Catholic Life Coach nyilvános
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As a modern Catholic guy, it's hard to find the balance. We know that God should come first, but what does that really mean? We know we're supposed to love our wife, but how do I do that when I'm overwhelmed by work and kids? This podcast is dedicated to those guys who really want to grow and become the man God created them to be. You'll find both practical strategies for managing life and better ways to view and engage the world. Join Life Coach Michael Jaquith and take one step closer to s ...
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// Find Your Spark & Pursue Your Passion While Raising Littles // Hey Mama, Welcome to The Made To Be Podcast Do you feel like you’ve totally let go of who you are outside of being a mom? Does it seem like you’re living without any sense of purpose or fulfillment beyond your role as a mother? Do you absolutely love being a mom, but feel like you’ve neglected every other part of you, and ignored or maybe even forgotten the gifts, talents, and interests that make you who you are? Do you wish y ...
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show series
This Lent I challenge you to step up and into a mode of real sacrifice. Likely you (and most men) have something you know you really need to give up but are to scared. I invite you to make this Lent something different. Don't just give up chocolate. Change your life, forever. Join me in this episode as I discuss what I'm doing for Lent, and I chall…
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God is always pursuing us. Sometimes, however, it takes a pretty strong thump to get our attention. What's interesting is what else changes after God finally reaches us. The world may look like a totally different place. Join me in this episode as Sig Muller describes his (medical) death and recovery. His perspective on life and the faith is foreve…
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The instruction to forgive is a fundamental Christian idea. It's present even in the Our Father prayer. We're told that if we do not forgive, we shall not be forgiven. But what about if the person who has hurt us the most is...ourself? Odds are this is probably the case for most people (though some may try to transfer the debt to others.) Join me i…
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Confession scares a lot of people - and not only Catholics. While we all know it is a Sacrament, too many of us tend to avoid it more than we should. Sometimes, it can feel humiliating. What if we viewed Confession with as much excitement as the other Sacraments? Join me in this episode as I explore the Sacrament of Confession. Not only do I cover …
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Sometimes, when we're really good at something, we let it become who we are. The problem is that it's not true. We are so much more. If you cannot see yourself, how can anyone else? It's one of the lonliest places to be. Join me in this episode as Benjamin Nevares shares his journey. Although he was raised in the Catholic Church, he fell away as he…
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We all struggle with unhealthy attachments to something. For many men, it's alcohol, sex, or pornography. For some it might be gambling, sports, or the appearance of power. No matter what your struggle is, odds are good it's really only a symptom of some deeper problem that God wants to bring healing to. If you don't fix a broken foundation of a ho…
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Marriage helps us get to heaven. For most of us, that means it highlights some painful parts of ourselves. Worse, we seem to get stuck in the same painful patterns over and over. We often are left wondering; how can these painful moments actually help us get to heaven? Join me in this episode as Dr. Gary Lawrence shares some of his wisdom from over…
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From the beginning, Catholic history has been filled with saints who fervently practiced meditation. This is a powerful form of a prayer that can make a huge impact on how you see and interact with the world. Sadly, most of us have lost touch. We're just too busy. We've crammed our lives with too much activity. Even our prayers, holy and awesome as…
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It's hard to be a Catholic parent in today's world of woke-inspired movies and entertainment. Worse, much of the Catholic created media is well...boring. Recently, however, there's some new options coming. One free Catholic program reached the #1 downloaded podcast spot this Advent. Best part, it's totally free! Join me in this episode as Peter Atk…
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You are going to die. Well, one day. Lord willing, not particularly soon. We do not know when, but it is a certainty that we will! My question is, are you ready? Join me in this episode as Preston Allex explains how his totally free Catholic company Catholic Legacy helps Catholics across the United States with free wills and estate planning. We wal…
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We all have moments we do things that seem disproportionate or a bit off. We have reactions that just don't seem to match up to other people. These can often be frustrating and destructive. Some of what we "remember" we hold subconsciously; it can affect us without us realizing why Join me in this episode as discuss what "implicit memory" is and ho…
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Do your feelings control you? Perhaps when you're upset, hurting, or desperate you find yourself doing things you later regret? Has your solution to this problem been to simply shove the feelings down and bury them? If so, how is that working... Join me in this episode as I talk about a different way of dealing with feelings. When we deal with our …
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If you are married, you've likely had fights that went poorly. You've probably also had issues that should have been brought up but have been hidden. It often seems like biology itself is against us when we disagree with our spouse. If we are not careful, it certainly can. Join me in this episode as I discuss how to fight with your spouse in a way …
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It's very painful for husbands when our wives unleash verbal attacks on us. Yet, we rarely know how to express why this is true even to ourselves. We certainly don't know what to say to our wives - and often get in trouble for trying. Join me in this episode as I compare male to male interactions with the underlying threat of physical violence and …
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Odds are good that the person that has caused the most pain and suffering in your life! If you're at all like me, you know that you can be lazy, mean, and sometimes even vicious if you do not keep a check on your natural weaknesses. So that's what we do! Sometimes we even come to dislike ourselves and treat ourselves in a way we would neve…
