't have to be the fastest, the strongest, or the smartest to give effort. If you brin…
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This came about from a podcast I was listening to from Jon Gordon (@JonGordon11) where he interviewed Major League baseball player and manager, Clint Hurdle (@ClintHurdle13) and they had some great discussions that really connect to life and not just baseball. Listen to the podcast HERE. Powerful reminders about how our past can really help with ou…
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I found a very cool looking picture of a quote that was on an fluorescent orange colored note card from Hoops Companion Resources for Coaches (@Hoops_Companion) - where it goes way beyond being just for basketball coaches and players, this is for all of us trying to live our best lives! It reads “If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you w…
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Found something that got me to sit back on do some reflecting on this message. It comes from Power of Positivity (@LIVEpositivity) “What if things work out even better than you imagined?” It really comes down to at least trying to do something or more than one thing, and realizing that by simply trying, it could indeed work out just like you though…
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Found a powerful and important reminder from Mind Essentials (@Mind_Essentials) that says: “It’s never too late, you can change your routine, your personality, your career, your focus, your circle. You can change, don’t stay stuck, do better.” I’m an example that it really is never too late, in fact there are plenty of older people that have proven…
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Found a quick, but powerful life lesson from Mind Essentials (@Mind_Essentials) - “You can’t go back and change the beginning, But you can start where you are and change the ending.” I know for me I do tend to beat myself up a bit about my past mistakes but I’m realizing more and more as I age that I can only deal with where I’m at right now in my …
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Found a good list that I know I need to pay attention to a bit more. Seek Wiser (@SeekWiser_) came out with this list of 7 types of rest. Some good ideas for all of us to get some rest in the areas of: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Sensory, Social, Creative and Spiritual. Some good thoughts here where I add my two and half cents to them as well. I k…
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One of the shortest, simplest and most uplifting posts that I saw was from Mind Essentials (@Mind_Essentials) where they shared a reminder to us that “your presence in this world is no accident. You are needed.” This got me thinking about how this pertains to me. I hope it gets you thinking too. Thanks for listening. Please take a few moments to su…
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Found this very powerful post from Power of Positivity (@LIVEpositivity): “Be the person who breaks the cycle…” This was something that got me thinking that I need to be “this person” a bit more in my life. More understanding. More acceptance. More compassion. It’s a winning combination for all of us to take on a bit more of in our lives. Thanks fo…
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I was reminded by a post from POSITIVITY (@PositivitySaid) “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle … keep on encouraging one another.” I’ve shared this thought about candles before, but I love the second part. Yes.. we do need to encourage others more often for sure. The world needs us to do this more and more. I will try to do this and …
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I found this post that connected with me right away and I’m hoping it connects with you too. (@Lovandfear). It’s all about the truth that none of us are easy to be with at times. But if we have people around us that look beyond our “issues” … and hopefully we do the same for them, that’s a winning connection for life. The key is that we realize the…
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I love the fact that I have connections to so many educators that make a difference every single day with the information they share with the world. Coach Ray Ostrowski (@CoachRayO3313) is one of the many difference makers that I am proud to be connected with as he shares this powerful reminder: “Be real. Be honest. Be truthful. It can’t just be ab…
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Found a great post and even better reminder to start my week off from Damon West (@damonwest7) where he reminds us of an important lesson that connects with is book, “The Coffee Bean”. In today’s world we need this reminder for sure, or at least I do: “Be the coffee bean that makes a difference, not the one that gets changed by the world around you…
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I found a deep connection to this post from Gratitude HQ (@gratefuledu64) “Let’s be #grateful despite ‘bumps in the road’!” It’s all about remembering to “count your blessings without denying your problems.” Having gratitude is something I try to have a bit of every single day. I’ve noticed many times when problems, worries, anxiety, etc., come up …
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I found a powerful message today from Mark Hickie @MPHickie) where he shared this thought: “A message for today … Everyday is a chance to learn & progress forward. Don’t just get through your day, make each day spectacular. Embracing each day as an opportunity to grow & learn can really change how we experience life. Every small step forward adds u…
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A very short and meaningful post that I found and it got me thinking. This came from Tim Ferriss (@tferriss) “Without courage we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.” — Maya Angelou. This is one thing for all of us to try and continue to invest into ourselves, having courage is so…
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Found a great post that reminded me about what we need more of in the world. This came from Power of Positivity (@LIVEpositivity) “There are four very important words in life: love, honesty, truth and respect. Without these in your life, you have nothing.” I saw this and thought This connects with “be the example you wish to see in the world!” We m…
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A very simple, yet powerful message from Reads with Ravi (@readswithravi) with this quote that I know I want to keep getting better with. “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” — Albert Einstein. A really quality life reminder for all of us, from one of the smartest people that ever walked the earth. Since things happen fast in lif…
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Great post with some three powerful reminders to help us to understand life a little bit more. It comes from Book Therapy (@Book_therapy223) where it’s mentioned that - “You have to visit 3 locations to understand life: the hospital, the prison and the cemetery.” There are many connections to each of these three as just about most people can quickl…
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Found another powerful, yet simple reminder that I needed to connect with and I’m hoping it helps you as well. I found this from Reads with Ravi (@readswithravi) and this quote is here to remind all of us to be reminded to take control a bit more in our lives. “In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actio…