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The most common instruction in the Bible is "do not be afraid," yet we humans are frequently fearful and worrisome. What's worse is that often we don't even recognize the deeper fears. These are the fears that cause us to pull back from God. Most men suffer from one of the following three fears: God has some limit. I'm too bad or broken for God to …
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We all intellectually know we are supposed to surrender everything to God. We can generally handle the first several requests God makes. But then, it starts to get more difficult. What do you do when God asks you to surrender what looks like the safety of your family? Join me in this episode as Deacon Charlie Echeverry shares his story of surrender…
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Pride has always been the worst of the capital sins. I believe that it is the chief sin of our age. After going through the entire Litany of Humility, I felt there was a bit more to be said. This entire episode is simply my additions to the Litany of Humility. You may find some similarity to these. If so, I invite you to join me on my journey. Join…
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We all know humility is important, but it isn't easy! Particularly in an age where comparisons are forced down our throat by every app and social media source. How are we to respond? In this episode I continue the discussion about humility by exploring the last section of the Litany of Humility. In episode six I talked about the dangers of comparis…
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Our children are growing up in an environment unlike any previous generations. Technology and cultural expectations have taken away their childhood and forced them to mature faster than ever. This is having some difficult effects. Join me in this episode as I'm joined by a much younger guest who goes by Mr. Whisky. We talk about his work supporting…
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Comparison is the thief of joy. Even if we men don't speak our comparisons out loud very often, they still destroy our joy and happiness in life. They take a gift of God that is so good, and make us so terribly unhappy about it. Join me in this episode as I walk through the danger of comparisons and how to steal your joy back. Imagine a kid with a …
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The Litany of Humility is one of the hardest prayers to pray and actually mean. Everyone groans when they first read it. This is a series designed to help us men through this litany and help us find humility. Join me in this episode as I continue to work through the various parts of the Litany of Humility. In this episode, I break apart the indirec…
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A man who enters the world will encounter problems. This is unavoidable. As soon as one is solved, another rises up. Over time this can be extremely frustrating. It's tempting to just start blaming - other people, events, and even God. When a man turns to blame and plays a victim, his life only gets worse. If he continues, he ends up with a life no…
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Emotional attacks hurt. They cause wounds that can fester for decades if left alone. Worse, we men are particularly bad at dealing with emotional pain. It's not a surprise that we do not like the Litany of Humility. It's painful to even think about! Deep down, however, we need it. Rather than hiding, drinking, or turning to some pleasure, the Chris…
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The most dangerous part of Pride is how often it hides itself behind seemingly well intentioned lies. Being consulted is a good thing. Being preferred because you've worked hard is also a good thing. The desire of these, however, is not. This does not make sense right away. It's not obvious why this should be so. Join me in this episode as I discus…
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This episode continues the Humility series where I am exploring the Litany of Humility. This is one of the most painful prayers to pray, and therefore probably pretty important. Pride is one of the greatest sins of our time - and perhaps always has been. As Christians, we are called to combat the pride in our own hearts in a powerful and unique way…
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This episode is part 2 of a discussion with Ed Jozsa. In part one (episode 211) he discussed his amazing story of a series of miracles that took place after he went through a horrific accident. If you have not yet listened to that episode, I strongly suggest listening to that first! In this episode he and I take the discussion in a totally differen…
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So many men feel overwhelmed. We allow the distractions and tasks of the day to be more important than our loved ones. Worse, we often fail to take care of ourselves properly! Join me in this episode as productivity expert Mark Struczewski and I talk about how to change your life, forever. Productivity is not some magic pill or meditation technique…
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Humility is one of the hardest and most essential of virtues to grow in. It's painful, embarrassing, and well...humiliating! The hard part is most people don't even really understand what humility is. Join me in this episode as I start a new series on humility. The goal of this episode is just to explore what humility is, how to find our pride, and…
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Sometimes the day that everything goes horribly, even tragically wrong, can be the best thing ever to happen to us. We almost never see it that way at the time, but we worship a God of impossibilities. A God that does things that seem utterly impossible. Join me in this episode as Ed Jozsa shares his miraculous, unbelievable story. After an acciden…
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Whether you are a father, grandfather, or thinking you might become a father one day, odds are that you aren't giving enough gravity to what that role really means. A father is often even more critical in an older child's life than his mother - and research supports this scary (and politically incorrect) conclusion! Join me in this episode as I exp…
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While Eve was speaking to the serpent, Adam...stood by idle. He did not act. How often do we also fail to act - either entirely or slowly? Join me in this episode as I explore why it is so important to make today "Day One" or obedience to God's will, rather than waiting to obey "One Day" in the future when it's more convenient. God invites us to ob…
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If you have children that are currently being educated, you need to know about the attacks coming under the label of "Critical Race Theory." CRT is devastating to children - it causes confusion, guilt, blame, and a lifetime of misunderstanding. It's also demonic in origin. Join me in this episode as CRT opposition expert Dr George Maurer walks thro…
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We worship a God of miracles. Sometimes they're subtle or slight - but sometimes they're not! Sometimes the miracles are so big and powerful we're left to wonder how we ever doubted. Join me in this episode as Joshua Marcengill shares his story about God's powerful and miraculous intervention in his life. Multiple times in his story, God brings a p…
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Many today want to deny the existence or importance of the spiritual realm. It's scary, confusing, and often overwhelming. Yet, we would be foolish to not take it seriously. We know that it's real and has real power in our lives. Join me in this episode as I give some high level guidelines for some things you need to be aware of as a Catholic about…
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A lot of us take great confidence in our technical skills. We may be the very best at our jobs of all the competition, but if we cannot connect on a personal level then we are going to struggle. Join me in this episode as Lance Cayko walks through his journey of learning to connect with others, and eventually with God. So often we run from God - or…
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This is a tough time to be in a corporate environment and be a Catholic. There's a tremendous number of powerful assaults on the truth and teachings of goodness going on everywhere. Many men are intimidated and unsure how to balance what seems like an impossible mix: providing for their family while also speaking the truth. Join me in this episode …
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Virtually everyone has heard of the Ten Commandments. Yet, surprisingly, most of us can't actually name all ten. If we can't even name them - do you really think we're actually keeping them? Some people might even wonder if they're still relevant in our lives today. Join me in this episode as Ed Van Buskirk and I talk about the value and necessity …
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We hear all the time that we need to surrender something to the Lord. Sure, it sounds good, and is probably a good thing to do - but how do we actually do it? Sometimes surrendering that particular thing kind of feels almost like a little bit of death! Sometimes it actually is. But we still have to do it anyways. Join me in this episode as I walk t…
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Sometimes God asks us for little things. A little adjustment here or there. Sometimes He asks us to do things that scare the...poop out of us. How we respond to His call tells us a lot about ourselves. All too often we crumble and falter. But we don't have to! Join me in this episode as Kevin Phillip shares his story of God's call to ministry throu…
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Every human has a great number of pieces, parts, and facets to themself. Finding balance is often difficult - commonly one piece (perhaps a lustful piece) takes over control and we seem "surprised" with where we end up. Things get really bad when we confuse a "piece" of ourself for the actual "self." Who is the real "I" that lives beneath all our d…
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So often in our lives, God is moving pieces that we don't see, or at least understand. We commonly are so focused on the moment we fail to see the bigger picture. Commonly we fear that things are so bad there is no way even God could bring good out. But there are also those blessed moments where God lets us really see back in time - see the beauty …
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The Pro-Life cause is near and dear to many Catholics' hearts. Yet, a lot of us, with good intention, write a check, pray, and hope that's enough. Here's a great story about a group of Deacons who set out to do more. Join me in this episode as Deacon Dr. Kevin Cummings shares the story of Deacons of Hope. While based in Kansas, they are looking to …
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Most of us believe that God has a plan for us. Probably even a purpose...but do we know what it is? Have you done the work to really connect deeply with God's plan for you? If so, have you gone even further and aligned your time, your calendar, and your life with that purpose? Join me in this episode as David Buck shares both his story and his wisd…
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We all get triggered. Some of us, frequently. When we get triggered, we love to point the finger at the other person, at the situation, even at God. But what if the right person to point the finger at is ourselves? My claim to you is that you have the power to solve your own triggers, to create your own responses that you choose. You can do it by f…
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There are some addictions and traps that God lets us get out of pretty easy, but there are some that are really tough. Often we persuade ourselves that we can do it, or that it'll be enough to just get mostly clean - but we're wrong. We delay the healing through self deception. Join me in this episode as Logan Hufford shares his story of a severe s…
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Most of us have been blessed repeatedly in life by another person offering wisdom and perspective. Sometimes it was a formal mentorship, sometimes simply a random passing. There's something fundamental to the human experience to learn from and be in community with other humans. Our modern world is quietly suffering in extreme isolation. We've never…
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Addiction can leave one feeling utterly trapped, helpless, and powerless. It's so hard to escape, and even harder yet to hold onto hope. Yet we are never too far gone for God's mercy. Join me in this episode as Nico Morales shares his amazing story of addiction, escape, falling again, and escape again. God's love and grace are what save us all, but…
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"Marriage is the primordial sacrament" - a comment understood by almost none of us. We know that marriage matters, intellectually at least. But how do we actually live out our marriage? How do we capture that sacramental grace in a practical way? Join me in this episode as Catholic author Steve Thomas and I walk through what it means to be a man wh…
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The early church (and much of the modern Eastern church) had this strong Contemplative component that provided a powerful basis for Christians. This component is, sadly, mostly missing from our modern western Latin Rite Catholicism. But what if what we lost is actually really important? What if we need both contemplative time and community life at …
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