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Had to share this important reminder for all of us, because all of us come across feeling like this many times throughout life. Inky Johnson (@inkyjohnson) gives us some things to connect with this statement: “A champion is made on the other side of I don’t feel like it.” I think it’s important to remind ourselves that we need to define what being …
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Two things that tie in Coach Dusty May from the University of Michigan Men’s Basketball team. It all has to deal with what life rewards us when we do things the right way. The first comes from The Winning Difference (@thewinningdiff1) "The game rewards the guys that have a great attitude and that show up and work when it's not about them. Because t…
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Recently, Coach Tom Izzo, head coach of Michigan State men's basketball team, became the winningest coach in Big 10 history with 354 victories, passing Coach Bobby Knight. He gave plenty of interviews and I watched the game as well. He showed a lot of emotion as he realizes this is not about him. He gave tribute to all the players that have played …
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I saw a recent post from Jon Gordon (@JonGordon11) where he reminds us about this important point we all need to connect with. It comes from his book “The Carpenter” where he shares this: “Invest in relationships not because you want something but because you want to build something!” This is something for all of us to go through life being focused…
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This episode is coming from Mark Hickie (@MPHickie) and he’s sharing what I think is something I needed to get my focus back on for sure. He shared: “A message for today …What impresses me most is one’s humility, authenticity & care for others. Being a good person impresses me more than one’s material wealth or status. We need to value deeper & mea…
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I get this newsletter from “The Daily Coach” and it always has powerful lessons about leadership, life, sports, and it really translates to lessons for all of us to use in our daily lives. If you click on the link above, you will find that there are three people responsible for this great information being shared. Michael Lombardi, who has been a p…
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I get this newsletter from “The Daily Coach” and it always has powerful lessons about leadership, life, sports, and it really translates to lessons for all of us to use in our daily lives. This is part 2 of 3 looking at a Championship Mindset and they are focusing in on “Jalen Hurts led the Philadelphia Eagles to a dominant 40-20 victory over the r…
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I get this newsletter from “The Daily Coach” and it always has powerful lessons about leadership, life, sports, and it really translates to lessons for all of us to use in our daily lives. This is part 1 of 3 looking at a Championship Mindset and they are focusing in on “Jalen Hurts led the Philadelphia Eagles to a dominant 40-20 victory over the r…
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It’s amazing when you are needing some advice, lifting up, positive reinforcement, etc., that’s when you find it. In a post, a video, something you read, or hear from others. I found this post from Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) that reminded me about others that are “slinging mud” around to so many people, are really hurting deep down inside. Gary’s m…
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These two items are good to take on all throughout life. It was posted by Art of Thinking (@Art0fThinking) and it says: “Accept both compliments and criticism. It takes both sun and rain for a flower to grow.” It’s a reminder for all of us that there are plenty of sunny moments in life (happiness, love, things are going well, we feel good, etc.) al…
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Saw a great reminder and once again, it came right when I needed to see it too. Found this from The Winning Difference (@thewinningdiff1) and it was a quick clip of South Carolina Women’s Basketball Coach, Dawn Staley where she said this: “Being uncomfortable and learning the processes of being uncomfortable and knowing that on the other side of an…
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I found a list of seven items that people have that helps make them connected to happiness and joy! This came from Essential Mastery (@EssentialMastry) and the opening connecting words about the list is “real”. I think it is totally real. Happy People are all about: don’t show off, talk less, learn daily, help others, laugh more, ignore BS and live…
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I recently saw a post that fits in with so many people that have to choose to let others “flap their gums.” 😂 This is from liminal (@Liminal1988) and its title is “Let them talk.” This reminds all of us that many people simply love to criticise, condemn, and complain and simply don’t do anything worthwhile themselves. Nothing to help themselves, he…
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I was listening to another amazing podcast from Mitch Albom and his friend / producer, Lisa Goich and it was all about wisdom. A great episode to check out, listen to it HERE. It gave me so many ideas that I wanted to share just a few with you in this episode. One for sure that it reminds me to be a constant student!! Lifelong learning is the way t…
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I found a post from Ball is Psych (@BallisPsych) that is so true for all of us, not just athletes. The story is connected to Michael Jordan, one of the best basketball players ever to play the game. It starts out with the thought that “ the easier you are to lead, the further you will go.” We all need to realize that if we are open to improving, we…
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This caught my eye simply because of its simple truth and the fact I’ve been connecting to this idea that we as humans have thousands and thousands of thoughts every single day. Power of Positivity (@LIVEpositivity) put this out: “Two things to remember in life: Take care of your thoughts when you are alone, and take care of your words when you are…
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I found something that really connected with me as I’ve been learning about the struggles of so many people, some that I know personally & it reminded me that none of us are alone when it comes to dealing with challenges. This was from Mind Essentials (@Mind_Essentials) where they shared this quote: “Life will never wait for you to be okay. Get up,…
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Found a great list we all can connect to from Seek Wiser (@SeekWiser_) where it’s all about being able to “learn a lot about people from what they lack.” These things are so true about not only what we can learn from others, but also what we can try and learn about ourselves. These areas are so valuable: accountability, communication skills, emotio…
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Found another deep reflective post, this one from Power of Positivity (@LIVEpositivity) where they shared this thought and it’s not just advice for trees. “Heal the root so the tree is stable.” We are the tree and we need to take care of our foundation so that our branches (and even any “fruit” we produce) which are the things we do and the people …
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